
Avaliação parcial

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Quest.: 1
		Which of the following statements was a consequence of the French Revolution?
	The public controversy which started with the positive reaction to French events in 1789 led the English people to try to change their own country into a Republic.
	The French language became the official language in England.
	The French Revolution ignited the biggest debate on politics and society in Britain since the Civil War 150 years earlier.
	French books about the French Revolution started being read in English schools.
	The British government did not allow English people to go to France anymore.
		Quest.: 2
		During the French revolution, every important British man of letters responded warmly to the cry of the French people for ‘Liberty, Equality, Fraternity’. Which of the following writers belonged to this group?
	Jonathan Swift
	Oliver Goldsmith
	William Shakespeare.
	Emily Bronte
	William Wordsworth.
		Quest.: 3
		According to Romanticism, the idealizing woman should be…
	rich young ladies, who could run a house very well.
	dutiful young ordinary girls.
	ordinary girls who could play the piano.
	seeking for a lasting relationship which, one day, would end in tragedy.
	strange and magical.
		Quest.: 4
		What does Mr. Rochester ask Jane to fetch for Mr. Mason from the drawer in his room?
	A knife and towel.
	A pillow and blanket.
	A phial and glass.
	A pipe and matches.
		Quest.: 5
		Which were some of the characteristics of the English Romanticism?
	Mothers and fathers engaged in politics, workers struggling to make it against an oppressive social system, the central character is often engaged in some sort of antagonist and a portrayal of human weaknesses.
	The individual as an object of interest, focused on the world of the gods, depicted middle-class and working men and women and factory work seemed relevant.
	The love of nature, a departure from reason, the focus on the individual, an element of the supernatural, among others.
	The epic heroes and nobility that populated so many centuries of poetry gave way not to middle-class protagonists but to the mundane in character. The event and the ideal of human perfectibility is put away.
	The rejection of the fabulous imaginings and idealism of the romance and classical narrative and a logical cause-and-effect and a solidity of detail in order to achieve the reader's willing suspension of disbelief.
		Quest.: 6
		In the novels, the author reveals aspects of the characters which are involved in the narrative and each of them typifies some definite quality.
How is Elizabeth Bennet, the main female character in Pride and Prejudice, depicted by Jane Austen?
	She was a silly and conceited young woman, who enjoyed a life of dancing, fashions and gossips.
	Elizabeth Bennet was depicted as being optimistic even though she did not have the ability to laugh off her misfortunes. She had no other option than to face the reality of her life, hoping her situation might change, which reinforced the tone of the novel.
	Besides being a gentle and kind-hearted young lady, she showed passion for being a good pianist attempting to find a valid mode of existence in society.
	As a woman who believed in marriage as long as there was love involved in the relationship. Elizabeth stands out as a unique individual in the society she was immersed. Considering the features of the Romantic age, she represents the power of emotions over reason.
	As a woman who was able to dominate Mr. Collins and to entertain herself with Wickham just to call Mr. Darcy´s attention as she hoped to marry a rich man.
		Quest.: 7
		Catherine married…
	Edward Stone
	Edward Miles
	Edgar Linton
	Ethan Lockwood
	Edward Lando
		Quest.: 8
		Which of the following statements expresses the right point of view?
	Romanticism often reflected the changes brought by the Industrial and Commercial Revolutions which affected the lives of the common man.
	Romanticism was a time of trouble, as the many discoveries of science led to a crisis of faith in God.
	Romanticism echoed in changes in politics while realism was more concerned with the artists and their productivity.
	Subjectivity was an Enlightenment trait while objectivity was a characteristic of the Romanticism.
	While in the Enlightenment the artist was seen as the voice of reason, in the Romanticism, the artist was seen as a visionary.
		Quest.: 9
		Many of Heathcliff´s actions are motivated by his desire for
	social status
		Quest.: 10
		In the novel Pride and Prejudice, which of the following characters fits in this description: The son of a wealthy, well-established family, he has a tendency to judge too hastily, and his high birth and wealth make him proud and overly conscious of his social status.
	Mr. Darcy.
	Mr. Collins.
	Mr. Bennet.
	Mr. Bingley.
	Mr. Taylor.

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