
Pratica Oral AULA 01 A 10

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Pratica Oral aula 01
		Pesquisas apontam para a necessidade de se reconhecer o fato de que a habilidade de "speaking" envolve três áreas de conhecimento:
	d) mecânico, funções, regras sociais e culturais.
		Para tornar-nos fluentes em uma língua, temos à disposição quatro habilidades comunicativas, a saber: listenning, speaking, _____________ and ______________:
	reading and writing
		O foco em uma determinada habilidade comunicativa geralmente parte da necessidade e objetivo do aprendiz: falar, escrever, ler textos acadêmicos, etc. O fato é que sem praticar nenhuma dessas habilidades, você não irá muito longe. Por isso que, quando se quer falar fluentemente, deve-se exercitar, prioritariamente, a seguinte habilidade comunicativa:
		Research has proved that shy people restrict themselves to a minimum exposure to face-to-face interaction and for this reason they tend to give up and invent excuses. One of the most common excuses is
	Lack of vocabulary.
		Which alternative CORRECTLY matches the pictures and the descriptions?
              I.                   He’s unconscious.
           II.              It’s bleeding.
        III.              It’s bruised.
        IV.              It’s swollen.
           V.              He has a black eye.
        VI.              He has a bad scar under his eye.
	I ¿ f; II ¿ b; III ¿ a; IV ¿ d; V ¿ c; VI ¿ e
		In order to improve the speaking skill, one should not:
	translate from/to one´s native language
		Segundo Widdowson (1998), o conceito de habilidade pode ser associado a treino, já que exigirá um determinado nível de desempenho. Outros apontam as habilidades como destrezas que requerem uma prática específica. As quatro habilidades são:
	listennig, speaking, reading and writing
		A habilidade de speaking é considerada a mais essencial das habilidades de comunicação. What¿s the most adequate comment about it?
	Speaking is a productive ability which involves more than just pronouncing words.
		A princípio, podemos dizer que há três tipos de situações comunicativas orais em que nos podemos encontrar: interacional, parcialmente interacional e a não interacional. Um exemplo de situação interacional é:
	conversações face a face.
		According to researchers, which of the following statements is the correct one?
	Oral language is the base on which the other language arts develop
		There are many ways to improve speaking. Which one of the alternatives below IS NOT one of them?
	Read long books and memorize the words.
		Speaking é uma habilidade 'produtiva' oral que envolve mais do que apenas pronunciar palavras. Muitos alunos brasileiros de inglês como língua estrangeira a consideram como a 'medida do saber' de uma língua. Eles igualam a fluência à capacidade de manter uma conversação. Paralelamente, muitos afirmam que compreendem inglês, mas não se sentem confiantes o suficiente para iniciar ou manter uma conversação. Em geral, as razões para isso são as expostas abaixo, EXCETO:
	as atividades propostas pelos professores;
		What’s the CORRECT order of the lines of the dialogue below?
            (i)        I have lovely memories of our college days.
            (ii)       What do you mean: it’s possible that I’m right? Here’s a photo of you at the bottom of the stairs as a permanent reminder.
            (iii)      Don’t you remember? She had dark hair and brown eyes. A real beauty if my memory serves me well.
            (iv)      I’ll never forget the day you got drunk and fell down the stairs, for example.
            (v)       I need something to jog my memory. What was Angela like?
            (vi)      Really? Down the stairs? I have no recollection of the incident.
            (vii)     My mind’s a blank, but it’s possible that you’re right.
            (viii)    Yes, me too. Whenever we meet it all comes back to me.
            (ix)      You were in love with someone called Angela, as I recall. That’s what caused it.
	(i), (viii), (iv), (vi), (ix), (v), (iii), (vii), (ii)
		De acordo com estudos (PCNs, 1998), para ser considerado BOM em uma língua devemos ser capazes de utilizá-la das mais variadas formas, ou seja, se você é um bom falante, mesmo que não goste de ouvir as pessoas, você deve procurar fazê-lo ainda que minimamente. Se você gosta de escutar as pessoas, mas não gosta de ler, estará perdendo chances de se aprimorar. Isso nos leva a crer que, para se comunicar com eficiência em uma dada língua estrangeira é necessário:
	praticar muito
		Esta habilidade envolve o processo de receber e, ao mesmo tempo, de construir significados a partir de mensagens verbais. Refere-se ao processo de escutar algo com atenção minuciosa. Uma comunicação eficaz depende necessaria e primeiramente dela:
		What can you say to ask someone about their favorite team?
	What team do you cheer for?
		A habilidade da fala, por exemplo, não pode ser ensinada separadamente. Ela usualmente está conectada à habilidade de :
		A commom mistake in the everyday classroom is that speaking and listenning activities usually are:
	teacher centered
		A finalidade geral de um curso ou escola, no que tange à aprendizagem de inglês como língua estrangeira, é aperfeiçoar as quatro habilidades (listening, speaking, reading e writing), reforçando o conteúdo com doses de gramática, vocabulário e fonética. Embora isso seja demasiadamente importante, não é o objetivo final. O objetivo de se estudar uma dada língua estrangeira é:
	Tornar-se capaz de usá-la
		"Hear" and "listen" are verbs that we use to talk about our sense of hearing - using our ears. But they have important differences in meaning. In which sentence the verb is employed correctly?
	We went to hear the President's big speech last night.
Pratica oral 3
		What can you say to greet someone at night?
	Good evening.
		Make common English phrases by choosing the alternartive that fills the blank: _____ are you?' 'I am fine, thank you
		Read the sentence below "Jake was caught cheating in his test, and now he´s got to face the music!" What does the expression "face the music" mean?
	c. having to face the unpleasant effects of one´s action
		Which of these expressions is not used to greet people?
	Where are you going?
		What is the suitable answer to the question ¿Do you have any children?¿
	Yes, I have two children
		What can you say when you want to know how someone is?
	How are you doing?
		What can you say when you want to say good-bye to someone?
	See you.
		Mentalmente reorganize a pergunta que se segue " job is your what ?" . Então, escolha a alternativa que a responde.
	I´m an English teacher.
		Qual das alternativas abaixo responde a seguinte questão" Who are you?"
	I´m Maria
		What don't you say to welcome people?
	Please, go away.
		What can you say if you want to know about someone's age?
	How old are you?
		Everyday, I wake up at 6 o'clock. I take a shower,brush my teeth, have breakfast and go to work.
The sentences above are about me. If I talked about Mary, how would it be, considering accuracy and grammar? Choose the most appropriate alternative:
	Everyday, Mary wakes up at 6 o'clock. She takes a shower, brushes her teeth, has breakfast and goes to work.
		Americanos são, em geral, mais formais do que latinos. Asim sendo, como você acha que os americanos saúdam alguém que acabaram de conhecer:
	With a handshake
		Leia as sentenças abaixo que se referem às diversas nacionalidades. Assinale a alternativa que estabelece uma relação errada.
	Jane is from Britain. She´s Canadian.
		What can you say if you want to know if someone has siblings?
	Do you have brothers and sisters?
		Make common English phrases by choosing the alternartive that fills the blank: _____ are you? - I am fine, thank you
		Você quer verificar a informação dada por Jim em seu cartão. Assinale a informação que não está incluída no cartão. INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF ENGLISH NAME: Jim Williams AGE: 25 NATIONALITY: American ADDRESS: 759, North High Hill, New Jersey PHONE NUMBER: 201-775-5369 JOB: Math teacher
	How often do you visit New Jersey
		Here are some small dialogues. In which one the answer does NOT apply to the question?
	Do you like your job? Yes, I am.
		What can you say to ask about someone's nationality?
	Where are you from?
Pratica Oral 04
		What is the best way to ask for an explanation?
	e) I didn't understand. Could you explain that?
		What is the best way to suggest to repeat an action?
	b) Let's do it again.
		As a teacher of real beginners, which type of language could you teach first in order to foster speaking practice in classroom?
	Classroom language.
		Here are some small dialogues. In which one the answer does NOT apply to the question?
	What do you do in your free time? No, I don¿t.
		What is the best way to say that someone can come in?
	a) Sure. Come on/come on in.
		Você está numa lanchonete. Qual seria a melhor maneira de fazer o seu pedido?
	Could I have a muffin and a coffee, please?
		What is the best way to ask the teacher to repeat an explanation?
		What is the best way to ask to enter a place?
		As frases abaixo são consideradas frases que iniciam conversas, que dão a partida - conversation starters. Leia uma a uma e escolha a alternativa que as relaciona com seus respectivos assuntos.
 Someone has a crush on Mike. Do you have an apartment available? I've got a pretty tight schedule today
	romance - housing - duty
		Qual a melhor maneira de sugerir um filme a alguém?
	Why don¿t we go to the movies tonight?
		What can you say if you want to smoke near someone?
	Do you mind if I smoke?
		How can you thank someone for helping you with some heavy packs?
	Thank you.
Pratica oral 05
		The phrasal verb _____________________________ means to look with hatred or intense dislike at someone
	look daggers at someone
		Exte contexto se refere ao significado do texto a partir das palavras/idéias ordenadas em um mesmo grupo e contexto, por exemplo: hospital, nurse, doctor, ambulance. We are talking about:
	e) Semantic context
		Choose the best option to fill the gaps 1 Did you know that Chrissie got ________________ (embarrassed/pregnant) on holiday in Ibiza? 2 The ________________ (signature/subject) I hate most is maths. 3 Begonia is a very ________________ (kind /sympathetic) person. 4 Keep ________________ (removing/stirring) the soup the whole time. 5 The poor live in the ________________ (slums/suburbs).
	 pregnant - subject - kind - stirring - slums
		Choose the option that the phrasal verb means respect or admire someone:
	I know Peter looked up to Harrison Ford.
		Pensando no que foi trabalhado em aula, leia o trecho que se segue e escolha a alternativa que traduz CORRETAMENTE a palavra EM DESTAQUE: While Annie was a hardworking young bookseller, Max was an INDOLENT rich man who only occasionally dabbled in the world of work.
		What’s the CORRECT order of the lines of the dialogue below?
            (i)        Hallo. Didn’t you say you would meet us at 6:30? Or is my memory playing tricks?
            (ii)       By the way, I was racking my brains trying to think of Joe’s surname. What is it?
            (iii)      And where’s Joe? I hope he hasn’t forgotten all about the meeting. He’s so absent-minded these days.
            (iv)      It looks as if no one has remembered to bring it. What a memorable meeting we’re having.
            (v)       Perhaps we’d better phone to remind him. Who can remember his phone number?
            (vi)      Erm… it’s on the tip of my tongue: Donaldson or Davison I think.
            (vii)     It’s getting really late now. Where can he be? He’s so forgetful.
            (viii)    Did I? I’ve got a mind like a sieve, I’m afraid. I thought I said 7 o’clock.
Adapted from: HARMER, Jeremy; ROSSNER, Richard. More than Words. Vocabulary for upper intermediate to advanced students. Book 1. Longman, England. (1991)
	(i), (viii), (iii), (vii), (ii), (vi), (v), (iv)
		Choose the proper collocation to complete the sentence: "The first thing I do when I get home from the gym is to _____________ a bath"
		Which alternative CORRECTLY matches the pictures and the descriptions?
              I.                   His leg’s in cast.
           II.              His arm’s in a sling.
        III.              He’s walking on crutches.
        IV.              He needs a walking stick.
           V.              His ankle’s bandaged up.
        VI.              He had to have stitches.
     VII.              He’s in a wheelchair.
  VIII.              He can’t walk without a zimmer frame.
	I ¿ g; II ¿ e; III ¿ d; IV ¿ c; V ¿ h; VI ¿ f; VII ¿ a; VIII ¿ b
		Which alternative CORRECTLY matches the pictures and the descriptions?
(i)                 The accident left a scar on his forehead.
(ii)               He has a birthmark on his head.
(iii)             I¿ve just had a tattoo done.
(iv)             He has a mole on his back.
	i ¿ d; ii ¿ b; iii ¿ a; iv ¿ c
		Pensando no que foi trabalhado em aula, leia o trecho que se segue e escolha a alternativa que traduz CORRETAMENTE a palavra EM DESTAQUE: The coach takes every opportunity to CENSURE his players, yet he ignores every opportunity to praise them.
		Non-verbal information is most likely to be shared/received in a:
	non-linguistic context
		Which phrase below has a negative meaning?
	Mexican food leaves me cold.
		In which sentence the phrasal verb with "look" means "not notice something on purpose"?
	Peter quickly looked the other way.
		One can catch all below BUT....
	a time
		Which alternative CORRECTLY matches the pictures and the descriptions?
              I.He’s broken his arm.
           II.              He’s sprained his wrist.
        III.              He’s cut his thumb.
        IV.              He’s burnt his hand.
           V.              He has a nosebleed.
        VI.              He hit his head.
     VII.              He got an electric shock.
  VIII.              He got stung by a bee.
        IX.              He twisted his ankle.
	I ¿ i; II ¿ d; III ¿ b; IV ¿ f; V ¿ a; VI ¿ e; VII ¿ g; VIII ¿ c; IX ¿ h
		Leia as frases abaixo e escolha a alternativa que preenche as lacunas apropriadamente. 1.All my immediate family live in England but I have a lot of ________________ (parents/relatives) in Canada. 2. My ________________ (journey/working day) is from 8 am to 5 pm but it only take me twenty minutes to get to the office. 3. The Red Cross are ________________ (controlling/monitoring) the situation in the north very closely. 4. The rebels are ________________ (controlling/monitoring) the entire north of the country. 5. ________________ (Eventually/Temporarily), we decided to go on holiday rather than buy a home cinema kit.
	 relatives - working day - monitoring - controlling - eventually
		Este contexto inclui "quem" somos o que trazemos para a interação (interesses, necessidades, princípios, personalidade, etc). We are talking about:
	c) Psychological Context
		In which alternative the word "cross" is a noun?
	a) My father gave me a beautiful gold cross last night.
		Este contexto se refere às nossas reações aos enunciados de outras pessoas. We are talking about:
	 Relational Context
		Este contexto inclui comportamentos e regras sociais que afetam a interação (Ex. O brasileiro não se comporta como um britânico). We are talking about:
	a) Cultural Context
	1a Questão
	Read the following sentence: " When in Rome, do as Romans do. ". Mark ( V ) if the sentence explains the meaning of the proverb:
	Go to Italy and be happy.
	Rome is a wonderful place
	Rome is a very expensive city.
	If you are in Rome, go shopping.
	When you travel, you should respect and copy the local customs.
when you are visiting another place, you should follow the customs of the people in that place:
I don't drink wine usually but on holiday, well, when in Rome...
	 2a Questão
	The meaning of the expression in capitals in the sentence: LAST WEEKEND LOUIS STUDIED TILL THE COWS WENT HOME is
	He studied till his cows came back home.
	He did not study enough.
	He did not study too much.
	He did not study for a very long time.
	He studied for a very long time.
For a very long, indefinite amount of time; forever. You can wait till the cows come home, but you'll never see that law passed in this country!
My wife was talking on the phone with her sister till the cows came home last night! 
	 3a Questão
	Slangs and idioms are so old as the act of speaking. They are part of our routine and may reveal excitement, offense, happyness, irony, humor, feelings, state and etc. With the technological progress this kind of language seems to be more and more around. The phrase that provides a good example of it is
	It has been raining a lot recently.
	It is raining too much in this place.
	It has been raining too much recently.
	It is raining and my cat is afraid.
	It is raining cats and dogs today.
What's the meaning of the phrase 'Raining cats and dogs'? Raining very heavily.
Origin - the short version - No one knows the precise source of this 17th century expression, but we can be sure that it didn't originate because animals fell from the sky.
Origin - the full story
This is an interesting old English phrase in that, although we don't know who coined it or why, it has spawned a host of speculative derivations. Let's can get the fanciful proposed derivations out of the way...
The phrase isn't in any sense literal, that is, it doesn't record an incident where cats and dogs fell from the sky. Small creatures, of the size of frogs or fish, do occasionally get carried skywards in freak weather, but there's no record of groups of them being scooped up in that way and causing this phrase to be coined. Not that we need to study meteorological records for that - it's plainly implausible.
Jonathan Swift described the streets being awash with the dead bodies of animals in his satirical poem 'A Description of a City Shower', first published in the 1710 collection of the Tatler magazine:
Sweeping from Butchers Stalls, Dung, Guts, and Blood,
Drown'd Puppies, stinking Sprats, all drench'd in Mud,
Dead Cats and Turnip-Tops come tumbling down the Flood.
	 4a Questão
	The expression ´Can I take a raincheck?´ means that:
	The person needs a raincoat
	You expect to see the person again
	You understand the person does not have cash
	You don not like the person
	You hope the person invites you again another time
Os jogos de beisebol normalmente não são realizados sob chuva. Se começar a chover forte antes do início ou durante a partida, os torcedores presentes no estádio recebem o rain check, uma espécie de vale que dá direito a um ingresso para assistirem ao mesmo jogo numa outra ocasião. Essa popular expressão significa, em outros contextos, postergar ou solicitar adiamento de um compromisso.
	 5a Questão
	As foreign language learners, we know that in order to express ourselves, understand and improve English fluently, we need to learn not only grammar and a good deal of vocabulary but also how to be capable of using this language according to different contexts. There is a kind of knowledge which is part of our routine and seems to be always around: on TV, radio, movies, magazines, internet and in everyday informal conversation:
	The knowledge of slangs and Idioms.
	The knowledge of subordinate clauses.
	The knowledge of complex clauses.
	The knowledge of translation.
	The knowledge of the future simple.
Slangs: associated with idioms; have a short life; used by certain group; restricted to a context; convey attitudes of feelings of the speaker; expressions usually used to refer to things considered taboo or bad language
	 6a Questão
	Choose the option that means the same as ´success is shown by the deeds´.
	Confidence of success is almost success.
	Every cloud has a silver lining
	A tree is known by its fruit
	Study till the cows came home
	Two heads are better than one
A tree is known by its fruits. This Proverb means that the quality of a tree is known by the quality of the fruits borne by the tree. This literally means that the tree should not be judged by it appearance but buy the fruit which is generated by it.
	 7a Questão
	Semelhante a um ditado conhecido por falantes do português "water under the bridge", significa que...
	What has happened is past now
	People are very worried.
	You have no importance
	Everybody has to discuss about what has happened
	You have to worry about that
water under the bridge = What has happened is past now.
	 8a Questão
	Choose the alternative that representsthe equivalent or near-equivalent relation between the sentences. 1. You are an old hand at teaching. 2. That's great! You keep everything under your thumb. 3. You don't want to stick your neck out, do you? a. You're experienced. b. You have control of the situation. c. You don't want to take the risk.
	1. c, 2. b, 3. a
	1. a, 2. b, 3. C
	1. a, 2. c, 3. b
	1. b, 2. c, 3. a
	1. b, 2. a, 3. c
	1a Questão
	While studying vocabulary, the most difficult and threatening group for foreign learners is
	Phrasal verbs and adjectives
	Idiomatic expressions and slangs.
	Phrasal verbs and and pronouns.
	Idiomatic expressions and adjectives.
	Idiomatic expressions and verbs.
Because English contains many idioms, nonnative English speakers have difficulties making logical sense of idioms and idiomatic expressions. The more you are exposed to English, however, the more idioms you will come to understand. Until then, memorizing the more common idioms may be of some help.
	 2a Questão
	Which idiom below means "feeling very sad and depressed"?
	a piece of cake
	rise and shine
	sick as a dog
	an arm and a leg
	down in the dumps
down in the dumps
Visibly sad or depressed. Molly's been moping around all week, and I have no idea why she's so down in the dumps.Rob has been down in the dumps ever since Gloria broke up with him.
	 3a Questão
	Choose the best alternative to complete the saying related to work. Rome wasn't built in _____.
	a hurry
	a way
	a day
	in vain
The saying is: "Rome wasn't built in a day".
	 4a Questão
	From the concepts studied along the course we may understand that idioms represent
	Common phrases or sayings whose meanings cannot be understood by individual words.
	Common expressions whose meanings can only be understood by individual words.
	Common noun groups whose meanings can be understood by individual words.
	Common phrases or sayings whose meanings can be understood by individual words.
	Common noun groups whose meanings cannot be understood by individual words.
Idiom: a set phrase of two or more words that means something different from the literal meaning of the individual words.
Because English contains many idioms, nonnative English speakers have difficulties making logical sense of idioms and idiomatic expressions. The more you are exposed to English, however, the more idioms you will come to understand. Until then, memorizing the more common idioms may be of some help.
	 5a Questão
	Complete the proverb: "Boys will be ____________".
boys will be boys
A phrase of resignation used when boys get into trouble or are stereotypically reckless or rowdy. When my sonstracked mud all through the house, I had to remind myself that boys will be boys. A: "Aren't you upset that they got intothat brawl?" B: "Oh, boys will be boys."
	 6a Questão
	Complete the proverb: "Don´t count your __________ before they are hatched".
	1a Questão
	Read the following sentence: " When in Rome, do as Romans do. ". Mark ( V ) if the sentence explains the meaning of the proverb:
	Rome is a very expensive city.
	Rome is a wonderful place
	Go to Italy and be happy.
	When you travel, you should respect and copy the local customs.
	If you are in Rome, go shopping.
when you are visiting another place, you should follow the customs of the people in that place:
I don't drink wine usually but on holiday, well, when in Rome...
	 2a Questão
	The meaning of the expression in capitals in the sentence: LAST WEEKEND LOUIS STUDIED TILL THE COWS WENT HOME is
	He did not study for a very long time.
	He did not study enough.
	He did not study too much.
	He studied for a very long time.
	He studied till his cows came back home.
For a very long, indefinite amount of time; forever. You can wait till the cows come home, but you'll never see that law passed in this country!
My wife was talking on the phone with her sister till the cows came home last night! 
	 3a Questão
	Slangs and idioms are so old as the act of speaking. They are part of our routine and may reveal excitement, offense, happyness, irony, humor, feelings, state and etc. With the technological progress this kind of language seems to be more and more around. The phrase that provides a good example of it is
	It is raining too much in this place.
	It is raining cats and dogs today.
	It has been raining too much recently.
	It is raining and my cat is afraid.
	It has been raining a lot recently.
What's the meaning of the phrase 'Raining cats and dogs'? Raining very heavily.
Origin - the short version - No one knows the precise source of this 17th century expression, but we can be sure that it didn't originate because animals fell from the sky.
Origin - the full story
This is an interesting old English phrase in that, although we don't know who coined it or why, it has spawned a host of speculative derivations. Let's can get the fanciful proposed derivations out of the way...
The phrase isn't in any sense literal, that is, it doesn't record an incident where cats and dogs fell from the sky. Small creatures, of the size of frogs or fish, do occasionally get carried skywards in freak weather, but there's no record of groups of them being scooped up in that way and causing this phrase to be coined. Not that we need to study meteorological records for that - it's plainly implausible.
Jonathan Swift described the streets being awash with the dead bodies of animals in his satirical poem 'A Description of a City Shower', first published in the 1710 collection of the Tatler magazine:
Sweeping from Butchers Stalls, Dung, Guts, and Blood,
Drown'd Puppies, stinking Sprats, all drench'd in Mud,
Dead Cats and Turnip-Tops come tumbling down the Flood.
	 4a Questão
	The expression ´Can I take a raincheck?´ means that:
	You don not like the person
	You understand the person does not have cash
	You expect to see the person again
	You hope the person invites you again another time
	The person needs a raincoat
Os jogos de beisebol normalmente não são realizados sob chuva. Se começar a chover forte antes do início ou durante a partida, os torcedores presentes no estádio recebem o rain check, uma espécie de vale que dá direito a um ingresso para assistirem ao mesmo jogo numa outra ocasião. Essa popular expressão significa, em outros contextos, postergar ou solicitar adiamento de um compromisso.
	 5a Questão
	As foreign language learners, we know that in order to express ourselves, understand and improve English fluently, we need to learn not only grammar and a good deal of vocabulary but also how to be capable of using this language according to different contexts. There is a kind of knowledge which is part of our routine and seems to be always around: on TV, radio, movies, magazines, internet and in everyday informalconversation:
	The knowledge of subordinate clauses.
	The knowledge of complex clauses.
	The knowledge of the future simple.
	The knowledge of translation.
	The knowledge of slangs and Idioms.
Slangs: associated with idioms; have a short life; used by certain group; restricted to a context; convey attitudes of feelings of the speaker; expressions usually used to refer to things considered taboo or bad language
	 6a Questão
	Choose the option that means the same as ´success is shown by the deeds´.
	Every cloud has a silver lining
	Study till the cows came home
	Two heads are better than one
	Confidence of success is almost success.
	A tree is known by its fruit
A tree is known by its fruits. This Proverb means that the quality of a tree is known by the quality of the fruits borne by the tree. This literally means that the tree should not be judged by it appearance but buy the fruit which is generated by it.
	 7a Questão
	Semelhante a um ditado conhecido por falantes do português "water under the bridge", significa que...
	You have to worry about that
	You have no importance
	Everybody has to discuss about what has happened
	What has happened is past now
	People are very worried.
water under the bridge = What has happened is past now.
	 8a Questão
	Choose the alternative that represents the equivalent or near-equivalent relation between the sentences. 1. You are an old hand at teaching. 2. That's great! You keep everything under your thumb. 3. You don't want to stick your neck out, do you? a. You're experienced. b. You have control of the situation. c. You don't want to take the risk.
	1. b, 2. c, 3. a
	1. c, 2. b, 3. a
	1. a, 2. c, 3. b
	1. a, 2. b, 3. C
	1. b, 2. a, 3. c
	1a Questão
	While studying vocabulary, the most difficult and threatening group for foreign learners is
	Idiomatic expressions and slangs.
	Idiomatic expressions and verbs.
	Phrasal verbs and adjectives
	Phrasal verbs and and pronouns.
	Idiomatic expressions and adjectives.
Because English contains many idioms, nonnative English speakers have difficulties making logical sense of idioms and idiomatic expressions. The more you are exposed to English, however, the more idioms you will come to understand. Until then, memorizing the more common idioms may be of some help.
	 2a Questão
	Which idiom below means "feeling very sad and depressed"?
	an arm and a leg
	rise and shine
	a piece of cake
	down in the dumps
	sick as a dog
down in the dumps
Visibly sad or depressed. Molly's been moping around all week, and I have no idea why she's so down in the dumps.Rob has been down in the dumps ever since Gloria broke up with him.
	 3a Questão
	Choose the best alternative to complete the saying related to work. Rome wasn't built in _____.
	a hurry
	in vain
	a day
	a way
The saying is: "Rome wasn't built in a day".
	 4a Questão
	From the concepts studied along the course we may understand that idioms represent
	Common phrases or sayings whose meanings can be understood by individual words.
	Common expressions whose meanings can only be understood by individual words.
	Common phrases or sayings whose meanings cannot be understood by individual words.
	Common noun groups whose meanings can be understood by individual words.
	Common noun groups whose meanings cannot be understood by individual words.
Idiom: a set phrase of two or more words that means something different from the literal meaning of the individual words.
Because English contains many idioms, nonnative English speakers have difficulties making logical sense of idioms and idiomatic expressions. The more you are exposed to English, however, the more idioms you will come to understand. Until then, memorizing the more common idioms may be of some help.
	 5a Questão
	Complete the proverb: "Boys will be ____________".
boys will be boys
A phrase of resignation used when boys get into trouble or are stereotypically reckless or rowdy. When my sonstracked mud all through the house, I had to remind myself that boys will be boys. A: "Aren't you upset that they got intothat brawl?" B: "Oh, boys will be boys."
	 6a Questão
	Complete the proverb: "Don´t count your __________ before they are hatched".
don¿t count your chickens before they hatch
you should not make plans that depend on something good happeningbefore you know that it has actually happened:
She wanted to buy a dress in case someone asked her to the dance, but I told her not to count her chickens before they hatched.
	 7a Questão
	Which expression means that something will never happen?
	when pigs fly
	judge a book by its cover
	scratch someone¿s back
	bite off more than you can chew
	hit the nail on the head
when pigs fly
Never, as in Sure he'll pay for the drinks-when pigs fly. Equating the flight of pigs with something impossible datesfrom the early 1600s, when several writers alleged that pigs fly with their tails forward. The idiom is also put as pigs may fly.
	 8a Questão
	This expression means that something is very easy to complete.
	let the cat out of the bag
	a piece of cake
	hit the books
	it costs an arm and a leg
	break a leg
	1a Questão
	In order to be successful in speaking a foreign language, we should take many aspects into consideration, as for example:
	The recognition of the need of practicing verbs as much as possible.
	The recognition of the need of rarely practicing pronunciation.
	The recognition of the need of rarely practicing listening.
	The recognition of the need of practicing writing and reading.
	The recognition of the need of practicing speaking and listening.
In order to be successful in speaking a foreign language, we should take many aspects into consideration: the understanding of our goals as learners, the natives¿ culture, the recognition of the need of practicing speaking and listening as much as possible, the amount of vocabulary and the use of strategies, including the study of specific types of interaction (most common ones, at least), idioms, slangs, among others, added to some knowledge about pronunciation.
	 2a Questão
	The following sets has ONE in which the words do not rhyme. Which one?
	Ache : steak
	Den : again
	Rose : toes
	One : fun
	King : kind
king =/kɪŋ/
kind = /kaɪnd/
	 3a Questão
	Approximately how many sounds are there in American English?
	40-45 depending on dialectical variations
	20-30 depending on dialectical variations25-30 depending on dialectical variations
	30-35 depending on dialectical variations
	35-40 depending on dialectical variations
There are 40-45 sounds in American English, depending on dialectical variations.
	 4a Questão
	A good pronunciation seems to be a key-element for students to foster a more authentic and efficient communication. If you do not have a good pronunciation you might have bad results, for instance
	It becomes very hard for listeners to understand what you say.
	It becomes very easy for listeners to understand what you say.
	Listeners understand what you say.
	You do not understand what you say.
	It becomes impossible for listeners to understand what you say.
Every language has its own pronunciation system. That¿s why, when learning a foreign language, it is advisable to contrast both systems as a means of minimizing possible misunderstandings.
	 5a Questão
	In terms of pronunciation, which word is the one odd?
crate = /kreɪt
wait = /weɪt/
jacket = /ˈdʒækɪt
plate = /pleɪt/
great =/ɡreɪt/
	 6a Questão
	These are words that have different spelling but sound the same. These words are the homophones. In which alternative the pair is NOT an homophone?
	Heel - Heal
	write ¿ right
	slip - sleep
	Flour ¿ flower
	sail ¿ sale
slip = short sound
sleep = long sound
They are not homophones.
	 7a Questão
	What kind of error does a non-native speaker of English make if s/he says sheep instead of ship in a conversation?
	s/he is speaking too fast
	s/he is confusing grammar rules
	s/he rolling letters
	s/he is skipping sounds
	s/he is confusing too distinct sounds
Confusing two distinct sounds is very common , as in 'ship' and 'sheep'. It is necessary to practice.
	 8a Questão
	A good pronunciation seems to be a key-element for students to foster a more authentic and efficient communication. If you do not have a good pronunciation you might have as result
	Not being able to recognize a word when spoken by another person.
	Not being able to speak up a word when spoken by another person.
	Not being able to pronounce a word when spoken by another person.
	Being able to recognize a word when spoken by another person.
	Being able to pronounce a word when spoken by another person.
	1a Questão
	Which of the following words is pronounced as the word "eight"?
eight = /eɪt/
either = ˈaɪðə(r) 
elephant = /ˈelɪfənt/
sample = /ˈsɑːmp(ə)l/
late =/leɪt/
can't = /kɑːnt/
	 2a Questão
	Which concept is NOT TRUE about English pronunciation?
	Study phonetic transcription if possible
	Togheter with intonation, pronunciation is key to a successful oral communication
	Pay close attention to word stress
	Check words you do not know in a dictionary
	One may guess a word´s pronunciation by its spelling
A escrita e a pronúncia das palavras são diferentes em inglês. Raramente há correspondência entre as duas formas, por isso a alternativa é falsa.
	 3a Questão
	Which word does not have this sound: /ŋ/?
The sound /ŋ/ is found when /n/ is followed by /g/. If, not, the sound is /n/.
	 4a Questão
	In which alternative the ¿TH¿ is voiced?
that = /ðæt/ = voiced.
All the other words = θ = voiceless.
	 5a Questão
	Which word does not have this sound: Voiced /ð/?
Think = /θɪŋk/= voiceless.
All the others are voiced. /ð/
	 6a Questão
	What kind of error does a non-native speaker of English make if s/he says sheep instead of ship in a conversation?
	s/he is skipping sounds
	s/he is speaking too fast
	s/he is confusing too distinct sounds
	s/he is confusing grammar rules
	s/he rolling letters
Confusing two distinct sounds is very common , as in 'ship' and 'sheep'. It is necessary to practice.
	 7a Questão
	A good pronunciation seems to be a key-element for students to foster a more authentic and efficient communication. If you do not have a good pronunciation you might have as result
	Being able to recognize a word when spoken by another person.
	Not being able to recognize a word when spoken by another person.
	Not being able to pronounce a word when spoken by another person.
	Not being able to speak up a word when spoken by another person.
	Being able to pronounce a word when spoken by another person.
Without a g∞d¿proνnciation-nomaerhowvastyourvocaba̲rymaybe,nomaerhowwellyouunderstandandusegrammaticalre̲sorhowgreatyour≤velofread∈gorwrit∈gskillsmightbe-itcanbeveryhardforliste≠rs→understandwy^ousay.A¬heraspectist,^ifyouca∩otpronounceawordcorrectly,youwon¿tbeab≤→recognizeitwhenspokenbya¬herperson.Andthish∈derscomμnication.
	 8a Questão
	These are words that have different spelling but sound the same. These words are the homophones. In which alternative the pair is NOT an homophone?
	sail ¿ sale
	Flour ¿ flower
	slip - sleep
	write ¿ right
	Heel - Heal
	1a Questão
	In order to be successful in speaking a foreign language, we should take many aspects into consideration, as for example:
	The recognition of the need of practicing verbs as much as possible.
	The recognition of the need of practicing writing and reading.
	The recognition of the need of practicing speaking and listening.
	The recognition of the need of rarely practicing listening.
	The recognition of the need of rarely practicing pronunciation.
In order to be successful in speaking a foreign language, we should take many aspects into consideration: the understanding of our goals as learners, the natives¿ culture, the recognition of the need of practicing speaking and listening as much as possible, the amount of vocabulary and the use of strategies, including the study of specific types of interaction (most common ones, at least), idioms, slangs, among others, added to some knowledge about pronunciation.
	 2a Questão
	The following sets has ONE in which the words do not rhyme. Which one?
	Ache : steak
	One : fun
	Rose : toes
	Den : again
	King : kind
king =/kɪŋ/
kind = /kaɪnd/
	 3a Questão
	Approximately how many sounds are there in American English?
	20-30 depending on dialectical variations
	25-30 depending on dialectical variations
	40-45 depending on dialectical variations
	35-40 depending on dialectical variations
	30-35 dependingon dialectical variations
There are 40-45 sounds in American English, depending on dialectical variations.
	 4a Questão
	A good pronunciation seems to be a key-element for students to foster a more authentic and efficient communication. If you do not have a good pronunciation you might have bad results, for instance
	It becomes very easy for listeners to understand what you say.
	It becomes very hard for listeners to understand what you say.
	It becomes impossible for listeners to understand what you say.
	Listeners understand what you say.
	You do not understand what you say.
Every language has its own pronunciation system. That¿s why, when learning a foreign language, it is advisable to contrast both systems as a means of minimizing possible misunderstandings.
	 5a Questão
	In terms of pronunciation, which word is the one odd?
crate = /kreɪt
wait = /weɪt/
jacket = /ˈdʒækɪt
plate = /pleɪt/
great =/ɡreɪt/
	 6a Questão
	These are words that have different spelling but sound the same. These words are the homophones. In which alternative the pair is NOT an homophone?
	Flour ¿ flower
	sail ¿ sale
	write ¿ right
	slip - sleep
	Heel - Heal
slip = short sound
sleep = long sound
They are not homophones.
	 7a Questão
	What kind of error does a non-native speaker of English make if s/he says sheep instead of ship in a conversation?
	s/he is confusing too distinct sounds
	s/he is skipping sounds
	s/he is confusing grammar rules
	s/he is speaking too fast
	s/he rolling letters
Confusing two distinct sounds is very common , as in 'ship' and 'sheep'. It is necessary to practice.
	 8a Questão
	A good pronunciation seems to be a key-element for students to foster a more authentic and efficient communication. If you do not have a good pronunciation you might have as result
	Not being able to pronounce a word when spoken by another person.
	Not being able to speak up a word when spoken by another person.
	Being able to pronounce a word when spoken by another person.
	Being able to recognize a word when spoken by another person.
	Not being able to recognize a word when spoken by another person.
	1a Questão
	if we consider the question: What are the advantages and disadvantages of having more than one child? It is useful for:
	expressing personal feelings
	expressing opinions
	expressing love
	expressing future intentions
	expressing hate
What are the advantages and disadvantages = this is very common to ask for opinion about a topic. 
	 2a Questão
	Chosse the alternative that contains an expression for giving INFORMAL opinion:
	I¿d just like to say...
	To be quite honest / frank...
	I Think...
	It is considered that¿
	If you ask me...
I think¿
I feel that¿
In my opinion¿
As I see it¿
In my view¿
Generally speaking, I think...
Some formal options:
To my mind... (not so formal)
I¿d just like to say...
I tend to think that¿
As far as I¿m concerned...
To be quite honest / frank...
If you ask me...
It is considered that¿
I don't believe...
I haven¿t the faintest idea about / whether... (se você inicia com este tipo de expressão, isto pode sugerir que você não tem mais nada a dizer.)
Not everybody will agree with me, but...
	 3a Questão
	In which alternative the words or phrases express a personal point of view?
	It is considered...
	It is generally accepted that...
	Some people say that...
	Speaking for myself¿
	It is thought that...
Speaking for myself = it expresses a personal point of view. All the others are impersonal.
	 4a Questão
	If you were required to write a formal letter to your boss expressing your opinion on a subject, you would start it in the follow way:
	I feel....
	If you ask me....
	To my mind...
	I think....
	I am unconvinced that....
I think¿
I feel that¿
In my opinion¿
As I see it¿
In my view¿
Generally speaking, I think...
	 5a Questão
	Numa conversa telefônica, você diz que tem 16 anos de idade. Contudo, o seu interlocutor não entende e acha que você tem 60 anos. Ao retificar a informação e dizer "I am sixteen" a que palavra você daria ênfase?
Como o não entendimento foi em relação à idade, 'sixteen' deve ser enfatizado.
	 6a Questão
	One of the tips for you to start practicing opinions is
	Choosing unfamiliar and interesting topics.
	Choosing familiar but uninteresting topics.
	Choosing familiar and interesting topics.
	Choosing unfamiliar but interesting topics.
	Choosing any type of topic (randomly).
Choosing familiar and interesting topics makes it easier to start expressing opinions, as the vocabulary is known. 
	 7a Questão
	Expressing opinions, If you want to be NEUTRAL, for instance, you may make use of the following expressions, but not:
	I think she is beautiful.
	Tom Hanks is an excellent actor.
	I tend to think that he is a brilliant teacher.
	To be quite honest, she is an advanced student.
	In my opinion, they are excellent.
Tom Hanks is an excellent actor = the use of 'excellent' is not neutral. 
	 8a Questão
	Even in our mother tongue, to express opinion is one very important way of interaction. Choose the option that refers to it:
	How old is your mother?
	What do you think about Rock?
	How often do you go to the beach?
	What is your father?
	What does your mother do for a living?
	1a Questão
	What do you do if there is a misunderstanding?
	I do it again
	I make a joke
	I say nothing
	I don´t care
	I apologize immediately
If there is a lack of understand, you should apologize immediately. You can do that by saying:
I beg your pardon?
I beg your pardon, but I don't quite understand.
I'm not quite sure I know what you mean.
I'm not quite sure I follow you.
I don't quite see what you mean.
I'm not sure I got your point.
Sorry, I didn't quite hear what you said.
Sorry, I didn't get your point.
  I don't quite see what you're getting at.
You're getting at.
	 2a Questão
	Choose the expression used to express FORMAL opinion:
	I feel that
	I tend to think that...
	Generally speaking, I think
	In my opinion
	In my view
I think¿
I feel that¿
In my opinion¿
As I see it¿
In my view¿
Generally speaking, I think...
I think violence on TV affects children behavior.
I don't think most children are influenced by violence on TV.
I feel abortionis wrong.
In my opinion, dancing is thrilling!
Some formal options:
To my mind... (not so formal)
I¿d just like to say...
I tend to think that¿
As far as I¿m concerned...
To be quite honest / frank...
If you ask me...
It is considered that¿
I don't believe...
I haven¿t the faintest idea about / whether... (se você inicia com este tipo de expressão, isto pode sugerir que você não tem mais nada a dizer.)
Not everybody will agree with me, but...
	 3a Questão
	When you feel that your opinion WAS NOT SO CLEAR, you can make use of clarifications. The only one which is not an adequate example is
	Sorry, I guess that it is ok.
	In other words...
	Let me explain that in more detail...
	Let me put it in another way...
	Let me explain that...
Sorry, I guess that it is OK. = If you say that you are refusing to clarify the answer. 
	 4a Questão
	The only option which conveys a fair probability idea is..:
	I expect that...
	I doubt whether/that ...
	I am sure that...
	There's probably a good argument for...
	There now seems to be a general acceptance ...
EXPRESSING FAIR PROBABILITY ¿ provável em minha opinião
I think it¿s probably possible for us to win this competition.
I guess that many people prefer going to work by car.
I don¿t suppose/suppose it¿s a very simple problem to solve.
There¿s probably a good argument for raising national taxes.
I¿m beginning to think it would be a good thing if drugs should be allowed.
	 5a Questão
	The only option which conveys an informal neutral opinion is...
	I¿d just like to express my opinion¿
	I¿m absolutely convinced that...
	I¿m absolutely sure that...
	As far as I¿m concerned¿
	I feel that...
I think¿
I feel that¿
In my opinion¿
As I see it¿
In my view¿
Generally speaking, I think...
	 6a Questão
	Expressing opinions, If you want to be NEUTRAL, for instance, you may make use of the following expressions, but not:
	I thinks she is beautiful.
	In my opinion, they are excellent.
	To be quite honest, she is an advanced student.
	Tom Hanks is an excellent actor.
	I Tend to think that he is a brilliant teacher.
By saying 'excellent', you make the opinion strong and not neutral. 
	 7a Questão
	In which alternative there is an example of someone clarifying an opinion?
	It is sometimes argued that it is possible for conditions in the zoo to replicate the wild animal's natural habitat. While this may be feasible for smaller reptiles, it will never be possible, in my view, for the larger mammals which needs acres of space to roam around in.
	From a political point of view, the agreement of the UN is extremely important.
	From my point of view it makes no difference whether you return on Saturday night or Sunday morning.
	From the point of view of safety, always wear a helmet when you are on the building site.
	By spending money on confining wild animals to zoos, we are wasting resources. By this I mean there are more urgent economic problems to deal with: hospitals and schools should be our first priority.
By this I mean there are more urgent economic problems to deal with: hospitals and schools should be our first priority.
By this I mean - clarifying what was said before. 
	 8a Questão
	Even in our mother tongue, to express opinion is one very important way of interaction. Choose the option that refers to it:
	How old is your mother?
	What does your mother do for a living?
	How often do you go to the beach?
	What is your father?
	What do you think about Rock?
	1a Questão
	if we consider the question: What are the advantages and disadvantages of having more than one child? It is useful for:
	expressing hate
	expressing love
	expressing opinions
	expressing future intentions
	expressing personal feelings
What are the advantages and disadvantages = this is very common to ask for opinion about a topic. 
	 2a Questão
	Chosse the alternative that contains an expression for giving INFORMAL opinion:
	It is considered that¿
	To be quite honest / frank...
	I Think...
	I¿d just like to say...
	If you ask me...
I think¿
I feel that¿
In my opinion¿
As I see it¿
In my view¿
Generally speaking, I think...
Some formal options:
To my mind... (not so formal)
I¿d just like to say...
I tend to think that¿
As far as I¿m concerned...
To be quite honest / frank...
If you ask me...
It is considered that¿
I don't believe...
I haven¿t the faintest idea about / whether... (se você inicia com este tipo de expressão, isto pode sugerir que você não tem mais nada a dizer.)
Not everybody will agree with me, but...
	 3a Questão
	In which alternative the words or phrases express a personal point of view?
	Some people say that...
	It is generally accepted that...
	It is thought that...
	Speaking for myself¿
	It is considered...
Speaking for myself = it expresses a personal point of view. All the others are impersonal.
	 4a Questão
	If you were required to write a formal letter to your boss expressing your opinion on a subject, you would start it in the follow way:
	If you ask me....
	I think....
	To my mind...
	I am unconvinced that....
	I feel....
I think¿
I feel that¿
In my opinion¿
As I see it¿
In my view¿
Generally speaking, I think...
	 5a Questão
	Numa conversa telefônica, você diz que tem 16 anos de idade. Contudo, o seu interlocutor não entende e acha que você tem 60 anos. Ao retificar a informação e dizer "I am sixteen" a que palavra você daria ênfase?
Como o não entendimento foi em relação à idade, 'sixteen' deve ser enfatizado.
	 6a Questão
	One of the tips for you to start practicing opinions is
	Choosing familiar but uninteresting topics.
	Choosing familiar and interesting topics.
	Choosing unfamiliar but interesting topics.
	Choosing any type of topic (randomly).
	Choosing unfamiliar and interesting topics.
Choosing familiar and interesting topics makes it easier to start expressing opinions, as the vocabulary is known. 
	 7a Questão
	Expressing opinions, If you want to be NEUTRAL, for instance, you may make use of the following expressions, but not:
	To be quite honest, she is an advanced student.
	In my opinion, they are excellent.
	I think she is beautiful.
	Tom Hanks is an excellent actor.
	I tend to think that he is a brilliant teacher.
Tom Hanks is an excellent actor = the use of 'excellent' is not neutral. 
	 8a Questão
	Even in our mother tongue, to express opinion is one very important way of interaction. Choose the option that refers to it:
	What is your father?What do you think about Rock?
	How often do you go to the beach?
	How old is your mother?
	What does your mother do for a living?
	1a Questão
	What's  the possible answer for the question:  "What does she look like?"
	She is rude
	She is fine, thanks.
	She is very tall
	She is nice
	She is impatient
	 2a Questão
	How would you talk about future plans? Choose the alternative which is grammatically coherent:
	Tomorrow, I am going to the park with my kids.
	Tomorrow, I go to the park with my kids.
	Tomorrow, I going to the park with my kids.
	Tomorrow, I will going to the park with my kids.
	Tomorrow, I am go to the park with my kids.
Tomorrow, I go to the park with my kids. (I am going) 
Tomorrow, I will going to the park with my kids. (I will go) 
Tomorrow, I going to the park with my kids. (I am going)
Tomorrow, I am go to the park with my kids. (I am going)
Tomorrow, I am going to the park with my kids. - correct.
	 3a Questão
	Choose the only question above whose question is NOT about profession:
	What do you do?
	Where do you live?
	What is your occupation?
	What is your profession?
	Where do you work?
Com exceção de 'Where do you live? (I live in _______), todas as outras perguntas têm como resposta a sua profissão.
	 4a Questão
	If you have a terrible headache, you have to
	dance and scream
	clean the house
	read a long and boring report
	jump up and down
	take a medicine and go to bed
Terrible headache = dor de cabeça terrível. = Take a medicine (remédio) and go to bed. 
	 5a Questão
	Na oralidade, é comum fugirmos ao padrão:How many brothers do you have? I have two brothers and one sister. Não costumamos dar respostas completas e gramaticalmente impecáveis no dia a dia. Assinale o diálogo que possui uma forma mais formal, diferente da oralidade:
	How is your mother? Fine.
	Why are you sad? I'm sad because my boyfriend has dumped me.
	What time is your class? At 7.
	Is there a barber shop near your home? Yes, two miles away.
	How many brothers do you have? Two.
The other answers are more complete, so they are more formal.
	 6a Questão
	What's the possible answer for the question: "What's she like?"
	   She is very confidente.
	   She is very cute
	   She is extremely beautiful.
	   She has blond hair.
	   She's very talL
What is she like = asks for a description of the behavior of the person. 
A: Cool. What is your boss like?
B: Not so nice. He is very strict and asks me to do many things at the same time¿
	 7a Questão
	Leia o texto e assinale a alternativa que expressa a sua idéia central . If there´s one thing we´re good at, it´s shopping. We love shopping in the States, and we have huge shopping malls which are designed for two purposes: to give us the greatest possible choice of things to buy, and to separate us from our money
	We need to be separated from our money
	Shopping malls are the highest buildings in the USA.
	Americans love buying things in general.
	Americans don´t like going shopping.
	The shopping malls are very big.
 If there´s one thing we´re good at, it´s shopping. We love shopping in the States - A ideia principal do texto é esta, apresentada no início do parágrafo.
	 8a Questão
	What is the answer to the question: "How do you go there?"
	Humm.... at 7am.
	The 8th grade.
	Well, sometimes. Not so often.        
	Either by bus or by dad's car.
	Yes, of course.
	1a Questão
	Na oralidade, é comum fugirmos ao padrão: Do you have a car? I have a car. Não costumamos dar respostas completas e gramaticalmente impecáveis no dia a dia. Assinale o diálogo que possui uma forma mais cotidiana, digna da oralidade:
	Why are you tired? I´m tired because I was running.
	How do you go to school? I go to school by bus.
	How often do you go the church? Once a week.
	How is your mother? My mother is fine, thanks.
	What time is it? It´s 11 o´clock.
How often do you go to the church? (I go to the church) once a week.
	 2a Questão
	What dialogue doesn't match its description?
	Looking at photos:
A: So, what are you looking at Steve?
B: Oh. I'm gonna show you the photos from our vacation.
	Talking about girlfriends:
A: I have the perfect girl for you!
B: Oh no! Not another blind date.
	Making new friends
A. Oh, Monika, you really like to knit, don't you?
B. Yes. Really enjoy it.
	Talking about work:
A: Hi, Debora. How's your new job? Are you very busy?
B: Oh. It's hard work, you know. I'm exhausted.
A: Samantha never stops talking.
B: It seems so.
This dialogue is about hobbies. 
	 3a Questão
	If you like detective stories, if you prefer to stay indoors, if you are an imaginative person, your hobby is
The clue words are: DETECTIVE STORIES. Reading books. 
	 4a Questão
	Leia o texto e assinale a alternativa que expressa a sua idéia central . If there´s one thing we´re good at, it´s shopping. We love shopping in the States, and we have huge shopping malls which are designed for two purposes: to give us the greatest possible choice of things to buy, and to separate us from our money
	The shopping malls are very big.
	Shopping malls are the highest buildings in the USA.
	Americans love buying things in general.
	We need to be separated from our money
	Americans don´t like going shopping.
 If there´s one thing we´re good at, it´s shopping. We love shopping in the States - A ideia principal do texto é esta, apresentada no início do parágrafo.
	 5a Questão
	What is the answer to the question: "How do you go there?"
	Well, sometimes. Not so often.        
	Either by bus or by dad's car.
	The 8th grade.
	Yes, of course.
	Humm.... at 7am.
How do you get there = the question is about transportation. 
	 6a Questão
	If you have a terrible headache, you have to
	dance and scream
	clean the house
	jump up and down
	read a long and boring report
	take a medicine and go to bed
Terrible headache = dor de cabeça terrível. = Take a medicine (remédio) and go to bed. 
	 7a Questão
	Na oralidade, é comum fugirmos ao padrão:How many brothers do you have? I have two brothers and one sister. Não costumamos dar respostas completas e gramaticalmente impecáveis no dia a dia. Assinale o diálogo que possui uma forma mais formal, diferente da oralidade:
	What time is your class? At 7.
	How is your mother? Fine.
	How manybrothers do you have? Two.
	Is there a barber shop near your home? Yes, two miles away.
	Why are you sad? I'm sad because my boyfriend has dumped me.
The other answers are more complete, so they are more formal.
	 8a Questão
	What's the possible answer for the question: "What's she like?"
	   She is very cute
	   She's very talL
	   She has blond hair.
	   She is extremely beautiful.
	   She is very confidente.
	1a Questão
	What's  the possible answer for the question:  "What does she look like?"
	She is rude
	She is impatient
	She is fine, thanks.
	She is nice
	She is very tall
	 2a Questão
	How would you talk about future plans? Choose the alternative which is grammatically coherent:
	Tomorrow, I am going to the park with my kids.
	Tomorrow, I will going to the park with my kids.
	Tomorrow, I going to the park with my kids.
	Tomorrow, I go to the park with my kids.
	Tomorrow, I am go to the park with my kids.
Tomorrow, I go to the park with my kids. (I am going) 
Tomorrow, I will going to the park with my kids. (I will go) 
Tomorrow, I going to the park with my kids. (I am going)
Tomorrow, I am go to the park with my kids. (I am going)
Tomorrow, I am going to the park with my kids. - correct.
	 3a Questão
	Choose the only question above whose question is NOT about profession:
	Where do you live?
	Where do you work?
	What is your occupation?
	What do you do?
	What is your profession?
Com exceção de 'Where do you live? (I live in _______), todas as outras perguntas têm como resposta a sua profissão.
	 4a Questão
	If you have a terrible headache, you have to
	dance and scream
	jump up and down
	take a medicine and go to bed
	read a long and boring report
	clean the house
Terrible headache = dor de cabeça terrível. = Take a medicine (remédio) and go to bed. 
	 5a Questão
	Na oralidade, é comum fugirmos ao padrão:How many brothers do you have? I have two brothers and one sister. Não costumamos dar respostas completas e gramaticalmente impecáveis no dia a dia. Assinale o diálogo que possui uma forma mais formal, diferente da oralidade:
	How is your mother? Fine.
	How many brothers do you have? Two.
	What time is your class? At 7.
	Is there a barber shop near your home? Yes, two miles away.
	Why are you sad? I'm sad because my boyfriend has dumped me.
The other answers are more complete, so they are more formal.
	 6a Questão
	What's the possible answer for the question: "What's she like?"
	   She is very confidente.
	   She has blond hair.
	   She's very talL
	   She is very cute
	   She is extremely beautiful.
What is she like = asks for a description of the behavior of the person. 
A: Cool. What is your boss like?
B: Not so nice. He is very strict and asks me to do many things at the same time¿
	 7a Questão
	Leia o texto e assinale a alternativa que expressa a sua idéia central . If there´s one thing we´re good at, it´s shopping. We love shopping in the States, and we have huge shopping malls which are designed for two purposes: to give us the greatest possible choice of things to buy, and to separate us from our money
	Shopping malls are the highest buildings in the USA.
	The shopping malls are very big.
	Americans love buying things in general.
	We need to be separated from our money
	Americans don´t like going shopping.
 If there´s one thing we´re good at, it´s shopping. We love shopping in the States - A ideia principal do texto é esta, apresentada no início do parágrafo.
	 8a Questão
	What is the answer to the question: "How do you go there?"
	Well, sometimes. Not so often.        
	The 8th grade.
	Yes, of course.
	Humm.... at 7am.
	Either by bus or by dad's car.
	1a Questão
	What's  the possible answer for the question:  "What does she look like?"
	She is rude
	She is impatient
	She is fine, thanks.
	She is nice
	She is very tall
	 2a Questão
	How would you talk about future plans? Choose the alternative which is grammatically coherent:
	Tomorrow, I am going to the park with my kids.
	Tomorrow, I will going to the park with my kids.
	Tomorrow, I going to the park with my kids.
	Tomorrow, I go to the park with my kids.
	Tomorrow, I am go to the park with my kids.
Tomorrow, I go to the park with my kids. (I am going) 
Tomorrow, I will going to the park with my kids. (I will go) 
Tomorrow, I going to the park with my kids. (I am going)
Tomorrow, I am go to the park with my kids. (I am going)
Tomorrow, I am going to the park with my kids. - correct.
	 3a Questão
	Choose the only question above whose question is NOT about profession:
	Where do you live?
	Where do you work?
	What is your occupation?
	What do you do?
	What is your profession?
Com exceção de 'Where do you live? (I live in _______), todas as outras perguntas têm como resposta a sua profissão.
	 4a Questão
	If you have a terrible headache, you have to
	dance and scream
	jump up and down
	take a medicine and go to bed
	read a long and boring report
	clean the house
Terrible headache = dor de cabeça terrível. = Take a medicine (remédio) and go to bed. 
	 5a Questão
	Na oralidade, é comum fugirmos ao padrão:How many brothers do you have? I have two brothers and one sister. Não costumamos dar respostas completas e gramaticalmente impecáveis no dia a dia. Assinale o diálogo que possui uma forma mais formal, diferente da oralidade:
	How is your mother? Fine.
	How many brothers do you have? Two.
	What time is your class? At 7.
	Is there a barber shop near your home? Yes, two miles away.
	Why are you sad? I'm sad because my boyfriend has dumped me.
The other answers are more complete, so they are more formal.
	 6a Questão
	What's the possible answer for the question: "What's she like?"
	   She is very confidente.
	   She has blond hair.
	   She's very talL
	   She is very cute
	   She is extremely beautiful.
What is she like = asks for a description of the behavior of the person. 
A: Cool. What is your boss like?
B: Not so nice. He is very strict and asks me to do many things at the same time¿
	 7a Questão
	Leia o texto e assinale a alternativa que expressa a sua idéia central . If there´s one thing we´re good at, it´s shopping. We love shopping in the States, and we have huge shopping malls which are designed for two

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