
PWA resources

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PWA resources
Suggestions welcome.
Short URL for this doc: bit.ly/pwa-resources
General web development resources: bit.ly/webdevres
Demos and examples
Web Fundamentals case studies: wide variety of exemplary PWAs, organised by industry vertical
pwa.rocks: PWA examples
pwa-directory.appspot.com: PWAs and their Lighthouse scores
flipkart.com: e-commerce site from India’s largest online retailer
events.google.com/io2016: Google I/O 2016
why-pwa.firebaseapp.com: PWA that demos the advantages of PWAs
shop.polymer-project.org: canonical Polymer-base PWA demo (case study, code)
polykart2.appspot.com: e-commerce PWA
Konga case study: how they implemented a PWA and prioritised components for better user experience
hnpwa.com: multiple PWA versions of Hacker News: ‘A spiritual successor to TodoMVC’
Technical guides
Building your first Progressive Web Application: a journey
Getting started with Progressive Web Apps: introduction by Addy Osmani, with many links to resources
A Beginner’s Guide To Progressive Web Apps: intro from Smashing Magazine
Web app manifests, app install banners (Mobiforge article)
The building blocks of progressive web apps: Smashing Magazine article
The Dev Channel on Medium: PWA articles from @ChromiumDev developers
Progressive Web Apps: The definitive collection of resources: list of resources from Opera
Less technical guides
What, Exactly, Makes Something A Progressive Web App? (September 2016)
Progressive Web Apps: Escaping Tabs Without Losing Our Soul (June 2015)
FlipKart’s case study (Nov 2015)
Building Flipkart Lite: A Progressive Web App 
Are Progressive Web Apps the Future?: post from Telerik
Are Progressive Web Apps The Future Of Mobile Apps?
Relevant Stack Overflow tags
Lighthouse PWA validation and performance testing tool: Lighthouse in Chrome DevTools, Chrome extension, code repo
How To Think About Speed Tools: how and why to measure performance
pwastats.com: good-news stats for PWAs, with links to data sources
Training and courses
Progressive Web Apps training from Google: slides, videos, exercises and other resources to help you get started, or to run your own PWA course.
Your First Progressive Web App
Instant Loading Web Apps with An Application Shell Architecture
Google PWA codelabs 
Google I/O 2017 PWA Videos
PWA Dev Summit 2016 videos
Service Worker
HTML5 Rocks: Introduction to Service Worker
MDN: The Service Worker API
Google Chrome Service worker samples
Using ServiceWorker in Chrome today: 2014 post from Jake Archibald
Is Service Worker ready?
Web Worker and Service Worker capabilities
Service Worker Detector: Chrome extension that highlights events in sw.js and shows the manifest
Offline, Cache API
MDN Cache API documentation
Cache API: David Walsh article
Offline Cookbook: article maintained by Jake Archibald describing different caching strategies
Libraries for Service Worker and caching
Workbox: overview
workboxjs.org: show me the code
Caching: overview
Debunked: 10 Misconceptions about AMP, by Googler Paul Bakaus
Progressive Web AMPs
Getting Ready For HTTP/2
Push Notifications
Tools for generating dummy messages and notifications
Web Components and Polymer
Build a Progressive Web App with Firebase, Polymerfire and Polymer Components
Polymer App Toolbox: get started building PWAs with Polymer with this CLI tool
github.com/PolymerLabs/progressive-webapp-config: barebones
Credential Manager API
Streamlining the Sign-in Flow Using Credential Management API
credential-management-sample.appspot.com: demo of the sign-in flow
Web Payments
Payment Request API integration guide
Simple demos and sample code
realfavicongenerator: generate correctly sized icons for both web apps and for use across native platforms 
favicons Node module: generate icons as part of your build process
Discoverability and SEO
Building Indexable Progressive Web Apps
Recommendations from the Google Search team

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