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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

Esse e outros conteúdos desbloqueados

16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Prévia do material em texto

Caderno do Aluno
Volume 1
Nova edição
São Paulo
Governo do Estado de São Paulo
Geraldo Alckmin
Guilherme Afif Domingos
Secretário da Educação
Herman Voorwald
João Cardoso Palma Filho
Chefe de Gabinete
Fernando Padula Novaes
Subsecretária de Articulação Regional
Rosania Morales Morroni
Coordenadora da Escola de Formação e 
Aperfeiçoamento dos Professores – EFAP
Silvia Andrade da Cunha Galletta 
Coordenadora de Gestão da 
Educação Básica
Maria Elizabete da Costa
Coordenadora de Gestão de 
Recursos Humanos
Cleide Bauab Eid Bochixio
Coordenadora de Informação, 
Monitoramento e Avaliação 
Ione Cristina Ribeiro de Assunção
Coordenadora de Infraestrutura e 
Serviços Escolares
Ana Leonor Sala Alonso
Coordenadora de Orçamento e 
Claudia Chiaroni Afuso
Presidente da Fundação para o 
Desenvolvimento da Educação – FDE
Barjas Negri
Caro(a) aluno(a),
Você já sabe que o inglês é a língua mais usada nas comunicações internacionais e é cada vez 
mais comum usar o idioma sem sair do Brasil. Ao entrar em contato com outros povos, podemos 
aprender sobre seus países e sua cultura, ao mesmo tempo que transmitimos informações sobre 
nosso país e nossa cultura. 
Você está se aproximando do momento em que deixará a escola; os conhecimentos 
adquiridos até agora serão a base para sua formação futura. Com este Caderno, você retomará 
assuntos importantes para sua vida e para a sociedade, como o voluntariado. O trabalho voluntário 
pode ser uma experiência pessoal muito enriquecedora e é bem visto pelas empresas quando consta 
do currículo dos candidatos a emprego. Neste volume, você também revisará a linguagem associada 
com o gênero “anúncio de emprego”, que inclui as habilidades e responsabilidades pertinentes 
a várias funções. Mais uma vez, o inglês lhe permitirá falar sobre você e suas experiências, agora 
enfatizando suas qualificações para a atuação profissional. 
Desde que teve os primeiros contatos formais com a língua inglesa como parte de seu 
currículo escolar, você aprendeu que são muitas as oportunidades para aprofundar seu conhecimento 
sobre esse idioma. Você sabe que a língua inglesa está presente em seu dia a dia de várias formas: 
em anúncios e slogans publicitários, na internet, em dizeres impressos em peças de vestuário, em 
notícias sobre esportes. Assim, é fácil complementar o que é apresentado nas aulas regulares, através 
de sites, redes de relacionamento, músicas e filmes, por exemplo. 
Seu Caderno traz sugestões nesse sentido, além das seções que lhe permitem sistematizar o 
estudo do vocabulário e da gramática, e fazer sua autoavaliação em relação às metas de aprendizagem 
propostas no início do volume. Todos os registros dessas seções contêm informações que podem 
ser úteis quando já tiver terminado o Ensino Médio. Guarde seus Cadernos para futuras consultas. 
Equipe Curricular de Inglês
Área de Linguagens
Coordenadoria de Gestão da Educação Básica – CGEB
Secretaria da Educação do Estado de São Paulo
Neste Caderno, você fará atividades relacionadas a dois temas: 1) Volunteer work as 
professional experience e 2) First job. Essas atividades vão ajudá-lo a:
1. Reconhecer a organização de um texto informativo descritivo e um relato pessoal de 
uma experiência (testimonial).
2. Conhecer adjetivos que descrevem as qualidades de um voluntário.
3. Relacionar informações, apoiado em inferências.
4. Inferir significados para compreender a mensagem de um texto.
5. Levantar hipóteses sobre o assunto de um texto e verificá-las com base na leitura.
6. Identificar palavras cognatas para auxiliá-lo na compreensão de um texto.
7. Reconhecer os usos do tempo verbal presente simples.
8. Reconhecer os usos do tempo verbal presente perfeito.
9. Elaborar um relato pessoal de uma experiência (testimonial).
10. Reconhecer as características e a organização de um anúncio de emprego.
11. Identificar os diferentes tipos de informação veiculados em um anúncio de emprego.
12. Reconhecer o significado de abreviações em anúncios de emprego.
13. Reconhecer o uso de verbos que indicam diferentes habilidades.
14. Identificar palavras cognatas ou próprias da língua inglesa como recurso para compreen-
der um texto.
15. Elaborar um anúncio de emprego.
16. Trabalhar em equipe, assumindo funções e contribuindo para o trabalho em grupo.
Inglês – 3a série – Volume 1
1. Read the definition of “volunteer” and answer: What kind of text is this? Where can you find it? 
What is its purpose?
2. Have a look at the following text and answer the questions.
a) What is the text about? 
b) Who is the target reader? 
c) What kind of projects are there? 
VOLON (France) – 
VOLUNTEER – A volunteer can be a teenager or an adult who works in a community, organized 
or not, in different kinds of activities for the benefit of the natural environment or social issues. A 
volunteer donates his/her time, work, and talent without getting paid or receiving compensation for 
services rendered.
Volunteer projects in Brazil
There are many opportunities to work as a volunteer in Brazil. Have a look at 
these projects. 
Hospital work: volunteers can serve at hospitals that attend poor children every 
day with all kinds of diseases. It is possible to help at the kitchen, and even play with 
children at the physiotherapy room. Volunteers can also work at the toy library in the 
pediatric area, play or do arts and crafts with children. 
Support house: in many hospitals there are support houses that ………… (to ac-
commodate) children and teenagers under treatment. As time ………………(to pass) 
slowly for them, they …………… (to like) to play with volunteers in activities such as 
chess, dominoes, bingo, music, and arts. 
Childcare and recreation: volunteers can work at preschools with children from 
families who live in marginal conditions in different cities in Brazil. The preschools serve 
children aged one to six. The volunteers can take part of the classroom lessons and 
different activities, such as: art projects, games, play time, and outdoor recreation. It is 
also essential to give attention and affection to the children. 
English classes: volunteers can offer conversational English lessons for the com-
munity for an hour each day. 
If you want further information about volunteer projects in Brazil click here. 
Volunteer projects in Brazil
There are many opportunities for volunteer work in Brazil. Have a look at these projects. 
Children’s hospitals: volunteers can work at hospitals that assist poor children with all kinds of 
diseases. They can help at the kitchen, and even play with children at the physical therapy room. Volunteers 
can also work at the playroom in the pediatric area, play or do arts and crafts with the children. 
Support houses: many hospitals have support houses that (to accommodate) children 
and teenagers under treatment. Since time (to pass) slowly for them, they 
(to like) to play with volunteers in activities such as chess, dominoes, bingo, music, and arts. 
Childcare and recreation: volunteers can work at preschools with children from underprivileged 
families in different cities in Brazil. The preschools admit children aged 1-6. The volunteers can take 
part in the classroom lessons and in different activities, such as art projects, games, play time, and 
outdoor recreation. Giving attention and affection to the children is an essential part of the work. 
English classes: volunteerscan teach conversational English lessons for the community for an 
hour each day. 
If you want further information about volunteer projects in Brazil, click here.
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Inglês – 3a série – Volume 1
3. Read the text and answer the questions.
a) How old are the children in preschools?
b) If the volunteer does not work in the medical field, what can he/she do?
c) How can a volunteer help in the support house?
d) How often are English classes offered?
4. Look at the paragraph on support houses and complete the gaps using the present simple tense 
form of the verbs in parentheses.
5. Read the text below and write the subtitles in the correct places.
a) Be open-minded.
b) Be respectful.
c) Be well-trained.
Source: © It’s my life. Disponível em: <http://pbskids.org/itsmylife/emotions/volunteering/article10.html>. Acesso em: 17 maio 2013.
Volunteering: How to be a good volunteer
Volunteering is fun and rewarding, but it’s also a little more complicated 
than just showing up and having a good time. Here’s some advice on how to 
make the most of your volunteer work: 
Be selÀess. 6elÀess is the opposite of sel¿sh. 'on’t think about what you 
can do to help yourself. Think about what you can do to help others. 
Know what you’re doing as a volunteer. If you need some time to learn 
your job, take that time. If you need training or need someone to show you 
what you’re supposed to do, speak up. If you’re good at your job, it will be 
much easier to help others (plus you’ll have a lot more fun). 
Be dependable. 'o what you say you’ll do, and do your best. 'on’t show 
up late, and always keep your promises. People will be relying on you so you 
don’t want to let them down. 
Be enthusiastic. 'on’t moan and groan your way through your volunteer 
work. If you really don’t like what you’re doing, ¿nd something else. Always have a 
positive attitude and show others that you’re doing this because you WANT to.
One of the really great things about being a volunteer is the chance to 
learn and experience new things. Keep your mind open to new possibilities, 
and you’ll probably grow as a person. 
Always remember to show respect for other people and other cultures. 
Keep in mind that your way of thinking or living is not the only way there is.
Volunteering: how to be a good volunteer
Volunteering is fun and rewarding, but it’s also a little more complicated than just showing up 
and having a good time. Here’s some advice on how to make the most of your volunteer work: 
Be selfless. Selfless is the opposite of selfish. Don’t think about what you can do to help 
yourself. Think about what you can do to help others. 
( ) Know what you’re doing as a volunteer. If you need some time to learn your job, take that 
time. If you need training or need someone to show you what you’re supposed to do, speak up. If you’re 
good at your job, it will be much easier to help others (plus you’ll have a lot more fun). 
Be dependable. Do what you say you’ll do, and do your best. Don’t show up late, and always 
keep your promises. People will be relying on you, so you don’t want to let them down. 
Be enthusiastic. Don’t moan and groan your way through your volunteer work. If you really don’t 
like what you’re doing, find something else. Always have a positive attitude and show others that you’re 
doing this because you WANT to.
( ) One of the really great things about being a volunteer is the chance to learn and experience 
new things. Keep your mind open to new possibilities, and you’ll probably grow as a person. 
( ) Always remember to show respect for other people and other cultures. Keep in mind that 
your way of thinking or living is not the only way there is.
Inglês – 3a série – Volume 1
Expansion activities
a) Decide if the following recommendations are true (T) or false (F), according to the text 
“Volunteering: how to be a good volunteer”.
( ) Don’t complain about your volunteer work.
( ) Think about what you can do to help yourself.
( ) Don’t waste time learning about your volunteer work.
( ) Be punctual.
b) Which of the characteristics of a good volunteer do you have?
1. Complete the sentences with the verbs in parentheses. Use the present simple. Follow the example.
a) Brazil (have) several opportunities for volunteer work, but people 
(not/know) much about them.
b) He (work) in a home for elderly people every Sunday morning.
c) They usually (visit) children in an orphanage, but they 
(not/play) with them, they just (tell) them stories.
d) Albert and Joe (help) in the kitchen of a shelter for homeless 
people in Massachusetts.
e) Lucy (go) to the cinema every Wednesday, but I only 
(go) once a month.
f ) Their car (be) very old. It (make) a lot of noise and it 
 (not/go) very fast.
2. Read the answers and complete the questions using the present simple.
a) What time to bed?
 I usually go to bed about 11 p.m.
has don’t know
do you go
Inglês – 3a série – Volume 1
b) Where chess?
 He plays at the school library.
c) When ?
 They work from Monday to Saturday.
d) How often English classes?
 She has English classes twice a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
e) What time home to go to school?
 They leave home at 6:30 a.m every day.
f ) How often the dentist?
 We see the dentist twice a year.
3. Complete the negative sentences using words from the box. Follow the example.
Japanese much gas classes on Saturday
her phone number to play chess fishing
a) Ann/not speak
b) My girlfriend/not know/how
c) I/not remember
d) My father/not like
Ann doesn’t speak Japanese.
Inglês – 3a série – Volume 1
“The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars
But in ourselves [...].”
SHAKESPEARE, William. Julius Caesar.
e) Our new car/not use
 f ) We/not have
4. The following sentences contain factual mistakes. Correct them. Follow the example.
a) Giraffes live in the Amazon rainforest.
b) Madonna lives in Italy.
c) Spiderman and Batman rob banks.
d) Sugar comes from apples.
e) Brazilian soccer players play badly.
f ) Most spiders eat plants.
Giraffes don’t live in the Amazon rainforest. They live in Africa.
Inglês – 3a série – Volume 1
1. Have a look at the following texts. Discover what they are about and match them to the pictures.
( ) ( ) 
Forest habitat protection projects
The Volunteer Program has work opportunities in different projects. Here are two 
interesting and famous projects in South America. 
Turtle rescue project
The turtle rescue project works to protect different species of turtles. It is possible to 
work with Baula turtles from October to February and olive ridley turtles from May to 
September. From March to July the project attends to the leatherback turtles. These kinds of 
turtles are threatened with extinction due to overharvesting of eggs, pollution, and fishing 
for their meat and leather. This program will give the volunteer an opportunity to collaborate 
in the protection of endangered wildlife, while getting to know about the cultural aspects of 
the selected country. Please click here for more information about this program. 
InSouth America there are some nonprofit organizations dedicated to nationally and 
internationally famous biological reserves. These organizations are considered an important 
reference in the development of environmental education. Volunteers may take part in 
research, education, community service, plant conservation, and other activities carried out 
in some biological reserves. Please click here to visit the site for further information. 
Volunteer news
Inglês – 3a série – Volume 1
2. Read the texts and answer these questions.
a) Who is the reader of this kind of text? How do you know?
b) What is the objective of these texts?
3. Read the testimonials and answer: What kind of rewards can a volunteer have? Explain why.
 ( ) social awareness.
 ( ) sense of responsibility.
 ( ) self-confidence and self-esteem.
 ( ) friendship.
 ( ) personal experience.
 ( ) financial compensation.
 ( ) maturity.
Volunteers’ testimonials
Testimonial 1
I have just finished a 9-week stay at a wildlife rescue center in a small town in Africa. 
It was a great opportunity to learn how to work with animals. Accommodations were clean 
and comfortable. I had the chance to make friends from different countries who were 
equally interested in helping animals. The staff was kind and dedicated, but demanding 
about the project and the animals. I have enjoyed my time there!
Mary Ann
Testimonial 2
I have always done a lot of volunteering since I was a teen. In my opinion it’s very 
important to volunteer, because you can really learn about helping people. Most Saturday 
mornings I go out with some friends to sort donated toys for poor kids. I have sold cookies 
to help an orphanage to get money for Christmas presents. I think we can use any personal 
skill to help people, like playing games with kids, teaching them how to cook, to sew, or to 
play a musical instrument. Volunteering is a really rewarding personal experience!
Inglês – 3a série – Volume 1
4. Complete the sentences using the verbs in parentheses in the present perfect tense.
a) I (to return) from four months as a conservation volunteer in Ecuador.
b) They (to enjoy) their time in Costa Rica dealing with turtles.
c) I (to book) a flight to Costa Rica this July, where I will teach English.
d) We (to help) the volunteer project with their marketing needs.
e) She (to arrive/just) home from South America.
f ) We (to spend) one month volunteering with street children in Peru.
g) I (to visit) the websites you listed and contacted these NGOs.
h) He (to spend) four weeks with the spectacled bear project in northern 
Expansion activity
Work in groups of 3 students. Write C for Correct and I for Incorrect. Discuss why some 
sentences are incorrect.
a) ( ) My brother has changed his job.
b) ( ) Laura has gone to India last month.
c) ( ) We think everybody has arrived now.
d) ( ) They have seen a very nice film yesterday.
e) ( ) Peter has written to us two weeks ago.
f ) ( ) I have forgotten your birthday last Tuesday.
g) ( ) Sorry – I have forgotten your name...
Testimonial 3
Since 7th grade, I have taught people how to play the flute at my church. I teach different 
ages, but my favorite group is the kids from 6 to 9 years old. I have learned how to be more 
patient and responsible from my experience working with them, and I have gotten better at 
public speaking. From my point of view, volunteering increases maturity, since people have 
to give up their time for no money in return.
Inglês – 3a série – Volume 1
a) you ever by plane?
( ) Yes, I have. ( ) No, I haven’t.
b) your best friend ever with chopsticks?
( ) Yes, he/she has. ( ) No, he/she hasn’t. ( ) I don’t know.
c) you ever a horse?
( ) Yes, I have. ( ) No, I haven’t.
d) your mother ever Thai food?
( ) Yes, she has. ( ) No, she hasn’t. ( ) I don’t know.
e) you ever a test?
( ) Yes, I have. ( ) No, I haven’t.
f ) your teacher ever on TV?
( ) Yes, he/she has. ( ) No, he/she hasn’t. ( ) I don’t know.
2. Rewrite the sentences using for or since and the time expression in parentheses. Use the present 
perfect. Follow the examples.
a) I don’t speak Italian nowadays. (three years)
b) They distribute Christmas gifts to poor children. (2001)
1. Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box using the present perfect tense. Then 
interview a friend and collect the answers.
I haven’t spoken Italian for three years.
They have distributed Christmas gifts to poor children since 2001.
Have traveled
cook travel eat
fail appear ride ever = já, alguma vez
Inglês – 3a série – Volume 1
c) We help the turtles in Tamar Project. (six years)
d) My friend works for a food bank to help homeless people. (2003)
e) Our teachers take part in health campaigns in our city. (five years)
f ) My parents read fairy tales to children and elderly people every month. (1998)
g) Ann takes care of animals in a local shelter. (one year)
3. Read the questions of an interview for a volunteer job and match them to the answers.
a) Have you ever worked as a 
( ) I am a member of the monitoring staff. We 
monitor the visitors and teach children to respect 
animals and trees.
b) How interesting! What do 
you do there exactly?
( ) Only on Sundays. I have classes on Saturdays.
c) What have you learned in 
that project?
( ) Yes, I have. In fact, I have worked for the National 
Forest Project since 2005.
d) Have you ever traveled 
( ) I’ve learned how to understand and respect 
nature, and also human beings.
e) Can you work at weekends? ( ) Yes, twice. To Ecuador two years ago, and to 
Argentina last year.
4. Ann is having a birthday party. Two of her guests have just met. Complete their dialogue using 
the verbs in parentheses.
Peter: (a) (know) Ann for a long time?
Joe: (b) I (know) her since high school. What about you?
Peter: In fact, we are cousins and we (c) (work) together since 2000.
Joe: How nice! So, are you an engineer, too?
Have you known
Inglês – 3a série – Volume 1
Peter: Yes. And what do you do, Joe?
Joe: I’m an archeologist.
Peter: Great! That’s really different! (d) you (ever/be) to Egypt?
Joe: Yes, as a matter of fact, I (e) (live) there for 5 years. I’m here on vacation.
Peter: That’s fantastic!!
“Every life is in many days, day after day. We walk through ourselves, meeting robbers, 
ghosts, giants, old men, young men, wives, widows, brothers-in-love. But always meeting 
ourselves.” JOYCE, James. Ulysses.
Inglês – 3a série – Volume 1
1. Have a look at the text and find the following information.
Volunteer news 
Opportunities – Street Kids Project 
Duration: 1 to 16 weeks 
Hours: Mon to Fri, 5 hrs per day 
Activities: Teaching, community project, environmental actions 
Location: Click here to choose the city 
Accommodation: 3* Hotel 
Requirements: Aged 18+ 
Donation: From US$ 875 per week 
The Street Kids project is based in different cities in Latin America; you can choose 
where you would like to work. The project includes orphanages, educational and environ-
mental program, community project, and vocational training. 
The objective of this project is to assist the kids, training them in vocational skills so 
that they can make part of the society again. 
Daily schedule 
It is possible to join the project for a minimum of one week up to four months. Volun-
teers can participate in many activities like: teaching, sports, games, arts,environmental 
actions, and vocational training. 
The donation includes: airport pick up; project orientation guide; city tour; ac-
commodation; Spanish classes for the ¿rst week.
Volunteer News 
Opportunities – Street Kids Project 
Duration: 1 to 16 weeks 
Hours: Mon to Fri, 5 h per day 
Activities: Teaching, community project, environmental actions 
Location: Click here to choose the city 
Accommodation: 3-star hotel 
Requirements: aged 18+ 
Donation: From US$ 875 per week 
The Street Kids project is based in different cities in Latin America – you can 
choose where you would like to work. The project includes orphanages, educational and 
environmental programs, community projects, and vocational training. 
The objective of this project is to assist the kids, training them in vocational skills 
so that they can become part of society again. 
Daily schedule 
It is possible to join the project for a minimum of one week up to four months. 
Volunteers can participate in many activities such as teaching, sports, games, arts, 
environmental actions, and vocational training. 
The donation includes: airport transfer, project orientation guide, city tour, 
accommodation, and Spanish classes for the first week.
a) Volunteer’s age.
b) Place where the project is based.
c) Price.
d) Kind of project.
e) What the donation is for.
2. Read the text again and answer: (T) true or (F) false?
a) Volunteers have to pay to take part in this project. ( )
b) The minimum period to join the project is 6 months. ( )
c) Volunteers cannot take part in activities like teaching and sports. ( )
d) Volunteers will have Spanish classes. ( )
e) Volunteers will stay in a five-star hotel. ( )
Inglês – 3a série – Volume 1
3. Read the following testimonial and answer:
a) What project is Peter talking about?
b) What did he gain working in that project?
c) What happens when Peter goes to a job interview?
d) According to Peter, is it important to include volunteer work in a résumé? Why?
Volunteer’s testimonial
“I have gained very valuable work experience working as a volunteer in a project assisting street 
kids. I have gained confidence in working with people of diverse backgrounds. I think that this ex-
perience has helped me a lot, mainly when I have to look for a job in my area. In job interviews, my 
volunteer work experience shown in my resume is usually a topic that calls attention. The interviewer 
always wants to know more about that. So, include your volunteer work in your resume! It shows you 
are self-motivated and willing to work hard.”
Peter Swan
Volunteer’s testimonial
“I have gained very valuable work experience working as a volunteer in a project assisting street kids. I have gained 
confidence in working with people from diverse backgrounds. I think that this experience has helped me a lot, mainly 
when I have to look for a job in my area. In job interviews, the volunteer work experience in my résumé is usually a topic 
that calls attention. The interviewer always wants to know more about that. So include your volunteer work in your 
résumé! It shows you are self-motivated and willing to work hard.”
Peter Swan
4. Volunteering has many benefits. Tick (3) the ones you agree with. Then work in small groups 
and explain your choices.
 Volunteering is an opportunity to:
( ) work in a multicultural environment. ( ) see more of your community and the 
( ) adjust to difficult living conditions. ( ) build confidence and self-esteem.
( ) make new friends. ( ) develop a sense of achievement for getting 
things done and helping others.
( ) gain important skills and experience that 
will help you in your professional life.
( ) use your mind, body and creativity.
( ) make connections that can lead to a 
job or career.
( ) feel like you’re part of a community.
Inglês – 3a série – Volume 1
Expansion activity
Answer the questions with information about yourself or about someone you know.
a) Have you ever volunteered to help a person, organization or cause?
b) Where?
c) When?
d) What did you do?
e) How did you feel?
1. Unscramble the words to make sentences. Follow the example.
a) I/exams./just/my/have/final/finished
b) just/dinner./has/He/had
c) won/My/have/lottery./cousins/just/the
d) a/has/She/just/CD./bought/new
e) just/Edward/and/have/married!/Pat/got
f ) seen/have/Cathy./We/just
I have just finished my final exams. 
Inglês – 3a série – Volume 1
2. Read the chart about Meg’s tasks for today and say what she has already done or hasn’t done yet. 
Have a look at the examples.
My chores for today
send an e-mail inviting Jeff to the party next weekend √ ok
pay the rent X no
finish reading the text on medieval history √ ok
make an appointment with the dentist X no
study for the Math test X no
tidy up the bedroom √ ok
finish the Chemistry report √ ok
f ) 
3. Circle the correct words to complete the sentences.
a) Have you ever/yet gone parachuting?
b) I have never/ever eaten snails.
c) She hasn’t finished studying this chapter already/yet.
d) They have just/ever left home.
e) She has already/yet met a few famous people.
She has already sent Jeff an email inviting him to the party next weekend. 
She hasn’t paid the rent yet.
Inglês – 3a série – Volume 1
4. Complete the report about a selection process for volunteers. Use the verbs in parentheses in the 
present perfect.
In some ways, the two 17-year-old boys, Mark Stephen and Karl Scott, are the ideal 
candidates for this volunteer program. They are knowledgeable, intelligent and adaptable. 
They (a) (work) with children for two years in an orphanage 
in their city. They also packed over 500 boxes of food for seniors in need last year. 
Mark (b) (assist) the library staff at school during the Summer 
Reading Program for three years. Karl and his family (c) (prepare) 
meals for homeless people for a year and a half. They are on vacation now, but they 
(d) (finish) high school yet. They (e) 
(never live) abroad, but they speak English. They also speak Italian well, but that’s no use 
in Chile. The problem is that neither of them (f ) (learn) 
Spanish at school.
“Ah! The strength of women comes from the fact that psychology cannot explain us. Men 
can be analyzed, women... merely adored.” WILDE, Oscar. A woman of no importance: an 
ideal husband.
Inglês – 3a série – Volume 1
1. You are going to write a testimonial of a volunteer experience. Work in small groups (three or 
four). You have to interview a volunteer who lives in your city. It may be someone from your 
family or a friend of yours. During the interview, ask about: 
 a) the kind of volunteer work; 
 b) who does this work; 
 c) where and when it is done; 
 d) what activities are done; 
 e) why the person does this kind of volunteer work; 
 f ) how the person feels about doing this kind of work.
2. After the interview, discuss the information you gathered and complete the following chart 
using keywords.
What kind of volunteer work are you going 
to write about?
Who does it?
Where is it done?
When is it done?
How is it done? What are the activities?
Why does the person you interviewed do that 
kind of work?
How does the person feel about doing that work?
Inglês – 3a série – Volume 1
draft = rascunho
3. Now enter more details about the information you have put 
in the chart. Try to write short sentences to express your 
ideas. Don’t worry about mistakes now; it is only a draft!
4. Try to link the ideas you wrotedown in Activity 3, using words to connect the sentences 
(but, however, also, in addition, and, moreover, so, when), in order to write a personal account 
of a volunteer experience. Pay attention to the use the appropriate verb tenses (present 
simple, present perfect, past simple). You can refer to the personal accounts in Situated 
Learning 2 and 3 to help you organize your text.
5. It is time to share texts. Swap drafts with another group. Read 
your friends’ testimonials carefully and help them improve their 
text. How can it be better? Do you have any suggestions? Are the 
verbs in the correct tense? What about spelling and punctuation?
6. Now, get your text back. Read it again and try to make corrections.
7. To round it off, produce the final version of your text. Hang it on the classroom wall, read your 
classmates’ texts and talk about the personal experience described in each testimonial.
swap = trocar
Inglês – 3a série – Volume 1
Producing a testimonial
Inglês – 3a série – Volume 1
Para aprender mais sobre os conteúdos deste Caderno, sugerimos uma lista de músicas (songs), 
sites e filmes (films) com os quais você pode ampliar suas oportunidades de aprender inglês.
Para encontrar as letras das músicas sugeridas, basta escrever o título, o nome do artista e 
a palavra lyrics em seu site de busca preferido.
t� Heal the world (Michael Jackson, 1992).
t� With a little help from my friends (The Beatles, 1967).
t� Help (The Beatles, 1965).
t� You’ve got a friend (James Taylor, 1971).
t� O amor é contagioso (Patch Adams). Direção: Tom Shadyac. EUA, 1998. 115 min. Drama. Livre. 
O estudante de medicina Patch Adams procura em seus professores respostas para suas 
várias dúvidas a respeito da formação profissional. Para Patch, falta humanidade na re-
lação entre médico e paciente. O filme desperta a solidariedade a partir de fatos. Patch 
Adams cria um trabalho que se espalha por todo o mundo, representado no Brasil pelos 
Doutores da Alegria: pessoas preparadas para visitar pacientes e fazer que eles riam, mo-
vimentando a energia e força que está dentro de cada um.
Para saber mais sobre trabalhos voluntários e depoimentos pessoais de experiências como 
voluntário, em inglês, você pode visitar os seguintes endereços:
t� Globalteer. Disponível em: <http://www.globalteer.org/>. Acesso em: 17 maio 2013.
t� It’s my life – Volunteering: give and get back! Disponível em: <http://pbskids.org/itsmylife/
emotions/volunteering/index.html>. Acesso em: 17 maio 2013.
t� Global Volunteer Network. Disponível em: <http://www.globalvolunteernetwork.org>. 
Acesso em: 17 maio 2013.
t� �UN Volunteers. Disponível em: <http://www.unv.org/>. Acesso em: 17 maio 2013. 
Para fazer atividades adicionais sobre os usos do tempo verbal presente perfeito, visite:
t� Activities for ESL students. Disponível em: <http://a4esl.org/q/f/z/zz29bms.htm>. Acesso 
em: 17 maio 2013.
t� Auto English. Disponível em: <http://www.autoenglish.org/tenses/gr.presper.i.htm>. 
Acesso em: 17 maio 2013.
Inglês – 3a série – Volume 1
1. Match the jobs to the duties.
security guard teacher nurse architect receptionist dentist
accountant waiter salesclerk lawyer
a) Looks after your teeth: 
b) Answers the phone, makes appointments: 
c) Helps people to learn: 
d) Sells products: 
e) Takes care of patients in hospitals: 
f ) Serves in restaurants: 
g) Writes contracts, represents people in court: 
h) Checks financial results: 
i) Designs buildings: 
j) Is in charge of protecting people and things: 
2. Match the personal qualities and skills to their definitions.
a) cooperative b) motivated c) talented d) proactive, self-starter
e) computer literate f ) flexible g) numerate h) methodical and organized
( ) good at working on their own and making decisions.
( ) can work in a planned way.
( ) good with numbers.
Inglês – 3a série – Volume 1
( ) good with computers.
( ) very interested in doing well at their job.
( ) naturally very good at what they do.
( ) can assume different responsibilities if necessary.
( ) can work well with other people.
Expansion activity
Read a list of ten qualities and skills employers seek in job candidates according to the National 
Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) Annual Job Outlook Survey, conducted in early 
2003. Number them, trying to guess the order of importance according to NACE. Discuss the 
results in groups.
( ) Flexibility and adaptability.
( ) Strong work ethics.
( ) Honesty and integrity.
( ) Organizational skills.
( ) Teamwork skills.
( ) Motivation and initiative.
( ) Communication skills (verbal and written).
( ) Analytical skills.
( ) Interpersonal skills.
( ) Computer skills.
3. Read the following text and write the subtitles in the correct places.
a) Follow-up.
b) Body language.
c) Where to search.
d) A simple résumé.
Inglês – 3a série – Volume 1
Tips for your first job
If you want to prepare yourself to get your first job, read the following tips. They will help 
you understand what is involved in the job-search process.
Tips for your first job
If you want to prepare yourself to get your first job, read the following tips. They will help 
you understand what is involved in the job-search process.
( )…………………….……….……………….. Visit job websites, read job ads in 
local newspapers, go to employment agencies, or walk in your town/neighborhood looking for 
“help wanted” signs. Add to your list the companies where you would like to work.
Computer literacy. Dealing with computers is a must nowadays. Knowledge about basic 
computer programs and internet skills certainly make a difference in a competitive market. 
( )………………………………………………… Everybody needs a résumé to 
introduce themselves. It is an essential tool to describe your qualities and skills. Even if you 
are still at school and have no work experience, you can show the things you are able to do. A 
résumé can point out some topics like the school subjects you like best, the volunteer 
work you have done or internships you have completed. Remember: a résumé has to be 
well-written (check for any language errors) and concise (one page is enough), so that anybody 
can scan it easily. 
Your appearance. When looking for a job or having an interview, take care of your 
appearance. Choose a simple hair style and appropriate clothes to help create a professional 
Interview. Try to feel comfortable and smile during the interview. Give precise answers 
and ask questions about the company and the job to show that you are interested in the 
( )…………………………………………………………. Keep eye contact and 
have a firm handshake to show you are confident. When invited to take a seat, sit up straight 
and avoid moving your hands all the time.
( )…………………………………………………………… After the interview, 
remember to make a follow-up call to check if you will be hired or not. If you get a “No, I’m 
sorry”, keep your attitude positive and try to discover the reason you were not selected. This 
can help you in the next interview.
Tips for your first job
If you want to prepare yourself to get your first job, read the following tips. They will help
you understand what is involved in the job-search process.y j p
f fi b
y j p
Inglês – 3a série – Volume 1
4. Read the text again and answer these questions.
a) What is the purpose of the tips? Are they written for experienced professionals only?
b) What kind of document is a résumé? Why is it important?
c) Does appearance matter in the job-search process? Why?
d) What kindof message does eye contact send to the interviewer? 
e) Why is it important to make a follow-up call even if you get a negative answer?
f ) How can you show interest in the position during the interview?
5. In your opinion, which is the most important tip when looking for your first job?
Inglês – 3a série – Volume 1
2. Which professional can solve these problems? Unscramble the words to find out.
a) I have a terrible toothache.
b) My dog got sick after our trip.
c) We are going to celebrate our wedding anniversary and we would like to have some pictures 
of the party. 
d) I definitely need to wear glasses! I can’t read well! 
e) I need to have a haircut immediately, my fringe is too long. 
f ) All the lights went off last night because of a short circuit. 
1. Look at the word snake and find four adjectives, four occupations and four verbs. Pay attention: 
sometimes the same letter is used in two words!
Inglês – 3a série – Volume 1
3. Use a dictionary to find the corresponding adjectives to the following nouns. Follow the example.
Noun Adjective
self-confidence self-confident
4. Complete the sentences using the adjectives from Activity 3 to describe the professions.
a) An English teacher has to be .
b) A doctor needs to be .
c) A Physical Education teacher has to be .
d) A politician needs to be .
e) A bank cashier has to be .
f ) A scientist has to be .
“Any man’s death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind; and therefore never 
send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.” DONNE, John. Devotions upon 
emergent occasions.
Inglês – 3a série – Volume 1
1. In your opinion, what kind of information does a job ad bring? 
( ) skills and qualifications needed ( ) job types: part-time, full-time, temporary, permanent
( ) benefits available ( ) contact information
( ) job description ( ) education level required
( ) salary ( ) name of the company
( ) working hours ( ) responsibilities
2. Read the job ad and answer: What kind of information from Activity 1 does it present?
Vistrom Automotive Systems, one of the 
world’s largest suppliers in the automotive industry, 
employing over 82,000 people based in 23 
countries, is seeking highly motivated professionals 
to work at its Chassis Division. Candidates must 
be fluent in English and available for occasional 
traveling to meet the team.
Please send your CV in English, with salary 
expectations to Basildon, Essex – UK – SS14 7TH. 
(Please write the code of the desired position on the 
Controls Engineer
– a degree in Electronic or Mechanical 
– experience in electronic automation, 
testing and calibration in assembly plant 
(hardware and software), pneumatic and 
hydraulic systems, TPM concepts;
– good knowledge of the operation of CNC 
and PLC programs;
– Code: “Control-877”.
Manufacturing Engineer
– 3 to 5 years of experience in machining 
processes (turning, grinding, milling);
– experience in dimensional control gauging, 
tolerance analysis, line balancing, new 
equipment try-outs and acceptance;
– knowledge of FMEA process, APQP, lean 
manufacturing concept;
– Code: “Man-877”.
Application/Product Engineer
– 2 to 5 years of experience in steering systems;
– experience in application and research in 
product design and specification;
– experience in field analysis;
– experience in the development of new 
systems technologies;
– experience in regional market trend analysis; 
– Code: “Aplic-877”.
Inglês – 3a série – Volume 1
3. Read the ad again and answer the following questions.
a) What is Vistrom’s line of business?
b) Where is it based?
c) How many employees does Vistrom have?
d) What are the essential requirements for all applicants?
e) What are the specific requirements for the Application/Product Engineer position?
f ) What are the two options of degrees required for the Controls Engineer position?
g) If you were interested in one of the positions, what should you do?
Inglês – 3a série – Volume 1
4. Read the five employment ads and complete the chart.
Ads Job advertised Qualifications Responsibilities How to get in touch
Ad 1
Ad 2
Ad 3
Ad 4
Ad 5 
Inglês – 3a série – Volume 1
Ad 1 
Executive Assistant
Large asset management firm is selecting an Executive Assistant to work in NYC. The 
professional’s responsibilities include making travel arrangements, coordinating meetings, and 
typing documents, spreadsheets, and presentations. Applicants must have 3+ years of experience 
supporting high-level executives. Please send your résumé to P.O. Box 4213 ZIP Code 03112-049 
White Plains/NY.
Ad 2
Bilingual Receptionist
International telecommunications company is selecting a Bilingual Receptionist to provide 
foreigners with front office reception support, answer all international incoming calls and sort 
the international mail. No previous experience is required, but fluency in English is mandatory.
Applicants should send résumés to P.O. Box 321 – 03117-001 São Paulo/SP. Brazil.
Ad 3
Marketing/Sales Manager
Miracles wholesale bakery needs hands-on Marketing/Sales Manager capable of creating 
effective marketing/sales strategies & implementing them. Successful candidate will have 5+ yrs 
of experience in the food industry. Competitive salary plus benefits. Fax résumé including salary 
history to: Christopher Hans. 914-375-1514.
Ad 4 
Live-out. Flex hrs/5 days. Some travel. Must be energetic, neat, organized, light cooking. Bnfts. 
Top pay. 212-605-0562.
Ad 5
Programmer Analyst
US-based multinational company is seeking a Programmer Analyst to work in New Jersey. 
Requirements: advanced user of Java and Java Script, JDBC, Oracle, Vignette, HTML; 
Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science, Engineering, Mathematics, Technology or related 
degree (math-oriented); two (2) years of experience as a Senior Systems Administrator, two (2) 
years of experience as a Senior Programmer Analyst or two (2) years of related experience as a 
Web Developer/Programmer.
Applicants can send their résumés in duplicate to: HR Manager, SOFTWARE PROFESSIONAL 
SERVICES, CORP., 1 Austin Ave., 2nd floor, Iselin, NJ 08830; or e-mail it to hrmanager@
Inglês – 3a série – Volume 1
1. Here is a list of words to describe employee qualities and performance. Use the prefixes un; dis; 
ir; in; im to make these adjectives negative. You may use a dictionary for help.
a) organized 
b) patient 
c) secure 
d) experienced 
e) responsible 
f ) reliable 
g) obedient 
h) honest 
i) friendly 
2. Match the sentences to another that has a similar meaning.
a) He got a promotion after five months in the company.
b) He applied for a job advertised in a newspaper.
c) He got a pay raise at the end of the year.
d) He resigned yesterday morning. 
e) He retired at the age of 70.
f ) He was unemployed for the first time in his life.
g) He was fired last month. 
( ) He was dismissed a month ago.
( ) He was given more money.
( ) He was given a better job.
( ) He got old and stopped working.
( ) He answered a job ad.
( ) He decided to leave the job.
( ) He didn’t have a job.
3. Complete the sentences using the words in the box.
business income successful qualifications
unemployed employees phone
a) The manager will talk to youin a minute. She is on the .
b) Mr. Vince is not here at the moment. He is away on .
c) Get a Job is a company that helps people to find new jobs.
d) I hope to leave high school with some useful .
e) Jean became a professional in this area.
Inglês – 3a série – Volume 1
f ) Her father has three jobs, so he has a high .
g) All the in this company have vacation in January.
4. Use the code to read the mysterious job ad. Would you like to apply for this job?
� = A � = B � = C � = D � = E 	 = F < = G � = H \ = I
� = K O = L g = M A = N � = O Ì = P ; = R � = S ? = T
U = U � = V 8 = W b = X L = Y a = &
?��� a �U ; <� ; \� �\ ; \A< ; ��?�U ; �A?
� ? ? � A � � A ? � 	 � ; \ g g � � \ � ? � � ? � ; ?.
Ì � ; ?- ? \ g �, A � � b Ì � ; \ � A � �, 	 U O O
��A�	\?�, 8� ; � �A 8����A��, 16-20 L�� ; �
� O �, �L A � g \ � � A � g � ? \ � � ? � �.
� Ì Ì O L \ A Ì � ; � � A � � ; �.
“If I had my life to live again, I would have made a rule to read some poetry and listen to 
some music at least once every week.” DARWIN, Charles. The autobiography of Charles 
Inglês – 3a série – Volume 1
1. Study the verbs below and rewrite them in the chart, classifying them according to their meaning. 
to be available to join to seek to be able to to send to travel
to look for to test to contact to develop to research to select
to find a job to coordinate to call to schedule to apply for a job to manage
to type to follow up to get in touch to submit to provide to have an interview
to answer the 
phone to assist to organize to file to negotiate to analyze
Verbs used when you are looking 
for a job
Verbs used to show the tasks and 
responsibilities of your position at work
2. Read the following sentences and complete them using the verbs from Activity 1. 
a) The accountant has and approve schedules, reports, and balance sheets.
b) The administrative assistant has meetings and make travel arrangements.
c) The sales assistant has the clients to offer new products.
d) The secretary has the telephone and her boss.
e) The sales representative has sales contacts to maximize sales volume.
3. Order this list to show the usual process for getting a job.
( ) Have an interview.
( ) Write your résumé, telling the story of your working life and/or studies.
( ) Send a résumé and a cover letter.
Inglês – 3a série – Volume 1
( ) Write a cover letter explaining why you want the job and why you are the right person 
for that position.
( ) Read the classified ads in the newspaper, visit job websites.
4. Read the two ads and fill in the chart according to the information requested.
Ad 1 Ad 2
Place of work
How to contact
Ad 1
Job Description
Well-established law firm in St. 
Petersburg seeks a full-time receptionist. 
No previous legal experience is necessary. 
Basic word processing and clerical skills are 
required. Position involves interaction with 
clientele and office staff. Hours are 9 a.m. 
– 5 p.m., Monday – Friday. Compensation 
will be based upon skills and experience. 
Contact information
E-mail: jodi@baconandbacon.com
Apply now!
Ad 2
Children Entertainers
Reply to: job-492661880@craigslist.org
Looking for individuals who can dress up as 
various characters for kids’ parties. We are also 
looking for performers such as clowns, singers, 
etc. We offer training and provide everything, 
including the costumes. You just need to have the 
right attitude. Please e-mail us with your basic 
information. Our pay begins at $25 per hour show 
plus travel once trained. Call 954-239-1334 and 
please check www.SPtheclown.com. 
Compensation: from $25 per hour show 
Apply now!
Inglês – 3a série – Volume 1
5. Some classified ads in newspapers have 
abbreviations. Study this ad and underline 
the abbreviations. Can you figure out what 
they mean? 
Expansion activities
1. Have a look at this list of abbreviations used in ads and try to guess their meanings.
HS Dip 
2 yrs exp. pref. 
apply ASAP 
2. Discuss the following questions in groups of four.
a) If you work:
 What do you do?
 What are your responsibilities?
 What time do you start and leave work?
 How do you go to work?
 How long does it take you to get to work?
b) If you don’t work:
 What kind of job would you like to have?
 Where would you like to work?
 What routine would you like to have?
 Would you like to work from home?
 What kind of working hours would you like to have?
 Have you ever applied for a job? If so, have you been interviewed?
Two perm posns available in our lux off 
immed start. Prev exp in similar posn pref 
and some typ exp reqd. Sal neg to $7500. Pls 
ph Mr P Framer after 9 a.m. to set up appt 
during bus hrs. 555 6789. Refs nec.
Inglês – 3a série – Volume 1
1. Circle the correct words to complete the sentences.
a) Did you get a job as a typist/typewriter?
b) Don’t forget to ask the cash/cashier for a receipt for your payment.
c) Mr. Coleman is a good employer/employ: he pays his employees/unemployed well. 
d) I’ll talk to the bank manager/management to get a loan to buy a new house.
e) Stuart’s sister is a very famous science/scientist in our country.
2. Use the tips to complete the word puzzle.
a) When you a team, you become a member of that team.
b) Your manager or supervisor at work is your .
c) “Refs” is an for “references”.
d) If you are interested in this job, you should for it!
e) Applicants should their résumés to P.O. Box 321.
f ) You can buy a at the newsstand and look for a good job.
a) J
b) O
c) B
d) A
e) D
f ) S
Inglês – 3a série – Volume 1
3. Read these sentences and number them (1-8) to discover what happened to Sarah.
( ) She accepted the job because it was an excellent opportunity for her career.
(1 ) Sarah saw a job ad on a website that called her attention.
( ) After three years Sarah got a promotion to a new department.
( ) She decided to apply for the job and sent her résumé.
( ) But her boss wasn’t satisfied with her work in the new position.
( ) Two weeks later she was interviewed by her future boss.
( ) She was fired.
( ) The company decided to hire her.
4. Read the job ad 1 for a receptionist in Situated Learning 7, Activity 4. Find out eight words that 
can be abbreviated to save space and money.
f ) 
“A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds.” BACON, Francis. The works of 
Francis Bacon.
office – OFF
Inglês – 3a série – Volume 1
Ad 1
 Experienced Nursing Assistant – to 
care for your loved one. Over 20 yrs 
exp. Available FT. Own transp. Ref. 
Ad 2
 Mechanic – self-motivated and hard 
working. Over 10 yrs exp. Diploma 
in Mechanical Engineering. Solid exp. 
in equipment maintenance. FT. Call 
Ad 3
 Hairdresser – creative, artistic, w/
excellent interpersonal skills. Specialized 
in haircuts for men, women and 
children. HS Dip. Available M-F/PT. 
Refs. 727-658-1891.
Ad 4
 Motivated Personal Trainer – 
enthusiastic about health and 
fitness. Effective leader w/ excellent 
communication skills. 3 yrs exp. Available 
a.m./p.m. Ref. 813-650-4711.
1. When looking fora job, we can find ads in different places, such as the internet, newspapers, 
and employment agencies. But we can also post personal ads to show employers that we are 
available. Study these examples of ads posted by job seekers.
2. Have a look at Situated Learning 6 and 7 and pay attention to the way a job ad is organized. 
What kind of information does it bring? What is the sequence of the information? What are 
the verbs used to describe responsibilities? What are the qualities and skills required? What 
are the abbreviations used?
 Now work in small groups (three or four). Suppose you are looking for a job and there is a 
website where you can post your personal ad offering your work. You may decide if it will be 
real or fictitious. Suggested positions: clown, spy, food tester, stuntman, window cleaner, kitchen 
assistant on a submarine; cook needed for expedition to the South Pole.
Inglês – 3a série – Volume 1
3. Choose the position your group is going to write about. Then fill in the chart to organize the 
information you will possibly use. 
Job description
Working hours
Job types: part-time, full-time, temporary, permanent
Education level
Contact information
Verbs related to tasks and responsibilities
4. Now you will write the ad giving more details about the information you put in the chart. Try to 
write short sentences to express your ideas. Don’t worry about mistakes now; it is only a draft!
draft = rascunho
Inglês – 3a série – Volume 1
5. It is time to share the texts! Swap drafts with another group. Read your friends’ job ad carefully 
and help them improve their text. How can it be better? Do you have any suggestions? Are the 
verbs in the correct tense? What about spelling and punctuation? 
6. Now get your text back. Read it again and try to make corrections. 
7. Finally, produce the final version of your job ad. Hang it on the classroom wall, read your 
classmates’ texts and talk about the different kinds of professions presented.
swap = trocar
Inglês – 3a série – Volume 1
Job ad: final version
Inglês – 3a série – Volume 1
Para aprender mais a respeito dos conteúdos deste tema, sugerimos uma lista de músicas (songs), 
sites e filmes (films) com os quais você pode ampliar suas oportunidades de aprender inglês.
Para encontrar as letras das músicas sugeridas, basta escrever o título, o nome do artista e 
a palavra lyrics em seu site preferido de busca na internet.
�Ɣ A hard day’s night (The Beatles, 1964).
�Ɣ Blue sky mine (Midnight Oil, 1990).
�Ɣ Livin’ on a prayer (Bon Jovi, 1986).
�Ɣ Out of work (Bruce Springsteen, 1984).
Para saber mais sobre anúncios de emprego, exemplos de CV, cartas de apresentação, 
entrevistas e textos com dicas a respeito de como se comportar em uma entrevista, em inglês, 
você pode visitar os seguintes endereços eletrônicos:
�Ɣ The New York Times – Jobs <http://my.nytimes.monster.com/> . Acesso em: 20 maio 2013.
�Ɣ National Association of Colleges and Employers <http://www.naceweb.org/> . Acesso em: 20 
maio 2013.
�Ɣ O diabo veste Prada (The devil wears Prada). Direção: David Frankel. EUA, 2006. 109 min. 
Drama/Comédia. Livre. Uma jovem recém-formada em jornalismo se muda para Nova 
Iorque e busca um emprego. Consegue uma entrevista em uma famosa revista de moda e, 
por causa de sua atitude proativa, consegue o emprego. Mas seu estilo é motivo de piada 
entre os colegas de trabalho. 
�Ɣ Uma babá quase perfeita (Mrs. Doubtfire). Direção: Chris Columbus. EUA, 1993. 125 min. 
Comédia. Livre. Essa é a história de um homem separado e impedido pela ex-esposa de 
passar mais tempo perto de seus filhos. Ele tem a ideia de se disfarçar de mulher e trabalhar 
de babá em seu antigo lar para poder participar mais intensamente da vida deles. A mãe en-
trevista várias candidatas para a vaga de babá e acaba contratando seu próprio ex-marido. 
Inglês – 3a série – Volume 1
Using a bilingual dictionary
Aqui você vai aprender um pouco mais sobre como usar o dicionário para estudar inglês.
1. No verbete a seguir, qual a abreviação utilizada para indicar a lista de phrasal verbs e suas 
traduções? E quantos phrasal verbs são apresentados?
2. Sublinhe no verbete todas as ocorrências das abreviações sb e sth. Complete então o trecho a 
seguir usando as palavras: algo, alguém, objeto, pessoa, somebody, something.
 A abreviação sb representa a palavra em inglês, que em português 
significa . A abreviação sth representa a palavra 
em inglês, que em português significa . Portanto, quando leio to turn 
sth off, no dicionário, interpreto que é necessário substituir a abreviação sth pelo nome de 
um . Assim, posso dizer, por exemplo, “Turn the radio off” (Desligue o 
rádio). Já no caso de to turn sb/sth down, vejo que é possível usar o nome de um objeto (sth) 
ou de uma (sb). Então posso dizer, por exemplo, “The boss turned the 
applicant down” (O chefe recusou o candidato).
Phrasal verb é o nome dado a um tipo de expressão bastante comum na língua in-
glesa. Phrasal verbs são formados por um verbo e uma ou mais partículas, e essa com-
binação “verbo + partícula (preposição/advérbio)” pode ter um significado diferente 
do significado desse verbo isoladamente. Por exemplo, o verbo look significa “olhar”; 
já o phrasal verb look after significa “cuidar, tomar conta”.
turn vi, vt virar(-se), fazer girar, dar voltas LOC to turn a blind eye (to sth) fazer vista 
grossa (para algo) to turn back the clock voltar ao passado to turn over a new leaf 
começar vida nova PHRAS to turn away (from sb/sth) afastar-se (de alguém/algo) 
to turn sb/sth down rejeitar/recusar alguém/algo to turn sth off apagar, desligar algo 
to turn sth on acender, ligar algo to turn up chegar, aparecer.
Os verbetes de dicionário também apresentam a tradução de algumas expressões 
idiomáticas e frases mais frequentes. Do português para o inglês, no verbete “pai”, por 
exemplo, pode constar a expressão “tal pai, tal filho” (like father, like son).
Inglês – 3a série – Volume 1
3. Releia o verbete do verbo turn e encontre a abreviação utilizada para indicar a lista de ex-
pressões idiomáticas e suas traduções. Quantas expressões são apresentadas?
Formal and informal English
Agora vamos aprender um pouco sobre linguagem formal e informal em inglês.
4. Classifique as frases como formais (F) ou informais (I).
( ) E aí, tudo bem?
( ) Bom dia, como vai o senhor?
( ) Você teria alguns minutos para podermos conversar?
( ) Cê tá com pressa?
( ) Eu quero falar com a Ana.
( ) Eu poderia falar com a Ana, por favor?
5. Em que situações usamos a linguagem formal (F) e a linguagem informal (I)?
( ) Em entrevistas de emprego.
( ) Em casa, com familiares.
( ) Na escrita de documentos.
( ) No ambiente profissional.
( ) Com os amigos mais próximos.
( ) Com pessoas não conhecidas.
Releia as expressões idiomáticas no verbete e compare-as com suas respectivas 
traduções em português. A tradução corresponde exatamente às palavras da expressão 
em inglês? Por quê?
Think about it!
Inglês – 3a série – Volume 1
6. Veja como essa mudança ocorre na língua inglesa. Observe o uso das palavras.
a) Em um restaurante:
 Cliente: “A coffee.” (informal)
 Cliente: “I would like some coffee, please.” (formal)
b) Em uma ligação telefônica:
 Quem liga: “Is John in?” (informal)
 Quem liga: “I would like to talk to John.” (formal)
c) Em uma loja:
 Vendedor: “It’s ten bucks.” (informal)
 Vendedor: “It costs ten dollars.” (formal)
A mudança do registro de fala, dependendo da situação e da pessoa com quem se 
fala, mostra que você consegue perceber o grau de intimidade e por isso sabe como agiradequadamente. Dirigimo-nos a pessoas desconhecidas (situação formal) com maior distan-
ciamento por meio de uma fala mais elaborada. Já com pessoas conhecidas e bem próximas 
(situação informal), demonstramos maior intimidade por meio do uso de expressões colo-
quiais, algumas gírias e palavras contraídas (cê = você). Comece a prestar atenção ao modo 
como você fala com as pessoas. É interessante perceber que mudamos de registro natural-
mente nas diferentes situações do dia a dia. 
 Think about it! 
Por que é importante conhecer diferentes registros quando se aprende uma língua 
estrangeira? Que situações constrangedoras podem ocorrer quando um falante é muito for-
mal ou muito informal em determinada situação? Até que ponto aprender inglês por meio 
de músicas e filmes, por exemplo, pode ajudar o aprendiz de língua estrangeira a ter maior 
consciência a respeito dos diferentes registros de linguagem? Pense nisso!
Na língua inglesa, dizer “Give me a coffee” pode soar como uma ordem e causar 
constrangimento. Por outro lado, o uso da expressão “Would you be so kind as to give me 
some coffee? ” pode soar exageradamente formal e até pedante. Já o uso de would like mostra 
certa neutralidade e, ao mesmo tempo, polidez no tratamento com as pessoas. 
Inglês – 3a série – Volume 1
Aqui você vai registrar o vocabulário que aprendeu neste Caderno. Escolha duas palavras ou 
expressões nas Situated Learning 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 e 7 e escreva cada uma delas no campo 1 (My word or 
expression). No campo 2 (Definition or translation), você anota uma definição ou tradução para a 
palavra. Depois, no campo 3 (Association, example or picture), escreva algo ligado à primeira palavra 
ou um exemplo; você também pode fazer uma ilustração nesse espaço. No campo 4 (Sentence from 
the text), você anota a frase em que a palavra apareceu no Caderno.
from the text
Situated Learning 1
from the text
Situated Learning 1
from the text
Situated Learning 2
Inglês – 3a série – Volume 1
from the text
Situated Learning 2
from the text
Situated Learning 3
from the text
Situated Learning 3
from the text
Situated Learning 5
Inglês – 3a série – Volume 1
from the text
Situated Learning 5
from the text
Situated Learning 6
from the text
Situated Learning 6
from the text
Situated Learning 7
Inglês – 3a série – Volume 1
from the text
Situated Learning 7
Inglês – 3a série – Volume 1
Nesta seção de seu Caderno, você encontra alguns conteúdos linguísticos sistematizados em 
tabelas para auxiliá-lo em seu trajeto de aprendizagem da língua inglesa. Você pode usar essas tabelas 
como um material de referência e consultá-las mesmo após o final do Ensino Médio! 
Some adjectives
once a week/month/year
twice a week/month/year
three times a week/month/year
Some frequency words & expressions
Inglês – 3a série – Volume 1
Present simple
play soccer 
every day
plays soccer 
every day
don’t play 
every day
play soccer 
every day
Present simple: verb TO BE
I am a good listener.
is a good 
are good 
I am not a good listener.
is not a good 
isn’t a good 
are not good 
aren’t good 
play soccer 
every day?
play soccer 
every day?
Am I
a good 
Inglês – 3a série – Volume 1
Present perfect
soccer for 5 
has played 
soccer for 5 
have not played 
soccer for 5 years.
haven’t played 
soccer for 5 years.
has not played 
soccer for 5 years.
hasn’t played 
soccer for 5 years.
soccer for 5 
I have never seen a ghost. (Eu nunca vi 
um fantasma.)
Peter has just left. (Peter acabou de sair.)
Janet and Jean have already finished 
their homework. (Janet e Jean já acaba-
ram a lição de casa.)
They haven’t arrived yet. (Eles ainda não 
Have you ever been to Argentina? (Você 
já foi à Argentina? Você alguma vez já 
esteve na Argentina?)
I have studied English for 7 years. (Eu 
estudo inglês há 7 anos.)
I have lived in this house since I was 
born. (Eu moro nesta casa desde que 
Present perfect: usage
Inglês – 3a série – Volume 1
Some verbs & phrases
look after
answer the phone
be in charge of
be available
be able to 
take care of 
get prepared
to play with someone
to give something to someone
show up
have a good time
do your best
get involved
get in touch with
take place 
pick up 
paint a picture
give someone a call 
apply for a job
keep your mind open
take part in
be interested in
call one’s attention
Word formation 
Prefixes to make negative adjectives Some suffixes and prefixes
un-: reliable – unreliable
dis-: respectful – disrespectful
ir-: rational – irrational 
in-: valid – invalid
im-: patient – impatient 
(v) employ 
(n) employer
(n) employment
(n) employee
(adj) employed
(adj) unemployed
Inglês – 3a série – Volume 1
Some jobs & occupations 
security guard
Some adjectives & qualities 
Inglês – 3a série – Volume 1
Some irregular verbs
Base form Past simple Past participle
be was, were been
become became become
build built built
buy bought bought
do did done
drink drank drunk
eat ate eaten
fall fell fallen
forget forgot forgotten
get got got, gotten
give gave given
go went gone
grow grew grown
have had had
know knew known
lead led led
leave left left
lose lost lost
make made made
meet met met
read read read
ride rode ridden
see saw seen
send sent sent
spend spent spent
take took taken
tell told told
wear wore worn
write wrote written
Inglês – 3a série – Volume 1
Can-do Chart
Competência/habilidades Consigo
Consigo, mas 
com ajuda
Ainda não 
 1. Reconhecer a organização de um texto 
informativo descritivo e um relato de 
experiência – testimonial (organização 
 2. Relacionar informações, baseando-se em 
 3. Localizar informações explícitas em um 
 4. Inferir significados para compreender a 
 5. Levantar hipóteses sobre o assunto de 
um texto e verificá-las a partir da leitura.
 6. Identificar palavras cognatas ou empres-
tadas dalíngua inglesa para compreender 
um texto.
 7. Reconhecer os usos do tempo verbal 
presente simples.
 8. Reconhecer os usos do tempo verbal 
presente perfeito.
 9. Elaborar um relato de experiência de 
10. Reconhecer um anúncio de emprego 
(organização macrotextual).
11. Reconhecer o assunto geral de um texto.
12. Reconhecer o uso de verbos típicos de 
anúncios de emprego.
13. Elaborar um anúncio pessoal (fictício ou 
real) para candidatar-se a um emprego.
14. Trabalhar em equipe, assumindo funções 
e contribuindo para o trabalho em grupo.
15. Reconhecer o significado de abreviações 
em anúncios de emprego.
Inglês - 3a série - Volume 1
NOVA EDIÇÃO 2014-2017
Maria Elizabete da Costa
Diretor do Departamento de Desenvolvimento 
Curricular de Gestão da Educação Básica 
João Freitas da Silva
Diretora do Centro de Ensino Fundamental 
dos Anos Finais, Ensino Médio e Educação 
Profissional – CEFAF 
Valéria Tarantello de Georgel
Coordenadora Geral do Programa São Paulo 
faz escola
Valéria Tarantello de Georgel
Coordenação Técnica 
Roberto Canossa 
Roberto Liberato 
Suely Cristina de Albuquerque BomÅm
Área de Linguagens 
Arte: Ana Cristina dos Santos Siqueira, Carlos 
Eduardo Povinha, Kátia Lucila Bueno e Roseli 
Educação Física: Marcelo Ortega Amorim, Maria 
Elisa Kobs Zacarias, Mirna Leia Violin Brandt, 
Rosângela Aparecida de Paiva e Sergio Roberto 
Língua Estrangeira Moderna (Inglês e 
Espanhol): Ana Paula de Oliveira Lopes, Jucimeire 
de Souza Bispo, Marina Tsunokawa Shimabukuro, 
Neide Ferreira Gaspar e Sílvia Cristina Gomes 
Língua Portuguesa e Literatura: Angela Maria 
Baltieri Souza, Claricia Akemi Eguti, Idê Moraes dos 
Santos, João Mário Santana, Kátia Regina Pessoa, 
Mara Lúcia David, Marcos Rodrigues Ferreira, Roseli 
Cordeiro Cardoso e Rozeli Frasca Bueno Alves.
Área de Matemática 
Matemática: Carlos Tadeu da Graça Barros, 
Ivan Castilho, João dos Santos, Otavio Yoshio 
Yamanaka, Rodrigo Soares de Sá, Rosana Jorge 
Monteiro, Sandra Maira Zen Zacarias e Vanderley 
Aparecido Cornatione. 
Área de Ciências da Natureza 
Biologia: Aparecida Kida Sanches, Elizabeth 
Reymi Rodrigues, Juliana Pavani de Paula Bueno e 
Rodrigo Ponce. 
Ciências: Eleuza Vania Maria Lagos Guazzelli, 
Gisele Nanini Mathias, Herbert Gomes da Silva e 
Maria da Graça de Jesus Mendes. 
Física: Carolina dos Santos Batista, Fábio 
Bresighello Beig, Renata Cristina de Andrade 
Oliveira e Tatiana Souza da Luz Stroeymeyte.
Química: Ana Joaquina Simões S. de Matos 
Carvalho, Jeronimo da Silva Barbosa Filho, João 
Batista Santos Junior e Natalina de Fátima Mateus.
Área de Ciências Humanas 
Filosofia: Emerson Costa, Tânia Gonçalves e 
Teônia de Abreu Ferreira.
Geografia: Andréia Cristina Barroso Cardoso, 
Débora Regina Aversan e Sérgio Luiz Damiati.
História: Cynthia Moreira Marcucci, Maria 
Margarete dos Santos e Walter Nicolas Otheguy 
Sociologia: Alan Vitor Corrêa, Carlos Fernando de 
Almeida e Tony Shigueki Nakatani.
Área de Linguagens 
Educação Física: Ana Lucia Steidle, Eliana Cristine 
Budisk de Lima, Fabiana Oliveira da Silva, Isabel 
Cristina Albergoni, Karina Xavier, Katia Mendes 
e Silva, Liliane Renata Tank Gullo, Marcia Magali 
Rodrigues dos Santos, Mônica Antonia Cucatto da 
Silva, Patrícia Pinto Santiago, Regina Maria Lopes, 
Sandra Pereira Mendes, Sebastiana Gonçalves 
Ferreira Viscardi, Silvana Alves Muniz.
Língua Estrangeira Moderna (Inglês): Célia 
Regina Teixeira da Costa, Cleide Antunes Silva, 
Ednéa Boso, Edney Couto de Souza, Elana 
Simone Schiavo Caramano, Eliane Graciela 
dos Santos Santana, Elisabeth Pacheco Lomba 
Kozokoski, Fabiola Maciel Saldão, Isabel Cristina 
dos Santos Dias, Juliana Munhoz dos Santos, 
Kátia Vitorian Gellers, Lídia Maria Batista 
BomÅm, Lindomar Alves de Oliveira, Lúcia 
Aparecida Arantes, Mauro Celso de Souza, 
Neusa A. Abrunhosa Tápias, Patrícia Helena 
Passos, Renata Motta Chicoli Belchior, Renato 
José de Souza, Sandra Regina Teixeira Batista de 
Campos e Silmara Santade Masiero.
Língua Portuguesa: Andrea Righeto, Edilene 
Bachega R. Viveiros, Eliane Cristina Gonçalves 
Ramos, Graciana B. Ignacio Cunha, Letícia M. 
de Barros L. Viviani, Luciana de Paula Diniz, 
Márcia Regina Xavier Gardenal, Maria Cristina 
Cunha Riondet Costa, Maria José de Miranda 
Nascimento, Maria Márcia Zamprônio Pedroso, 
Patrícia Fernanda Morande Roveri, Ronaldo Cesar 
Alexandre Formici, Selma Rodrigues e 
Sílvia Regina Peres.
Área de Matemática 
Matemática: Carlos Alexandre Emídio, Clóvis 
Antonio de Lima, Delizabeth Evanir Malavazzi, 
Edinei Pereira de Sousa, Eduardo Granado Garcia, 
Evaristo Glória, Everaldo José Machado de Lima, 
Fabio Augusto Trevisan, Inês Chiarelli Dias, Ivan 
Castilho, José Maria Sales Júnior, Luciana Moraes 
Funada, Luciana Vanessa de Almeida Buranello, 
Mário José Pagotto, Paula Pereira Guanais, Regina 
Helena de Oliveira Rodrigues, Robson Rossi, 
Rodrigo Soares de Sá, Rosana Jorge Monteiro, 
Rosângela Teodoro Gonçalves, Roseli Soares 
Jacomini, Silvia Ignês Peruquetti Bortolatto e Zilda 
Meira de Aguiar Gomes. 
Área de Ciências da Natureza 
Biologia: Aureli Martins Sartori de Toledo, Evandro 
Rodrigues Vargas Silvério, Fernanda Rezende 
Pedroza, Regiani Braguim Chioderoli e Rosimara 
Santana da Silva Alves.
Ciências: Davi Andrade Pacheco, Franklin Julio 
de Melo, Liamara P. Rocha da Silva, Marceline 
de Lima, Paulo Garcez Fernandes, Paulo Roberto 
Orlandi Valdastri, Rosimeire da Cunha e Wilson 
Luís Prati. 
Física: Ana Claudia Cossini Martins, Ana Paula 
Vieira Costa, André Henrique GhelÅ RuÅno, 
Cristiane Gislene Bezerra, Fabiana Hernandes 
M. Garcia, Leandro dos Reis Marques, Marcio 
Bortoletto Fessel, Marta Ferreira Mafra, Rafael 
Plana Simões e Rui Buosi. 
Química: Armenak Bolean, Cátia Lunardi, Cirila 
Tacconi, Daniel B. Nascimento, Elizandra C. S. 
Lopes, Gerson N. Silva, Idma A. C. Ferreira, Laura 
C. A. Xavier, Marcos Antônio Gimenes, Massuko 
S. Warigoda, Roza K. Morikawa, Sílvia H. M. 
Fernandes, Valdir P. Berti e Willian G. Jesus. 
Área de Ciências Humanas 
Filosofia: Álex Roberto Genelhu Soares, Anderson 
Gomes de Paiva, Anderson Luiz Pereira, Claudio 
Nitsch Medeiros e José Aparecido Vidal.
Geografia: Ana Helena Veneziani Vitor, Célio 
Batista da Silva, Edison Luiz Barbosa de Souza, 
Edivaldo Bezerra Viana, Elizete Buranello Perez, 
Márcio Luiz Verni, Milton Paulo dos Santos, 
Mônica Estevan, Regina Célia Batista, Rita de 
Cássia Araujo, Rosinei Aparecida Ribeiro Libório, 
Sandra Raquel Scassola Dias, Selma Marli Trivellato 
e Sonia Maria M. Romano.
História: Aparecida de Fátima dos Santos 
Pereira, Carla Flaitt Valentini, Claudia Elisabete 
Silva, Cristiane Gonçalves de Campos, Cristina 
de Lima Cardoso Leme, Ellen Claudia Cardoso 
Doretto, Ester Galesi Gryga, Karin Sant’Ana 
Kossling, Marcia Aparecida Ferrari Salgado de 
Barros, Mercia Albertina de Lima Camargo, 
Priscila Lourenço, Rogerio Sicchieri, Sandra Maria 
Fodra e Walter Garcia de Carvalho Vilas Boas. 
Sociologia: Anselmo Luis Fernandes Gonçalves, 
Celso Francisco do Ó, Lucila Conceição Pereira e 
Tânia Fetchir.
Fundação para o Desenvolvimento da Educação 
CTP, Impressão e acabamento
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