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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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	Exercício: CEL0554_EX_A6_201703066855_V1 
	23/03/2018 16:41:49 (Finalizada)
	2018.1 EAD
	Ref.: 201703229241
	 1a Questão
	What did the author of CivilDisobedience¿defend?
	That imprisonment was the only option the State had to control the population.
	That the State should never rank above the individual conscience or the business of living.
	That it was the duty of a man to obey the State.
	That disobedience should be severely punished.
	That since men were born to obey, they did not have any other option.
	Ref.: 201703264942
	 2a Questão
	Which alternative does not refer the Romantic movement in America?
	The Romantic Movement in America, influenced by the Romantic Movement in western European literature, first appeared in the United States when the country was just becoming culturally self-conscious.
	The primary feature of American Romanticism--the obsession with and celebration of individualism--takes on particular social relevance because U.S. culture has always prized individualism and egalitarianism.
	This movement in America represented a revolt against political and religious authority and a subsequent revolt against reason.
	This movement in America represented a revolt against nature and the American natives and a subsequent revolt against reason.
	American Romantics tend to venerate Nature as a sanctum of non-artificiality, where the Self can fulfill its potential
	Ref.: 201703229235
	 3a Questão
	Who wrote CivilDisobedience¿?
	Ref.: 201703264944
	 4a Questão
	What are the characteristics of Romanticism? Choose the alternative that does not refer to the characteristics of Romanticism in America
	Individualism (individual rights and liberties)
	a great enthusiasm in natural beauty and the ordinary life
	an intense interest in the emotions, imagination and mystery (supernatural)
	Great enthusiasm for exotic and sensational feelings and the picturesque
	Devotion to machines and mechanisms and its effects on reality
	Ref.: 201703229228
	 5a Questão
	What was American Transcendentalism?
	It was a pragmatic philosophy, a kind of religion which believed in life after death and gave emphasis to it, even though it didn¿t emphasize the power of God as the center of the universe.
	Transcendentalism represented a complex response to the colonization of America based on communist beliefs.
	It was a movement based on Lock¿s empiricism which adhered to the belief of different Gods and on the need of Monarchy as the best kind of government.
	It was a concept which suggested that getting to know oneself was associated with the afterlife. A man could only understand himself after he died. Man should live for the afterlife.
	It was an important movement in philosophy and literature that flourished during the early to middle years of the XIX century and its emphasis was on this life.
	Ref.: 201703228794
	 6a Questão
	What was one of the characteristics of Romantic writers?
	They didn't care much about legends and superstitions.
	They based their writings on the neoclassical spirit.
	They exalted the Greek and Romna cultures.
	They gave much value to formalism.
	They exalted the imagination and the intuitive perception of the heart of man.
	Ref.: 201703228804
	 7a Questão
	What did the Romantic movement represent to the Americans?
	It meant a lot to American people because it was a time when flowers were in bloom and love stories flourished everywhere around the country.
	A return to the values established by the Romans when they lived in England.
	It represented a social period in which only the ones who were married were regarded with respect.
	It was in part a rebellion against religion and on the way women were viewed by society.
	A revolt against political and religious authority and a subsequent revolt against reason.
	Ref.: 201703228871
	 8a Questão
	Why was the spirit of Romanticism so appealing to the United States?
	Because of the intense focus on the reality of everyday life.
	Because it was the canvas for the first wave of communist thoughts.
	Because the pioneers, a movement which dated from the establishment of the 13 colonies, supported the cultural identification with European values.
	Because it gave value to family and religious matters as well as to the cultural knowledge originated in France.
	Because it emphasized America's denial of European authority and cultural influence.
	Exercício: CEL0554_EX_A6_201703066855_V2 
	24/03/2018 12:55:55 (Finalizada)
	2018.1 EAD
	Ref.: 201703229241
	 1a Questão
	What did the author of CivilDisobedience¿defend?
	That since men were born to obey, they did not have any other option.
	That it was the duty of a man to obey the State.
	That imprisonment was the only option the State had to control the population.
	That disobedience should be severely punished.
	That the State should never rank above the individual conscience or the business of living.
	Ref.: 201703264942
	 2a Questão
	Which alternative does not refer the Romantic movement in America?
	The Romantic Movement in America, influenced by the Romantic Movement in western European literature, first appeared in the United States when the country was just becoming culturally self-conscious.
	American Romantics tend to venerate Nature as a sanctum of non-artificiality, where the Self can fulfill its potential
	This movement in America represented a revolt against political and religious authority and a subsequent revolt against reason.
	This movement in America represented a revolt against nature and the American natives and a subsequent revolt against reason.
	The primary feature of American Romanticism--the obsession with and celebration of individualism--takes on particular social relevance because U.S. culture has always prized individualism and egalitarianism.
	Ref.: 201703229235
	 3a Questão
	Who wrote CivilDisobedience¿?
	Ref.: 201703264944
	 4a Questão
	What are the characteristics of Romanticism? Choose the alternative that does not refer to the characteristics of Romanticism in America
	Great enthusiasm for exotic and sensational feelings and the picturesque
	Devotion to machines and mechanisms and its effects on reality
	an intense interest in the emotions, imagination and mystery (supernatural)
	a great enthusiasm in natural beauty and the ordinary life
	Individualism (individual rights and liberties)Ref.: 201703229228
	 5a Questão
	What was American Transcendentalism?
	It was a concept which suggested that getting to know oneself was associated with the afterlife. A man could only understand himself after he died. Man should live for the afterlife.
	It was a pragmatic philosophy, a kind of religion which believed in life after death and gave emphasis to it, even though it didn¿t emphasize the power of God as the center of the universe.
	It was a movement based on Lock¿s empiricism which adhered to the belief of different Gods and on the need of Monarchy as the best kind of government.
	Transcendentalism represented a complex response to the colonization of America based on communist beliefs.
	It was an important movement in philosophy and literature that flourished during the early to middle years of the XIX century and its emphasis was on this life.
	Ref.: 201703228794
	 6a Questão
	What was one of the characteristics of Romantic writers?
	They gave much value to formalism.
	They didn't care much about legends and superstitions.
	They exalted the Greek and Romna cultures.
	They based their writings on the neoclassical spirit.
	They exalted the imagination and the intuitive perception of the heart of man.
	Ref.: 201703228804
	 7a Questão
	What did the Romantic movement represent to the Americans?
	It meant a lot to American people because it was a time when flowers were in bloom and love stories flourished everywhere around the country.
	It represented a social period in which only the ones who were married were regarded with respect.
	A return to the values established by the Romans when they lived in England.
	It was in part a rebellion against religion and on the way women were viewed by society.
	A revolt against political and religious authority and a subsequent revolt against reason.
	Ref.: 201703228871
	 8a Questão
	Why was the spirit of Romanticism so appealing to the United States?
	Because it gave value to family and religious matters as well as to the cultural knowledge originated in France.
	Because it emphasized America's denial of European authority and cultural influence.
	Because the pioneers, a movement which dated from the establishment of the 13 colonies, supported the cultural identification with European values.
	Because it was the canvas for the first wave of communist thoughts.
	Because of the intense focus on the reality of everyday life.
	Exercício: CEL0554_EX_A6_201703066855_V3 
	24/03/2018 13:06:55 (Finalizada)
	2018.1 EAD
	Ref.: 201703229241
	 1a Questão
	What did the author of CivilDisobedience¿defend?
	That disobedience should be severely punished.
	That imprisonment was the only option the State had to control the population.
	That it was the duty of a man to obey the State.
	That since men were born to obey, they did not have any other option.
	That the State should never rank above the individual conscience or the business of living.
	Ref.: 201703264942
	 2a Questão
	Which alternative does not refer the Romantic movement in America?
	American Romantics tend to venerate Nature as a sanctum of non-artificiality, where the Self can fulfill its potential
	The primary feature of American Romanticism--the obsession with and celebration of individualism--takes on particular social relevance because U.S. culture has always prized individualism and egalitarianism.
	This movement in America represented a revolt against political and religious authority and a subsequent revolt against reason.
	This movement in America represented a revolt against nature and the American natives and a subsequent revolt against reason.
	The Romantic Movement in America, influenced by the Romantic Movement in western European literature, first appeared in the United States when the country was just becoming culturally self-conscious.
	Ref.: 201703229235
	 3a Questão
	Who wrote CivilDisobedience¿?
	Ref.: 201703264944
	 4a Questão
	What are the characteristics of Romanticism? Choose the alternative that does not refer to the characteristics of Romanticism in America
	Great enthusiasm for exotic and sensational feelings and the picturesque
	Individualism (individual rights and liberties)
	a great enthusiasm in natural beauty and the ordinary life
	an intense interest in the emotions, imagination and mystery (supernatural)
	Devotion to machines and mechanisms and its effects on reality
	Ref.: 201703229228
	 5a Questão
	What was American Transcendentalism?
	It was an important movement in philosophy and literature that flourished during the early to middle years of the XIX century and its emphasis was on this life.
	It was a pragmatic philosophy, a kind of religion which believed in life after death and gave emphasis to it, even though it didn¿t emphasize the power of God as the center of the universe.
	It was a concept which suggested that getting to know oneself was associated with the afterlife. A man could only understand himself after he died. Man should live for the afterlife.
	It was a movement based on Lock¿s empiricism which adhered to the belief of different Gods and on the need of Monarchy as the best kind of government.
	Transcendentalism represented a complex response to the colonization of America based on communist beliefs.
	Ref.: 201703228794
	 6a Questão
	What was one of the characteristics of Romantic writers?
	They based their writings on the neoclassical spirit.
	They exalted the Greek and Romna cultures.
	They gave much value to formalism.
	They exalted the imagination and the intuitive perception of the heart of man.
	They didn't care much about legends and superstitions.
	Ref.: 201703228804
	 7a Questão
	What did the Romantic movement represent to the Americans?
	A return to the values established by the Romans when they lived in England.
	It was in part a rebellion against religion and on the way women were viewed by society.
	It represented a social period in which only the ones who were married were regarded with respect.
	It meant a lot to American people because it was a time when flowers were in bloom and love stories flourished everywhere around the country.
	A revolt against political and religious authority and a subsequent revolt against reason.
	Ref.: 201703228871
	 8a Questão
	Why was the spirit of Romanticism so appealing to the United States?
	Because the pioneers, a movement which dated from the establishment of the 13 colonies, supported the cultural identification with European values.
	Because it was the canvas for the first wave of communist thoughts.
	Because it gave value to family and religious matters as well as to the culturalknowledge originated in France.
	Because of the intense focus on the reality of everyday life.
	Because it emphasized America's denial of European authority and cultural influence.
	Exercício: CEL0554_EX_A6_201703066855_V4 
	24/03/2018 13:32:34 (Finalizada)
	2018.1 EAD
	Ref.: 201703229241
	 1a Questão
	What did the author of CivilDisobedience¿defend?
	That imprisonment was the only option the State had to control the population.
	That the State should never rank above the individual conscience or the business of living.
	That disobedience should be severely punished.
	That it was the duty of a man to obey the State.
	That since men were born to obey, they did not have any other option.
	Ref.: 201703264942
	 2a Questão
	Which alternative does not refer the Romantic movement in America?
	The Romantic Movement in America, influenced by the Romantic Movement in western European literature, first appeared in the United States when the country was just becoming culturally self-conscious.
	The primary feature of American Romanticism--the obsession with and celebration of individualism--takes on particular social relevance because U.S. culture has always prized individualism and egalitarianism.
	American Romantics tend to venerate Nature as a sanctum of non-artificiality, where the Self can fulfill its potential
	This movement in America represented a revolt against nature and the American natives and a subsequent revolt against reason.
	This movement in America represented a revolt against political and religious authority and a subsequent revolt against reason.
	Ref.: 201703229235
	 3a Questão
	Who wrote CivilDisobedience¿?
	Ref.: 201703264944
	 4a Questão
	What are the characteristics of Romanticism? Choose the alternative that does not refer to the characteristics of Romanticism in America
	an intense interest in the emotions, imagination and mystery (supernatural)
	Devotion to machines and mechanisms and its effects on reality
	Individualism (individual rights and liberties)
	a great enthusiasm in natural beauty and the ordinary life
	Great enthusiasm for exotic and sensational feelings and the picturesque
	Ref.: 201703229228
	 5a Questão
	What was American Transcendentalism?
	It was a concept which suggested that getting to know oneself was associated with the afterlife. A man could only understand himself after he died. Man should live for the afterlife.
	It was a pragmatic philosophy, a kind of religion which believed in life after death and gave emphasis to it, even though it didn¿t emphasize the power of God as the center of the universe.
	Transcendentalism represented a complex response to the colonization of America based on communist beliefs.
	It was a movement based on Lock¿s empiricism which adhered to the belief of different Gods and on the need of Monarchy as the best kind of government.
	It was an important movement in philosophy and literature that flourished during the early to middle years of the XIX century and its emphasis was on this life.
	Ref.: 201703228794
	 6a Questão
	What was one of the characteristics of Romantic writers?
	They didn't care much about legends and superstitions.
	They based their writings on the neoclassical spirit.
	They gave much value to formalism.
	They exalted the Greek and Romna cultures.
	They exalted the imagination and the intuitive perception of the heart of man.
	Ref.: 201703228804
	 7a Questão
	What did the Romantic movement represent to the Americans?
	A revolt against political and religious authority and a subsequent revolt against reason.
	It was in part a rebellion against religion and on the way women were viewed by society.
	It represented a social period in which only the ones who were married were regarded with respect.
	It meant a lot to American people because it was a time when flowers were in bloom and love stories flourished everywhere around the country.
	A return to the values established by the Romans when they lived in England.
	Ref.: 201703228871
	 8a Questão
	Why was the spirit of Romanticism so appealing to the United States?
	Because it gave value to family and religious matters as well as to the cultural knowledge originated in France.
	Because it emphasized America's denial of European authority and cultural influence.
	Because it was the canvas for the first wave of communist thoughts.
	Because of the intense focus on the reality of everyday life.
	Because the pioneers, a movement which dated from the establishment of the 13 colonies, supported the cultural identification with European values.
	Exercício: CEL0554_EX_A6_201703066855_V5 
	24/03/2018 13:42:33 (Finalizada)
	2018.1 EAD
	Ref.: 201703229241
	 1a Questão
	What did the author of CivilDisobedience¿defend?
	That it was the duty of a man to obey the State.
	That disobedience should be severely punished.
	That since men were born to obey, they did not have any other option.
	That imprisonment was the only option the State had to control the population.
	That the State should never rank above the individual conscience or the business of living.
	Ref.: 201703264942
	 2a Questão
	Which alternative does not refer the Romantic movement in America?
	This movement in America represented a revolt against nature and the American natives and a subsequent revolt against reason.
	The Romantic Movement in America, influenced by the Romantic Movement in western European literature, first appeared in the United States when the country was just becoming culturally self-conscious.
	American Romantics tend to venerate Nature as a sanctum of non-artificiality, where the Self can fulfill its potential
	The primary feature of American Romanticism--the obsession with and celebration of individualism--takes on particular social relevance because U.S. culture has always prized individualism and egalitarianism.
	This movement in America represented a revolt against political and religious authority and a subsequent revolt against reason.
	Ref.: 201703229235
	 3a Questão
	Who wrote CivilDisobedience¿?
	Ref.: 201703264944
	 4a Questão
	What are the characteristics of Romanticism? Choose the alternative that does not refer to the characteristics of Romanticism in America
	an intense interest in the emotions, imagination and mystery (supernatural)
	Devotion to machines and mechanisms and its effects on reality
	Individualism (individualrights and liberties)
	Great enthusiasm for exotic and sensational feelings and the picturesque
	a great enthusiasm in natural beauty and the ordinary life
	Ref.: 201703229228
	 5a Questão
	What was American Transcendentalism?
	Transcendentalism represented a complex response to the colonization of America based on communist beliefs.
	It was a pragmatic philosophy, a kind of religion which believed in life after death and gave emphasis to it, even though it didn¿t emphasize the power of God as the center of the universe.
	It was a concept which suggested that getting to know oneself was associated with the afterlife. A man could only understand himself after he died. Man should live for the afterlife.
	It was a movement based on Lock¿s empiricism which adhered to the belief of different Gods and on the need of Monarchy as the best kind of government.
	It was an important movement in philosophy and literature that flourished during the early to middle years of the XIX century and its emphasis was on this life.
	Ref.: 201703228794
	 6a Questão
	What was one of the characteristics of Romantic writers?
	They exalted the imagination and the intuitive perception of the heart of man.
	They based their writings on the neoclassical spirit.
	They exalted the Greek and Romna cultures.
	They didn't care much about legends and superstitions.
	They gave much value to formalism.
	Ref.: 201703228804
	 7a Questão
	What did the Romantic movement represent to the Americans?
	It was in part a rebellion against religion and on the way women were viewed by society.
	A revolt against political and religious authority and a subsequent revolt against reason.
	It meant a lot to American people because it was a time when flowers were in bloom and love stories flourished everywhere around the country.
	A return to the values established by the Romans when they lived in England.
	It represented a social period in which only the ones who were married were regarded with respect.
	Ref.: 201703228871
	 8a Questão
	Why was the spirit of Romanticism so appealing to the United States?
	Because the pioneers, a movement which dated from the establishment of the 13 colonies, supported the cultural identification with European values.
	Because of the intense focus on the reality of everyday life.
	Because it was the canvas for the first wave of communist thoughts.
	Because it gave value to family and religious matters as well as to the cultural knowledge originated in France.
	Because it emphasized America's denial of European authority and cultural influence.
	Exercício: CEL0554_EX_A7_201703066855_V1 
	30/03/2018 15:04:56 (Finalizada)
	2018.1 EAD
	Ref.: 201703264945
	 1a Questão
	Which alternative IS NOT CORRECT to the Spanish-American War (1898):
	Internationally, however, the war had major historical significance. The Spanish-American War signaled the emergence of the US as a great power onto the world stage of international relations and diplomacy
	Militarily, the Spanish-American War (1898) was a monumental war. The war constituted a long period of bloody numerous battles between to potencies.
	It was not a monumental war. The war was brief, included few battles, and the US generally had an easy time of it, with the war's outcome never in much doubt.
	The war did not make the US a great power: the rapid industrialization and economic growth of the previous decades had done that.
	the war did announce to the rest of the world that the US was now a major player. Lifting its head from a century of isolationism
	Ref.: 201703229278
	 2a Questão
	Why did the United States enter World War I?
	Because Germany had threatened to invade the American country.
	Because the United States had huge economic investments in South America and in Italy and didn¿t want them to lose the war or else it would be impossible for them to pay the U.S. debt back.
	Because the United States wanted to become famous as a result of its participation in the war.
	Because England and Italy had asked for the U.S. help.
	Because, by the spring of 1917, the situation had changed significantly, and neutrality no longer seemed feasible. The decisive questions dealt with morality and visions of the future.
	Ref.: 201703309414
	 3a Questão
	What was the Romantic movement in America? Choose tha alternative that is WRONG in relation to the proposed question
	Americans were used to imitate the literary forms popular abroad, so the movement was quickly adapted. A continental United States was being formed and its newly found sense of patriotism made the movement especially appealing.
	The Romantic Movement in America, influenced by the Romantic Movement in western European literature.
	The Romantic Movement in America,first appeared in the United States when the country was just becoming culturally self-conscious.
	The spirit of Romanticism presented no important artistic reaction to European authority and cultural influence .
	This movement in America represented a revolt against political and religious authority and a subsequent revolt against reason.
	Ref.: 201703229316
	 4a Questão
	How were cultural activities portrayed during the Great Depression, in the 1930s?
	It was difficult for the country to deal with so many people suffering, during the 1930s. It was hard for people to find ways of enjoying themselves as there were no choices of enjoyment.
	As it was a very difficult time, people sought diversion from their troubles. In films, comedies were the favorite type. Radio shows became popular and magazines provided popular diversion.
	Families would spend their free time going on picnics on Sundays as, during the week, the parents had full-time jobs. As people were earning good money, traveling at summer time was a habit.
	People enjoyed going to fancy balls, dancing, giving big parties to celebrate their victories.
	It was a time in which sports became very popular and the ones who took part in them earned a lot of money. Casinos were always full of people betting as the economy was doing fine.
	Ref.: 201703229267
	 5a Questão
	What contributed for the U.S. to become a great power in the late XIX century?
	The development of printing.
	The U.S.A air force.
	World War I.
	Its overseas colonies in India.
	Ref.: 201703264949
	 6a Questão
	Choose the alternative that has no connection with the Great Depression?
	The Stock Market Crash was just the beginning. Since many banks had also invested large portions of their clients' savings in the stock market, these banks were forced to close when the stock market crashed.
	After nearly a decade of optimism and prosperity, the United States was thrown into despair on Black Tuesday, October 29, 1929, the day the stock market crashed
	Seeing a few banks close caused another panic across thecountry. Afraid they would lose their own savings, people rushed to banks that were still open to withdraw their money. This massive withdrawal of cash caused additional banks to close.
	Businesses and industry were also affected. Having lost much of their own capital in either the Stock Market Crash or the bank closures, many businesses started cutting back their workers' hours or wages. In turn, consumers began to curb their spending, refraining from purchasing such things as luxury goods.
	Industry and banks grew as never before taking advantage of the poverty, despair, lack of consumer spending causing additional businesses to cut back wages or, more drastically, to lay off some of their workers.
	Ref.: 201703316879
	 7a Questão
	The 1920 's has changed America in many ways: Mark the only option which is not right.
	Automotive companies employed 1 out of every twelve men in America
	There was an expansion to the south
	Movie stars and athletes were hired to persuade Americans to buy products like coffee or even tobacco.
	Ford introduced a $5 minimum wage and cut the hours down from nine to eight hour a work day for his employees.
	Tabloid papers were created
	Ref.: 201703229284
	 8a Questão
	What big difference occurred in American magazines in the 1920s?
	The magazines tried to avoid consumerism and encouraged people to save for the future.
	They had a worse printing than they used to before the Great Depression.
	They had an appeal to consumerism.
	They were supported by groups of women who invested their money in the magazines as a way of fighting for their rights.
	They became very expensive so only well-off people could buy them.
	Exercício: CEL0554_EX_A7_201703066855_V2 
	30/03/2018 16:28:34 (Finalizada)
	2018.1 EAD
	Ref.: 201703264948
	 1a Questão
	The 1920 's has changed America in many ways, except:
	New business and production methods allowed manufacturers to make large profits which they plowed back into new factories and wage rises.
	Authors of the period struggled to understand the changes occuring in society. While some writers praised the changes others expressed disappointment in the passing of the old ways
	Reading was a popular recreational activity especially during the winter months when other forms of activity were limited.
	The 1920's saw new discoveries and inventions in nearly every field of endeavor that became the foundation of thriving businesses.
	The 1920¿s was a period of social blindness when society was turned to the past and its tradition.
	Ref.: 201703264946
	 2a Questão
	Which one of the alternatives below is WRONG in relation to US increasing power in the international scenario
	The Spanish-American War and the colonies it brought to the US marked, for good and for ill, the beginning of the modern era of US intervention in world affairs.
	The nation sought new room to grow: world¿s markets, protected by a worldwide Navy based on island territories throughout the world.
	The emergence of the US onto the international stage as a power also symbolized to many that the US had finally emerged, whole and healthy, from the era of the Civil War.
	Europe searched for America as its natural leader and supreme guider to a glorious future
	The Spanish-American War revealed that industrialization in the late 19th century had made the US a great power. Now, as the frontier in the American West disappeared,
	Ref.: 201703229273
	 3a Questão
	What was social Darwinism?
	A type of religion created by Darwin which defended the idea that just a group of selected people should have their rights respected and go to heaven one day.
	It was a political party which achieved advantage over others by distributing free pairs of shoes and clothes to the population.
	It was the name of a book which became very popular in the eighteenth century and which dealt with social problems in England.
	A theory arising in the late XIX century which argued that social progress resulted from conflicts in which the fittest or best adapted individuals, or entire societies, would prevail.
	It was the name of one of the first silent movies ever produced in Canada.
	Ref.: 201703229301
	 4a Questão
	What was the major effect of the Great Depression in the U.S.A.?
	The American currency tripled its value.
	The wealthy people became richer and the poor ones poorer.
	The government intervened into new areas of social and economic affairs and created more social assistance agencies at a national level.
	People were able to find new jobs in California and their problems were over.
	American people started leaving the country in search of a better life.
	Ref.: 201703229292
	 5a Questão
	Which public was McClure¿s magazine aiming at?
	Rich ladies.
	Religious people.
	Business men.
	Middle-class women.
	Lower-class teenagers.
	Ref.: 201703229284
	 6a Questão
	What big difference occurred in American magazines in the 1920s?
	They became very expensive so only well-off people could buy them.
	They had an appeal to consumerism.
	The magazines tried to avoid consumerism and encouraged people to save for the future.
	They were supported by groups of women who invested their money in the magazines as a way of fighting for their rights.
	They had a worse printing than they used to before the Great Depression.
	Ref.: 201703264949
	 7a Questão
	Choose the alternative that has no connection with the Great Depression?
	Seeing a few banks close caused another panic across the country. Afraid they would lose their own savings, people rushed to banks that were still open to withdraw their money. This massive withdrawal of cash caused additional banks to close.
	Businesses and industry were also affected. Having lost much of their own capital in either the Stock Market Crash or the bank closures, many businesses started cutting back their workers' hours or wages. In turn, consumers began to curb their spending, refraining from purchasing such things as luxury goods.
	The Stock Market Crash was just the beginning. Since many banks had also invested large portions of their clients' savings in the stock market, these banks were forced to close when the stock market crashed.
	After nearly a decade of optimism and prosperity, the United States was thrown into despair on Black Tuesday, October 29, 1929, the day the stock market crashed
	Industry and banks grew as never before taking advantage of the poverty, despair, lack of consumer spending causing additional businesses to cut back wages or, more drastically, to lay off some of their workers.
	Ref.: 201703316879
	 8a Questão
	The 1920 's has changed America in many ways: Mark the only option which is not right.
	Ford introduced a $5 minimum wage and cut the hours down from nine to eight hour a work day for his employees.
	There was an expansion to the south
	Movie starsand athletes were hired to persuade Americans to buy products like coffee or even tobacco.
	Automotive companies employed 1 out of every twelve men in America
	Tabloid papers were created
	Exercício: CEL0554_EX_A7_201703066855_V3 
	30/03/2018 17:55:41 (Finalizada)
	2018.1 EAD
	Ref.: 201703264945
	 1a Questão
	Which alternative IS NOT CORRECT to the Spanish-American War (1898):
	Internationally, however, the war had major historical significance. The Spanish-American War signaled the emergence of the US as a great power onto the world stage of international relations and diplomacy
	the war did announce to the rest of the world that the US was now a major player. Lifting its head from a century of isolationism
	Militarily, the Spanish-American War (1898) was a monumental war. The war constituted a long period of bloody numerous battles between to potencies.
	It was not a monumental war. The war was brief, included few battles, and the US generally had an easy time of it, with the war's outcome never in much doubt.
	The war did not make the US a great power: the rapid industrialization and economic growth of the previous decades had done that.
	Ref.: 201703229278
	 2a Questão
	Why did the United States enter World War I?
	Because, by the spring of 1917, the situation had changed significantly, and neutrality no longer seemed feasible. The decisive questions dealt with morality and visions of the future.
	Because England and Italy had asked for the U.S. help.
	Because Germany had threatened to invade the American country.
	Because the United States had huge economic investments in South America and in Italy and didn¿t want them to lose the war or else it would be impossible for them to pay the U.S. debt back.
	Because the United States wanted to become famous as a result of its participation in the war.
	Ref.: 201703309414
	 3a Questão
	What was the Romantic movement in America? Choose tha alternative that is WRONG in relation to the proposed question
	Americans were used to imitate the literary forms popular abroad, so the movement was quickly adapted. A continental United States was being formed and its newly found sense of patriotism made the movement especially appealing.
	The spirit of Romanticism presented no important artistic reaction to European authority and cultural influence .
	The Romantic Movement in America, influenced by the Romantic Movement in western European literature.
	The Romantic Movement in America,first appeared in the United States when the country was just becoming culturally self-conscious.
	This movement in America represented a revolt against political and religious authority and a subsequent revolt against reason.
	Ref.: 201703229316
	 4a Questão
	How were cultural activities portrayed during the Great Depression, in the 1930s?
	Families would spend their free time going on picnics on Sundays as, during the week, the parents had full-time jobs. As people were earning good money, traveling at summer time was a habit.
	People enjoyed going to fancy balls, dancing, giving big parties to celebrate their victories.
	It was difficult for the country to deal with so many people suffering, during the 1930s. It was hard for people to find ways of enjoying themselves as there were no choices of enjoyment.
	It was a time in which sports became very popular and the ones who took part in them earned a lot of money. Casinos were always full of people betting as the economy was doing fine.
	As it was a very difficult time, people sought diversion from their troubles. In films, comedies were the favorite type. Radio shows became popular and magazines provided popular diversion.
	Ref.: 201703229267
	 5a Questão
	What contributed for the U.S. to become a great power in the late XIX century?
	World War I.
	Its overseas colonies in India.
	The development of printing.
	The U.S.A air force.
	Ref.: 201703264949
	 6a Questão
	Choose the alternative that has no connection with the Great Depression?
	The Stock Market Crash was just the beginning. Since many banks had also invested large portions of their clients' savings in the stock market, these banks were forced to close when the stock market crashed.
	Industry and banks grew as never before taking advantage of the poverty, despair, lack of consumer spending causing additional businesses to cut back wages or, more drastically, to lay off some of their workers.
	Businesses and industry were also affected. Having lost much of their own capital in either the Stock Market Crash or the bank closures, many businesses started cutting back their workers' hours or wages. In turn, consumers began to curb their spending, refraining from purchasing such things as luxury goods.
	Seeing a few banks close caused another panic across the country. Afraid they would lose their own savings, people rushed to banks that were still open to withdraw their money. This massive withdrawal of cash caused additional banks to close.
	After nearly a decade of optimism and prosperity, the United States was thrown into despair on Black Tuesday, October 29, 1929, the day the stock market crashed
	Ref.: 201703316879
	 7a Questão
	The 1920 's has changed America in many ways: Mark the only option which is not right.
	Tabloid papers were created
	There was an expansion to the south
	Ford introduced a $5 minimum wage and cut the hours down from nine to eight hour a work day for his employees.
	Movie stars and athletes were hired to persuade Americans to buy products like coffee or even tobacco.
	Automotive companies employed 1 out of every twelve men in America
	Ref.: 201703229284
	 8a Questão
	What big difference occurred in American magazines in the 1920s?
	The magazines tried to avoid consumerism and encouraged people to save for the future.
	They became very expensive so only well-off people could buy them.
	They were supported by groups of women who invested their money in the magazines as a way of fighting for their rights.
	They had an appeal to consumerism.
	They had a worse printing than they used to before the Great Depression.
	Exercício: CEL0554_EX_A7_201703066855_V4 
	30/03/2018 18:32:49 (Finalizada)
	2018.1 EAD
	Ref.: 201703264948
	 1a Questão
	The 1920 's has changed America in many ways, except:
	Authors of the period struggled to understand the changes occuring in society. While some writers praised the changes others expressed disappointment in the passing of the old ways
	The 1920's saw new discoveries and inventions in nearly every field of endeavor that became the foundation of thriving businesses.
	Reading was a popular recreational activity especially during the winter months when other forms of activity were limited.
	New business and production methods allowed manufacturersto make large profits which they plowed back into new factories and wage rises.
	The 1920¿s was a period of social blindness when society was turned to the past and its tradition.
	Ref.: 201703264946
	 2a Questão
	Which one of the alternatives below is WRONG in relation to US increasing power in the international scenario
	The Spanish-American War and the colonies it brought to the US marked, for good and for ill, the beginning of the modern era of US intervention in world affairs.
	The nation sought new room to grow: world¿s markets, protected by a worldwide Navy based on island territories throughout the world.
	Europe searched for America as its natural leader and supreme guider to a glorious future
	The emergence of the US onto the international stage as a power also symbolized to many that the US had finally emerged, whole and healthy, from the era of the Civil War.
	The Spanish-American War revealed that industrialization in the late 19th century had made the US a great power. Now, as the frontier in the American West disappeared,
	Ref.: 201703229273
	 3a Questão
	What was social Darwinism?
	A theory arising in the late XIX century which argued that social progress resulted from conflicts in which the fittest or best adapted individuals, or entire societies, would prevail.
	It was a political party which achieved advantage over others by distributing free pairs of shoes and clothes to the population.
	It was the name of one of the first silent movies ever produced in Canada.
	It was the name of a book which became very popular in the eighteenth century and which dealt with social problems in England.
	A type of religion created by Darwin which defended the idea that just a group of selected people should have their rights respected and go to heaven one day.
	Ref.: 201703229301
	 4a Questão
	What was the major effect of the Great Depression in the U.S.A.?
	American people started leaving the country in search of a better life.
	The American currency tripled its value.
	The wealthy people became richer and the poor ones poorer.
	The government intervened into new areas of social and economic affairs and created more social assistance agencies at a national level.
	People were able to find new jobs in California and their problems were over.
	Ref.: 201703229292
	 5a Questão
	Which public was McClure¿s magazine aiming at?
	Religious people.
	Middle-class women.
	Lower-class teenagers.
	Rich ladies.
	Business men.
	Ref.: 201703229284
	 6a Questão
	What big difference occurred in American magazines in the 1920s?
	The magazines tried to avoid consumerism and encouraged people to save for the future.
	They were supported by groups of women who invested their money in the magazines as a way of fighting for their rights.
	They had an appeal to consumerism.
	They became very expensive so only well-off people could buy them.
	They had a worse printing than they used to before the Great Depression.
	Ref.: 201703264949
	 7a Questão
	Choose the alternative that has no connection with the Great Depression?
	The Stock Market Crash was just the beginning. Since many banks had also invested large portions of their clients' savings in the stock market, these banks were forced to close when the stock market crashed.
	Seeing a few banks close caused another panic across the country. Afraid they would lose their own savings, people rushed to banks that were still open to withdraw their money. This massive withdrawal of cash caused additional banks to close.
	After nearly a decade of optimism and prosperity, the United States was thrown into despair on Black Tuesday, October 29, 1929, the day the stock market crashed
	Businesses and industry were also affected. Having lost much of their own capital in either the Stock Market Crash or the bank closures, many businesses started cutting back their workers' hours or wages. In turn, consumers began to curb their spending, refraining from purchasing such things as luxury goods.
	Industry and banks grew as never before taking advantage of the poverty, despair, lack of consumer spending causing additional businesses to cut back wages or, more drastically, to lay off some of their workers.
	Ref.: 201703316879
	 8a Questão
	The 1920 's has changed America in many ways: Mark the only option which is not right.
	There was an expansion to the south
	Ford introduced a $5 minimum wage and cut the hours down from nine to eight hour a work day for his employees.
	Movie stars and athletes were hired to persuade Americans to buy products like coffee or even tobacco.
	Tabloid papers were created
	Automotive companies employed 1 out of every twelve men in America
	Exercício: CEL0554_EX_A7_201703066855_V5 
	30/03/2018 18:42:33 (Finalizada)
	2018.1 EAD
	Ref.: 201703264945
	 1a Questão
	Which alternative IS NOT CORRECT to the Spanish-American War (1898):
	Militarily, the Spanish-American War (1898) was a monumental war. The war constituted a long period of bloody numerous battles between to potencies.
	It was not a monumental war. The war was brief, included few battles, and the US generally had an easy time of it, with the war's outcome never in much doubt.
	The war did not make the US a great power: the rapid industrialization and economic growth of the previous decades had done that.
	the war did announce to the rest of the world that the US was now a major player. Lifting its head from a century of isolationism
	Internationally, however, the war had major historical significance. The Spanish-American War signaled the emergence of the US as a great power onto the world stage of international relations and diplomacy
	Ref.: 201703229278
	 2a Questão
	Why did the United States enter World War I?
	Because the United States had huge economic investments in South America and in Italy and didn¿t want them to lose the war or else it would be impossible for them to pay the U.S. debt back.
	Because Germany had threatened to invade the American country.
	Because, by the spring of 1917, the situation had changed significantly, and neutrality no longer seemed feasible. The decisive questions dealt with morality and visions of the future.
	Because England and Italy had asked for the U.S. help.
	Because the United States wanted to become famous as a result of its participation in the war.
	Ref.: 201703309414
	 3a Questão
	What was the Romantic movement in America? Choose tha alternative that is WRONG in relation to the proposed question
	The spirit of Romanticism presented no important artistic reaction to European authority and cultural influence .
	The Romantic Movement in America, influenced by the Romantic Movement in western European literature.
	The Romantic Movement in America,first appeared in the United States when the country was just becoming culturally self-conscious.
	This movementin America represented a revolt against political and religious authority and a subsequent revolt against reason.
	Americans were used to imitate the literary forms popular abroad, so the movement was quickly adapted. A continental United States was being formed and its newly found sense of patriotism made the movement especially appealing.
	Ref.: 201703229316
	 4a Questão
	How were cultural activities portrayed during the Great Depression, in the 1930s?
	Families would spend their free time going on picnics on Sundays as, during the week, the parents had full-time jobs. As people were earning good money, traveling at summer time was a habit.
	As it was a very difficult time, people sought diversion from their troubles. In films, comedies were the favorite type. Radio shows became popular and magazines provided popular diversion.
	People enjoyed going to fancy balls, dancing, giving big parties to celebrate their victories.
	It was a time in which sports became very popular and the ones who took part in them earned a lot of money. Casinos were always full of people betting as the economy was doing fine.
	It was difficult for the country to deal with so many people suffering, during the 1930s. It was hard for people to find ways of enjoying themselves as there were no choices of enjoyment.
	Ref.: 201703229267
	 5a Questão
	What contributed for the U.S. to become a great power in the late XIX century?
	World War I.
	The U.S.A air force.
	Its overseas colonies in India.
	The development of printing.
	Ref.: 201703264949
	 6a Questão
	Choose the alternative that has no connection with the Great Depression?
	After nearly a decade of optimism and prosperity, the United States was thrown into despair on Black Tuesday, October 29, 1929, the day the stock market crashed
	Businesses and industry were also affected. Having lost much of their own capital in either the Stock Market Crash or the bank closures, many businesses started cutting back their workers' hours or wages. In turn, consumers began to curb their spending, refraining from purchasing such things as luxury goods.
	Industry and banks grew as never before taking advantage of the poverty, despair, lack of consumer spending causing additional businesses to cut back wages or, more drastically, to lay off some of their workers.
	Seeing a few banks close caused another panic across the country. Afraid they would lose their own savings, people rushed to banks that were still open to withdraw their money. This massive withdrawal of cash caused additional banks to close.
	The Stock Market Crash was just the beginning. Since many banks had also invested large portions of their clients' savings in the stock market, these banks were forced to close when the stock market crashed.
	Ref.: 201703316879
	 7a Questão
	The 1920 's has changed America in many ways: Mark the only option which is not right.
	Movie stars and athletes were hired to persuade Americans to buy products like coffee or even tobacco.
	Automotive companies employed 1 out of every twelve men in America
	There was an expansion to the south
	Ford introduced a $5 minimum wage and cut the hours down from nine to eight hour a work day for his employees.
	Tabloid papers were created
	Ref.: 201703229284
	 8a Questão
	What big difference occurred in American magazines in the 1920s?
	They became very expensive so only well-off people could buy them.
	They were supported by groups of women who invested their money in the magazines as a way of fighting for their rights.
	The magazines tried to avoid consumerism and encouraged people to save for the future.
	They had a worse printing than they used to before the Great Depression.
	They had an appeal to consumerism.
	Exercício: CEL0554_EX_A7_201703066855_V6 
	30/03/2018 18:50:59 (Finalizada)
	2018.1 EAD
	Ref.: 201703264948
	 1a Questão
	The 1920 's has changed America in many ways, except:
	New business and production methods allowed manufacturers to make large profits which they plowed back into new factories and wage rises.
	Authors of the period struggled to understand the changes occuring in society. While some writers praised the changes others expressed disappointment in the passing of the old ways
	Reading was a popular recreational activity especially during the winter months when other forms of activity were limited.
	The 1920¿s was a period of social blindness when society was turned to the past and its tradition.
	The 1920's saw new discoveries and inventions in nearly every field of endeavor that became the foundation of thriving businesses.
	Ref.: 201703264946
	 2a Questão
	Which one of the alternatives below is WRONG in relation to US increasing power in the international scenario
	Europe searched for America as its natural leader and supreme guider to a glorious future
	The emergence of the US onto the international stage as a power also symbolized to many that the US had finally emerged, whole and healthy, from the era of the Civil War.
	The nation sought new room to grow: world¿s markets, protected by a worldwide Navy based on island territories throughout the world.
	The Spanish-American War revealed that industrialization in the late 19th century had made the US a great power. Now, as the frontier in the American West disappeared,
	The Spanish-American War and the colonies it brought to the US marked, for good and for ill, the beginning of the modern era of US intervention in world affairs.
	Ref.: 201703229273
	 3a Questão
	What was social Darwinism?
	A theory arising in the late XIX century which argued that social progress resulted from conflicts in which the fittest or best adapted individuals, or entire societies, would prevail.
	It was the name of one of the first silent movies ever produced in Canada.
	It was the name of a book which became very popular in the eighteenth century and which dealt with social problems in England.
	A type of religion created by Darwin which defended the idea that just a group of selected people should have their rights respected and go to heaven one day.
	It was a political party which achieved advantage over others by distributing free pairs of shoes and clothes to the population.
	Ref.: 201703229301
	 4a Questão
	What was the major effect of the Great Depression in the U.S.A.?
	American people started leaving the country in search of a better life.
	The American currency tripled its value.
	The wealthy people became richer and the poor ones poorer.
	The government intervened into new areas of social and economic affairs and created more social assistance agencies at a national level.
	People were able to find new jobs in California and their problems were over.
	Ref.: 201703229292
	 5a Questão
	Which public was McClure¿s magazine aiming at?
	Business men.
	Middle-class women.
	Religious people.
	Lower-class teenagers.
	Ref.: 201703229284
	 6a Questão
	What big difference occurred in American magazines in the 1920s?
	They had a worse printing than they used to before the Great Depression.
	They became very expensive so only well-off people could buy them.
	The magazines tried to avoid consumerism and encouraged people to save for the future.
	They had an appeal to consumerism.
	They were supported by groups of women who invested their money in the magazines as a way of fighting for their rights.
	Ref.: 201703264949
	 7a Questão
	Choose the alternative that has no connection with the Great Depression?
	After nearly a decade of optimism and prosperity, the United States was thrown into despair on Black Tuesday, October 29, 1929, the day the stock market crashed
	Industry and banks grew as never before taking advantage of the poverty, despair, lack of consumer spending causing additional businesses to cut back wages or, more drastically, to lay off some of their workers.
	Seeing a few banks close caused another panic across the country. Afraid they would lose their own savings, people rushed to banks that were still open to withdraw their money. This massive withdrawal of cash caused additional banks to close.
	The Stock Market Crash was just the beginning. Since many banks had also invested large portions of their clients' savings in the stock market, these banks were forced to close when the stock market crashed.
	Businesses and industry were also affected. Having lost much of their own capital in either the Stock Market Crash or the bank closures, many businesses started cutting back their workers' hours or wages. In turn, consumers began to curb their spending, refraining from purchasing such things as luxury goods.
	Ref.: 201703316879
	 8a Questão
	The 1920 's has changed America in many ways: Mark the only option which is not right.
	Tabloid papers were created
	Ford introduced a $5 minimum wage and cut the hours down from nine to eight hour a work day for his employees.
	There was an expansion to the south
	Automotive companies employed 1 out of every twelve men in America
	Movie stars and athletes were hired to persuade Americans to buy products like coffee or even tobacco.
	Exercício: CEL0554_EX_A8_201703066855_V1 
	06/04/2018 15:48:59 (Finalizada)
	2018.1 EAD
	Ref.: 201703264953
	 1a Questão
	3. Choose the alternative that correctly discuss America and The Vietnam War
	The U.S. government viewed involvement in the war as a way to prevent a communist takeover of South Vietnam as part of their wider strategy of containment. The North Vietnamese government and Viet Cong were fighting to reunify Vietnam under communist rule. They viewed the conflict as a colonial war, fought initially against France, backed by the U.S., and later against South Vietnam, which it regarded as a U.S. puppet state
	The U.S. government viewed involvement in the war as waste of time because it wouldn¿t matter if the North Vietnamese government and Viet Cong were fighting to reunify Vietnam under communist rule. They viewed the conflict as a colonial war, fought initially against France, backed by the U.S., and later against South Vietnam, which it regarded as a U.S. puppet state
	The U.S. government viewed involvement in the war as a way to prevent a communist takeover of South Vietnam as part of their wider strategy of containment. The North Vietnamese government and Viet Cong were fighting to reunify Vietnam under communist rule. They viewed the conflict as fair war because communism was respected by Americans, fought initially against France, backed by the U.S., and later against South Vietnam, which it regarded as a U.S. puppet state
	The U.S. government viewed involvement in the war as a way to prevent a communist takeover of South Vietnam as part of their wider strategy of containment. The North Vietnamese government and Viet Cong were fighting to reunify Vietnam under communist rule. They viewed the conflict as a colonial war, fought initially against France, backed by the U.S., and later against South Vietnam, which it regarded as a U.S. independent sovereign.
	The U.S. government viewed involvement in the war as a way to prevent a communist takeover of South Vietnam as part of their wider strategy of containment. The North Vietnamese government and Viet Cong were fighting to reunify Vietnam under capitalism rule. They viewed the conflict as a colonial war, fought initially against France, backed by the U.S., and later against South Vietnam, which it regarded as a U.S. puppet state
	Ref.: 201703229343
	 2a Questão
	How was American society reorganized after World War II?
	The Republicans became rulers of the country for the next thirty years.
	American society became fascinated by cultural homogeneity and political unity.
	Families needed to share the same lodgings as there was not enough room for everybody as the cities had been partially destroyed.
	The richer became richer and the poor became poorer.
	Women appreciated not having to work in the factories anymore.
	Ref.: 201703264950
	 3a Questão
	Studying the relation between USA and World War II it is incorrect to say that:
	Having fought until Germany and Japan had unconditionally surrendered, the triumphant Allies ¿ USA inclusive - attended to their war-ravaged economic infrastructures, but only the United States had the wherewithal to build on its success in the conflict.
	In the aftermath of the economic and cultural reorganizations of World War II, American society became fascinated by cultural homogeneity and political unity.
	USA came back to the closed and isolated way of living they had lad since colonial priod since the war had revealed a bloody and sad experience
	The war effort had shifted industrial production to military ends and recruited women to replace factory workers fighting overseas. When those workers came home, many women found returning to domesticity only temporarily acceptable.
	After World War II, the United States emerged as the strongest world power and assumed the role of speaking on behalf of liberal democratic ideals
	Ref.: 201703229349
	 4a Questão
	Why was it so difficult for the African Americans to accept the reality they had to face when they came home from World War II?
	Because as many of them had been killed during the war, the ones who survived felt restless.
	Because even though society showed no prejudice against them, they had difficulty in feeling at home in their own country.
	Because even though they were earning much better than they used to before the war, they still wanted to rule the country.
	Because their children had difficulty in accepting them as their fathers had spent four years out of the country.
	Because during the war they felt fully integrated in the army and when they came back home they were regarded as second-class citizens.
	Ref.: 201703316897
	 5a Questão
	The 2nd World War effort had shifted industrial production to military ends and recruited womento help society buying as much as they could
	to be useful housewives
	to stay at home
	to be movie stars
	to replace factory workers fighting overseas
	Ref.: 201703229365
	 6a Questão
	What concern did writers, influenced by Hemingway, have in the 1950s?
	To show the importance of religious faith in the building of a nation.
	To picture the effects of World War I on different people.
	To value love relationships.
	To give value to family life and to living in the woods.
	To write in such a way that their works could speak to any reader.
	Ref.: 201703264952
	 7a Questão
	Studying American literature after World War II it is incorrect to say that:
	Novelists were inspired by William Faulkner to use regional specificity to make major statements about race, history, and national identity.
	American literature revived Romantic patterns and standarts of writing poetry and novels that abused of sentimentality, fantasy and idealization of life and love
	Fiction writers began to suspect that novelistic conventions were inadequate to the task of representing essential American¿s beliefs, much less contemporary reality
	The period in time from the end of World War II up until, roughly, the late 1960s and early 1970s saw the publication of some of the most popular works in American history
	The spectacular dimension of violence that can be detected in previous conflicts (even before the First World War as it appears, for example, in Stephen Crane¿s The Red Badge of Courage),becomes more central as a theme.
	Ref.: 201703229324
	 8a Questão
	What was the role of the United States in the world after World War II?
	It became the responsible for the peace in the world so all the countries should obey any order which came from the U.S.A.
	As the Soviet Union, Britain and France increased their potentiality as powerful nations, it was the U.S.A.¿s role to obey these three countries.
	With the decline of Germany, Japan emerged as a great country and an alien to the U.S.A.
	The U.S.A. became the world political leader and took into its hands the economic decisions about any other European country.
	The U.S.A. assumed the role of speaking on behalf of liberal democratic ideals.
	Exercício: CEL0554_EX_A8_201703066855_V2 
	06/04/2018 16:12:46 (Finalizada)
	2018.1 EAD
	Ref.: 201703229360
	 1a Questão
	What did the literature of the 1950s reflect?
	Political preoccupations with education.
	Philosophical concerns with life after death.
	Cultural preoccupations with stability and conformity.
	Social preoccupations with rich people.
	Religious preoccupations with faith.
	Ref.: 201703229340
	 2a Questão
	Which fact promoted cultural introspection in the 1960 and 1970s in the U.S.A.?
	The Vietnam War.
	The artists¿ conformity with the Cold War.
	The hippie movement.
	World War II.
	Unfulfilled religious promises.
	Ref.: 201703229368
	 3a Questão
	What did war critics say about the Vietnam War?
	They agreed with the government that the war was necessary.
	They defended the point of view that America needed to control Vietnam or else the communists would.
	They denounced American military tactics in Vietnam as immoral.
	They argued that the war was necessary to avoid Chinese expansionism.
	They asserted that the United States had the moral right to intervene in Vietnam.
	Ref.: 201703229324
	 4a Questão
	What was the role of the United States in the world after World War II?
	As the Soviet Union, Britain and France increased their potentiality as powerful nations, it was the U.S.A.¿s role to obey these three countries.
	The U.S.A. assumed the role of speaking on behalf of liberal democratic ideals.
	The U.S.A. became the world political leader and took into its hands the economic decisions about any other European country.
	With the decline of Germany, Japan emerged as a great country and an alien to the U.S.A.
	It became the responsible for the peace in the world so all the countries should obey any order which came from the U.S.A.
	Ref.: 201703229349
	 5a Questão
	Why was it so difficult for the African Americans to accept the reality they had to face when they came home from World War II?
	Because even though society showed no prejudice against them, they had difficulty in feeling at home in their own country.
	Because even though they were earning much better than they used to before the war, they still wanted to rule the country.
	Because their children had difficulty in accepting them as their fathers had spent four years out of the country.
	Because as many of them had been killed during the war, the ones who survived felt restless.
	Because during the war they felt fully integrated in the army and when they came back home they were regarded as second-class citizens.
	Ref.: 201703264952
	 6a Questão
	Studying American literature after World War II it is incorrect to say that:
	Fiction writers began to suspect that novelistic conventions were inadequate to the task of representing essential American¿s beliefs, much less contemporary reality
	Novelists were inspired by William Faulkner to use regional specificity to make major statements about race, history, and national identity.
	The spectacular dimension of violence that can be detected in previous conflicts (even before the First World War as it appears, for example, in Stephen Crane¿s The Red Badge of Courage),becomes more central as a theme.
	American literature revived Romantic patterns and standarts of writing poetry and novels that abused of sentimentality, fantasy and idealization of life and love
	The period in time from the end of World War II up until, roughly, the late 1960s and early 1970s saw the publication of some of the most popular works in American history
	Ref.: 201703316897
	 7a Questão
	The 2nd World War effort had shifted industrial production to military ends and recruited women
	to replace factory workers fighting overseas
	to be movie stars
	to help society buying as much as they could
	to stay at home
	to be useful housewives
	Ref.: 201703229365
	 8a Questão
	What concern did writers, influenced by Hemingway, have in the 1950s?
	To show the importance of religious faith in the building of a nation.
	To value love relationships.
	To write in such a way that their works could speak to any reader.
	To give value to family life and to living in the woods.
	To picture the effects of World War I on different people.
	Exercício: CEL0554_EX_A8_201703066855_V3 
	06/04/2018 16:36:39 (Finalizada)
	2018.1 EAD
	Ref.: 201703264953

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