
Codigo fonte projetos_livro java web

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 Builds, tests, and runs the project agenda-war.
 Must set src.dir
 Must set test.src.dir
 Must set build.dir
 Must set build.web.dir
 Must set build.generated.dir
 Must set dist.dir
 Must set build.classes.dir
 Must set dist.javadoc.dir
 Must set build.test.classes.dir
 Must set build.test.results.dir
 Must set build.classes.excludes
 Must set dist.war
 Must select some files in the IDE or set javac.includes
 Must select some files in the IDE or set javac.jsp.includes
 Must select a file in the IDE or set jsp.includes
Browser not found, cannot launch the deployed application. Try to set the BROWSER environment variable.
 Launching ${browse.url}
 Must select one file in the IDE or set run.class
 Must select one file in the IDE or set debug.class
 Must set fix.includes
 Must select some files in the IDE or set javac.includes
 Some tests failed; see details above.
 Must select some files in the IDE or set test.includes
 Some tests failed; see details above.
 Must select one file in the IDE or set test.class
# This file is used by a NetBeans-based IDE to track changes in generated files such as build-impl.xml.
# Do not edit this file. You may delete it but then the IDE will never regenerate such files for you.
deploy.ant.properties.file=C:\\Documents and Settings\\Yuri\\.netbeans\\6.0\\tomcat60.properties
j2ee.platform.classpath=C:\\Arquivos de programas\\Apache Software Foundation\\Apache Tomcat 6.0.14\\lib\\annotations-api.jar:C:\\Arquivos de programas\\Apache Software Foundation\\Apache Tomcat 6.0.14\\lib\\catalina-ant.jar:C:\\Arquivos de programas\\Apache Software Foundation\\Apache Tomcat 6.0.14\\lib\\catalina-ha.jar:C:\\Arquivos de programas\\Apache Software Foundation\\Apache Tomcat 6.0.14\\lib\\catalina-tribes.jar:C:\\Arquivos de programas\\Apache Software Foundation\\Apache Tomcat 6.0.14\\lib\\catalina.jar:C:\\Arquivos de programas\\Apache Software Foundation\\Apache Tomcat 6.0.14\\lib\\el-api.jar:C:\\Arquivos de programas\\Apache Software Foundation\\Apache Tomcat 6.0.14\\lib\\jasper-el.jar:C:\\Arquivos de programas\\Apache Software Foundation\\Apache Tomcat 6.0.14\\lib\\jasper.jar:C:\\Arquivos de programas\\Apache Software Foundation\\Apache Tomcat 6.0.14\\lib\\jsp-api.jar:C:\\Arquivos de programas\\Apache Software Foundation\\Apache Tomcat 6.0.14\\lib\\mysql-connector-java-5.0.7-bin.jar:C:\\Arquivos de programas\\Apache Software Foundation\\Apache Tomcat 6.0.14\\lib\\servlet-api.jar:C:\\Arquivos de programas\\Apache Software Foundation\\Apache Tomcat 6.0.14\\lib\\tomcat-coyote.jar:C:\\Arquivos de programas\\Apache Software Foundation\\Apache Tomcat 6.0.14\\lib\\tomcat-dbcp.jar:C:\\Arquivos de programas\\Apache Software Foundation\\Apache Tomcat 6.0.14\\lib\\tomcat-i18n-es.jar:C:\\Arquivos de programas\\Apache Software Foundation\\Apache Tomcat 6.0.14\\lib\\tomcat-i18n-fr.jar:C:\\Arquivos de programas\\Apache Software Foundation\\Apache Tomcat 6.0.14\\lib\\tomcat-i18n-ja.jar:C:\\Arquivos de programas\\Apache Software Foundation\\Apache Tomcat 6.0.14\\bin\\tomcat-juli.jar
j2ee.server.instance=tomcat60:home=C:\\Arquivos de programas\\Apache Software Foundation\\Apache Tomcat 6.0.14:base=apache-tomcat-6.0.14_base
jaxws.endorsed.dir=C:\\Arquivos de programas\\NetBeans 6.0\\java1\\modules\\ext\\jaxws21\\api
libs.jsf12-support.classpath.libfile.1=C:\\Arquivos de programas\\NetBeans 6.0\\visualweb1\\modules\\ext\\jsfcl.jar
libs.jsf12-support.classpath.libfile.2=C:\\Arquivos de programas\\NetBeans 6.0\\visualweb1\\modules\\ext\\appbase.jar
libs.jsf12-support.classpath.libfile.3=C:\\Arquivos de programas\\NetBeans 6.0\\visualweb1\\modules\\ext\\dataprovider.jar
libs.jsf12-support.classpath.libfile.4=C:\\Arquivos de programas\\NetBeans 6.0\\visualweb1\\modules\\ext\\sqlx.jar
libs.jsf12.classpath.libfile.1=C:\\Arquivos de programas\\NetBeans 6.0\\enterprise4\\modules\\ext\\jsf-1_2\\commons-beanutils.jar
libs.jsf12.classpath.libfile.2=C:\\Arquivos de programas\\NetBeans 6.0\\enterprise4\\modules\\ext\\jsf-1_2\\commons-collections.jar
libs.jsf12.classpath.libfile.3=C:\\Arquivos de programas\\NetBeans 6.0\\enterprise4\\modules\\ext\\jsf-1_2\\commons-digester.jar
libs.jsf12.classpath.libfile.4=C:\\Arquivos de programas\\NetBeans 6.0\\enterprise4\\modules\\ext\\jsf-1_2\\commons-logging.jar
libs.jsf12.classpath.libfile.5=C:\\Arquivos de
programas\\NetBeans 6.0\\enterprise4\\modules\\ext\\jsf-1_2\\jsf-api.jar
libs.jsf12.classpath.libfile.6=C:\\Arquivos de programas\\NetBeans 6.0\\enterprise4\\modules\\ext\\jsf-1_2\\jsf-impl.jar
libs.jstl11.classpath.libfile.1=C:\\Arquivos de programas\\NetBeans 6.0\\enterprise4\\modules\\ext\\standard.jar
libs.jstl11.classpath.libfile.2=C:\\Arquivos de programas\\NetBeans 6.0\\enterprise4\\modules\\ext\\jstl.jar
libs.woodstock-components.classpath.libfile.1=C:\\Arquivos de programas\\NetBeans 6.0\\visualweb1\\modules\\ext\\webui-jsf.jar
libs.woodstock-components.classpath.libfile.2=C:\\Arquivos de programas\\NetBeans 6.0\\enterprise4\\modules\\ext\\commons-fileupload-1.0.jar
libs.woodstock-components.classpath.libfile.3=C:\\Arquivos de programas\\NetBeans 6.0\\visualweb1\\modules\\ext\\json-2.jar
libs.woodstock-components.classpath.libfile.4=C:\\Arquivos de programas\\NetBeans 6.0\\visualweb1\\modules\\ext\\prototype-1.5.0.jar
libs.woodstock-components.classpath.libfile.5=C:\\Arquivos de programas\\NetBeans 6.0\\visualweb1\\modules\\ext\\dojo-0.9.0.jar
libs.woodstock-components.classpath.libfile.6=C:\\Arquivos de programas\\NetBeans 6.0\\visualweb1\\modules\\ext\\jsf-extensions-common-0.1.jar
libs.woodstock-components.classpath.libfile.7=C:\\Arquivos de programas\\NetBeans 6.0\\visualweb1\\modules\\ext\\jsf-extensions-dynamic-faces-0.1.jar
user.properties.file=C:\\Documents and Settings\\Yuri\\.netbeans\\6.0\\build.properties
# Space-separated list of extra javac options
# Property libs.exceptionhandler-runtime.classpath is set here just to make sharing of project simpler.
# The library definition has always preference over this property.
libs.exceptionhandler-runtime.classpath=../../../Arquivos de programas/NetBeans 6.0 RC1/visualweb1/modules/ext/errorhandler.jar
# Property libs.Hibernate.classpath is set here just to make sharing of project simpler.
# The library definition has always preference over this property.
# Property libs.JasperReports.classpath is set here just to make sharing of project simpler.
# The library definition has always preference over this property.
libs.JasperReports.classpath=../../../Arquivos de programas/JasperSoft/iReport-2.0.0/lib/jasperreports-1.3.4.jar;../../../Arquivos de programas/JasperSoft/iReport-2.0.0/lib/commons-beanutils-1.7.jar;../../../Arquivos de programas/JasperSoft/iReport-2.0.0/lib/commons-collections-2.1.jar;../../../Arquivos de programas/JasperSoft/iReport-2.0.0/lib/commons-digester-1.7.jar;../../../Arquivos de programas/JasperSoft/iReport-2.0.0/lib/commons-logging-1.0.2.jar;../../../Arquivos de programas/JasperSoft/iReport-2.0.0/lib/itext-1.3.1.jar
# Property libs.jsf12-support.classpath is set here just to make sharing of project simpler.
# The library definition has always preference over this property.
libs.jsf12-support.classpath=../../../Arquivos de programas/NetBeans 6.0 RC1/visualweb1/modules/ext/jsfcl.jar;../../../Arquivos de programas/NetBeans 6.0 RC1/visualweb1/modules/ext/appbase.jar;../../../Arquivos de programas/NetBeans 6.0 RC1/visualweb1/modules/ext/dataprovider.jar;../../../Arquivos de programas/NetBeans 6.0 RC1/visualweb1/modules/ext/sqlx.jar
# Property libs.jsf12.classpath is set here just to make sharing of project simpler.
# The library definition has always preference over this property.
libs.jsf12.classpath=../../../Arquivos de programas/NetBeans 6.0 RC1/enterprise4/modules/ext/jsf-1_2/commons-beanutils.jar;../../../Arquivos de programas/NetBeans 6.0 RC1/enterprise4/modules/ext/jsf-1_2/commons-collections.jar;../../../Arquivos de programas/NetBeans 6.0 RC1/enterprise4/modules/ext/jsf-1_2/commons-digester.jar;../../../Arquivos de programas/NetBeans 6.0 RC1/enterprise4/modules/ext/jsf-1_2/commons-logging.jar;../../../Arquivos de programas/NetBeans 6.0 RC1/enterprise4/modules/ext/jsf-1_2/jsf-api.jar;../../../Arquivos de programas/NetBeans 6.0 RC1/enterprise4/modules/ext/jsf-1_2/jsf-impl.jar
# Property libs.jstl11.classpath
is set here just to make sharing of project simpler.
# The library definition has always preference over this property.
libs.jstl11.classpath=../../../Arquivos de programas/NetBeans 6.0 RC1/enterprise4/modules/ext/standard.jar;../../../Arquivos de programas/NetBeans 6.0 RC1/enterprise4/modules/ext/jstl.jar
# Property libs.MySQL.classpath is set here just to make sharing of project simpler.
# The library definition has always preference over this property.
# Property libs.Spring.classpath is set here just to make sharing of project simpler.
# The library definition has always preference over this property.
# Property libs.woodstock-components.classpath is set here just to make sharing of project simpler.
# The library definition has always preference over this property.
libs.woodstock-components.classpath=../../../Arquivos de programas/NetBeans 6.0 RC1/visualweb1/modules/ext/webui-jsf.jar;../../../Arquivos de programas/NetBeans 6.0 RC1/enterprise4/modules/ext/commons-fileupload-1.0.jar;../../../Arquivos de programas/NetBeans 6.0 RC1/visualweb1/modules/ext/json-2.jar;../../../Arquivos de programas/NetBeans 6.0 RC1/visualweb1/modules/ext/prototype-1.5.0.jar;../../../Arquivos de programas/NetBeans 6.0 RC1/visualweb1/modules/ext/dojo-0.9.0.jar;../../../Arquivos de programas/NetBeans 6.0 RC1/visualweb1/modules/ext/jsf-extensions-common-0.1.jar;../../../Arquivos de programas/NetBeans 6.0 RC1/visualweb1/modules/ext/jsf-extensions-dynamic-faces-0.1.jar
# Property libs.woodstock-theme-default.classpath is set here just to make sharing of project simpler.
# The library definition has always preference over this property.
libs.woodstock-theme-default.classpath=../../../Arquivos de programas/NetBeans 6.0 RC1/visualweb1/modules/ext/webui-jsf-suntheme.jar
# Space-separated list of JVM arguments used when running a class with a main method
# (you may also define separate properties like run-sys-prop.name=value instead of -Dname=value):
Manifest-Version: 1.0
 * ApplicationBean1.java
 * Created on 20/11/2007, 02:17:19
package agendawar;
import com.sun.rave.web.ui.appbase.AbstractApplicationBean;
import javax.faces.FacesException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.faces.context.ExternalContext;
import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRExporter;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRExporterParameter;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperFillManager;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperPrint;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.data.JRBeanCollectionDataSource;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.export.JRHtmlExporter;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.export.JRHtmlExporterParameter;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.export.JRPdfExporter;
import net.sf.jasperreports.j2ee.servlets.ImageServlet;
 * <p>Application scope data bean for your application. Create properties
 * here to represent cached data that should be made available to all users
 * and pages in the application.</p>
 * <p>An instance of this class will be created for you automatically,
 * the first time your application evaluates a value binding expression
 * or method binding expression that references a managed bean using
 * this class.</p>
 * @author Yuri
public class ApplicationBean1 extends AbstractApplicationBean {
 // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Managed Component Definition">
 * <p>Automatically managed component initialization. <strong>WARNING:</strong>
 * This method is automatically generated, so any user-specified code inserted
 * here is subject to being replaced.</p>
 private void _init() throws Exception {
 // </editor-fold>
 * <p>Construct a new application data bean instance.</p>
 public ApplicationBean1() {
 * <p>This method is called when this bean is initially added to
 * application scope. Typically, this occurs as a result of evaluating
 * a value binding or method binding expression, which utilizes the
 * managed bean facility to instantiate this bean and store it into
 * application scope.</p>
 * <p>You may customize this method to initialize and cache application wide
 * data values (such as the lists of valid options for dropdown list
 * components), or to allocate resources that are required for the
 * lifetime of the application.</p>
 public void init() {
 // Perform initializations inherited from our superclass
 // Perform application initialization that must complete
 // *before* managed components
are initialized
 // TODO - add your own initialiation code here
 // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Managed Component Initialization">
 // Initialize automatically managed components
 // *Note* - this logic should NOT be modified
 try {
 } catch (Exception e) {
 log("ApplicationBean1 Initialization Failure", e);
 throw e instanceof FacesException ? (FacesException) e: new FacesException(e);
 // </editor-fold>
 // Perform application initialization that must complete
 // *after* managed components are initialized
 // TODO - add your own initialization code here
 * <p>This method is called when this bean is removed from
 * application scope. Typically, this occurs as a result of
 * the application being shut down by its owning container.</p>
 * <p>You may customize this method to clean up resources allocated
 * during the execution of the <code>init()</code> method, or
 * at any later time during the lifetime of the application.</p>
 public void destroy() {
 * <p>Return an appropriate character encoding based on the
 * <code>Locale</code> defined for the current JavaServer Faces
 * view. If no more suitable encoding can be found, return
 * "UTF-8" as a general purpose default.</p>
 * <p>The default implementation uses the implementation from
 * our superclass, <code>AbstractApplicationBean</code>.</p>
 public String getLocaleCharacterEncoding() {
 return super.getLocaleCharacterEncoding();
 * <p>Prefixo para o local que está com o relatório compilado.</p>
 private static final String PREFIX = "/resources/";
 * <p>Sufixo de relatórios compilados.</p>
 private static final String SUFFIX = ".jasper";
 * <p>Tipos de conteúdo que serão suportados na geração do relatório.</p>
 private static final String[] VALID_TYPES =
 { "text/html", // Representação em HTML
 "application/pdf", // Representação em PDF
 * <p>Gera o relatório especificado, no tipo de output especificado
 *, baseado nos dados especificados.</p>
 * @param name Nome do relatório a ser impresso
 * @param type Tipo de conteúdo do relatório especificado ("application/pdf"
 * or "text/html")
 * @param data <code>ResultSet</code> contendo os dados para o relatório
 * @exception IllegalArgumentException se o tipo de arquivo
 * não for reconhecido
 * @exception IllegalArgumentException se o nome passado de arquivo
 * não existir no diretório
 public void jasperReport(String name, String type,
 Collection data) {
 jasperReport(name, type, data, new HashMap());
 * <p>Gera o relatório especificado, no formato especificado
 * , baseado nos dados especificados.</p>
 * @param name Nome do relatório a ser impresso
 * @param type Tipo de conteúdo do relatório ("application/pdf"
 * or "text/html")
 * @param data <code>ResultSet</code> contendo dados do relatório
 * @param params <code>Map</code> dos parâmetros adicionais do relatóri
 * @exception IllegalArgumentException se o tipo de relatório
 * não for reconhecido
 * @exception IllegalArgumentException se o nome do arquivo 
 * não existe
 public void jasperReport(String name, String type,
 Collection data, Map params) {
 // Valida o tipo de formato
 boolean found = false;
 for (int i = 0; i < VALID_TYPES.length; i++) {
 if (VALID_TYPES[i].equals(type)) {
 found = true;
 if (!found) {
 throw new IllegalArgumentException("tipo de relatório inválido");
 // Procura pelo relatório no diretório
 ExternalContext econtext = getExternalContext();
 InputStream stream = econtext.getResourceAsStream(PREFIX + name
 if (stream == null) {
 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Nome de relatório desconhecido '"
 + name
 + "' requisitado");
 // Preenche os parâmetros do relatório com o especificado
 JasperPrint jasperPrint = null;
 try {
 jasperPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(
 stream, params, new JRBeanCollectionDataSource(data));
 } catch (RuntimeException e) {
 throw e;
 } catch (Exception e) {
 throw new FacesException(e);
 } finally {
 try {
 } catch (IOException e) {
 // Configura o exportador que será utilizados
 JRExporter exporter = null;
 HttpServletResponse response = (HttpServletResponse)
 FacesContext fcontext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
 try {
 if ("application/pdf".equals(type)) {
 exporter = new JRPdfExporter();
 } else if ("text/html".equals(type)) {
 exporter = new JRHtmlExporter();
 // Torna as imagens disponíveis para HTML
 HttpServletRequest request =
 JRHtmlExporterParameter.IMAGES_MAP, new HashMap());
 // O código a seguir requer mapping /image
 // no imageServlet em web.xml.
 // Esse servlet serve imagens incluindo imagnes de 1 px
 // para espaçamento.
 // Serve a imagem diretamente, evitando trabalho
 // associado com requisições JSF ou não-JSF
 request.getContextPath() + "/image?image=");
 } catch (RuntimeException e) {
 throw e;
 } catch (Exception e) {
 throw new FacesException(e);
 // exporta o relatório já pronto e preparado
 try {
 } catch (RuntimeException e) {
 throw e;
 } catch (Exception e) {
 throw new FacesException(e);
 // Diz ao JavaServer Faces que o output não é necessário
acessoSistema=Acesso ao Sistema
nomeSistema=Sistema de Cadastro de Contatos
bemVindo=Bem vindo ao sistema!
meioContato=Meio de Contato
tipoEndereco=Tipo de Endere\u00E7o
tipoContato=Tipo de Contato
falhaAutenticacao=Login ou Senha incorretos. Tente novamente!
 * CabecalhoPage.java
 * Created on 23/11/2007, 01:49:30
package agendawar;
import com.sun.rave.web.ui.appbase.AbstractFragmentBean;
import com.sun.webui.jsf.component.Hyperlink;
import com.sun.webui.jsf.component.StaticText;
import javax.faces.FacesException;
import javax.faces.component.html.HtmlPanelGrid;
import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
 * <p>Fragment bean that corresponds to a similarly named JSP page
 * fragment. This class contains component definitions (and initialization
 * code) for all components that you have defined on this fragment, as well as
 * lifecycle methods and event handlers where you may add behavior
 * to respond to incoming events.</p>
 * @author Yuri
public class CabecalhoPage extends AbstractFragmentBean {
 // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Managed Component Definition">
 * <p>Automatically managed component initialization. <strong>WARNING:</strong>
 * This method is automatically generated, so any user-specified code inserted
 * here is subject to being replaced.</p>
 private void _init() throws Exception {
 private StaticText stxLogoSistema = new StaticText();
 public StaticText getStxLogoSistema() {
 return stxLogoSistema;
 public void setStxLogoSistema(StaticText st) {
 this.stxLogoSistema = st;
 private StaticText stxNomeSistema = new StaticText();
 public StaticText getStxNomeSistema() {
 return stxNomeSistema;
 public void setStxNomeSistema(StaticText st) {
 this.stxNomeSistema = st;
 private HtmlPanelGrid gridPanel1 = new HtmlPanelGrid();
 public HtmlPanelGrid getGridPanel1() {
 return gridPanel1;
 public void setGridPanel1(HtmlPanelGrid hpg) {
 this.gridPanel1 = hpg;
 private Hyperlink lnkUsuario = new Hyperlink();
 public Hyperlink getLnkUsuario() {
 return lnkUsuario;
 public void setLnkUsuario(Hyperlink h) {
 this.lnkUsuario = h;
 private Hyperlink lnkContato = new Hyperlink();
 public Hyperlink getLnkContato() {
 return lnkContato;
 public void setLnkContato(Hyperlink h) {
 this.lnkContato = h;
 private Hyperlink lnkSair = new Hyperlink();
 public Hyperlink getLnkSair() {
 return lnkSair;
 public void setLnkSair(Hyperlink h) {
 this.lnkSair = h;
 // </editor-fold>
 public CabecalhoPage() {
 * <p>Callback method that is called whenever a page containing
 * this page fragment is navigated to, either directly via a URL,
 * or indirectly via page navigation. Override this method to acquire
 * resources that will be needed for event handlers and lifecycle methods.</p>
 * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p>
 public void init() {
 // Perform initializations inherited from our superclass
 // Perform application initialization that must complete
 // *before* managed components are initialized
 // TODO - add your own initialiation code here
 // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Visual-Web-managed Component Initialization">
 // Initialize automatically managed components
 // *Note* - this logic should NOT be modified
 try {
 } catch (Exception e) {
 log("Page1 Initialization Failure", e);
 throw e instanceof FacesException ? (FacesException) e : new FacesException(e);
 // </editor-fold>
 // Perform application initialization that must complete
 // *after* managed components are initialized
 // TODO - add your own initialization code here
 * <p>Callback method that is called after rendering is completed for
 * this request, if <code>init()</code> was called. Override this
 * method to release resources acquired in the <code>init()</code>
 * resources that will be needed for event handlers and lifecycle methods.</p>
 * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p>
 public void destroy() {
 * <p>Return a reference to the scoped data bean.</p>
 * @return reference to the scoped data bean
 protected SessionBean1 getSessionBean1() {
 return (SessionBean1) getBean("SessionBean1");
 * <p>Return a reference to the scoped data bean.</p>
 * @return reference to the scoped data bean
 protected RequestBean1 getRequestBean1() {
 return (RequestBean1) getBean("RequestBean1");
 * <p>Return a reference to the scoped data bean.</p>
 * @return reference to the scoped data bean
 protected ApplicationBean1 getApplicationBean1() {
 return (ApplicationBean1) getBean("ApplicationBean1");
 public String lnkSair_action() {
 FacesContext fc = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
 HttpSession session = (HttpSession) fc.getExternalContext().getSession(false);
 return "paginaLogin";
 public String lnkUsuario_action() {
 // TODO: Process the action. Return value is a navigation
 // case name where null will return to the same page.
 return null;
 public String lnkContato_action() {
 // TODO: Process the action. Return value is a navigation
 // case name where null will return to the same page.
 return null;
 * ContatoPage.java
 * Created on 24/11/2007, 15:28:50
package agendawar;
import com.sun.rave.web.ui.appbase.AbstractPageBean;
import com.sun.webui.jsf.component.Body;
import com.sun.webui.jsf.component.Button;
import com.sun.webui.jsf.component.DropDown;
import com.sun.webui.jsf.component.Form;
import com.sun.webui.jsf.component.Head;
import com.sun.webui.jsf.component.HiddenField;
import com.sun.webui.jsf.component.Html;
import com.sun.webui.jsf.component.Hyperlink;
import com.sun.webui.jsf.component.Label;
import com.sun.webui.jsf.component.Link;
import com.sun.webui.jsf.component.MessageGroup;
import com.sun.webui.jsf.component.Page;
import com.sun.webui.jsf.component.PanelLayout;
import com.sun.webui.jsf.component.StaticText;
import com.sun.webui.jsf.component.Tab;
import com.sun.webui.jsf.component.TabSet;
import com.sun.webui.jsf.component.Table;
import com.sun.webui.jsf.component.TableColumn;
import com.sun.webui.jsf.component.TableRowGroup;
import com.sun.webui.jsf.component.TextField;
import com.sun.webui.jsf.model.DefaultTableDataProvider;
import com.sun.webui.jsf.model.SingleSelectOptionsList;
import dominio.Contato;
import dominio.Endereco;
import dominio.MeioContato;
import facade.ContatoFacade;
import facade.EnderecoFacade;
import facade.MeioContatoFacade;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
import javax.faces.FacesException;
import javax.faces.application.FacesMessage;
import javax.faces.convert.DateTimeConverter;
import provider.ContatoProvider;
import provider.EnderecoProvider;
import provider.MeioContatoProvider;
 * <p>Page bean that corresponds to a similarly named JSP page. This
 * class contains component definitions (and initialization code) for
 * all components that you have defined on this page, as well as
 * lifecycle methods and event handlers where you may add behavior
 * to respond to incoming events.</p>
 * @author Yuri
public class ContatoPage extends AbstractPageBean {
 private Contato contato;
 private ContatoFacade contatoFacade;
 private ContatoProvider contatoProvider;
 private Endereco endereco;
 private EnderecoFacade enderecoFacade;
 private EnderecoProvider enderecoProvider;
 private MeioContato meioContato;
 private MeioContatoFacade meioContatoFacade;
 private MeioContatoProvider meioContatoProvider;
 private ResourceBundle msg = ResourceBundle.getBundle("agendawar.Bundle");
 // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Managed Component Definition">
 * <p>Automatically managed component initialization. <strong>WARNING:</strong>
 * This method is automatically generated, so any user-specified code inserted
 * here is subject to being replaced.</p>
 private void _init() throws Exception {
 new com.sun.webui.jsf.model.Option[]{
 new com.sun.webui.jsf.model.Option(msg.getString("nome"), msg.getString("nome")),
 new com.sun.webui.jsf.model.Option(msg.getString("cargo"), msg.getString("cargo")),
 new com.sun.webui.jsf.model.Option(msg.getString("empresa"), msg.getString("empresa")),
 new com.sun.webui.jsf.model.Option(msg.getString("aniversario"), msg.getString("aniversario")),
 new com.sun.webui.jsf.model.Option(msg.getString("todos"), msg.getString("todos"))
 new com.sun.webui.jsf.model.Option[]{
 new com.sun.webui.jsf.model.Option(msg.getString("bairro"), msg.getString("bairro")),
 new com.sun.webui.jsf.model.Option(msg.getString("cidade"), msg.getString("cidade")),
 new com.sun.webui.jsf.model.Option(msg.getString("endereco"), msg.getString("endereco")),
 new com.sun.webui.jsf.model.Option(msg.getString("todos"), msg.getString("todos"))
 new com.sun.webui.jsf.model.Option[]{
 new com.sun.webui.jsf.model.Option("1", msg.getString("residencial")),
 new com.sun.webui.jsf.model.Option("2", msg.getString("comercial")),
 new com.sun.webui.jsf.model.Option("3", msg.getString("geral"))
 drpUfDefaultOptions.setOptions(new com.sun.webui.jsf.model.Option[]{new com.sun.webui.jsf.model.Option("AC", "AC"), new com.sun.webui.jsf.model.Option("AL", "AL"), new com.sun.webui.jsf.model.Option("AP", "AP"), new com.sun.webui.jsf.model.Option("AM", "AM"), new com.sun.webui.jsf.model.Option("BA", "BA"), new com.sun.webui.jsf.model.Option("CE", "CE"), new com.sun.webui.jsf.model.Option("DF", "DF"), new com.sun.webui.jsf.model.Option("ES", "ES"), new com.sun.webui.jsf.model.Option("GO", "GO"), new com.sun.webui.jsf.model.Option("MA", "MA"), new com.sun.webui.jsf.model.Option("MT", "MT"), new com.sun.webui.jsf.model.Option("MS", "MS"), new com.sun.webui.jsf.model.Option("MG", "MG"), new com.sun.webui.jsf.model.Option("PA", "PA"), new com.sun.webui.jsf.model.Option("PB", "PB"), new com.sun.webui.jsf.model.Option("PR", "PR"), new com.sun.webui.jsf.model.Option("PE", "PE"), new com.sun.webui.jsf.model.Option("PI", "PI"), new com.sun.webui.jsf.model.Option("RJ", "RJ"), new com.sun.webui.jsf.model.Option("RN", "RN"), new com.sun.webui.jsf.model.Option("RG", "RG"), new com.sun.webui.jsf.model.Option("RO", "RO"), new com.sun.webui.jsf.model.Option("RR", "RR"), new com.sun.webui.jsf.model.Option("SC", "SC"), new com.sun.webui.jsf.model.Option("SP", "SP"), new com.sun.webui.jsf.model.Option("SE", "SE"), new com.sun.webui.jsf.model.Option("TO", "TO")});
 new com.sun.webui.jsf.model.Option[]{
 new com.sun.webui.jsf.model.Option(msg.getString("conteudo"), msg.getString("conteudo")),
 new com.sun.webui.jsf.model.Option(msg.getString("tipoContato"), msg.getString("tipoContato")),
 new com.sun.webui.jsf.model.Option(msg.getString("todos"), msg.getString("todos"))
 new com.sun.webui.jsf.model.Option[]{
 new com.sun.webui.jsf.model.Option(msg.getString("telefone"), msg.getString("telefone")),
 new com.sun.webui.jsf.model.Option(msg.getString("email"), msg.getString("email")),
 new com.sun.webui.jsf.model.Option(msg.getString("fax"), msg.getString("fax")),
 new com.sun.webui.jsf.model.Option(msg.getString("celular"), msg.getString("celular")),
 new com.sun.webui.jsf.model.Option(msg.getString("outros"), msg.getString("outros"))
 private Page page1 = new Page();
 public Page getPage1() {
 return page1;
 public void setPage1(Page p) {
 this.page1 = p;
 private Html html1 = new Html();
 public Html getHtml1() {
 return html1;
 public void setHtml1(Html h) {
 this.html1 = h;
 private Head head1 = new Head();
 public Head getHead1() {
 return head1;
 public void setHead1(Head h) {
 this.head1 = h;
 private Link link1 = new Link();
 public Link getLink1() {
 return link1;
 public void setLink1(Link l) {
 this.link1 = l;
 private Body body1 = new Body();
 public Body getBody1() {
 return body1;
 public void setBody1(Body b) {
 this.body1 = b;
 private Form form1 = new Form();
 public Form getForm1() {
 return form1;
 public void setForm1(Form f) {
 this.form1 = f;
 private TabSet tbsContato = new TabSet();
 public TabSet getTbsContato() {
 return tbsContato;
 public void setTbsContato(TabSet ts) {
 this.tbsContato = ts;
 private Tab tabContato = new Tab();
 public Tab getTabContato() {
 return tabContato;
 public void setTabContato(Tab t) {
 this.tabContato = t;
 private PanelLayout layContato = new PanelLayout();
 public PanelLayout getLayContato() {
 return layContato;
 public void setLayContato(PanelLayout pl) {
 this.layContato = pl;
 private HiddenField hddContato = new HiddenField();
 public HiddenField getHddContato() {
 return hddContato;
 public void setHddContato(HiddenField hf) {
 this.hddContato = hf;
 private Label lblNome = new Label();
 public Label getLblNome() {
 return lblNome;
 public void setLblNome(Label l) {
 this.lblNome = l;
 private TextField txtNome = new TextField();
 public TextField getTxtNome() {
 return txtNome;
 public void setTxtNome(TextField tf) {
 this.txtNome = tf;
 private Label lblDataAniversario = new Label();
 public Label getLblDataAniversario() {
 return lblDataAniversario;
 public void setLblDataAniversario(Label l) {
 this.lblDataAniversario = l;
 private TextField txtAniversario = new TextField();
 public TextField getTxtAniversario() {
 return txtAniversario;
 public void setTxtAniversario(TextField tf) {
 this.txtAniversario = tf;
 private Label lblCargo = new Label();
 public Label getLblCargo() {
 return lblCargo;
 public void setLblCargo(Label l) {
 this.lblCargo = l;
 private TextField txtCargo = new TextField();
 public TextField getTxtCargo() {
 return txtCargo;
 public void setTxtCargo(TextField tf) {
 this.txtCargo = tf;
 private Label lblEmpresa = new Label();
 public Label getLblEmpresa() {
 return lblEmpresa;
 public void setLblEmpresa(Label l) {
 this.lblEmpresa = l;
 private TextField txtEmpresa = new TextField();
 public TextField getTxtEmpresa() {
 return txtEmpresa;
 public void setTxtEmpresa(TextField tf) {
 this.txtEmpresa = tf;
 private HtmlPanelGrid grdComandosContato = new HtmlPanelGrid();
 public HtmlPanelGrid getGrdComandosContato() {
 return grdComandosContato;
 public void setGrdComandosContato(HtmlPanelGrid hpg) {
 this.grdComandosContato = hpg;
 private Button btnNovoContato = new Button();
 public Button getBtnNovoContato() {
 return btnNovoContato;
 public void setBtnNovoContato(Button b) {
 this.btnNovoContato = b;
 private Button btnExcluirContato = new Button();
 public Button getBtnExcluirContato() {
 return btnExcluirContato;
 public void setBtnExcluirContato(Button b) {
 this.btnExcluirContato = b;
 private Button btnGravarContato = new Button();
 public Button getBtnGravarContato() {
 return btnGravarContato;
 public void setBtnGravarContato(Button b) {
 this.btnGravarContato = b;
 private Button btnConsultarContato = new Button();
 public Button getBtnConsultarContato() {
 return btnConsultarContato;
 public void setBtnConsultarContato(Button b) {
 this.btnConsultarContato = b;
 private DropDown drpConsultarContato = new DropDown();
 public DropDown getDrpConsultarContato() {
 return drpConsultarContato;
 public void setDrpConsultarContato(DropDown dd) {
 this.drpConsultarContato = dd;
 private SingleSelectOptionsList drpConsultarContatoDefaultOptions = new SingleSelectOptionsList();
 public SingleSelectOptionsList getDrpConsultarContatoDefaultOptions() {
 return drpConsultarContatoDefaultOptions;
 public void setDrpConsultarContatoDefaultOptions(SingleSelectOptionsList ssol) {
 this.drpConsultarContatoDefaultOptions = ssol;
 private HtmlPanelGrid grdResultadosContato = new HtmlPanelGrid();
 public HtmlPanelGrid getGrdResultadosContato() {
 return grdResultadosContato;
 public void setGrdResultadosContato(HtmlPanelGrid hpg) {
 this.grdResultadosContato = hpg;
 private MessageGroup msgContato = new MessageGroup();
 public MessageGroup getMsgContato() {
 return msgContato;
 public void setMsgContato(MessageGroup mg) {
 this.msgContato = mg;
 private Table tblContato = new Table();
 public Table getTblContato() {
 return tblContato;
 public void setTblContato(Table t) {
 this.tblContato = t;
 private TableRowGroup tableRowGroup1 = new TableRowGroup();
 public TableRowGroup getTableRowGroup1() {
 return tableRowGroup1;
 public void setTableRowGroup1(TableRowGroup trg) {
 this.tableRowGroup1 = trg;
 private Tab tabEndereco = new Tab();
 public Tab getTabEndereco() {
 return tabEndereco;
 public void setTabEndereco(Tab t) {
 this.tabEndereco = t;
 private PanelLayout layEndereco = new PanelLayout();
 public PanelLayout getLayEndereco() {
 return layEndereco;
 public void setLayEndereco(PanelLayout pl) {
 this.layEndereco = pl;
 private Tab tabMeioContato = new Tab();
 public Tab getTabMeioContato() {
 return tabMeioContato;
 public void setTabMeioContato(Tab t) {
 this.tabMeioContato = t;
 private PanelLayout layMeioContato = new PanelLayout();
 public PanelLayout getLayMeioContato() {
 return layMeioContato;
 public void setLayMeioContato(PanelLayout pl) {
 this.layMeioContato = pl;
 private DateTimeConverter dateTimeConverter1 = new DateTimeConverter();
 public DateTimeConverter getDateTimeConverter1() {
 return dateTimeConverter1;
 public void setDateTimeConverter1(DateTimeConverter dtc) {
 this.dateTimeConverter1 = dtc;
 private TableColumn tableColumn4 = new TableColumn();
 public TableColumn getTableColumn4() {
 return tableColumn4;
 public void setTableColumn4(TableColumn tc) {
 this.tableColumn4 = tc;
 private Hyperlink lnkNome = new Hyperlink();
 public Hyperlink getLnkNome() {
 return lnkNome;
 public void setLnkNome(Hyperlink h) {
 this.lnkNome = h;
 private TableColumn tableColumn5 = new TableColumn();
 public TableColumn getTableColumn5() {
 return tableColumn5;
 public void setTableColumn5(TableColumn tc) {
 this.tableColumn5 = tc;
 private StaticText staticText4 = new StaticText();
 public StaticText getStaticText4() {
 return staticText4;
 public void setStaticText4(StaticText st) {
 this.staticText4 = st;
 private TableColumn tableColumn6 = new TableColumn();
 public TableColumn getTableColumn6() {
 return tableColumn6;
 public void setTableColumn6(TableColumn tc) {
 this.tableColumn6 = tc;
 private StaticText staticText5 = new StaticText();
 public StaticText getStaticText5() {
 return staticText5;
 public void setStaticText5(StaticText st) {
 this.staticText5 = st;
 private Label lblTipoEndereco = new Label();
 public Label getLblTipoEndereco() {
 return lblTipoEndereco;
 public void setLblTipoEndereco(Label l) {
 this.lblTipoEndereco = l;
 private DropDown drpTipoEndereco = new DropDown();
 public DropDown getDrpTipoEndereco() {
 return drpTipoEndereco;
 public void setDrpTipoEndereco(DropDown dd) {
 this.drpTipoEndereco = dd;
 private SingleSelectOptionsList drpTipoEnderecoDefaultOptions = new SingleSelectOptionsList();
 public SingleSelectOptionsList getDrpTipoEnderecoDefaultOptions() {
 return drpTipoEnderecoDefaultOptions;
 public void setDrpTipoEnderecoDefaultOptions(SingleSelectOptionsList ssol) {
 this.drpTipoEnderecoDefaultOptions = ssol;
 private Label lblEndereco = new Label();
 public Label getLblEndereco() {
 return lblEndereco;
 public void setLblEndereco(Label l) {
 this.lblEndereco = l;
 private TextField txtEndereco = new TextField();
 public TextField getTxtEndereco() {
 return txtEndereco;
 public void setTxtEndereco(TextField tf) {
 this.txtEndereco = tf;
 private HiddenField hddIdEndereco = new HiddenField();
 public HiddenField getHddIdEndereco() {
 return hddIdEndereco;
 public void setHddIdEndereco(HiddenField hf) {
 this.hddIdEndereco = hf;
 private Label lblNumero = new Label();
 public Label getLblNumero() {
 return lblNumero;
 public void setLblNumero(Label l) {
 this.lblNumero = l;
 private TextField txtNumero = new TextField();
 public TextField getTxtNumero()
 return txtNumero;
 public void setTxtNumero(TextField tf) {
 this.txtNumero = tf;
 private Label lblComplemento = new Label();
 public Label getLblComplemento() {
 return lblComplemento;
 public void setLblComplemento(Label l) {
 this.lblComplemento = l;
 private TextField txtComplemento = new TextField();
 public TextField getTxtComplemento() {
 return txtComplemento;
 public void setTxtComplemento(TextField tf) {
 this.txtComplemento = tf;
 private Label lblBairro = new Label();
 public Label getLblBairro() {
 return lblBairro;
 public void setLblBairro(Label l) {
 this.lblBairro = l;
 private TextField txtBairro = new TextField();
 public TextField getTxtBairro() {
 return txtBairro;
 public void setTxtBairro(TextField tf) {
 this.txtBairro = tf;
 private Label lblCidade = new Label();
 public Label getLblCidade() {
 return lblCidade;
 public void setLblCidade(Label l) {
 this.lblCidade = l;
 private TextField txtCidade = new TextField();
 public TextField getTxtCidade() {
 return txtCidade;
 public void setTxtCidade(TextField tf) {
 this.txtCidade = tf;
 private Label lblUf = new Label();
 public Label getLblUf() {
 return lblUf;
 public void setLblUf(Label l) {
 this.lblUf = l;
 private DropDown drpUf = new DropDown();
 public DropDown getDrpUf() {
 return drpUf;
 public void setDrpUf(DropDown dd) {
 this.drpUf = dd;
 private SingleSelectOptionsList drpUfDefaultOptions = new SingleSelectOptionsList();
 public SingleSelectOptionsList getDrpUfDefaultOptions() {
 return drpUfDefaultOptions;
 public void setDrpUfDefaultOptions(SingleSelectOptionsList ssol) {
 this.drpUfDefaultOptions = ssol;
 private HtmlPanelGrid grdComandosEndereco = new HtmlPanelGrid();
 public HtmlPanelGrid getGrdComandosEndereco() {
 return grdComandosEndereco;
 public void setGrdComandosEndereco(HtmlPanelGrid hpg) {
 this.grdComandosEndereco = hpg;
 private Button btnGravarEndereco = new Button();
 public Button getBtnGravarEndereco() {
 return btnGravarEndereco;
 public void setBtnGravarEndereco(Button b) {
 this.btnGravarEndereco = b;
 private Button btnConsultarEndereco = new Button();
 public Button getBtnConsultarEndereco() {
 return btnConsultarEndereco;
 public void setBtnConsultarEndereco(Button b) {
 this.btnConsultarEndereco = b;
 private Button btnExcluirEndereco = new Button();
 public Button getBtnExcluirEndereco() {
 return btnExcluirEndereco;
 public void setBtnExcluirEndereco(Button b) {
 this.btnExcluirEndereco = b;
 private Button btnNovoEndereco = new Button();
 public Button getBtnNovoEndereco() {
 return btnNovoEndereco;
 public void setBtnNovoEndereco(Button b) {
 this.btnNovoEndereco = b;
 private DropDown drpConsultarEndereco = new DropDown();
 public DropDown getDrpConsultarEndereco() {
 return drpConsultarEndereco;
 public void setDrpConsultarEndereco(DropDown dd) {
 this.drpConsultarEndereco = dd;
 private SingleSelectOptionsList drpConsultarEnderecoDefaultOptions = new SingleSelectOptionsList();
 public SingleSelectOptionsList getDrpConsultarEnderecoDefaultOptions() {
 return drpConsultarEnderecoDefaultOptions;
 public void setDrpConsultarEnderecoDefaultOptions(SingleSelectOptionsList ssol) {
 this.drpConsultarEnderecoDefaultOptions = ssol;
 private HtmlPanelGrid grdResultadosEndereco = new HtmlPanelGrid();
 public HtmlPanelGrid getGrdResultadosEndereco() {
 return grdResultadosEndereco;
 public void setGrdResultadosEndereco(HtmlPanelGrid hpg) {
 this.grdResultadosEndereco = hpg;
 private MessageGroup msgEndereco = new MessageGroup();
 public MessageGroup getMsgEndereco() {
 return msgEndereco;
 public void setMsgEndereco(MessageGroup mg) {
 this.msgEndereco = mg;
 private Table tblEndereco = new Table();
 public Table getTblEndereco() {
 return tblEndereco;
 public void setTblEndereco(Table t) {
 this.tblEndereco = t;
 private TableRowGroup tableRowGroup2 = new TableRowGroup();
 public TableRowGroup getTableRowGroup2() {
 return tableRowGroup2;
 public void setTableRowGroup2(TableRowGroup trg) {
 this.tableRowGroup2 = trg;
 private TableColumn tableColumn7 = new TableColumn();
 public TableColumn getTableColumn7() {
 return tableColumn7;
 public void setTableColumn7(TableColumn tc) {
 this.tableColumn7 = tc;
 private Hyperlink lnkEndereco = new Hyperlink();
 public Hyperlink getLnkEndereco() {
 return lnkEndereco;
 public void setLnkEndereco(Hyperlink h) {
 this.lnkEndereco = h;
 private TableColumn tableColumn8 = new TableColumn();
 public TableColumn getTableColumn8() {
 return tableColumn8;
 public void setTableColumn8(TableColumn tc) {
 this.tableColumn8 = tc;
 private StaticText staticText6 = new StaticText();
 public StaticText getStaticText6() {
 return staticText6;
 public void setStaticText6(StaticText st) {
 this.staticText6 = st;
 private TableColumn tableColumn9 = new TableColumn();
 public TableColumn getTableColumn9() {
 return tableColumn9;
 public void setTableColumn9(TableColumn tc) {
 this.tableColumn9 = tc;
 private StaticText staticText7 = new StaticText();
 public StaticText getStaticText7() {
 return staticText7;
 public void setStaticText7(StaticText st) {
 this.staticText7 = st;
 private TableColumn tableColumn10 = new TableColumn();
 public TableColumn getTableColumn10() {
 return tableColumn10;
 public void setTableColumn10(TableColumn tc) {
 this.tableColumn10 = tc;
 private StaticText staticText8 = new StaticText();
 public StaticText getStaticText8() {
 return staticText8;
 public void setStaticText8(StaticText st) {
 this.staticText8 = st;
 private HtmlPanelGrid grdResultadosMeioContato = new HtmlPanelGrid();
 public HtmlPanelGrid getGrdResultadosMeioContato() {
 return grdResultadosMeioContato;
 public void setGrdResultadosMeioContato(HtmlPanelGrid hpg) {
 this.grdResultadosMeioContato = hpg;
 private MessageGroup msgMeioContato = new MessageGroup();
 public MessageGroup getMsgMeioContato() {
 return msgMeioContato;
 public void setMsgMeioContato(MessageGroup mg) {
 this.msgMeioContato = mg;
 private Table tblMeioContato = new Table();
 public Table getTblMeioContato() {
 return tblMeioContato;
 public void setTblMeioContato(Table t) {
 this.tblMeioContato = t;
 private TableRowGroup tableRowGroup3 = new TableRowGroup();
 public TableRowGroup getTableRowGroup3() {
 return tableRowGroup3;
 public void setTableRowGroup3(TableRowGroup trg) {
 this.tableRowGroup3 = trg;
 private Label lblTipoContato = new Label();
 public Label getLblTipoContato() {
 return lblTipoContato;
 public void setLblTipoContato(Label l) {
 this.lblTipoContato = l;
private DropDown drpTipoContato = new DropDown();
 public DropDown getDrpTipoContato() {
 return drpTipoContato;
 public void setDrpTipoContato(DropDown dd) {
 this.drpTipoContato = dd;
 private SingleSelectOptionsList drpTipoContatoDefaultOptions = new SingleSelectOptionsList();
 public SingleSelectOptionsList getDrpTipoContatoDefaultOptions() {
 return drpTipoContatoDefaultOptions;
 public void setDrpTipoContatoDefaultOptions(SingleSelectOptionsList ssol) {
 this.drpTipoContatoDefaultOptions = ssol;
 private Label lblConteudo = new Label();
 public Label getLblConteudo() {
 return lblConteudo;
 public void setLblConteudo(Label l) {
 this.lblConteudo = l;
 private TextField txtConteudo = new TextField();
 public TextField getTxtConteudo() {
 return txtConteudo;
 public void setTxtConteudo(TextField tf) {
 this.txtConteudo = tf;
 private HtmlPanelGrid grdComandosMeioContato = new HtmlPanelGrid();
 public HtmlPanelGrid getGrdComandosMeioContato() {
 return grdComandosMeioContato;
 public void setGrdComandosMeioContato(HtmlPanelGrid hpg) {
 this.grdComandosMeioContato = hpg;
 private Button btnNovoMeioContato = new Button();
 public Button getBtnNovoMeioContato() {
 return btnNovoMeioContato;
 public void setBtnNovoMeioContato(Button b) {
 this.btnNovoMeioContato = b;
 private Button btnGravarMeioContato = new Button();
 public Button getBtnGravarMeioContato() {
 return btnGravarMeioContato;
 public void setBtnGravarMeioContato(Button b) {
 this.btnGravarMeioContato = b;
 private Button btnExcluirMeioContato = new Button();
 public Button getBtnExcluirMeioContato() {
 return btnExcluirMeioContato;
 public void setBtnExcluirMeioContato(Button b) {
 this.btnExcluirMeioContato = b;
 private Button btnConsultar = new Button();
 public Button getBtnConsultar() {
 return btnConsultar;
 public void setBtnConsultar(Button b) {
 this.btnConsultar = b;
 private DropDown drpConsultarMeioContato = new DropDown();
 public DropDown getDrpConsultarMeioContato() {
 return drpConsultarMeioContato;
 public void setDrpConsultarMeioContato(DropDown dd) {
 this.drpConsultarMeioContato = dd;
 private SingleSelectOptionsList drpConsultarMeioContatoDefaultOptions = new SingleSelectOptionsList();
 public SingleSelectOptionsList getDrpConsultarMeioContatoDefaultOptions() {
 return drpConsultarMeioContatoDefaultOptions;
 public void setDrpConsultarMeioContatoDefaultOptions(SingleSelectOptionsList ssol) {
 this.drpConsultarMeioContatoDefaultOptions = ssol;
 private TableColumn tableColumn11 = new TableColumn();
 public TableColumn getTableColumn11() {
 return tableColumn11;
 public void setTableColumn11(TableColumn tc) {
 this.tableColumn11 = tc;
 private StaticText staticText9 = new StaticText();
 public StaticText getStaticText9() {
 return staticText9;
 public void setStaticText9(StaticText st) {
 this.staticText9 = st;
 private TableColumn tableColumn12 = new TableColumn();
 public TableColumn getTableColumn12() {
 return tableColumn12;
 public void setTableColumn12(TableColumn tc) {
 this.tableColumn12 = tc;
 private Hyperlink lnkConteudo = new Hyperlink();
 public Hyperlink getLnkConteudo() {
 return lnkConteudo;
 public void setLnkConteudo(Hyperlink h) {
 this.lnkConteudo = h;
 private HiddenField hddMeioContato = new HiddenField();
 public HiddenField getHddMeioContato() {
 return hddMeioContato;
 public void setHddMeioContato(HiddenField hf) {
 this.hddMeioContato = hf;
 // </editor-fold>
 * <p>Construct a new Page bean instance.</p>
 public ContatoPage() {
 * <p>Callback method that is called whenever a page is navigated to,
 * either directly via a URL, or indirectly via page navigation.
 * Customize this method to acquire resources that will be needed
 * for event handlers and lifecycle methods, whether or not this
 * page is performing post back processing.</p>
 * <p>Note that, if the current request is a postback, the property
 * values of the components do <strong>not</strong> represent any
 * values submitted with this request. Instead, they represent the
 * property values that were saved for this view when it was rendered.</p>
 public void init() {
 // Perform initializations inherited from our superclass
 // Perform application initialization that must complete
 // *before* managed components are initialized
 // TODO - add your own initialiation code here
 // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Managed Component Initialization">
 // Initialize automatically managed components
 // *Note* - this logic should NOT be modified
 try {
 } catch (Exception e) {
 log("ContatoPage Initialization Failure", e);
 throw e instanceof FacesException ? (FacesException) e : new FacesException(e);
 // </editor-fold>
 // Perform application initialization that must complete
 // *after* managed components are initialized
 // TODO - add your own initialization code here
 * <p>Callback method that is called after the component tree has been
 * restored, but before any event processing takes place. This method
 * will <strong>only</strong> be called on a postback request that
 * is processing a form submit. Customize this method to allocate
 * resources that will be required in your event handlers.</p>
 public void preprocess() {
 * <p>Callback method that is called just before rendering takes place.
 * This method will <strong>only</strong> be called for the page that
 * will actually be rendered (and not, for example, on a page that
 * handled a postback and then navigated to a different page). Customize
 * this method to allocate resources that will be required for rendering
 * this page.</p>
 public void prerender() {
 * <p>Callback method that is called after rendering is completed for
 * this request, if <code>init()</code> was called (regardless of whether
 * or not this was the page that was actually rendered). Customize this
 * method to release resources acquired in the <code>init()</code>,
 * <code>preprocess()</code>, or <code>prerender()</code> methods (or
 * acquired during execution of an event handler).</p>
 public void destroy() {
 * <p>Return a reference to the scoped data bean.</p>
 * @return reference to the scoped data bean
 protected SessionBean1 getSessionBean1() {
 return (SessionBean1) getBean("SessionBean1");
 * <p>Return a reference to the scoped data bean.</p>
 * @return reference to the scoped data bean
 protected ApplicationBean1 getApplicationBean1() {
 return (ApplicationBean1) getBean("ApplicationBean1");
 * <p>Return a reference to the scoped data bean.</p>
 * @return reference to the scoped data bean
 protected RequestBean1 getRequestBean1() {
 return (RequestBean1) getBean("RequestBean1");

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