
Leitura e Redação em Língua Inglesa

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	Avaliação: AV
	Aluno: 201512727075 - ANGELO MACHADO PLAZA
	Nota da Prova:     Nota de Partic.:      Av. Parcial.:     Data: 13/06/2016 18:16:47 
	 1a Questão (Ref.: 170525)
	Pontos:  / 1,0
	Say what kind of paragraph is the one below. Explain your point of view. One of my favorite family experiences was when I went to see Anne Frank’s (a Jewish victim of the Nazi persecution during World War II) hideout in Amsterdam, Holland. I had read Anne’s published diary when I was younger, so I was extremely thrilled to actually have the chance to see where she and her family hid from the Germans for so many months. I walked up the stairs of an apartment building and into a room with only a bookshelf in it. From what I remembered from reading the diary, there was a doorknob behind the books. I found the doorknob and turned it and there was the secret annex. When I stepped into the room behind the bookshelf, I felt as if I had stepped back into history. I found Anne’s room still with pictures of her favorite celebrities on her walls. The Frank family’s furniture was still placed where they had left them in the rooms, everything just as described in the diary. I toured each room in awe of actually seeing how they had lived, yet with sadness to know how it all ended. Anne’s diary was no longer just a book to me, but true heart-felt, emotional life story written by a girl I felt I almost knew. ~© Denise Rafferty
Gabarito: Parágrafo narrativo
	 2a Questão (Ref.: 126844)
	Pontos:  / 1,0
	Different kinds of texts require different postures in relation to the act of writing. Thinking about what has just been said, comment how a writer must behave when he is supposed to write a formal letter and an informal one.
Gabarito: O aluno deve discorrer sobre formalidade e informalidade.
	 3a Questão (Ref.: 9208)
	Pontos: 1,0  / 1,0
	Assinale a alternativa INCORRETA:
	A construção de sentido sofre influência de um maior ou menor conhecimento do código linguístico do texto.
	O processo de leitura é também um ato de criação, já que o leitor participa ativamente da constituição dos sentidos do texto.
	A recepção de sentido de um texto vai depender das experiências de vida e do conhecimento de mundo do leitor.
	A leitura proporciona a quem lê um texto a capacidade de questionar, mas também de ser questionado, de rever seus conceitos.
	Um leitor proficiente precisa, apenas, saber decodificar os códigos linguísticos para que possa atribuir significados à escrita.
	 4a Questão (Ref.: 232336)
	Pontos: 0,0  / 1,0
	Classify the paragraph below according to its main features: You should do your own homework. Copying someone else is illegal, and you can get a failing grade or even be kicked out of school. If you cheat on your job, you can be fired or arrested and put into jail; the government will certainly find you if you cheat on your taxes! Copying someone else's homework also means that you never learn how to do that work for yourself, so when you need the information later (let's say the teacher actually gives you a test on it where you can't copy!) then you don't know how to do it and you get another bad grade. Also, if you don't do your homework, you never learn how to discipline yourself to do unpleasant things, and when you grow up you will always have trouble making yourself do things like your job, paying your bills, and saving money. In short, doing your own homework is the best way to go!
	 5a Questão (Ref.: 804673)
	Pontos: 1,0  / 1,0
	There are some basic uses of the simple present tense. We use it for, except:
	Observations and declarations
	Permanent truths
	Non-habitual actions.
	Future references (for timetables, etc).
	The present period (= this is the situation at present)
	 6a Questão (Ref.: 11638)
	Pontos: 1,0  / 1,0
	Choose the most suitable preposition: (Escolha a preposição que preenche corretamente o espaço em branco) I have been ill _________ three months.
	 7a Questão (Ref.: 24714)
	Pontos: 0,5  / 0,5
	De acordo com o texto, assinale a alternativa que revela qual foi a maior descoberta do estudo em questão sobre o aquecimento global: The world's oceans have warmed 50 percent faster over the last 40 years than previously thought due to climate change, Australian and US climate researchers reported Wednesday. Higher ocean temperatures expand the volume of water, contributing to a rise in sea levels that is submerging small island nations and threatening to wreak havoc in low-lying, densely-populated delta regions around the globe. Trying to figure out how much each of these factors contributes to rising sea levels is critically important to understanding climate change, and forecasting future temperature rises, scientists say. Being so, new studies have been done in order to investigate the situation. A new study, led by Catia Domingues, of the Centre for Australian Weather and Climate Research, is the first to reconcile the models with observed data. Using new techniques to assess ocean temperatures to a depth of 700 metres (2,300 feet) from 1961 to 2003, it shows that thermal warming contributed to a 0.53 millimetre-per-year rise in sea levels rather than the 0.32 mm rise reported by the IPCC. According to the text, what was the main finding of the study?
	d. That the oceans will dry entirely
	a. That ocean waters have warmed faster than scientists had previously thought.
	b. That the warming of the world's oceans is not a threat.
	e. that the mountains will melt into sweet water oceans
	c. That not enough is being done about global warming.
	 8a Questão (Ref.: 126719)
	Pontos: 0,5  / 0,5
	Read the following statement and mark the reason which justifies it: non-native speakers need not only to learn new vocabulary, but also be given guidance on the appropriate use of new words.
	that happens because non-native speakers never uses new vocabulary
	that happens because new vocabulary is difficult to learn
	that happens because non-native speakers avoid learning new words
	that happens because non-native speakers do not know all words.
	that happens because for non-native speakers it is sometimes hard to find the right word for the right context
	 9a Questão (Ref.: 126732)
	Pontos: 0,5  / 0,5
	Which of the endings is not proper for an informal letter:
	Write soon, dear.
	Bye, gorgeous
	Yours truly
	 10a Questão (Ref.: 126775)
	Pontos: 0,5  / 0,5
	The order most often used in persuasive writing includes four steps, or parts. Choose the option which shows the appropriate order:
	position statement, clarifying remark, supporting sentences, concluding sentence.
	supporting sentences, clarifying remark , concluding sentences, position statement
	clarifying remark, supporting sentences, position statement, concluding sentence
	concluding sentence, position statement, clarifying remark, supporting sentences
	position statement, supporting sentences, clarifying sentences, concluding sentences

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