
Revisao AV1 - Exercícios

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Passei Direto grátis

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Passei Direto grátis

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Passei Direto grátis

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Prévia do material em texto

Aula 01 
1.When you read texts in a critical way, 
 1) you can read other texts. 
 2) you can read the words in the texts. 
 3) you can read different books. 
 4) you can read the world. 
 5) you can read books appointed by your teachers. 
 Resposta: Item 4 
2.The cooperative reader 
 1) is able to understand what is written and what is not written in the text. 
 2) does not care if he understands what the author wants to say. 
 3) understands all the words in the text. 
 4) has a subjective interpretation of the texts. 
 5) always misunderstands what is written in the texts. 
Resposta: Item 1 
3. For Paulo Freire, the concept that words are representations of reality is 
 1) not important for reading. 
 2) misunderstood by readers. 
 3) clear for everyone. 
 4) must be avoided by readers. 
 5) is essential in the act of reading. 
Resposta: Item 5 
Aula 02 
1. Poema: O que é letramento? 
De: Kate M. Chong 
Letramento não é um gancho 
Em que se pendura cada som enunciado, 
Não é treinamento repetitivo 
De uma habilidade, 
Nem um martelo quebrando blocos de gramática. 
Letramento é diversão 
é leitura à luz de vela 
ou lá fora, à luz do sol 
São notícias sobre o presidente, 
O tempo, os artistas da TV 
E mesmo Mônica e Cebolinha 
É uma receita de biscoito, 
Uma lista de compras, recados colados na geladeira, 
Um bilhete de amor, 
Telegramas de parabéns e cartas 
De velhos amigos. 
É viajar para países desconhecidos, 
Sem deixar sua cama, 
É rir e chorar 
Com personagens, heróis e grandes amigos. 
É um atlas do mundo 
Sinais de trânsito, caças ao tesouro 
Manuais, instruções, guias, 
E orientações em bulas de remédios, 
Para que você não fique perdido. 
Letramento é, sobretudo 
Um mapa do coração do homem 
Um mapa de quem você é, 
E de tudo que você pode ser. 
After reading the text above, mark the most suitable options: 
You can be considered a skilful and competent reader when 
 1) you can read varied texts 
 2) you can read the words in the texts 
 3) you can read different books 
 4) you can “read” the world, that is, you are able to establish social and cultural 
interactions while reading 
 5) you can read books appointed by your teachers 
 Resposta: Item 04 
2.The genre of the text above is: 
 1) a poem 
 2) a fable 
 3) a novel 
 4) an ad 
 5) a manual 
 Resposta: Item 01 
3.Texts types involve 
 1) the order of events 
 2) the importance of events 
 3) cause and effect 
 4) reading strategies 
 5) the ways texts ate presented, that is to narrate or describe events among others 
Resposta: Item 05 
Aula 03 
01. Read the paragraph and choose the topic sentence, supporting sentences and the 
concluding sentence to complete the gaps : 
 The Irish Potato Famine 
(1) The Irish Potato Famine happened between 1845 and 1849. (2) A disease destroyed 
the potatoes in Ireland.(3) Potatoes were the main food for people in Ireland. (4) People 
didn´t have enough food to eat.(5)Almost one million people died in the famine.(6) Many 
Irish didn´t want to live in Ireland anymore.(7) Nearly 2 million people immigrated to the 
United States. (8)They traveled to the United States by ship and landed in the big cities of 
Boston, New York, and Philadelphia.(9) Most of the Irish families stayed in these cities. 
(10)The 1850 census in Boston showed that more than 23% of the city was made up of 
Irish immigrants.(11) The Irish Potato Famine had a major impact on Ireland and the 
United States. 
 ( adapted from Grammar Connection) 
After reading the paragraph above, choose the best sentences for: 
The topic sentence 
 1) The Irish Potato Famine had a major impact on Ireland. 
 2) Almost one million people died in the famine. 
 3) The Irish Potato Famine happened between 1845 and 1849. 
 4) Many Irish didn´t want to live in Ireland anymore. 
 5) A disease destroyed the potatos in Ireland. 
 Resposta: Item 03 
2.The sentence in which the first fact is presented in supporting sentences: 
 1) A disease destroyed the potatoes in Ireland. 
 2) Nearly 2 million people died in the famine. 
 3) They traveled to the United States 
 4) Many Irish didn´t want to live in Ireland anymore. 
 5) Almost one million people died in the famine. 
 Resposta: Item 01 
3. The concluding sentence: ( choose the sentence number) 
 1) 5 
 2) 10 
 3) 8 
 4) 6 
 5) 11 
Resposta: Item 05 
 Aula 04 
1.The “top-down” process 
 1) is an inductive and linear process 
 2) makes us direct our attention to vocabulary 
 3) builds the meaning through analysis and synthesis 
 4) makes us use structural elements 
 5) is a non linear and deductive process 
 Resposta: Item 05 
2.In the pre-reading level you: 
 1) activate the previous knowledge of the student. 
 2) are based on the relationship of the student´s world with the author´s ideas. 
 3) Link one information to the other 
 4) Establish cohesive bonds 
 5) Employ forms to understand the text 
 Resposta: Item 01 
3.Identify the word which does not refer to genre: 
 1) manual 
 2) lists 
 3) menus 
 4) scanning 
 5) maps 
Resposta: Item 4 
 Aula 05 
1.Complete the paragraph, choosing the verbal sequences which would fill in the gaps: 
A thief(1)-into my house yesterday and stole a valuable ring. 
 1) broke 
 2) entered 
 3) stayed 
 4) reached 
 5) stopped 
 Resposta: Item 01 
2. I did not (2)-the jewel until this morning, so the police was not called until a little before 
lunch time. 
 1) lose 
 2) spend 
 3) miss 
 4) find 
 5) meet 
 Resposta: Item 02 
3. I blamed myself for not noticing the theft earlier, and I doubt if the police(3)in arresting 
the thief and recovering the ring. 
 1) can 
 2) will succeed 
 3) will be able to 
 4) find 
 5) bring 
 Resposta: Item 02

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