
Literatura Contemporânea em Língua Inglesa - aula 1

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Teste do Conhecimmento - Literaturas Contemporânea - 2018-1
Aula 1 - Introduction
		Choose the option which best completes the following sentence: There was a great challenge for contemporary authors to subvert the status quo to demand legal and cultural recognition as -------------------subjects with unique identities.
		Mark the only event which did not mark the first half of the 20th century:
	the existence of technocratic governments
	the Civil war
	the World War I
	the World War II
	the development of totalitarian systems
		In the contemporary period, authors prioritize individual searches for identity in ALL the following areas BUT:
		The theme of alienation serves to mirror the feeling within society that people have become increasingly disconnected. A good example of alienation is the work....
	One Hundred Years of Solitude, by Gabriel García Márquez
	Leaves of Grass, by Walt Whitman
	Beloved, by Toni Morrinson
	'The house on Mango Street, by Sandra Cisneros
	Stone Butch Blues, by Leslie Feinberg
	Gabarito Coment.
		Choose the option which best completes the sentence: Postmodern narrative styles generally present ------------- and writers from this period look for places not only for themselves in the always-shifting canon of contemporary literature, but also for the communities they represent in the popular imagination´s concepts of contemporary societies.
	well known people
	ancient searches
	old concepts
	traditional issues
		A second area of concern in twentieth-century drama is that of the individual´s search for ---------- in an unfriendly outside world, and the difficulty and fear of communicating with other individuals.
		Choose the option which best completes the following sentence: Certainly, poets are often influenced by other poets, and those who live through the same social and political events may well share a common outlook on them, but in the end each poet works as a -----------------------who makes his or her own world from his or her own deep concerns.
	special group
	large group
	private and separate person
	strange person
	close friend
		Consider the following characteristics of prose: I - lack of rhythmical construction II- lack of specific line breaks III- no need of rhyming words IV- lack of economic words V- use of metaphors From the characteristics above, only ONE CAN also be applied to poetry. Which one?
		Complete the sentence: 'Post modern literature questions the differences between ____________ culture with the introduction of subjects and genres which have never been considered appropriate for literature."
	foreign and national
	high and low
	good and bad
	new and old
	pop and classic
		The term "modernity" when applied to literary studies covers...
	the first half of the 21st century
	the second half of the 20th century
	the first half of the 19th century
	the second half of the 19th century
	the first half of the 20th century

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