
Avaliação 2

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Passei Direto grátis

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Passei Direto grátis

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Passei Direto grátis

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Avaliação: CEL0562_AV_201703243277 » LÍNGUA INGLESA - ESTRUTURA SINTÁTICA I 
Tipo de Avaliação: AV 
Aluno: 201703243277 - OZIEL RIBEIRO MARINHO 
Professor: BIANCA DELLA NINA Turma: 9001/AA 
Nota da Prova: 4,0 Nota de Partic.: 0 Av. Parcial 1,5 Data: 21/11/2018 15:21:53 
 1a Questão (Ref.: 201703468582) Pontos: 0,0 / 1,0 
In which alternative the word is incorrectly analyzed? 
b) I know that (that -pronoun) 
 c) I know that man (that - determiner) 
d) I was surprised when he answered my letter. (answered- verb) 
 e) Do not write on the front of the answer sheet. (answer - noun) 
a) I know that they are abroad (that -conjunction) 
 2a Questão (Ref.: 201703468593) Pontos: 1,0 / 1,0 
Which sentence is completed with the preposition ON? 
c) She likes walking _____ the rain. 
b) He gets _____ the car. 
 e) He lives __________ a farm. 
a) There was a huge gathering _____ bus stop. 
d) There are kites _____ the sky. 
 3a Questão (Ref.: 201703468616) Pontos: 1,0 / 1,0 
Complete with the proper preposition: 
I. I need to apologize ______ you. 
II.I agree ______ that proposal. 
III. I agree ______ you. 
IV. I agree ______ this price. 
V. I agree ______ principle. 
a) with - with - with - on - in 
c) with - to - with - on - on 
d) with - to - with - on - in 
e) to - to - with - in - in 
 b) to - to - with - on - in 
 4a Questão (Ref.: 201703468675) Pontos: 1,0 / 1,0 
What alternative has the correct order to the following: German / old / yellow / car / an? 
 d) an old yellow German car 
b) an old German yellow car 
e) a yellow old German car 
c) a German yellow old car 
a) a German old yellow car 
 5a Questão (Ref.: 201703468682) Pontos: 0,0 / 1,0 
In which sentence the complement is correctly analyzed? 
a) He seems nice. (nice - object predicative) 
c) We painted the door white. (white - subject predicative) 
 e) That shrimp dish made him sick. (sick - object predicative) 
 b) The driver is tired. (tired - object predicative) 
d) They elected him president. (president - subject predicative) 
 6a Questão (Ref.: 201706178333) Pontos: 0,0 / 1,0 
In which sentence the passive voice is right? 
Alex learned the poem. - The poem will be learned. 
 Steven has forgotten the book. - The book had been forgot. 
Julia rescued three cats. - Three cats was rescued. 
The students handed in the reports. - The reports have been handed in. 
 Once a week, Tom cleans the house - Once a week, the house is cleaned by Tom. 
 7a Questão (Ref.: 201703470984) Pontos: 0,0 / 1,0 
In which alternative the reported speech is wrong? 
e)"Don't be angry with me," he said.→ He asked her not to be angry with him. 
c)"Don't be late," he advised us.→ He advised us not to be late. 
 a) She said, "Go upstairs."→ She told me to go upstairs. 
d)"Stop staring at me," she said.→ She told him to stop staring at her. 
 b)"Close the door behind you," he told me.→ He told me to close the door behind you. 
 8a Questão (Ref.: 201703476337) Pontos: 0,0 / 1,0 
A ___________ variation refers to variants in user’s variation. It depends on social factors. 
 b) Diastratic variation 
a) Diaphasic or stylistic variation 
c) Diatopic variation 
 e) Diachronic variation 
d) Diamesic variation 
 9a Questão (Ref.: 201706184591) Pontos: 1,0 / 1,0 
In which alternative there is an example of true homonym? 
bow (the front of a ship) and bow (a type of knot). 
row (to argue or an argument) and row (as in to row a boat or a row of seats - a pair of 
read (peruse) and reed (waterside plant) 
 rose (flower) and rose (past tense of rise). 
to, too, two 
 10a Questão (Ref.: 201703478567) Pontos: 0,0 / 1,0 
'I like pancakes so much I could eat a million of them.' What type of figurative language is used in 
this sentence? 
E) pun 
 A) hyperbole 
C) alliteration 
 D) personification 
B) zeugma

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