
prova BRITANICA II 2015.1

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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 Inscrição Sala 
Coloque, de imediato, o seu número de inscrição e o número de sua sala nos retângulos abaixo. 
01. Antes de iniciar a resolução das questões, verifique se o Caderno de Provas está completo. 
Qualquer reclamação deverá ser feita nos primeiros 15 (quinze) minutos após o início da prova. 
02. Anote, na capa do Caderno de Provas, o seu número de inscrição e o número da sala. 
03. Confira os dados do cabeçalho da Folha-Resposta. Havendo necessidade de correção de algum 
dado (CPF, NOME ou RG), chame o fiscal para anotar a correção. Para marcar a resposta de uma 
questão, preencha, totalmente, com caneta azul ou preta, apenas a quadrícula correspondente à sua 
opção. Não use corretivo nem rasure a Folha-Resposta. 
04. Durante a realização das provas, será feita a identificação dos candidatos através da verificação do 
original do documento de identidade e da coleta da assinatura na Ata de Aplicação e na Folha-
Resposta, no campo destinado à assinatura. 
05. A duração da prova é de 3 (três) horas e o tempo mínimo de permanência em sala é de 1 (uma) hora. 
06. É aconselhável reservar 30 (trinta) minutos para o preenchimento da Folha-Resposta. 
07. O candidato, ao terminar a prova, só poderá sair da sala após entregar o Caderno de Prova e a 
08. Os dois últimos candidatos só poderão deixar a sala simultaneamente e deverão assinar a Ata de 
09. A desobediência a qualquer dessas determinações e o desrespeito ao pessoal da supervisão, 
coordenação e fiscalização são faltas que eliminam o candidato do concurso. 
10. Será eliminado do Concurso o candidato cujo celular estiver ligado durante a realização das provas, 
ou for flagrado copiando gabarito. 
11. Acompanhe o Calendário de Atividades do Concurso, através do endereço eletrônico 
Casa de Cultura Britânica 
Semestre II 
Data: 18 de Janeiro de 2015. 
Duração: das 14:00 às 17:00 horas. 
Teste de Nível 2015.1 Semestre II Pág. 2 de 5 
 Casa de Cultura Britânica 
 30 questões 
For questions 01 to 08, choose the option that completes the sentences CORRECTLY. (Note: X = no word) 
01. A: How _____ are you? B: I _____ _____ _____ _____. 
A) do – am – seventeen – X – X 
B) X – have – seventeen – X – X 
C) old – am – seventen – years – X 
D) old – do – seventen – years – old 
E) old – am – seventeen – years – old 
02. Carlos is _____ exchange student. He isn’t _____, he’s _____. He _____ in _____ flat _____ London 
_____ the Big Ben. 
A) an – Brazilian – Germany – live – a – at – in 
B) n – Brazilian – germany – live – a – in – next 
C) an – Brazilian – German – lives – a – in – near 
D) an – Brazilian – german– lives – X – at – near of 
E) X – Brazilian – German – lives – an – in – next to 
03. My friend Jessica is a very slim and beautiful girl. She _____ to be _____ architect. She is _____ her first 
semester _____ CCB and _____ the third _____ university. Jessica and I _____ our English classes 
_____ we love our teachers. 
A) intends – a – on – in – on – at – miss – then 
B) intend – an – in – at – in – at – don’t miss – so 
C) intend – a – on – in – on – in – do miss – because 
D) intends – an – in – at – in – at – don’t miss – because 
E) intends – an – on – in – on – at – don’t miss – because 
04. A: _____ book _____ that? B: It’s _____. 
A) Who’s – are – Ann and Sue 
B) Whose – is – Ann and Sue’s 
C) Whose – is – Ann’s and Sue 
D) Who’s – is – Ann’s and Sue’s 
E) Who are – X – Ann’ and Sue’s 
05. Crazy Joe is not very strong . He’s very _____ . He _____ very fast and he _____ his car every week too. 
Healthy Scott is very athletic. He _____ the train to go to university. and _____ a shower three times a 
day. He _____ at the beach. The two boys _____ but they _____ hard. 
A) cute – doesn’t drive – doesn’t wash – doesn’t take – doesn’t take – relaxes – work – study 
B) weak – drive – wash – doesn’t take – take – relax – works – doesn’t study 
C) weak – drives – washes – takes – has – relaxes – don’t work – study 
D) week – drive – washs – takes – have – relax – do works – studies 
E) low – drives – washs - take – has – relaxs – don’t work – study 
06. Maggy _____ at the library _____8.00 _____ 5.00. _____Fridays she _____to work _____ night. 
A) work – at – at – In – goes – to 
B) works – at – at – On – goes – in 
C) work – from – to – At – gets – in 
D) works – from – to – On – go – at 
E) works – from – to – On – goes – at 
07. A: What_____ your sister _____ _____ weekends? B: She ___ the housework and ____ ____ the net. 
A) does – do – at – do – surf – in 
B) do – does – on – do – surfs – at 
C) does – do – in – does – surfs – in 
D) does – do – at – does – surfs – on 
E) do – does – on – does – surfes – on 
Teste de Nível 2015.1 Semestre II Pág. 3 de 5 
08. Esther Armstrong is _____old lady, _____ she _____. She is _____ retired. She _____ dinner with 
friends two or three times _____ week. She ____a big apartment and someone_____ with the housework. 
_____ daughters ______ lunch with _____. But _____ go to church together every Sunday. 
A) a – so – don’t work – a – have – a – has – help – Her – have – they 
B) a – and – doesn’t work – a – has – a – don’t have – helps – Her – have – her – they 
C) an – so – doesn’t work – X – has – a – doesn’t have – helps – Her – don’t have – her – they 
D) an – and – doesn’t works – X – has – a – doesn’t have – help – They – have – her – they 
E) an – but – don’t work – X – doesn’t have – a – don’t have – help – Their – don’t have – them – they 
For questions 09 to 16, choose the INCORRECT option. 
09. A) A: Good morning. How are you? B: Fine, thanks. And you? 
B) A: Good afternoon. How are you? B: Just OK, thanks. And you? 
C) A: Good evening. How are you? B: Not bad, thanks. And you? 
D) A: Good night. How are you? B: I’m fine, thanks. And you? 
E) A: Hi! How are you? B: A little tired, thanks. And you? 
10. A) Can I go a shower? 
B) Get dressed and go to work! 
C) Here people finish work at 5pm. 
D) Emily goes to bed late every night. 
E) Do the housework when you get home, OK? 
11. A) Can I help you? 
B) Can I sign here, please? 
C) Can I have my key, please? 
D) Can I have a large latte, please? 
E) Can you spell your surname, please? 
12. A) What would you like? 
B) What kind of coffee would you like? 
C) Would you like the coffee shop menu? 
D) What would you like something to drink? 
E) Would you like your espresso to have here or to take away? 
13. A) Is there a foreign student in our class? 
B) Are there any comfortable hotels in town? 
C) Can we stop soon? There are a bank near here. 
D) There is a nice hotel not far. Only 2 kilometres. 
E) There are not any service stations next to my school. 
14. A) Those animals are dangerous. 
B) That people are very nice. 
C) These women are happy. 
D) This child is hungry. 
E) That man is tired. 
15. A) Come on. Be quiet! 
B) Let’s go home. It’s cold. 
C) Let’s not go walking. It’s hot. 
D) Please, don’t sit down. I’m sorry. 
E) Let’s go not home, please. It’s fun here. 
16. A) Often I get up early. 
B) I never get up early. 
C) Usually I get up early. 
D) I hardly ever get up early.E) Sometimes I get up early. 
Teste de Nível 2015.1 Semestre II Pág. 4 de 5 
For questions 17 to 23, choose the option that expresses the same idea as the sentence in italics. 
17. A: Who’s Jennifer? B: She’s my stepsister. 
A) She’s my sister’s husband’s sister. 
B) She’s my father’s sister’s daughter. 
C) She’s my brother’s second wife’s child. 
D) She’s my father’s wife’s second daughter. 
E) She’s my mother’s second husband’s daughter. 
18. It is quite cold today. 
A) It is cold, but not very cold. 
B) It is not cold, but warm. 
C) It is cold, really cold. 
D) It is cold, and warm. 
E) It is cold, very cold. 
19. The air-conditioning is out of order. 
A) The air-conditioning is OK. 
B) The air-conditioning is not on. 
C) The air-conditioning doesn’t work. 
D) The air-conditioning works very well. 
E) The air-conditioning is not OK but it works. 
20. Kate and Ann usually have tea at five o’clock. 
A) They often have tea at five o’clock. 
B) They never have tea at five o’clock. 
C) They like to have tea at five o’clock. 
D) They sometimes have tea at five o’clock. 
E) They hardly ever have tea at five o’clock. 
21. There aren’t any new books in the library. 
A) I have some library books here. 
B) The library has some new books. 
C) There are no new books in the library. 
D) These are new books from the library. 
E) That library doesn’t have any old books. 
22. I walk to school four times a week. Every Friday I drive. 
A) I walk to school every day. 
B) I go to school by car every day. 
C) I go to school on foot every day. 
D) I drive to school almost every day. 
E) I go to school on foot almost every day. 
23. Peter and Christine are married. They have two kids: Marie and John. 
A) They are Marie and John’s fathers. 
B) They are Marie and John’s parents. 
C) They are Marie’s and John’s fathers. 
D) They are Marie’s and John’s parents. 
E) They are Marie’s and John’s father and mother. 
Teste de Nível 2015.1 Semestre II Pág. 5 de 5 
Answer questions 24 to 30 according to the instructions. 
24. Choose the option where the linking words THEN or AFTER is CORRECT. 
A) We have a snack. After that, we go to work. 
B) Janet and I have dinner then and go to bed. 
C) Peter and Sam study, and they go out after with their friends. 
D) Mike and Tim take the dog for a walk. After sleep for eight hours. 
E) Ann and I work a lot. We get home, have a shower, and have then dinner. 
25. Choose the option where all of the words are in THE SAME vocabulary group. 
A) magazine – lawyer – nurse 
B) coin – builder – scissors 
C) uncle – take away – tea 
D) nephew – niece – latte 
E) expensive – far – high 
26. Choose the option in which all the words are in the correct order. 
A) What kind of magazine does your mum read? 
B) What magazine does your mum kind read of? 
C) What kind magazine does your mum read of? 
D) What kind of magazine does read your mum? 
E) What magazine does your kind of mum read? 
27. Choose the option in which all the words are in the correct order. 
A) Is the Brazilian this typical woman? 
B) Is this the typical Brazilian woman? 
C) Is the typical this woman Brazilian? 
D) Is the Brazilian this woman typical? 
E) Is this the Brazilian typical woman? 
28. Choose the CORRECT option which answers the question “What’s the time?” 
A) 7:15 – It’s quarter past seven o’clock. 
B) 7:03 – It’s seven-oh-three minutes. 
C) 7:30 – It’s a half past seven-thirty. 
D) 7:57 – It’s three minutes to eight. 
E) 7:55 – It’s five to seven. 
29. Choose the option in which all the words have THE SAME vowel sound. 
A) learn – work – third 
B) near – wear – there 
C) bow – nurse – now 
D) father – job – man 
E) come – do – strong 
30. Choose the option in which the possessive forms are pronounced as /z/, /s/ and /Iz/ respectively: 
A) Tim’s / Sean’s / Kate’s 
B) Billy’s / Patrick’s / Liz’s 
C) Anna’s / Jack’s / Orlando’s 
D) Carlos’s / Gabriel’s / Keith’s 
E) Henry’s / Harrod’s / Samantha’s

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