
Teste 07

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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7a aula 
Exercício: CEL0556_EX_A7_201703243277_V1 12/05/2018 11:30:52 (Finalizada) 
Disciplina: CEL0556 - LITERATURA INGLESA I 201703243277 
Ref.: 201703512447 
 1a Questão 
Who is the character that sets the action on in the play HAMLET? 
Prince Hamlet. 
 The ghost. 
Ref.: 201703519342 
 2a Questão 
A good playwright constantly seeks ways to sustain the interest of his audience and to make their time in the 
theater as stimulating as possible. In Hamlet, Shakespeare introduces uncertainties in the play, which in fact 
make the play even more interesting. 
Which of the following is one of the uncertainties found in the play? 
 Whether Hamlet´s mother, Gertrude, shares in Claudius´s guilt. 
Whether Hamlet continues to love Gertrude even as he praises her. 
Whether the ghost is the product of the soldiers imagination or not. 
Whether the French Prince Fortimbras would ever invade England. 
Whether Laertes is also involved in the death of the former King of Denmark. 
Ref.: 201704424905 
 3a Questão 
The Tragic History of Doctor Faustus, considered one of the most controversial and well-known plays during 
the Renaissance, written in 1589 or 1593, was based on the German writer´s masterpiece Faustus and had a 
different end: its hero doesn´t regret. That legend of Fautus´s version in English was written by a playwright 
who paved the way to other writers. Who was the writer? 
Thomas Nashe 
William Shakespeare 
Thomas Kyd 
Ben Jonson 
 Christopher Marlowe 
Explicação: Marlowe created his own version of the legend. 
Ref.: 201704411681 
 4a Questão 
In the Middle Ages the theatrical forms that came fashionable differed from the form of Greek Tragedy on 
both the thematic issues and the formal structure itself. From this medieval period and from the existing forms 
the pageant appears, which is used in dramaturgy up to the present day. What are these shapes that are popular 
throughout the medieval period? 
 The mystery pieces, the morality pieces and the miracle pieces. 
The miracle pieces, the morality pieces and the Comedy Dell'Arte. 
The interlude, the mystery pieces and the agitprop. 
The bourgeois drama, the pieces of mystery, and the interludes. 
None of alternatives is correct. 
In the Middle Ages these three types of plays were popular on the mainland, as well as on the island and later 
other forms became popular, especially from the Tudor dynasty, when Queen Elizabeth I gave a great impulse 
to the arts and, in particular, to the theater . 
Ref.: 201703519345 
 5a Questão 
The power of Hamlet, and, for that matter, of most of Shakespeare´s plays, derives largely from the power of 
certain images. 
Why did Prince Hamlet decide not to kill Claudius when he finds Claudius alone praying? 
Gertrude had asked him not to kill Claudius until he could prove Claudius´s guilt. 
there was a religious tradition in The Elizabethan Age that nobody could ever be killed while praying 
because the killer would be condemned to death. 
the place was rather dark and Hamlet might not be able to kill Claudius. 
Laertes had advised him not to do so. 
 Hamlet believes that killing Claudius while in prayer would send Claudius´s soul to heaven. 
Ref.: 201703538123 
 6a Questão 
Shakespeare is the subject of innumerable books, written in a whole lot of different languages all over the 
world. He has been studied exhaustively. Yet, it seems that every now and then, we can find some new aspect 
of this great writer. What was a common practice during the XVI and XVII centuries in England? 
 As was common to practice during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, Shakespeare borrowed 
for his plays ideas and stories from earlier literary works. 
It was common to have plays acted in big castles open to the high society as well as to the gentry. 
Female actresses would play the role of men in tragedies. 
Ladies were not allowed to go to the theatre since plays were considered improper for women. 
Playwrights were not taken seriously because they talked about unreal characters in their stories which 
did not have any appeal to the public. 
Ref.: 201703835657 
 7a Questão 
This term suggests any attitude which tends to exalt the human element or stress the importance of human 
interests. Developed first in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries in Italy, it was marked by a passion for 
rediscovering and studying ancient literature. It spread to other continental countries and finally to England, 
where a series of efforts culminated successfully late in the fifteenth century with an enormous optimism about 
the potential scope of human understanding. 
The explanation above is associated with 
Gothic literature. 
 Renaissance humanism. 
Ref.: 201704411689 
 8a Questão 
Shakespeare is a watershed in British literature, as a great poet and also as the greatest playwright of that 
country. His plays are historical dramas, tragedies and comedies. Conceptually, his tragedies are not seen as 
Greek Tragedy or Bourgeois Drama. Among them we find Othello, his play that is closer to Bourgeois Drama, 
for the following reasons: 1) because this work obeys the three Aristotelian units; II) because this work has as 
protagonist an ordinary person; III) because his work has epic elements in its constitution; IV) because its 
protagonist does not have its destiny ruled by a god, it has free will to make its own decisions. Mark the correct 
alternative on Shakespeare's above-mentioned work. 
 Alternatives III and IV are correct. 
Alternatives I and IV are correct. 
Alternatives I and II are correct. 
Alternatives I and III are correct. 
Alternatives II and IV are correct. 
Othello brings together all elements of pure drama, though there are epic features, among others, in its structure, 
beyond the very historical factor, since it precedes the emergence of this dramatic model.

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