
Teste 07

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Passei Direto grátis

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Passei Direto grátis

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Passei Direto grátis

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7a aula 
Exercício: CEL0553_EX_A7_201703243277_V1 19/05/2018 19:41:35 (Finalizada) 
Disciplina: CEL0553 – L. INGL. FONÉTICA E FONOLOGIA 201703243277 
Ref.: 201703417367 
 1a Questão 
Which letters are silent in the words DEBT, PLUMB, SIGN, ISLAND? 
 d) b, m, g, n 
c) b, b, g, n 
b) b, m, g, s 
 a) b, b, g, s 
e) b, none, g, s 
DEBT - /b/ 
PLUMB -/b/ 
SIGN - /g/ 
ISLAND - /s/ 
Ref.: 201703420434 
 2a Questão 
Considering a non-rhotic accent, how many "R's" would be pronounced in the sentence: Gordon and Mary really 
like raspberries with Rocky-Road ice-cream? 
Gordon and Mary really like raspberries with Rocky-Road ice-cream. 
NON-RHOTIC speakers say the /R/ sound ONLY if it is followed by a vowel sound. 
Ref.: 201703420442 
 3a Questão 
In which alternative the "R" would be pronounced in a non-rhotic accent? 
A RHOTIC accent will say every /R/ that is written. Speak aloud the following sentence and if you hear and 
feel yourself saying every /R/ sound, you are a RHOTIC speaker. 
Let¿s analyse the following sentence: 
Rebecca ran quickly through the flowers and around the river to catch Rover, her overactive dog. 
NON-RHOTIC speakers say the /R/ sound ONLY if it is followed by a vowel sound. 
Non-rhotic speakers would pronounce the R¿s in: 
Rebecca ran quickly through the flowers and around the river to catch Rover, her overactive dog. 
Ref.: 201703417356 
 4a Questão 
Which consonants are silent in CUPBOARD, CAMPBELL, BADGE? 
c) none, p, d 
b) none, none, none 
e) p, none, g 
 d) p, p, d 
a) p, p, g 
O aluno deve saber a pronúncia dos fonemas em inglês e identificar as letras mudas. 
CUPBOARD /p/ (kŭb′ərd) 
CAMPBELL /p/ (kăm′bəl), 
BADGE /d/ (bædʒ) = dʒ = g. 
Ref.: 201703479648 
 5a Questão 
According to a non-rhotic accent this transcription /bɜ:st/ is related to word: 
c) bust 
 a) burst 
 d) bist 
e) busted 
b) best 
A RHOTIC accent will say every /R/ that is written. NON-RHOTIC speakers say the /R/ sound ONLY if it is 
followed by a vowel sound. 
Ref.: 201703420436 
 6a Questão 
Which alternative DOESN'T have a word with a silent letter? 
b) walk 
 c) knee 
d) hymn 
 e) link 
a) leopard 
leopard =/ˈlepə(r)d/ 
walk =/wɔːk/ 
knee = /niː/ 
hymn = /hɪm/ 
link = /lɪŋk/ 
Ref.: 201703417360 
 7a Questão 
In the sentence: "Richard never drives slowly", how many R's would be pronounced by a non-rhotic speaker? 
 b) 2 
c) 3 
d) 1 
a) 4 
e) none 
A RHOTIC accent will say every /R/ that is written. Speak aloud the following sentence and if you hear and feel 
yourself saying every /R/ sound, you are a RHOTIC speaker. 
Let¿s analyse the following sentence: 
Rebecca ran quickly through the flowers and around the river to catch Rover, her overactive dog. 
NON-RHOTIC speakers say the /R/ sound ONLY if it is followed by a vowel sound. 
Non-rhotic speakers would pronounce the R¿s in: 
Rebecca ran quickly through the flowers and around the river to catch Rover, her overactive dog. 
Ref.: 201703479646 
 8a Questão 
In which alternative there isn't a silent letter? 
 e) begin 
a) Wednesday 
b) Calm 
d) Mnemonic 
 c) Knee 
begin - all the letters are pronounced.

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