
prova BRITÂNICA II 2016.2

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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 Inscrição Sala 
Coloque, de imediato, o seu número de inscrição e o número de sua sala nos retângulos abaixo. 
Casa de Cultura Britânica 
Semestre II 
Data: 04 de setembro de 2016. 
Duração: das 15:00 às 17:00 horas. 
Prezado(a) Candidato(a), 
Para assegurar a tranquilidade no ambiente de prova, bem como a eficiência da 
fiscalização e a segurança no processo de avaliação, lembramos a indispensável 
obediência aos itens do Edital e aos que seguem: 
01. Deixe sobre a carteira APENAS caneta transparente e documento de identidade. 
Os demais pertences devem ser colocados embaixo da carteira em saco entregue 
para tal fim. Os celulares devem ser desligados, antes de guardados. O candidato 
que for apanhado portando celular ou com o celular ligado na sala de prova, será 
automaticamente eliminado do certame. 
02. Anote o seu número de inscrição e o número da sala, na capa deste Caderno de 
03. Antes de iniciar a resolução das 30 (trinta) questões, verifique se o Caderno está 
completo. Qualquer reclamação de defeito no Caderno deverá ser feita nos primeiros 
30 (trinta) minutos após o início da prova. 
04. Ao receber a Folha-Resposta, confira os dados do cabeçalho. Havendo necessidade 
de correção de algum dado, chame o fiscal. Não use corretivo nem rasure a Folha-
05. A prova tem duração de 2 (duas) horas e o tempo mínimo de permanência em sala de 
prova é de 1 (uma) hora. 
06. É terminantemente proibida a cópia do gabarito. 
07. A Folha-Resposta do candidato será disponibilizada conforme subitem 8.8 do Edital. 
08. Ao terminar a prova, não esqueça de assinar a Ata de Aplicação e a Folha-Resposta 
no campo destinado à assinatura e de entregar o Caderno de Questões e a Folha-
Resposta ao fiscal de sala. 
Atenção! Os dois últimos participantes só poderão deixar a sala simultaneamente e após a 
assinatura da Ata de Aplicação. 
Boa prova! 
Teste de Nível 2016.2 Semestre II Pág. 2 de 5 
 Casa de Cultura Britânica 
 30 questões 
For questions 01 to 08, choose the option that completes the sentences CORRECTLY (X = no word). 
01. A: What ____ your sister’s name? B: ____ Livia. A: How old ____ she? B: She ____ 20 years old. 
A) X – It’s – is – is 
B) is – It’s – is – is 
C) is – She – is – have 
D) do – It’s – does – has 
E) does – She’s – is – has 
02. There ____ two ____ ____ my house. ____ sell Chinese food. 
A) X – restaurantes – next – They 
B) are – restaurants – next – They 
C) is – restaurants – next to – Their 
D) are – restaurants – next to – They 
E) are – restaurantes – close to – Their 
03. Miranda ____ ____ really good English teacher from ____ London. She ____ and ____ ____ ____ 
A) is – a – X – works – studies – in – X 
B) are – a – X – work – study – on – the 
C) are – X – X – work – studies – on – X 
D) is – a – the – works – studies – in – the 
E) is – the – X – workes – studyes – in – X 
04. Stephen Meyer ____ the typical ____ man. He ____ ____ blue eyes and ____ blond hair. Stephen ____ ____ 
Miami, so he ____ ____ and ____. 
A) is – American – has – X – a – lives – in – speaks – English – Spanish 
B) is – American – has – X – X – lives – in – speaks – English – Spanish 
C) has – american – have – X – X – live – on – speak – english – spanish 
D) is – American – has – the – the – live – in – speak – English – Spanish 
E) has – american – have – a – a – lives – on – speaks – english – Spanish 
05. People say that my ____ very rich ____ ____ ____ house is really big. ____ is located in Beverly Hills. 
My ____ name ____ Alicia. 
A) girlfriend – and – the – her – It – girlfriend’s – X 
B) girlfriend is – and – the – her – It – girlfriend is – is 
C) girlfriend – because – X – his – She – girlfriend – is 
D) girlfriend’s – because – X – her – It – girlfriend’s – is 
E) girlfriend’s – because – the – its – She – girlfriend’s – X 
06. My brother and I ____ very close. My brother’s birthday is ____ April and my birthday is ____ May. I 
really love ____. 
A) am – at – at – us 
B) are – in – in – her 
C) am – on – on – us 
D) are – in – in – him 
E) are – on – on – him 
Teste de Nível 2016.2 Semestre II Pág. 3 de 5 
07. There ____ three ____ here with me, Maria, Sarah and Joshua. Maria ____ late because she ____ classes 
in the morning. Sarah and Joshua ____ really early and ____ to school in the morning; they ____ classes 
in the evening. 
A) is – people – sleep – don’t have – wakes up – goes – have 
B) are – people – sleep – doesn’t has – gets up – go – don’t have 
C) is – persons – sleeps – doesn’t has – gets up – goes – don’t have 
D) are – people – sleeps – doesn’t have – wake up – go – don’t have 
E) is – person – sleeps – doesn’t have – wake up – go – doesn’t have 
08. Samantha’s routine is busy. She ____ to university five days a week, ____ Monday ____ Friday. She 
____ English classes ____, ____ Mondays and Wednesdays. Samantha ____ jazz in a band ____ night; 
she ____ playing ____ 8 p.m ____, from Monday to Sunday. 
A) go – on – on – have – once a week – in – play – at – starts – X – every day 
B) go – from – in – have – once a week – in – play – at – start – at – twice a week 
C) goes – from – to – has – twice a week – on – plays – at – starts – at – every day 
D) goes – on – on – has – twice a week – on – plays – in – starts – at – once a week 
E) goes – from – to – have – twice a week – from – plays – in – starts – X – every day 
For questions 09 to 16, choose the INCORRECT option: 
09. A) A: Where do you study? B: At home. My parents are teachers. 
B) A: What’s your cousin’s name? B: Her name is Stephanie. 
C) A: Is your teacher good? B: He’s a Maths teacher. 
D) A: How are you? B: I’m a bit tired. 
E) A: Do you like chocolate? B: Yes, I do! 
10. A) A: Are these pens George’s? B: No, they’re not. 
B) A: Who’s that young man? B: That’s George. 
C) A: Whose pen is this? B: It’s George’s. 
D) A: Whose is this pen? B: It’s George’s. 
E) A: Who’s your father? B: It’s George’s. 
11. A) A: What’s your email address? B: It’s pokemon@go.com 
B) A: Which is your favourite colour: black or white? B: I prefer white. 
C) A: Who do you live with? B: I live in a flat. 
D) A: Are your family small? B: Yes, they are. 
E) A: Do you wear a uniform at work? B: Yes, I do. 
12. A) My best friend talks to me hardly ever on the phone. 
B) My mother’s name’s Kelly and she’s 50 years old. 
C) Does Tom usually wake up late at the weekend? 
D) Are your teachers always good to you? 
E) I am never on time to classes. 
13. A) Simon needs a new computer, but he has no money to buy a good one. 
B) Michel wants to study Medicine because he wants to be doctor. 
C) My sister has breakfast after she has a shower. 
D) Do you prefer the blue or the white notebook? 
E) Janice watches horror and suspense films. 
14. A) Go to page 98 and read the text. 
B) Look on the board and copy the exercise. 
C) Please, stop talking and answer the questions. 
D) Please, open the books and listen to the audio. 
E) Peter, you are late! Close the door and sit down. 
Teste de Nível 2016.2 Semestre II Pág. 4 de 5 
15. A) Would you like some coffee? 
B) I would like some coffee, please. 
C) Are there any oranges in the fridge? 
D) Can I have some more juice, please? 
E) I don’t need some water. I’m not thirsty.16. A) Where in Chicago does Barbara live? 
B) When can she go home from school? 
C) Who does Marina work with? 
D) What do you want from me? 
E) What does this means? 
For questions 17 to 22, choose the option that expresses the same idea as the sentence or word in italics: 
17. I’m originally from the Czech Republic, but now I live in Brazil. 
A) I live in Brazil now, but I’m Czech. 
B) I’m in the Czech Republic, but I’m Brazilian. 
C) I’m in the Czech Republic, but I live in Brazil. 
D) I’m from Brazil and live in the Czech Republic. 
E) I’m Brazilian, but now I live in the Czech Republic. 
18. I have a shower three times a day. 
A) I never have a shower. 
B) I always have a shower during the day. 
C) I have a shower in the morning and afternoon. 
D) I have a shower before breakfast and after dinner. 
E) I have a shower before breakfast, after lunch, and before I go to bed. 
19. A: What time is it now? B: It’s 3:45. 
A) four fifteen. 
B) half past four. 
C) a quarter to four. 
D) fifteen past three. 
E) a quarter to three. 
20. My mother’s nephew is Carlos and my father’s daughter is Ashley. 
A) My nephew is Carlos and my niece is Ashley. 
B) My brother is Carlos and my sister is Ashley. 
C) My cousin is Carlos and my sister is Ashley. 
D) My uncle is Carlos and my niece is Ashley. 
E) My niece is Carlos and my sister is Ashley. 
21. Marcos loves Mary, but Mary does not love Marcos. Mary loves Bob, her dog. 
A) Mary does not love Marcos, but Marcos loves Mary. Mary loves her dog, Bob. 
B) Marcos likes Mary, but Mary does not like Marcos. Mary loves Marcos’s dog. 
C) Marcos loves Mary, but Mary does not love Marcos. Marcos likes Mary’s dog. 
D) Marcos loves Mary, but Mary does not love Marcos because Mary loves Bob’s dog. 
E) Mary likes Marcos, but Mary does not love Marcos. Mary loves Bob, Marcos’s dog. 
22. A) Diana’s blond. = Diana’s hair is red. 
B) Tommy is rich. = Tommy is not poor. 
C) An iPhone is expensive. = An iPhone is good. 
D) Driving fast is dangerous. = Driving fast is safe. 
E) My grandmother is 100 years old. = My grandmother is young. 
Teste de Nível 2016.2 Semestre II Pág. 5 de 5 
Answer questions 23 to 30 according to the instructions. 
23. What time is it? Choose the option where both forms are correct. 
A) 07:15 = It’s a quarter past seven. / It’s seven fifteen. 
B) 07:20 = It’s twenty past seven. / It’s twenty to eight. 
C) 07:30 = It’s a quarter after seven. / It’s seven thirty. 
D) 08:00 = It’s eight o’clock. / It’s eight o’clock p.m. 
E) 08:10 = It’s eight ten. / It’s ten to eight. 
24. Choose the option where all the underlined letters have the same pronunciation as the vowel in ‘fish’: 
A) we – really – people 
B) six – English – busy 
C) thanks – big – swim 
D) steak – women – this 
E) sandwich – police – film 
25. Choose the option where the sound of -s/-es at the end of all the nouns is the same as the -s in ‘pens’: 
A) scissors – files – wallets 
B) sunglasses – books – coins 
C) fathers – administrators – stamps 
D) magazines – umbrellas – musicians 
E) sisters – engineers – flight attendants 
26. Choose the option where the words are spelt correctly: 
A) My best friend is from Switzerland. 
B) I hate using headfones to listen to music. 
C) My cousin does not play sports. He is week. 
D) My father’s sun is named Joshua. He’s a baby. 
E) English is not a dificult language. I love it very much. 
27. Choose the option where all the words are in the same vocabulary group. 
A) blonde – beautiful – tall – far 
B) open – close – read – a watch 
C) lawyer – nurse – cooker – teacher 
D) mother – sister – niece – daughter 
E) Monday – Friday – Saturday – December 
28. Choose the option in which the questions are in the correct order. 
A) Whose this is bag? 
B) What kind of music you do like? 
C) Why your father does play football? 
D) When your best friend’s birthday is? 
E) Where does your sister play volleyball? 
29. Choose the option where one of the plural forms is incorrect. 
A) baby – babies / cat – cats / lamp – lamps 
B) watch – watches / key – keys / box – boxes 
C) table – tables / photo – photoes / chair – chairs 
D) woman – women / man – men / child – children 
E) country – countries / dog – dogs / ticket – tickets 
30. Choose the option where all the verb phrases are correct. 
A) I do dinner before I have a bath. 
B) I make exercise and then I go to bed. 
C) I get to home late because I go home by bus. 
D) I go up early in the morning, then I have a shower. 
E) I hate doing housework. I prefer to watch television.

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