
prova BRITÂNICA II 2017.1

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Inscrição Sala
Coloque, de imediato, o seu número de inscrição e o número de sua sala nos retângulos
Casa de Cultura Britânica 
Semestre II
Data: 12 de março de 2017.
Duração: das 15:00 às 17:00 horas.
Prezado(a) Candidato(a),
Para assegurar a tranquilidade no ambiente de prova, bem como a eficiência da
fiscalização e a segurança no processo de avaliação, lembramos a indispensável
obediência aos itens do Edital e aos que seguem:
1. Deixe sobre a carteira APENAS caneta transparente e documento de identidade.
Os demais pertences devem ser colocados embaixo da carteira em saco entregue
para tal fim. Os celulares devem ser desligados, antes de guardados. O candidato
que for apanhado portando celular ou com o celular ligado na sala de prova, será
automaticamente eliminado do certame.
2. Anote o seu número de inscrição e o número da sala, na capa deste Caderno de
3. Antes de iniciar a resolução das 30 (trinta) questões, verifique se o Caderno está
completo. Qualquer reclamação de defeito no Caderno deverá ser feita nos primeiros
30 (trinta) minutos após o início da prova.
4. Ao receber a Folha-Resposta, confira os dados do cabeçalho. Havendo necessidade
de correção de algum dado, chame o fiscal. Não use corretivo nem rasure a Folha-
5. A prova tem duração de 2 (duas) horas e o tempo mínimo de permanência em sala de
prova é de 1 (uma) hora. 
6. É terminantemente proibida a cópia do gabarito. 
7. A Folha-Resposta do candidato será disponibilizada conforme subitem 8.8 do Edital.
8. Ao terminar a prova, não esqueça de assinar a Ata de Aplicação e a Folha-Resposta
no campo destinado à assinatura e de entregar o Caderno de Questões e a Folha-
Resposta ao fiscal de sala.
Atenção! Os dois últimos participantes só poderão deixar a sala simultaneamente e após a
assinatura da Ata de Aplicação.
Boa prova!
Casa de Cultura Britânica 
30 questões
For questions 01 to 06, choose the option that expresses the same idea as the sentence or word in italics.
01. Sam is my niece.
A) sister’s son
B) brother’s wife
C) mother’s sister
D) brother’s cousin
E) sister’s daughter
02. I have lunch then I go to work. 
A) I have lunch but I go to work.
B) After I have lunch, I go to work.
C) I go to work before I have lunch.
D) Before I have lunch, I go to work.
E) I have lunch because I go to work.
03. A: What time is it? B: It’s 9:10.
A) ten to nine
B) nine to ten
C) ten past nine
D) nine past ten
E) nine after ten 
04. Would you like some juice? 
A) Do I like 
B) Do you like 
C) Do you have some 
D) Do you want some
E) Would you like to make some
05. A) Mark and Aline’s computer is old. = Their computer is old.
B) Jean’s mother’s 50 years old. = Its mother’s 50 years old.
C) Amy and Sally’s dog is beautiful. = Her dog is beautiful.
D) John’s and Katy’s cars are red. = Our cars are red.
E) It’s Diane’s food. = It’s his food.
06. A) I’m 20. = I am twenty years old.
B) My dog is ugly. = My dog is old.
C) This computer is fast. = This computer is cheap. 
D) Your classroom is big. = Your classroom is clean.
E) Bungee jumping is dangerous. = Bungee jumping is expensive. 
For questions 07 to 14, choose the option that completes the sentences CORRECTLY (X = no word).
07. A: Where ____ your friend from?
B: She ____ from Croatia. 
A: Wow! ____ she speak English well?
B: Yes, she ____.
A) is – ’s – Is – do
B) is – ’s – Do – do
C) are – ’re – Is – is 
D) is – is – Does – does 
E) does – ’s – Does – does 
Teste de Nível 2017.1 Semestre II Pág. 2 de 5
08. Julie ____ at ____ school. She ____ ____ to young ____.
A) works – X – teaches – english – childs 
B) is work – a – teaches – English – child
C) works – X – teachs – english – children 
D) does work – the – teach – english – childs 
E) works – a – teaches – English – children
09. Johnny’s ____ brother. He ____ thirty-five years old and he ____ ____ cats. They’re ____ beautiful. He
takes them for a walk every ____ morning.
A) your – are – has – tree – X – X 
B) my – is – has – three – very – Saturday
C) his – has – has – three – quite – saturday 
D) my – has – haves – tree – very – saturday
E) my – is – haves – three – quiet – Saturday 
10. My boyfriend ____ family are ____. ____ parents are very gentle with me. ____ mother ____ offers
____ me food when ____ at their house.
A) ’s – Scotish – He’s – His – never – X – i’m
B) ’s – Scottish – His – Her – X – always – i’m 
C) ’s – Scottish – His – His – always – X – I’m 
D) is – scottish – He’s – Her – often – X – I’m 
E) is – scotish – His – His – X – usually – I’m
11. A: ____ time ____ you get up?
B: I get up ____ 7.30 a.m. 
A: And ____ ____ you have piano lessons? 
B: ____ the afternoon.
A) What – do – at – when – do – In 
B) What – is – at – where – do – On 
C) When – is – in – when – do – On
D) When – do – on – when – do – On 
E) What – do – on – where – does – In
12. Jodie is a very busy woman. She ____ up early every day. From Monday to Friday she ____ to the gym,
then she ____ a shower and ____ to work. ____ the evening, when she ____ have to clean the house or go
to the grocery store, she ____ out with her friends.
A) wake – go – has – drives – In – don’t – go 
B) get – go – have – drive – On – don’t – goes
C) gets – goes – haves – drive – At – doesn’t – goes
D) wakes – goes – haves – drives – At – doesn’t – go 
E) wakes – goes – has – drives – In – doesn’t – goes
13. A: ____ often ____ you go to the shopping centre? 
B: I go to the shopping centre ____ a week. I love buying things. 
A: ____ you eat fast food when you go ____ there? 
B: No, I ____ eat fast food. I’m healthy.
A) How – do – twice – Do – X – never
B) How – are – once – Are – X – always
C) How – do – twice times – Do – to – never
D) What – do – twice – Do – in – hardly ever 
E) What – are – three times – X – X – hardly ever
Teste de Nível 2017.1 Semestre II Pág. 3 de 5
14. A: ____ here and look at ____! 
B: ____ is ____? 
A: It’s a picture of ____ wife and ____ baby. 
B: Oh, ____ are beautiful! 
A) Come – this – What – that – my – our – they 
B) Arrives – this – Who – this – his – his – they 
C) Arrive – that – What – that – my – my – that 
D) Come – that – What – that – his – your – that 
E) Comes – these – Who – these – your – our – this
For questions 15 to 22, choose the INCORRECT option.
15. A) A: Where do you work? B: At a hospital in the city centre. 
B) A: Do you like sports? B: Yes, I like tennis and golf.
C) A: What do you do? B: Because I love animals.
D) A: Who is your favourite singer? B: It’s Elton John.
E) A: How often do you exercise? B: Every day.
16. A) A: Who is that? B: That’s my sister.
B) A: What’s this? B: It’s an umbrella.
C) A: Where do you study? B: At an university.
D) A: Are you married? B: No, I’m not.
E) A: How old is your father? B: He’s 67.
17. A) A: Is she at home? B: Yes, she is.
B) A: Is this his shoes? B: Yes, it’s his shoes.
C) A: Are these your books? B: No, they’re Abby’s.
D) A: Whose is this car? B: It’s my parents’ car.
E) A: Are these your keys? B: Yes, they are my keys.
18. A) She’s sometimes late.
B) Why are you always tired? 
C) Do you usually go to school by car?
D) Kathy never is home when I call her.
E) They always forget their mobile phones.
19. A) Don’t forget to bring your dictionary next time.
B) Close the door and open the window. 
C) The baby is in bed now. Be quiet!
D) Sandy, don’t smoke here.
E) Don’t let’s park here.
20. A) Is there a pink pen in your pencil case?
B) Is there some restaurants near here? 
C) Are there any flowers in the vase?
D) There are five TVs in my house. 
E) There is a big tree in the garden. 
21. A) I don’t have any luggage.
B) Wouldyou like some coffee?
C) I’m going to buy some clothes. 
D) There isn’t no milk in the fridge.
E) All countries have a national flag.
22. A) What kind of films do you like?
B) What languages she speaks?
C) When is your birthday?
D) Where is your house?
E) Who do you like?
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Answer questions 23 to 30 according to the instructions.
23. Choose the option where the opposite of the adjectives is incorrect.
A) poor – rich / small – big
B) near – slow / fat – short 
C) strong – weak / bad – good
D) clean – dirty / easy – difficult 
E) full – empty / good-looking – ugly
24. Choose the option where all the underlined letters have the same pronunciation as the vowel sound in ‘tree’.
A) beer – head – me 
B) fish – meet – this
C) three – six – police 
D) people – we – niece 
E) big – speak – English
25. Choose the option where the sound of - s/-es at the end of all the words is the same as the letter s in ‘lamps’.
A) trains – dishes – days
B) likes – watches – says 
C) wants – speaks – eats 
D) tickets – pens – purses 
E) scissors – flowers – weeks
26. Choose the option where the word is spelt correctly.
A) Johann is from German. 
B) I love writing in my dairy.
C) Don’t forget your sunglases.
D) This watch is very expensive.
E) My girlfriend reads the news on a magazin.
27. Choose the option where all the words are in the same vocabulary group.
A) long – dark – hair – dangerous 
B) always – some – never – hardly ever
C) Sunday – Saturday – Tuesday – week
D) twice – twenty – thirty-seven – thirteen 
E) musician – soldier – waitress – engineer
28. Choose the option in which the question is in the correct order.
A) Whose cap is that? 
B) Where you are now? 
C) Is handsome your boyfriend?
D) How often you do go to the beach? 
E) When he does have homework to do? 
29. Choose the option where the number is spelt incorrectly.
A) 8 = eight
B) 14 = fourteen
C) 42 = fourty-two 
D) 73 = seventy-three
E) 96 = ninety-six
30. Choose the option where both forms are correct.
A) 2:27 – It’s two past twenty-seven or It’s two twenty-seven.
B) 4:30 – It’s four thirty or It’s half four.
C) 6:10 – It’s ten to six or It’s six past ten. 
D) 7:15 – It’s seven fifteen or It’s a quarter to seven. 
E) 11:55 – It’s eleven fifty-five or It’s five to twelve.
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	Casa de Cultura Britânica
	Casa de Cultura Britânica
	30 questões

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