
Exercício sobre Past Continuous Tense

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

Esse e outros conteúdos desbloqueados

16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Passei Direto grátis

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Exercício sobre Past Continuous Tense
Complete as sentenças com o verbo entre parênteses no Past Continuous Tense nas formas solicitadas.
It ___________________________yesterday evening. ( to rain- affir. form )
 The teenagers ______________ often __________________interesting questions. ( to ask – neg. form )
What ______________you _____________last night? ( to wear – affir. form )
They ___________________________ soccer at the country club. ( to play – neg. form) 
My father _______________________________here in 2004. (to work – affir. form )
Escreva as sentenças nas formas solicitadas.
I was feeling good last night.
( N ) : _________________________________________________________________________
( I ) : __________________________________________________________________________
Fred, Jim and Michael were playing volleyball.
( N ):__________________________________________________________________________
( I ):___________________________________________________________________________
Robert was watering the plants.
( N ):__________________________________________________________________________
( I ):___________________________________________________________________________
Julie was listening to music.
( N ):__________________________________________________________________________
( I ):___________________________________________________________________________
Responda as perguntas observando os sinais: c ( YES ) and X ( NO ), respostas curtas.
Was Carol reading? ( C ) ________________________________________________________
Were Mary and Stella swimming? ( X ): _____________________________________________
Was Bob feeding his dog When his friend arrived? ( C ) _________________________________
Was Jane washing the dishes when Paul left home? ( X )________________________________
Were you studying English? ( C ):__________________________________________________

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