
Curso de Inglês Básico I

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Curso de Inglês Básico I
1. Assinale a alternativa correta: I would like you to meet my friend Zach:
 A) Have you met Joe?
 XB) Hello, Zach. Nice to meet you.
 C) This is John.
 D) Please meet Jane.
2.Assinale a alternativa correta: What do you do? 
 A)I´m a economist.
 B)I´m an doctor.
 XC)I´m a teacher.
 D)I´m an scientist.
3.Assinale a alternativa correta: He´s Paul Smith.
 A)He´s Miss Smith.
 B) He´s Ms. Paul.
 XC)He´s Mr. Smith.
 D)He´s Mr. Paul.
4.Assinale a alternativa correta: Where are you from?
 A)I´m from the Italy.
 B)I´m from German.
 C) I´m from Russian.
 XD)I´m from Switzerland.
5. Assinale a alternativa INCORRETA:
 A)from China- Chinese
 XB) from German - Germany
 C)from Italy - Italian
 D)from Brazil – Brazilian
6. Assinale a alternativa que traduz melhor a sentença:
"They are economists".
 A) Ela é economista
 XB) Elas são economistas
 C) Ele é economista.
 D)Você é economista.
7.Assinale a alternativa mais adequada:
 A) She´s a cat.
 B)He´s a cat.
 C)It´s cats.
 XD) They´re cats.
8. Assinale a alternativa diferente:
 A)What´s up?
 B)How is it going?
 XC)I´m fine.
 D) How is everything?
9.Assinale a alternativa CORRETA:
"My name is John Smith"
 A) I´m Miss Smith.
 B) I´m Mr. John.
 C)I´m Mrs. Smith. 
 XD) I´m Mr. Smith.
10.Assinale a alternativa INCORRETA:
 A)He´s a teacher.
 B)We´re engineers.
 C)She´s a nurse.
 XD)They are a doctors.
1.Qual alternativa responde à questão:
Where´s the church?
 A)It´s by the left.
 XB)It´s on the left.
 C)How do I get there?
 D)It´s on the near.
2.Qual alternativa responde à questão:
Where´s the ATM?
 XA)It´s on the right.
 B)It´s between the store and the ATM.
 C)It´s across from the ATM.
 D)It´s near the ATM.
3.A tradução CORRETA de “O supermercado é perto da igreja” é:
 A)The supermarket is far from the church.
 B)The supermarket is on the left.
 C)Where´s the supermarket?
 XD)The supermarket is near the church.
4.Assinale a alternativa INCORRETA:
 XA)I think you should come by foot.
 B)I think you should come by car.
 C)I think you should come by bus.
 D)I think you should come by train.
5.Assinale a alternativa CORRETA:
 A)Let´s go on car.
 B)Let´s go by foot.
 C)Let´s go on bus.
 XD)Let´s go on foot.
6.Assinale a alternativa correta: Where´s the university? 
 A)It´s across the left.
 XB)It´s on 65, Pearl Street.
 C)It´s at the right.
 D)It´s near the university.
7.Assinale a alternativa correta: Where´s she?
 A)She´s to car.
 XB)She´s in the car.
 C)She´s a car.
 D)She´s of the car. 
8.Assinale a alternativa correta: I´m lost. How do I get to the church? 
 A)Follow the church.
 XB)Go straight ahead.
 C)Where´s the church? 
 D)Go straight church.
9.Assinale a alternativa INCORRETA: 
 A)How do I get to the library?
 XB)It´s on the near.
 C) The ATM is on the left.
 D)The park is downtown
10.Assinale a alternativa INCORRETA: 
 A)subway: to take
 XB)car: to drive, to walk
 C)bus: to ride, to take
 D)truck: to drive
1.Assinale a alternativa CORRETA:
 A)He´s my niece.
 B)He´s my children.
 XC)She´s my niece.
 D)She´s my nephew.
 2.Assinale a alternativa que responde à questão:
“Who is he?”.
 XA)He´s my brother.
 B)She´s my sister.
 C)They are my brothers.
 D)It´s my brother.
3.Assinale a alternativa CORRETA:
 A)This is my children.
 B)This is my parents.
 XC)These are my children.
 D)They are my brother. 
4.Assinale a alternativa CORRETA:
“When is your birthday”?
 A)My birthday is at May 23rd.
 B)My birthday is in May 23rd.
 XC)aa) My birthday is on May 23rd.
 D)My birthday is on May.
5.Assinale a alternativa CORRETA:
 A)I have a sisters.
 B)I has two sisters.
 XC)I have two sisters.
 D)I have a two sisters.
6.Assinale a alternativa INCORRETA:
 A)They are fat.
 XB)He´s a tall.
 C)He´s tal and funny.
 D)She´s old.
7.Assinale a alternativa CORRETA: 
X A)He´s very tall.
 B)She´s too enough tall. 
 C)She is a tall.
 D)They are talls.
8.Assinale a alternativa CORRETA:
 A)She gos to school by car.
 B)She to go to school by car.
 C)She go to school by car.
 XD)She goes to school by car.
9.Assinale a alternativa INCORRETA: 
 XA)you - our brother
 B)we - our brother
 C)she - her brother
 D)they - their brother
10.Assinale a alternativa INCORRETA:
 A)They work downtown.
 XB)She go to school by car.
 C)I study in the morning.
 D)He watches TV at home.
1.Assinale a alternativa INCORRETA:
 XA)Would you like eat?
 B)Can I have a hamburger, please?
 C)Would you like something to eat?
 D)Would you like to drink a cup of tea?
2.Assinale a alternativa que traz a tradução mais apropriada para a frase:
“I would like a glass of water, please”.
 XA)Eu gostaria de um copo de água, por favor.
 B)Eu quero água. 
 C)Você poderia me trazer um copo de água?
 D)Você quer um copo de água?
3.Marque a alternativa CORRETA:
 A)I have a yellows socks.
 XB)I have yellow socks.
 C)I have yellows socks.
 D)I have a yellow socks.
4.Assinale a alternativa CORRETA: 
 XA)Don´t you want new shoes?
 B)Don´t you to want new shoes?
 C)Doesn´t he want a new shoes?
 D)Doesn´t she wants new shoes?
5.Assinale a alternativa CORRETA:
 A)Can she has a hamburger, please?
 B)I can have a hamburger, please?
 XC)Can I have a hamburger, please?
 D)Can I to have a hamburger, please?
6.Marque a alternativa CORRETA:
 A)Can he drinks some wine?
 B)She would likes some beer. 
 XC)She wants to drink water. 
 D)I doesn´t want cake. 
7.Assinale a alternativa CORRETA: 
 A)I have a yellow tennis shoes.
 B)I have a shoe yellow.
 XC)I want a blue sweater.
 D)I want black T-shirt.
8.Assinale a alternativa INCORRETA:
 A)I would like a bottle of beer, please. 
 B)I would like a cup of coffee, please. 
 XC)I would like a glass of pie, please. 
 D)I would like a can of soda, please.
9. Marque a alternativa CORRETA:
 A) It doesn´t wants to sleep.
 XB) Doesn´t it want to sleep
 C)It want to sleep.
 D)Doesn´t it wants to sleep?
10.Assinale a alternativa INCORRETA: 
 A)I have a large raincoat.
 XB)I need a blouse striped.
 C)I want a small T-shirt.
 D)My shoes are red.
1.Assinale a alternativa INCORRETA:
 A)They speak Chinese.
 XB)She to speaks Spanish.
 C)She´s from Brazil.
 D)She´s going to study tomorrow.
2.Assinale a alternativa CORRETA: 
 A)The sofa is in the kitchen.
 B)The pillow is in the bathroom.
 XC)The comforter is on the bed.
 D)The bed is in the garage.
3.Assinale a alternativa CORRETA:
What are you going to do tomorrow?
 A)I´m in the bathroom.
 XB)I´m going to study.
 C)I´m hungry.
 D)It´s going to be sunny.
4.Assinale a alternativa diferente:
5.Assinale a alternativa INCORRETA:
 A)I can´t drive. 
 B)I can swim. 
 XC)I can to dance. 
 D)She can play soccer.
6.Assinale a alternativa CORRETA: What are you going to do tomorrow? 
 A)It´s going to swim.
 B)It´s going to be cloudy.
 C)I´m cold.
 XD)I´m going to sleep until midday.
7.Assinale a alternativa INCORRETA:
 XA)I´m going to be rainny. 
 B)She´s going to play soccer.
 C)I will go to the beach on Sunday.
 D)It´s going to be sunny.
8.Assinale a alternativa INCORRETA:
 A)I will travel next year.
 B)Will you travel next year?
 C)I´m going to travel next year. 
 XD)I will going to travel next year. 
9.Assinale a alternativa CORRETA:
Na sentença I´m going to visit my siblings, “my siblings” poderia ser substituído sem alteração em sua tradução por: 
 A)my father
 B)my relatives
 XC)my brothers
 D)my children
10.Assinale a alternativa INCORRETA: What are you going to do on your vacation? 
 XA)I´m going to travel.
 B)I work hard.
 C)I will going to travel.
 D)I going to the mall.
1.Marque a alternativa que traduz melhor a seguinte sentença:
I never study Math on vacation.
 A)Eu estudo matemática todos os dias.
 XB)Eu nunca estudomatemática nas férias.
 C)Eu raramente estudo matemática nas férias.
 D)Eu sempre estudo matemática nas férias.
2.Na sentença I´m going to visit my parents and to travel, “my parents” poderia ser substituído sem alteração em sua tradução por:
 A)My relatives.
 B)My cousins. 
 XC)My father and my mother.
 D)My siblings.
3. Assinale a alternativa INCORRETA:
 A)I´m never late for work.
 B)I usually watch TV at night.
 C)I sometimes cook lunch.
 XD)I have breakfast never.
4.Assinale a alternativa CORRETA:
 A)I didn´t to play chess last night.
 XB)I didn’t play chess last night.
 C)I didn´t played chess last night.
 D)I don´t played chess last night.
5. Assinale a alternativa que melhor traduz a sentença:
"I always drink coffee in the morning".
 A)Eu bebo café de manhã.
 B)Eu vou beber café de manhã.
 C)Eu nunca bebo café de manhã.
 XD)Eu sempre bebo café de manhã.
6.Assinale a alternativa CORRETA
 A)I always am late for school.
 B)I sleep never late.
 XC)I´m always late for school. 
 D)I cook always lunch.
7.Assinale a alternativa INCORRETA: 
 A)He often swims in the evening.
 B)I always get up early.
 C)They rarely forget things.
 XD)I usually am late for class.
8.Assinale a alternativa CORRETA: What do you do always in the morning?
 XA)I go to work.
 B)I studied Math.
 C)I have dinner.
 D)I´m late.
9.Assinale a alternativa CORRETA:
 A)Did I played soccer yesterday?
 XB)I played soccer yesterday.
 C)I played soccer yesterday?
 D)I did played videogame on Monday.
10.Assinale a alternativa que melhor traduz a sentença:
"We called the family doctor".
 A)Quem é o médico da família?
 XB)Nós ligamos para o médico da família.
 C)Nós vamos ligar para o médico da família.
 D)Ligue para o médico da família.
1.Assinale a alternativa CORRETA: How much is this blouse? 
 A)They´re a 20 dollars.
 B)It´s a 20 dollars.
 C)They´re 20 dollars.
 D)It´s 20 dollars.
2.Assinale a alternativa CORRETA:
 A)She isn´t doctors.
 B)We is a doctor.
 C)They aren´t a doctor.
 D)He isn´t a doctor.
3.Assinale a alternativa CORRETA:
 A)Her birthday is at July.
 B)I work Fridays.
 C)My birthday is on June.
 D)I study on Thurdays.

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