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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Prévia do material em texto

 1a Questão 
"Your course will start with an initial assessment in week 1, followed by a guided tour of the building." This 
is an example of: 
Narrative text 
Descriptive text 
Persuasive text 
Instructive text 
 Informative text 
 2a Questão 
Leia o texto para responder a questão: 
Missouri is called the "Show Me State," because its people have a reputation for believing only what they 
see. Its name is an Algonquin Indian term meaning "river of the big canoes." Originally home to a number 
of Indian tribes, the state entered the Union in 1821. Today, more than half the population lives in 
Missouri's two major cities--Kansas City and St. Louis. The dogwood is the state tree, the bluebird is the 
state bird and the capital is Jefferson City. 
De acordo com o texto acima, marque a assertiva correta. 
Missouri people only believe in things which can be tested. 
 Many of the Indian tribes used to live in Missouri . 
Jefferson City is the capital of the Union 
The dogwood is a kind of representation of Jefferson City. 
Kansas City and St. Louis are names of churches. 
 3a Questão 
Sobre as atividades de pré- leitura, é correto afirmar que: 
They are generally useless in helping students understand the text they will be reading next, as they 
are not responsible for the activation of any prior knowledge. 
They are intended to develop students¿ abilities to writing better, because they deal with new 
grammar and lexis the teacher expects the students to use in their compositions. 
They are essential to the development of the four skills anyone should develop when learning a 
language: reading, writing, speaking, and listening. 
 They help students activate their background knowledge about important abilities, strategies and 
lexis which are going to be necessary in the text. 
They improve students¿ abilities to understand oral speech, as they are based on listening activities 
which precede the reading activity. 
 4a Questão 
Leia o texto abaixo e assinale a alternativa que explica por que "The legacy of 
environmental catastrophes is, instead, a hybrid of amnesia and habituation": 
By Sharon Begley | NEWSWEEK Published May 7, 2010 
The legacy of environmental catastrophes is, instead, a hybrid of amnesia and 
habituation. That is, the public forgets more quickly now than in the past, and 
understands that no source of energy is risk-free. Coal kills miners, including the 25 
in West Virginia last month. Natural-gas pipelines sometimes explode and occasionally 
kill, as in a 2000 accident that left 12 people dead in New Mexico. Nuclear reactors, 
despite industry assurances, will never be risk-free; no technology is. The "risks" of 
renewable such as wind and solar are higher energy prices, which too many people 
are less acceptable than the environmental and human costs of fossil fuel. "There has 
been a generational change in risk tolerance," says engineering professor Henry 
Petroski of Duke University, author of the 2010 book The Essential Engineer. "The 
public has become more familiar with the concept of risk, and the fact that it is 
ubiquitous. The bumper sticker S--T HAPPENS used to be a fringe phenomenon, but 
now it's mainstream: people have become resigned to risk." 
People are very concerned about the risks of energy production. 
 Our addiction to cheap energy made us too tolerant to the risks of energy production. 
These diseases are caused by long hours of work in coal mines. 
Governments and society are planning new ways of obtaining cheap energy. 
These diseases are caused by long hours of work in natural-gas pipelines. 
 5a Questão 
Here are some techniques and strategies for improving your comprehension skills. Which of them is NOT 
 If you don't understand a word, stop and look it up in the dictionary. 
Keep a vocabulary journal. 
Learn affixes: knowing prefixes and suffixes will increase your word recognition. 
Determine what you know about the topic, what you want to know, and what you learned. 
Identify key words, cognates and false friends. 
 6a Questão 
In order to be able to make inferences and draw conclusions, the reader is supposed to use the following 
resources, EXCEPT: 
Knowledge on textual organization: clues and information from the title, subtitles, thesis statements, 
Semantic context: the meaning of the text as a whole, i.e., to guess the meaning of the words and 
ideas based on the context, taking into consideration the words, phrases and sentences which precede 
and proceed them, and which contribute to the construction of the text as a whole. 
Linguistic context: clues which determine if the word is a noun, a verb, an adjective, etc. 
 Background or previous knowledge: When you use this strategy, you are able to create hypotheses 
about the themes you are going to read about in the texts. Afterwards, when you read the texts, you 
can agree or modify your first impressions about them. 
Non-linguistic context (non-verbal information): information presented on maps, tables, pictures, 
 7a Questão 
Choose the alternative that names the four subskills of reading are: (Escolha a alternativa que revele os 
nomes que se dá às quatro sub habilidades de leitura:) 
skimming - extensive reading - reading for gist - intensive reading 
scanning - skimming - extensive reading - reading for gist 
skimming - reading for gist - extensive reading - intensive reading 
scanning - skimming - reading for detail - extensive reading 
 scanning - skimming - extensive reading - intensive reading 
 8a Questão 
Which reading strategy would be used for a telephone directory? 
Detailed Reading 
 1a Questão 
Sobre atividades pós-leitura, é correto afirmar que: 
They improve students¿ abilities to understand oral speech, as they are based on listening activities 
which precede the reading activity. 
They are essential to the development of the four skills anyone should develop when learning a 
language: reading, writing, speaking, and listening. 
They are generally useless in helping students understand the text they will be reading next, as they 
are not responsible for the activation of any prior knowledge. 
They help students activate their background knowledge about important abilities, strategies and 
lexis which are going to be necessary in the text. 
 They help students make sense of what they have just read and emphasize the need of going from 
reading a text to using what has been learnt from the text. 
 2a Questão 
Leia com atenção a situação abaixo e relacione-a com a técnica de leitura a qual se assemelha, assinalando 
a respectiva opção: When you look for a number in a telephone directory, you do not read all the text. 
Instead, you prefer to hurry over the text until you find the information you want. When doing so, which 
reading subskill are you applying? 
intensive reading 
reading for gist 
extensive reading 
 3a Questão 
Leiao texto com atenção o anúncio e assinale a alternativa incorreta em relação ao que foi lido: 
 (The New York Times) SECRETARY Leading architectural, engineering, and planning firm is seeking an 
entry-level secretary/receptionist for immediate replacement. Responsibilities include report preparation, 
correspondence, travel arrangements, and answering phones. The ideal candidate must have excellent 
client contact and organizational skills, as well as Microsoft Word and Excel. Bilingual (English/Spanish) a 
plus. Position offers a complete benefit package and salary is commensurate with experience. Please 
send/fax resume by November 11th to: STV/SILVER & ZISKIND 233 Park Avenue South New York, NY 
10003 FAX: 212-473-2780 Attn: V. Hall For more information on STV, visit our Web 
site: http://www.stvinc.com/ 
 Mark the incorrect statement: 
The advertisement was published in the newspaper by a big firm. 
The selected candidate will be hired immediately. 
The firm promisses a fair salary and other advantages. 
 The candidates should apply by e-mailing their resume. 
The candidates should have various language skills. 
 4a Questão 
Reading a text quickly to absorb general information is a valuable skill: 
"Reports last week said Pakistan had redeployed some troops from the north-west to the Indian border and 
cancelled some army leave. Air strikes against militants in the restive Swat and Bajaur regions had been 
scaled down, officials said. But one Pakistani military official told Reuters that reports of thousands of 
troops being redeployed were 'absolute rubbish'. India's military has denied any significant bolstering of 
troops on the border." 
Choose the best summary of the story you have just read about India and Pakistan. 
Pakistan is moving troops from the Indian border to attack militants in Swat and Bajaur. India is not 
sending reinforcements. 
Pakistan is moving thousands of troops from the north-west to the Indian border. India is not 
significantly increasing the number of troops on the border. 
 Pakistan has denied reports that it is making military preparations close to the Indian border. India 
says it is not increasing troop numbers in the area either. 
Hostilities are likely in South Asia as Pakistan builds up troop numbers on the frontier with India and 
India prepares to retaliate. 
Pakistan has denied reports that its troops will leave the Indian border. 
 5a Questão 
"Students are given access to data, and are provided with structured opportunities to work out 
rules, principles and, so on for themselves. The concept here is that information will be more 
deeply processed and stored if learners are given an opportunity to work things out for 
themselves, rather than simply being told." 
The text above is about: 
 inductive reasoning 
 6a Questão 
 Mark the alternative in which all the words are formed by adding a prefix to a root word: (Marque a 
alternativa em que todas as palavras são formadas pela adição de um prefixo a um radical) 
carpenter, wood, hammer, nail 
clearish, chairs, won¿t, obligation 
had, head; their, there; sale, sail 
angry, mad, furious, inflamed 
 coordinate, hemisphere, ultraviolet 
 7a Questão 
"It enables readers to get a sense of what the text is about and how it is organized before reading it 
closely. This simple strategy includes seeing what you can learn from the headnotes or other introductory 
material." We are talking about. 
Guessing meaning from contexts 
 8a Questão 
A son writes ... Last week I asked my Mum if I could go to a rock festival. No',shesaid,No′,shesaid,the 
music will be too loud ... there'll be crowds of people ... you won't know anybody ...'. These excuses were 
so lame I decided there was some other secret reason why she didn't want me to go. After all, this is the 
first time my mum has ever shown any concern about the dangers of loud music. I think the real reason 
Mum is worried about my going to the festival is that my friends and I will have to survive by ourselves for 
a couple of days. This might not sound like much of a challenge, but surviving means preparing food as 
well as eating it, putting tents up as well as sleeping in them ... Mum has obviously realized that if I went 
to the festival I would soon find out how totally dependent on her I am. And once I realized how incapable I 
am of surviving on my own, I would never leave home again. Then Mum would have a pathetic teenager / 
adult under her feet for the rest of her life. 
Choose a, b, or c, in each question below. Only one choice is correct. The son wanted to go to the festival 
for ... 
a couple of weekends. 
 two days with his friends. 
two days alone. 
two days at home. 
a month 
 1a Questão 
Match each reading technique to its definition 
1. Prediction (Predição)______ 
2. Visuals (Inferência visual)_______ 
3. Guessing (Adivinhar, deduzir, interpretar significados)_______ 
a. When you use this strategy, you are able to create hypotheses about the themes you are going to read 
about in the texts. Afterwards, when you read the texts, you can agree or modify your first impressions 
about them. 
b. During the process of a text comprehension written in foreign language, the reader should try to 
understand all unknown words in the context they are employed. Then, we should consider: The text 
subject; everything the reader knows about the subject; grammatical relations. 
c. Elements such as titles, dates, subtitles, illustrations, photos, diagrams, charts, bold types, quotation 
marks, different types of letters, etc. are important to help the reader to make inferences and logical 
1(c), 2(b), 3(a) 
1(a), 2(c), 3(c) 
 1(a), 2(c), 3(b) 
1(b), 2(a), 3(c) 
1(b), 2(c), 3(a) 
 2a Questão 
READ the text below: 
"Reports last week said Pakistan had redeployed some troops from the north-west to the Indian border and 
cancelled some army leave. Air strikes against militants in the restive Swat and Bajaur regions had been 
scaled down, officials said. But one Pakistani military official told Reuters that reports of thousands of troops 
being redeployed were 'absolute rubbish'. India's military has denied any significant bolstering of troops on 
the border." 
► Choose the best summary of the story you have just read about India and Pakistan. 
 Pakistan has denied reports that it is making military preparations close to the Indian border. India 
says it is not increasing troop numbers in the area either. 
Pakistan is moving thousands of troops from the north-west to the Indian border. India is not 
significantly increasing the number of troops on the border. 
Pakistan has denied reports that its troops will leave the Indian border. 
Hostilities are likely in South Asia as Pakistan builds up troop numbers on the frontier with India and 
India prepares to retaliate. 
Pakistan is moving troops from the Indian border to attack militants in Swat and Bajaur. India is not 
sending reinforcements. 
 3a Questão 
Leia o texto com atenção e assinale a razão apontada para o autor como sendo a responsável por manter a 
religião viva no coração humano. . 
World Religions 
 From the earliest known the evidence of human religion by Homo sapiens neanderthalensis around 
100,000 yearsago to the present day, religion continues to be a very influential aspect of human lives. 
Today, there are numerous challenges and problems faced by humans from every possible background, 
location and social class. Every day people must face issues of health, safety and mortality. It is because of 
these daily challenges that religion continues to exist. Religion is the universal tool for explaining things 
which we do not understand through the context the known physical world. Although there are countless 
religions, each different from the other, they all serve the same purpose. Each answers questions which all 
humans seem to be programmed to ask: Why are we here? 
Different backgrounds are a plausible reason. 
Fear from eternal damnation make people run to churches. 
Violence and stress motivgate people to look for comfort in religion. 
Religion can explain things that cannot be understood by human mind. 
 Everyday challenges and problems faced by humans. 
 4a Questão 
Leia o texto abaixo e responda a pergunta que o segue. 
Autumn is the season that falls between summer and winter. There are many changes that begin in this 
fascinating season. Days become shorter. Leaves of trees turn from green to vibrant red, yellow and 
orange. Trees need sunlight to keep their leaves a lively green. Without sunlight leaves turn colors. The 
grass is no longer blanketed with dew but with frost, almost every morning, as temperatures reach the 
freezing point. Animals start storing up a food supply to last through the long winter months. These 
changes occur as we adjust from the heat of the summer to the chill of the winter. 
Qual das seguintes mudanças pode ocorrer no Outono? 
snow fall's very often. 
days become longer 
there is more sunlight 
it becomes very hot 
 days become shorter 
 5a Questão 
Leia com atenção a situação abaixo e relacione-a com a técnica de leitura a qual se assemelha, assinalando 
a respectiva opção: You decide to buy your mom a book for her birthday. During lunchtime, you visit the 
closest bookstore and start reading the back of some books so to decide the best one to buy her. When 
doing so, which reading subskill are you applying? 
extensive reading 
reading for detail 
intensive reading 
 6a Questão 
Leia o texto com atenção e assinale a alternativa que explica o por que, de acordo com o mesmo texto, 
uma pessoa acima do peso se sente inferior perante a sociedade: 
Fat Kids, Cruel World 
By Lesley Kinzel | Newsweek Web Exclusive Apr 20, 2010 
 After a decade of dieting, false hopes, and dead ends, I was out of options. I was an obese child, now 
assured of a life as an obese adult. The path I ultimately chose was self-acceptance. I chose to shed self-
hatred and to respect myself, something I'd never done before. It was a long time coming; it didn't happen 
in a week or even a year. But I came to realize that it wasn't my fatness that made me hate exercise; it 
was the social expectations associated with being fat that did so. It wasn't my fatness that made me feel 
inferior to and isolated from people I met; it was the cultural ideology which dictated that fat people are 
lonely, miserable, and unloved. 
Feeling hungry all the time and never being satisfied, as they are always looking for more food. 
 The cultural ideology which dictates that fat people are different and full of negative problems 
Going to the gym and facing skinny and healthy fellows who never seems to be lonely or upset. 
Eating more food than regular weight people and spending much more money on this heavy diet. 
Having to shop for clothes in specialized stores and feeling that fashion is not suitable for fat people. 
 7a Questão 
Read the following statement ¿ just knowing the meanings taken from the dictionary does not guarantee 
the comprehension of the word in the varied contexts it may appear¿. Which strategy can be used to grasp 
the general or approximate meaning of the word in a context? 
memorizing words 
checking the dictionary 
studying idioms 
repeated words 
 8a Questão 
A intenção principal do texto acima é fazer um anúncio sobre: 
Serviços em geral 
 1a Questão 
READ the story below: 
Long ago, there lived a pig that was given plenty of good food to eat each day. Needless to say, the pig was 
quite satisfied with his life. Satisfied, that is, until one morning when the farmer's wife brought his food and 
said, "Enjoy this good food while you can, dear pig. For you shan't be around much longer!" 
► Make a prediction: What does the farmer's wife most likely tell the pig next? 
"We are moving to another farm!" 
 "When next we meet, you will be on our dinner table!" 
"We will put you on a diet because you are getting fat!" 
"We will be giving you away." 
"You are being sold to a pet store!" 
 2a Questão 
Leia o texto com atenção e, usando a técnica da inferência, assinale a alternativa que indica para que a 
palavra STAYCATION é usada: 
 Staying Home for the Holidays: Strapped vacationers are discovering the attractions in their 
own backyards. Bad news for the global economy. 
 Sophie Grove | NEWSWEEK/Published May 2, 2009 
 Juliet Murrell has packed her suitcase. But she's not going anywhere. The 28-year-old interior designer is 
vacationing at home this year. Murrell, who usually travels to southern France and beyond, is embarking on 
a "staycation," taking a fortnight off work to swim, cycle and explore areas of her own city, East London, a 
former industrial zone that has a gritty charm but is hardly the Côte d'Azur. "You have to wake up in the 
morning with the spirit of adventure," she says. "It's about mentally reviving yourself and your 
environment." As the pound weakens to near parity with the euro, scores of Britons are canceling their trips 
to the Mediterranean or the French Riviera and braving the notoriously unpredictable weather at home. 
to express the parity between the pound and the euro in money market nowadays 
nominate a mental travel throughout Europe 
 as a slang to define the way Londoners are spending their holidays: at home 
as a synonym to Cote d¿Azur, southern France and East London 
As a slang to define Londoners long vacations ahead 
 3a Questão 
a- Relacione as estratégias de leitura com as definições apresentadas e marque a alternativa que exprime 
a relação correta: 
 1- Previsão 
2- Skimming 
3- Scanning 
4- Predição 
 5- Inferência 
 A- Encontrar a idéia geral do texto após uma olhada ligeira. 
 B- Identificar idéias que não estão expressas no texto. 
 C- Ler o texto rapidamente para achar o tópico, a idéia principal e a organização do texto. 
 D- Ler o texto rapidamente para achar uma informação específica. 
E- Antecipar o que vai ser dito no texto 
1-d; 2-a; 3-e; 4-c; 5-b 
1-b; 2-c; 3-e; 4-a; 5-d 
1-d; 2-e; 3-b; 4-c; 5-a 
1-a; 2-b; 3-c; 4-d; 5-e 
 1-c; 2-a; 3-d; 4-e; 5-b 
 4a Questão 
Match the reading skills with their definitions: 
(i) skimming (a) Accurate reading for detailedunderstanding. 
(ii) scanning (b) Used to find a particular piece of information. 
(iii) extensive reading (c) Used to understand the "gist" or main idea. 
(iv) intensive reading (d) Used for pleasure and general understanding. 
(i) - b 
(ii) - a 
(iii) - d 
(iv) - c 
(i) - d 
(ii) - a 
(iii) - b 
(iv) - c 
 (i) - c 
(ii) - b 
(iii) - d 
(iv) - a 
(i) - a 
(ii) - d 
(iii) - c 
(iv) - b 
(i) - b 
(ii) - c 
(iii) - a 
(iv) - d 
 5a Questão 
Leia a afirmação abaixo e assinale a alternativa que está de acordo com o seu conteúdo: Only a few 
Brazilian artists are as internationally successful as Rodrigo Santoro. 
Rodrigo Santoro is the only internationally successful artist. 
 Only a few brazilian artists have succeeded abroad 
All Brazilian artists are internationally famous. 
Many brazilina artists are known around the world. 
Rodrigo Santoro is not successful abroad. 
 6a Questão 
Qual dos marcadores discursivos abaixo completa corretamente a frase seguinte? It's quite a problem, I 
don't know if I can do it. __________________, I'll help you, don't worry. 
Mind you 
Let me see 
Do you mind 
 7a Questão 
Leia o texto com atenção e assinale a alternativa que expressa a intenção de Stacey ao dizer: "I mentally 
scheduled time to clean up the rogue and glitter." 
 By KitchenDaily Editors www.aol.com 
Everything in the Bathroom Sink - Reader Stacey Anne Yates says her son, Wyatt, takes holidays very 
seriously, especially Mother's Day, and always presents her with a card and a homemade snack. "When 
Wyatt was six years old, he disappeared into the bathroom promising me a surprise," Stacey relates. "I 
figured the bathroom had become his card making lair and I mentally scheduled time to clean up the rogue 
glue and glitter. Twenty minutes later, he popped out very pleased with his Mother's Day surprise. He 
darted into the kitchen and returned with two spoons. With spoons in hand he led me, eyes closed, into the 
bathroom. SURPRISE! Wyatt had made me Macaroni & Cheese in his small bathroom sink. You know the 
stuff: the box of noodles with the dried cheese packet. Now imagine that orange powder embedded in the 
tile grout and the noodles expanding in the P-trap. Not to mention the butter that was "hand stirred" into 
the concoction and spread across most of the bathroom's surfaces and the towels. YUM! He was so proud of 
his mushy cheesy masterpiece that I had no choice but to dig in. It was a plumber's nightmare but an 
unforgettable Mother's Day meal." 
What did Stacey mean when she said: "I mentally scheduled time to clean up the rogue and glitter." 
She thought Wyatt would gave her a beautiful card. 
 She thought it would be hard to clean up the mess. 
She thought her son would make no mess at all. 
She thought the bathroom would be cleaned by Wyatt. 
She thought it would be a nice and creative surprise. 
 8a Questão 
READ the text below: 
Success at making inferences depends on the background knowledge and the facts given in the text. Logical 
reasoning will help you to make inferences about ideas or concepts that the author has not directly stated. 
Source: http://studylib.net/doc/7843494/reading-strategies 
Consider the following situation: 
''Mike is a student in Professor Brown's Biology class. Class starts at 9 a.m. It is now 9.15 a.m. and Professor 
Brown is speaking to the class. Mike opens the door and walks into the classroom''. 
Based on the previous situatio, we may infer that (choose the correct option): 
Mike is a student. 
The class is listening 
 Mike is late 
The professor started the class at 9 a.m. sharp. . 
Professor Brown teaches Biology 
 1a Questão 
De acordo com o texto, que alternativa NÃO é verdadeira sobre Nova York: NEW YORK New York is the 
largest city in the United States. More than eight million people live in the Big Apple. New York City is also 
home of the United Nations. New York city is located in the state of New York. New York City is home to 
two hundred and fifty museums, four hundred art galleries, and the world famous Broadway for 
entertainment. New York City is the business capital of the world and many national and international 
corporations have their headquarters in New York City. Wall Street, the world's leading center of finance 
and the home of the American Stock Exchange and the New York Stock Exchange. As far as professional 
sports go, this city has two of everything. Two professional baseball, basketball, hockey, and football teams 
are located in the city. 
 b. Chicago is larger than New York. 
a. Chicago is smaller than New York. 
d. New York is the smallest city in USA 
e. There is no bigger city than New Yourk in the USA 
c. Little athletics takes place in New York because it is a city. 
 2a Questão 
Some lexical items generally bring some difficulty to the readers, except: 
false friends 
meaning transfer 
idiomatic expressions 
 3a Questão 
Leia os versos abaixo: 
I don't care if you never come home I don't mind if you just keep on rowin' away on a distant sea 'Cause I 
don't love you and you don't love me 
Lendo essa estrofe da canção de Eric Clapton, podemos concluir que: 
It talks about endless love. 
It talks about a couple separated by distance. 
It talks about a relationship based on trust and confidence. 
 It talks about two lovers that are about to brake up. 
It talks about two people that hate each other. 
 4a Questão 
Leia atenciosamente o texto baixo. 
American Customs 
America is well-known for its equality, liberty, fraternity. Everyone is very friendly and informal. Children 
often call their parents by their first names and at work, subordinates do not normally use "Mister" when 
addressing their supervisors. To those visitors who come from a more rigid and stratified society, such 
casualness can be confusing, leading to egregious blunders. Conversely, many worldly, sophisticated 
Americans appear mortified because they feel America is not "civilized," with a capital "C." However, we 
know of terribly embarrassing incidents from mistakes which only an innocent foreigner would have made. 
De acordo com o sentido do texto podemos afirmar que: 
Americans are quite formal people 
 Americans are well-known for its equality, liberty, fraternity and informal 
Americans are well-known for their selfishness. 
Americans are friendly, but they do not like to mix up 
Americans are snobish and elitist. 
 5a Questão 
"Your course will start with an initial assessment in week 1, followed by a guided tour of the building." This 
is an example of: 
Persuasive text 
Narrative text 
Descriptive text 
 Informative text 
Instructive text 
 6a Questão 
Leia o texto para responder a questão: 
Missouri is called the "Show Me State," because its people have a reputation for believing only what they 
see. Its name is an Algonquin Indian term meaning "river of the big canoes." Originally home to a number 
of Indian tribes, the state entered the Union in 1821. Today, more than half the population lives in 
Missouri's two major cities--Kansas City and St. Louis.The dogwood is the state tree, the bluebird is the 
state bird and the capital is Jefferson City. 
De acordo com o texto acima, marque a assertiva correta. 
Jefferson City is the capital of the Union 
The dogwood is a kind of representation of Jefferson City. 
Missouri people only believe in things which can be tested. 
 Many of the Indian tribes used to live in Missouri . 
Kansas City and St. Louis are names of churches. 
 7a Questão 
Leia o texto abaixo e assinale a alternativa que explica por que "The legacy of 
environmental catastrophes is, instead, a hybrid of amnesia and habituation": 
By Sharon Begley | NEWSWEEK Published May 7, 2010 
The legacy of environmental catastrophes is, instead, a hybrid of amnesia and 
habituation. That is, the public forgets more quickly now than in the past, and 
understands that no source of energy is risk-free. Coal kills miners, including the 25 
in West Virginia last month. Natural-gas pipelines sometimes explode and occasionally 
kill, as in a 2000 accident that left 12 people dead in New Mexico. Nuclear reactors, 
despite industry assurances, will never be risk-free; no technology is. The "risks" of 
renewable such as wind and solar are higher energy prices, which too many people 
are less acceptable than the environmental and human costs of fossil fuel. "There has 
been a generational change in risk tolerance," says engineering professor Henry 
Petroski of Duke University, author of the 2010 book The Essential Engineer. "The 
public has become more familiar with the concept of risk, and the fact that it is 
ubiquitous. The bumper sticker S--T HAPPENS used to be a fringe phenomenon, but 
now it's mainstream: people have become resigned to risk." 
 Our addiction to cheap energy made us too tolerant to the risks of energy production. 
These diseases are caused by long hours of work in coal mines. 
These diseases are caused by long hours of work in natural-gas pipelines. 
Governments and society are planning new ways of obtaining cheap energy. 
People are very concerned about the risks of energy production. 
 8a Questão 
Which reading strategy would be used for a telephone directory? 
Detailed Reading 

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