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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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25/05/2018 EPS: Alunos
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201703465016 EAD VILA VELHA I - ES
Avaliação Parcial: CEL0556_SM_201703465016 V.1 
AZEVEDO Matrícula: 201703465016
Acertos: 10,0 de 10,0 Data: 23/05/201816:41:19(Finalizada)
1a Questão (Ref.:201703755400) Acerto: 1,0 / 1,0
What were some of the Celts´contributions for the formation of the English country?
The Celts were great warriors, could build perfect ships, and were literate men.
The Celts contributed for the growth of literature and arts in the early
development of the English. They knew how to play different musical
instruments and could paint and make beautiful pottery.
 The Celts were not only technically advanced but also they knew how to work
with iron, and could make better weapons than the people who used bronze.
They were very good at dealing with social matters so they could easily live in
piece in their communities. The men could have several wives and they were
also very good at conquering new land.
They were politically organized, their women were very good at cooking and
planting and they were faithful to one God.
2a Questão (Ref.:201703757885) Acerto: 1,0 / 1,0
What can we say about the Celts?
Celt men and women were able to fight for their political rights in their
communities. They would all vote to choose their leader and their children
would go to school to learn how to read and write.
 The Celts were organized into different tribes, and tribal chiefs were chosen
from each family or tribe, sometimes as the result of fighting matches between
individuals, and sometimes by election.
The Celts were known for their literary value, they were great sailors and very
religious men.
The Celts would grow their own crops, they were interested in the crossing of
the ocean and the oldest member of their community would decide their own
The Celts were great warriors, their chiefs were usually chosen in a fight
between a member of a tribe and a foreign one. The boys were raised to
become well-educated in future.
3a Questão (Ref.:201703676806) Acerto: 1,0 / 1,0
When Beowulf requests that he alone ¿May purge all evil from this hall,¿ what does he
mean by purge?
 overcome and conquer
bury and forget
cleanse and purify
25/05/2018 EPS: Alunos
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drive out and bless
none of the above
Gabarito Coment.
4a Questão (Ref.:201703676786) Acerto: 1,0 / 1,0
From which fact can the reader infer that the character Beowulf is honorable?
Higlac is Beowulf¿s cousin.
none of the above
 Beowulf offers himself to fight Grendel asking for nothing in return.
Beowulf refuses to use weapons because Grendel uses none.
Beowulf vows to ambush Grendel and destroy the monster.
Gabarito Coment.
5a Questão (Ref.:201703690908) Acerto: 1,0 / 1,0
How were Mordred and King Arthur related?
Grandfather and grandson
 Father and son
They were not related
Uncle and nephew
Gabarito Coment.
6a Questão (Ref.:201703757847) Acerto: 1,0 / 1,0
In the Canterbury Tales the fictional inn where the pilgrims meet is
In the Canterbury Tales the fictional inn where the pilgrims meet is Wessel Hall
7a Questão (Ref.:201704655533) Acerto: 1,0 / 1,0
The conquest of Britain by the Normans brought some radical changes in the linguistic
aspect, rapidly transforming old English. French becomes the language of official
documents and the elite. However, the language of the church remained Latin. This
presence brings new influences and other literary characteristics, such as those related
to Greco-Roman myths and Italian productions. Nevertheless, a literary work that
stands out at that moment has characteristics that are typical of the medieval period,
namely: I) the literature of the time brought characters marked by the code of the
cavalry; II) the leader should be just and good; III) the characters were real.
Regarding to the literary perspective, choose the alternative that contemplates the
ONLY TRUE statement.
alternative II and III are true.
alternative I is true.
 alternative I and II are true.
alternative III is true.
alternative II is true.
25/05/2018 EPS: Alunos
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8a Questão (Ref.:201704655536) Acerto: 1,0 / 1,0
LE MORTE D´ARTHUR is a work about which one is not sure if the king is a real
character or a legend. However, the character King Arthur may have been the mixture
of a legend and a real historical character, Lucius Artorius Castus (a former Roman
military), who led the Britons in several battles against invaders. To what historical
period would this alleged royal character belong? 
1066 with the Norman invasion and expulsion of the Germanic peoples.
None the alternatives.
During the Vickings invasions in 800 AD.
43 BC, about 100 years after the arrival of Julio Cesar to the British island.
 To the second century, when an officer of the Roman cavalry would have led
the Bretons in several battles.
9a Questão (Ref.:201703756135) Acerto: 1,0 / 1,0
What was the Globe Theatre like?
It was the first popular theatre ever having been built in London and its sound
equipments were the best ones at the time.
 It was an open-air octagonal amphitheater that could seat up to 3,000
spectators. The theatre was three stories high, with a diameter of
approximately 100 feet.
It was not a perfect one but, since we are talking about the XIV century, we
need to understand the difficulties builders had at the time.
Since it was the first theatre ever having been built in Stratford-on-Avon, it
was an outstanding work of art.
It was not a very big building since Queen Elizabeth I did not want to spend
too much money in it.
10a Questão (Ref.:201704668819) Acerto: 1,0 / 1,0
England has become one of the most powerful countries of the world under the
regency and reign of one of the most adored members of the Tudors´ dynasty. This
member of the royal family was responsible for the construction of theaters in London
in a moment that country was under a turbulent political period. Who was that ruler?
Edward VI,
Henry VIII,
Henry VII

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