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	1a Questão
	When we consider first language acquisition, it is CORRECT to say that
	there is a high degree of similarity which in the early language of children all over the world.
	2a Questão
	Which alternative does not refer to the concept of FIRST LANGUAGE?
	the language acquired due to professional purpose.
	3a Questão
	What may we say about the process of communicating in a language?
	That it is an amazing accomplishment.
	4a Questão
Over the past decades, there have been three main theoretical approaches that attempt to explain the acquisition of a native language. They are
	Behaviorism ¿ Innatism ¿ Interactionism
	5a Questão
	When it comes to negation, it is WRONG to say that
	in order to acquire language and be able to express themselves, children must master grammar prior to anything
	6a Questão
	According to the authors, by the age of _______ most English-speaking children are able to produce questions which are both grammatical and appropriate. However, they might slip back to an earlier stage once in a while.
	1a Questão
	Choose the most appropriate comment about language acquisition.  
	Language penetrates little by little in the child 's mind unconsciously and turns out to become the structure of the child's thinking.
	2a Questão
	The study of cognitive development, especially in school-age children, has been one of the central focuses of developmental research over the last 25 years. It  has been agreed that ...
	the society in which a child is raised and the child¿s personal history plays a significant role in determining the child¿s thought pattern.
	3a Questão
	Choose the CORRECT definition of ERROR
	Deviations in usage which result from gaps in learners¿ knowledge of the target language.
	4a Questão
	How does a child normally react  when he notices the name of a given object is unknown to him?
	He turns to an adult for help.
	5a Questão
	According to  Vygotsky, " language has a key role in shaping the thought and character of an individual". Why is it so?
	Because there is a fundamental interrelationship between  thought and language, one providing resources to the other.
	6a Questão
	Some of the errors learners make are universal, no matter what their first language is, where they learn or what their personal characteristics are. These errors are:
	Omission, Overgeneralization, Transfer
	7a Questão
	According to what was discussed in classes in relation to thought and language it is CORRECT to say that:
	There is a fundamental interrelationship between thought and language, one providing resources to the other. Thus language has a key role in shaping the thought and character of an individual.
	1a Questão
	The most significant Theories Of Language Acquisition are
	Criticism and Innatism
	2a Questão
	The following comments about Behaviorism are correct except ...
	Behaviorism is a philosophical and epistemological doctrine that holds that the mind is born with ideas/knowledge, and that therefore the mind is not a "blank slate" at birth, as early empiricists such as John Locke claimed.
	3a Questão
	Which of the following comments is adequate as far as language acquisition is concerned?
	Imitation is involved in the process of acquisition to a certain extent, but it¿s definitely not the most important mechanism.
	4a Questão
	By forming sentences by analogy, children would produce ungrammatical sentences of the sort they usually do not produce.
An example of the situation mentioned above is ...
	Is the boy who sleeping is dreaming about a new car?
	5a Questão
	The acquisition of language is doubtless the greatest intellectual feat any children is ever required to perform. Nonetheless, they manage to develop their communication system brilliantly.  Which alternative below DOES NOT confirm the previous statement
	Everyone who has raised a child or has somehow observed the development of a child¿s ability to communicate, is a mechanical accomplishment based on artificial devices.
	6a Questão
	Choose the WRONG alternative in relation to analogy and Behaviorism
	By forming sentences by analogy, children would produce grammatically perfect sentences.
	1a Questão
	Cjhoose the CORRECT alternative in relation to Inatist Theory
	the theory of universal grammar proposes that if human beings are brought up under normal conditions (not those of extreme sensory deprivation), then they will never develop language with certain specific properties.
	2a Questão
	Which of the alternatives below DOES NOT correspond to Chomsky ideas in relation to language acquisition:
	Chomsky argues that nobody is born with an innate capacity for language acquisition.
	3a Questão
	According to Chomsky, when do children start being exposed to language?
	Chomsky argued that children are exposed to language spoken around them since they are born.
	4a Questão
	According to Chomsky, when do children start being exposed to language?
	Chomsky argued that children are exposed to language spoken around them since they are born.
	5a Questão
	According to Chomsky, why should the behaviorist model be abandoned ?
	Because it leaves no room for creativity.
	6a Questão
	Read the following propositions below and check the one which  is inappropriate.
	We can say that Chomsky switched attention from nature to nurture (how the innate properties of human mind shape learning).
	7a Questão
	For Chomsky, what characterizes human language?
	Chomsky argues that creativity is what characterizes human language.
	1a Questão
	According to Oxford (1990), language learning strategies can be grouped into two classes ¿ direct and indirect strategies. Each of them is further subdivided into three groups. Which of the techniques group below is an example of Direct Strategies?
	Memory strategies, Cognitive strategies, Compensation strategies
	Memory strategies, Metacognitive strategies, Compensation strategies
	Memory strategies, Cognitive strategies, Social strategies
	2a Questão
	A significant change has taken place within the field of language teaching over the last few decades. As a consequence of it _______
	a lot more emphasis has been placed in learners and learning, instead of in teachers and teaching.
	a lot more emphasis has been placed on the books teachers use to try to be successful in their role of teaching a foreign language.
	3a Questão
	Choose the alternative that CORRECTLY fill the gap:
"_________________ - these strategies are based on making association and reviewing. Whenever a student is faced with a challenge of vocabulary learning, s/he can associate the new word(s) or expression(s) with visual images. They can be stored and later retrieved for 
	Memory strategies
	4a Questão
	"...language learning strategies (are) specific actions, behaviors, steps, or techniques that students(often intentionally) use to improve their progress in developing L2 skills." (webclass)
Why should teachers take them into account ?
	Because they  can facilitate the internalization, storage, retrieval, or use of the new language. Strategies are tools for the self-directed involvement necessary for developing communicative ability.¿ (Oxford, 1992/1993, p. 18)
	5a Questão
	Which of the alternatives below is WRONG in relation to the definition of LEARNING STRATEGIES:
	Learning strategies do not work in relation to internalization, storage, retrieval, or use of the new language.
	6a Questão
	Allowing students to reflect on their own learning process to be aware of what criteria influence their learning is important. Ignacio (1996). Students need to learn how to apply strategies according to what actually works for them." (www.researchgate.net/publication/28203603_)
Practicing,  receiving and sending messages, analyzing and reasoning and creating structure for input and output are associated with:
	Cognitive strategies.
	1a Questão
	Choose the alternative that CORRECTLY fill the gap:
"_________ -  this proposal holds that language learning is influenced by the desire children have to communicate with others. In this view, language development is both social and biological."
	2a Questão
	"We started our second class with a discussion about the relationship between language and thought, and we learned that their trajectories are intertwined." This statement is CORRECT because
	one provides resources to the other, and language is responsible not only for shaping an individual¿s thought, but for the development of his/her character as well.
	3a Questão
	Which topics do researchers usually take into account in the process of foreign language acquisition ?
	Pronunciation, Accent, Vocabulary and Grammar.
	4a Questão
	Language acquisition is a process which can take place at any period of one's life. Acquisition is usually carried out in the first years of childhood and leads to unconscious knowledge of one's native language.
We can infer that as far as language acquisition is concerned ..
	children all over the world seem to acquire the structures which lead to language acquisition  in a very similar way.
	5a Questão
	Choose the alternative that CORRECTLY fill the gap:
"_________ - according to this proposal, children are innately equipped with a blueprint for language ¿ Universal Grammar (UG). This is what aids the child in the process of acquiring a first language."
	6a Questão
	Complete the blank space:
Behaviorism → as the name suggests, it focused on people¿s behaviors which could be directly observable.
In this proposal, ____
	mental systems underlying these behaviors were not considered.
	1a Questão
	Any of a wide variety of exercises, activities, or devices used in the language classroom for realizing lesson objectives are considered
	Grammar Translation
	2a Questão
	Why did the Grammar Translation method start to decline?
	Since there was no theory to support this method and also due to different social demands that were beginning to emerge in the nineteenth century, the Grammar translation method started to decline.
	3a Questão
	The following are characteristics of the Grammar Translation method, except ...
	A focus on the oral communication of the language.
	4a Questão
	The teacher tells a story about animals. Children make animal noises every time they hear the name of the animal. This is an example of
	Total Physical Response
	5a Questão
	The teacher tests Students on the English meaning for a set of words in their mother tongue. This is an example of
	Audio Lingual
	Grammar Translation
	6a Questão
	What do methods seem to be based on?
	Methods seem to have to do with the researcher's own experience and personal opinions.
	Methods seem to be based on very different views of what language is and how a language is learned.
	7a Questão
	Why have language teachers and researchers developed approaches and  methods for the teaching of the English language?
	In order to try to find more efficient and effective ways of teaching the language.
	1a Questão
	Choose the alternative that CORRECTLY fill the gap:
__________ - the knowledge which is necessary to use a language effectively, and the ability to put that knowledge into action.
	Communicative Language
	Universal Grammar
	Communicative competence
	2a Questão
	When talking about language learning and teaching,  it is important to be aware of the different conceptions of language as communication among them:  Interactionism.
Which of the following comments is not adequate taking interactionism into account?
	The teacher has a passive role in the interactionism.
	3a Questão
	Read the following passage and fill in the blanks with the missing words:
Regarding language teaching and learning, he argued that learning takes place through the interactions between students and their______ ,teachers, and other adults. Therefore, the learning environment should ______the student's ability to interact with each other through discussion, collaboration, and ______. The role of the teacher in this approach is that of a ______ S/he should be able to create a friendly environment where directed interactions can occur.
	peers , maximize , feedback , facilitator
	4a Questão
	The ability to know whether or to what degree verbal or non-verbal behavior is appropriate to a particular situation, relationship, culture, or genre is called
	5a Questão
	 Fill in the blanks with the missing words:
The PCNs corroborate that the learning processes are generated by ................ through the interaction between a student and a more competent partner. They interact through the use of language and negotiate meaning in order to do their assignments. In other words, they involve themselves in a process of construction of shared knowledge.
	the zone of proximal development
		Which of the alternative is the definition of FEASABILITY?
	The ability to know whether or to what degree a particular combination of words actually occurs.
	The ability to know whether or to what degree verbal or non-verbal behavior is appropriate to a particular situation, relationship, culture, or genre.
	The ability to know whether or to what degree a piece of language can be successfully processed, irrespective of whether it is a possible sentence.
	The ability to know whether or to what degree a sample of language conforms to the rules of its grammar.
	The ability to correctly pronounce words and build sentences that are correctly organized.
	1a Questão
	Choose the alternative that CORRECTLY fill the gap:
The________, on the other hand, is a professional who translates orally in both directions on the spot.
Interpreter2a Questão
	Language professionals tend to teach language and literature at schools and language centers, but there are some other possibilities they might consider as well. The language professional can work as
	Language teaching materials writer only
	Copyeditor and Teacher only
	Translator, Interpreter, Copyeditor, Language teaching materials writer
	Translator and Interpreter only
	Interpreter only.
Translator, Interpreter, Copyeditor, Language teaching materials writer
	 3a Questão
	The study of cognitive development, especially in school-age children, has been one of the central focuses of developmental research over the last 25 years. It  has been agreed that ...
	there does seem to be a consensus emerging about the fact that if a child is not enrolled in school activities at an early age , he won't be successful in life when he grows up.
	children who are raised just by the mother or just by the father usually present  more difficulties in developing their cognitive abilities  than those who come from a traditional family structure, that is with a mother and a father.
	the society in which a child is raised and the child¿s personal history plays a significant role in determining the child¿s thought pattern.
	despite the child's raising history, if the information which was provide by the family  was poor or very good, the cognitive development of a child depends only  on the teachers so the teachers' role  at school  in his early years is more crucial than that of the family at home.
	the environment the child is raised should not be given that importance for his future life.
A child's cognitive abilities and thought structuring will be a result of the environment in which the child is brought up. Indeed, the author goes on to say that the society in which a child is raised and the child¿s personal history plays a significant role in determining the child¿s thought pattern.
	 4a Questão
	As far as translating is concerned, there are some characteristics which are applicable to consecutive interpreting.
Which of the ones mentioned below is not applicable to consecutive interpreting?
	The professional must be trained in note-taking to be able to translate appropriately.
	The speaker should stop every 1-5 minutes, so that the interpreter can render what he said.
	The professional must also be very good in memory techniques in order to be able to perform accurately and faithfully.
	The interpreter is only able to render what the speaker said into the target language after the speaker finishes a sentence or an idea.
	The professional must sit in a sound-proof booth and wear headphones.
The professional must sit in a sound-proof booth and wear headphones.
	 5a Questão
	In case someone wants to be a translator, which of the following is not necessary to take into account?
	culture of the languages spoken.
In dealing with translation, the pronunciation of words is not relevant.
	 6a Questão
	Which alternative is WRONG in relation to copyediting?
	A copyeditor is a professional whose job is to check written material in order to correct errors in grammar, style, usage and spelling before it is set into type.
	Copyeditors are the bridge between writers, publishers, and readers.
	Copyeditors cannot do freelance work which gives them more freedom to choose their working hours and to work from home.
	1a Questão
	Students sing a song ¿Head and shoulders, knees and toes ¿. They touch the correct part of their body as they sing the song. This is an example of
	Reading Approach
	Total Physical Response
	Audio Lingual
	Grammar Translation
	Communicative Language Teaching
Total Physical Response
	 2a Questão
	Which method/ approach is associated with the following characteristics?
- Grammar was taught inductively (students are presented with grammar rules and then given opportunities to practice using them).
- New teaching points were introduced orally.
- Concrete vocabulary was taught through demonstration, objects, and pictures; abstract vocabulary was taught by association of ideas.
	The Direct method.
	The Grammar Translation method.
	The Natural-language  approach.
	The Audiolingual method.
	The Psycho-linguistic method.
The Direct method's characteristics:
Classroom instruction was conducted exclusively in the target language.
Only everyday vocabulary and sentences were taught.
Oral communication skills were build up in a carefully graded progression organized around question-and-answer exchanges between teachers and students in small, intensive classes.
Grammar was taught inductively (students are presented with grammar rules and then given opportunities to practice using them).
New teaching points were introduced orally.
Concrete vocabulary was taught through demonstration, objects, and pictures; abstract vocabulary was taught by association of ideas.
Both speech and listening comprehension were taught.
Correct pronunciation and grammar were emphasized.
	 3a Questão
	Read the following passage and choose the item which does not fit in the context:
Richards and Rogers argue that the proliferation of approaches and methods may have brought positive aspects as they help in the learning process, however some of the methods
	are difficult to understand.
	recommend apparently strange and unfamiliar classroom techniques and practices.
	are not successful because they are based on the oral ability of the language.
	are obscurely written.
	are hard to locate.
It is not because a certain method or approach is based on the oral ability of the language that it won't work out fine.
	 4a Questão
	Which alternative IS NOT connected to the Direct method?
	Grammar was taught inductively (students are presented with grammar rules and then given opportunities to practice using them).
	Classroom instruction was conducted exclusively in the target language
	New teaching points are introduced through reading experience.
	Only everyday vocabulary and sentences were taught.
	Both speech and listening comprehension were taught.
New teaching points are introduced through reading experience.
	 5a Questão
	Intensive practice of responses in the target language leads to better retention. This is
	Direct Method (Berlitz)
	Reading Approach
	Grammar-translation method
	Communicative Language Teaching
	Audiolingual Method
Audiolingual Method
	 6a Questão
	Based on the Audiolingual characteristics , which of the following is not applicable to it?
	The use of the mother tongue by the teachers is not allowed.
	There is dependence on mimicry, memorization of set phrases, and overlearning.

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