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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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 1a Questão 
In order to avoid misjudgments and serious mistakes, applied linguists need to follow some steps that will 
ensure these professionals will come up with solutions in a way as informed and rational as possible. Mark 
the option that does not refer to what you´ve just read: 
 Consider everything in class 
Set out to investigate and understand the facts of language use; 
make reflections upon teacher´s practices 
Organize and formalize what is known; 
Subject their knowledge to rational consideration and critical analysis. 
 2a Questão 
According to Davies (1999), since language is everywhere, this delimitation protects applied linguistics from 
being regarded as ¿the science of everything¿. The British Association for Applied Linguistics (BAAL) claims 
the following areas as their main concern: 
Applied Texts 
Applied Phonetics 
 Language teaching 
Langauge Facts 
Langauge effects 
 3a Questão 
READ the text below: 
Teachers operate in classrooms where they need to make instantaneous decisions regarding what and how 
to teach. Researchers, more often than not, work in universities, where a system of rewards prizes rigorous 
contributions to a theoretical understanding of issues. Teachers require and seek to develop 
___________________ (that is, change theory into action); researchers endeavor to advance technical-
theoretical knowledge. This distinction, then, encapsulates the divide that often exists between the two. 
(ELLIS, 1998:39) 
►Choose the alternative that best completes de previous blank: 
technical knowledge 
 practical knowledge 
teacher knowledge 
work knowledge 
school knowledge 
 4a Questão 
In order to avoid misjudgments and serious mistakes, applied linguists need to follow some steps that will 
ensure these professionals will come up with solutions in as informed and rational way as possible. One of 
these steps is: 
The theoretical and empirical investigation of real-world problems in which language is a central 
there are a number of situations in which decisions about language need to be made. 
applied linguists set out to investigate both educational and social problems, and make decisions 
about the best course of action to take in dealing with them. 
 Set out to investigate and understand the facts of language use; 
Set out to write down all the theoretical mistakes upon language studying. 
 5a Questão 
"An interdisciplinary field of study which aims at investigating issues in the real world in which language is 
implicated. In other words, it sets out to investigate both educational and social problems, and make 
decisions about the best course of action to take in dealing with them". The previous defintion relates to: 
 Applied linguistics 
Discourse analysis 
Theoretical linguistics 
 6a Questão 
READ the text below: 
1. What language skills should children attain beyond basic literacy? (And what is basic literacy 
anyway? Reading and writing, or something more?) 
2. Should children speaking a dialect be encouraged to maintain it or steered towards the standard 
form of language? (And if so, how is that standard form decided and by whom?) 
3. In communities with more than one language which ones should be used in schools? (And does 
every child have a right to be educated in the language they use at home?) 
►The questions above are made by (choose the right option): 
text linguistics 
generative grammar 
theoretical linguistics 
 Applied linguistics 
 7a Questão 
According to Widdowson (1989), ________________ knew about language, ________________made this 
knowledge available to English language teachers; the consequence was that language learning was 
improved. Choose the alternative that best completes the blanks: 
teachers / linguists 
teachers / applied teachers 
linguists / teachers 
 linguists / applied linguists 
applied linguists / linguists 
 8a Questão 
Applied linguistics is a term that seems to have originated in the USA in the 1940s, and: 
 It refers to an interdisciplinary field of study which aims at investigating issues in the real world in 
which language is implicated. 
It is the basis for theoretical linguistics. 
It is the basis of science. 
It comes form Saussure theory only. 
It refers to a very basic way of teaching. 
 1a Questão 
In order to avoid misjudgments and serious mistakes, applied linguists need to follow some steps that will 
ensure these professionals will come up with solutions in a way as informed and rational as possible. One of 
these steps is: 
 Set out to investigate and understand the facts of language use; 
Check the regularities of a system 
Worry about the wrong structures 
Check the Language as a system 
Worry about the rjght and wrong structures 
 2a Questão 
According to Brumfit (2001), It is The theoretical and empirical investigation of real-world problems in 
which language is a central issue. It referes to: 
theoretical linguistics 
grammar studies 
 applied linguistics 
 3a Questão 
The scope of applied linguistics is very wide and vague due to the fact that language is implicated not only 
in educational matters, but in much of our daily lives. Actually, there are a great number of important daily 
activities that depend on our language ability to be performed, and the others that do not, are often 
developed and enhanced through it. Cook (op cit), in an attempt to delimit the scope of applied linguistics, 
presents the following areas as the main areas of concern for applied linguists: 
language mistakes 
 language and education 
language as a system 
writing mistakes 
writing correctly 
 4a Questão 
READ the text below: 
''____________is a term that seems to have originated in the USA in the 1940s. It refers to an 
interdisciplinary field of study which aims at investigating issues in the real world in which language is 
implicated. In other words, applied linguists set out to investigate both educational and social problems, and 
make decisions about the best course of action to take in dealing with them.'' 
► Choose the alternative that best completes the text above: 
Social linguistics 
 Applied Linguistics 
 5a Questão 
READ the text below: 
The scope of applied linguistics is very wide and vague due to the fact that language is implicated not only in 
educational matters, but in much of our daily lives. Actually, there are a great number of important daily 
activities that depend on our language ability to be performed, and the others that do not, are often developed 
and enhanced through it. 
►Choose one area that DOES NOT belong to the scope of Applied Linguistics: 
 the history of nations 
language and education; 
language usage 
language information and effect. 
language, work and law; 
 6a Questão 
According to Cook (2003): 
''In ________, applied linguistics abandons its apparentlyneutral stance and aligns itself more explicitly with 
political action. It becomes intrinsically critical in the sense of being politically committed and challenging. 
The proponents of ________ argue that the discipline does not cease to be rational or factual; on the contrary, 
it becomes more rational by acknowledging the inevitable.'' 
► Choose the alternative that best completes the previous blanks: 
Pure Linguistics 
Applied Linguistics 
Historical Linguistics 
 Critical Applied Linguistics 
 7a Questão 
Mark to complete the blank: 
_____________________ is a term that seems to have originated in the USA in the 1940s. It refers to an 
interdisciplinary field of study which aims at investigating issues in the real world in which language is 
implicated. In other words, applied linguists set out to investigate both educational and social problems, 
and make decisions about the best course of action to take in dealing with them. 
 Applied Linguistics 
 8a Questão 
Applied linguistics is a term that seems to have originated in the USA in the 1940s, and: 
It comes form Saussure theory only. 
It is the basis for theoretical linguistics. 
 It refers to an interdisciplinary field of study which aims at investigating issues in the real world in 
which language is implicated. 
It is the basis of science. 
It refers to a very basic way of teaching. 
 1a Questão 
In order to avoid misjudgments and serious mistakes, applied linguists need to follow some steps that will 
ensure these professionals will come up with solutions in a way as informed and rational as possible. Mark 
the option that does not refer to what you´ve just read: 
Organize and formalize what is known; 
Set out to investigate and understand the facts of language use; 
 Consider everything in class 
Subject their knowledge to rational consideration and critical analysis. 
make reflections upon teacher´s practices 
 2a Questão 
"An interdisciplinary field of study which aims at investigating issues in the real world in which language is 
implicated. In other words, it sets out to investigate both educational and social problems, and make 
decisions about the best course of action to take in dealing with them". The previous defintion relates to: 
Theoretical linguistics 
 Applied linguistics 
Discourse analysis 
 3a Questão 
In order to avoid misjudgments and serious mistakes, applied linguists need to follow some steps that will 
ensure these professionals will come up with solutions in as informed and rational way as possible. One of 
these steps is: 
applied linguists set out to investigate both educational and social problems, and make decisions 
about the best course of action to take in dealing with them. 
 Set out to investigate and understand the facts of language use; 
there are a number of situations in which decisions about language need to be made. 
Set out to write down all the theoretical mistakes upon language studying. 
The theoretical and empirical investigation of real-world problems in which language is a central 
 4a Questão 
READ the text below: 
1. What language skills should children attain beyond basic literacy? (And what is basic literacy 
anyway? Reading and writing, or something more?) 
2. Should children speaking a dialect be encouraged to maintain it or steered towards the standard 
form of language? (And if so, how is that standard form decided and by whom?) 
3. In communities with more than one language which ones should be used in schools? (And does 
every child have a right to be educated in the language they use at home?) 
►The questions above are made by (choose the right option): 
text linguistics 
 Applied linguistics 
generative grammar 
theoretical linguistics 
 5a Questão 
According to Widdowson (1989), ________________ knew about language, ________________made this 
knowledge available to English language teachers; the consequence was that language learning was 
improved. Choose the alternative that best completes the blanks: 
applied linguists / linguists 
teachers / linguists 
teachers / applied teachers 
 linguists / applied linguists 
linguists / teachers 
 6a Questão 
READ the text below: 
Teachers operate in classrooms where they need to make instantaneous decisions regarding what and how 
to teach. Researchers, more often than not, work in universities, where a system of rewards prizes rigorous 
contributions to a theoretical understanding of issues. Teachers require and seek to develop 
___________________ (that is, change theory into action); researchers endeavor to advance technical-
theoretical knowledge. This distinction, then, encapsulates the divide that often exists between the two. 
(ELLIS, 1998:39) 
►Choose the alternative that best completes de previous blank: 
teacher knowledge 
school knowledge 
technical knowledge 
 practical knowledge 
work knowledge 
 7a Questão 
According to Davies (1999), since language is everywhere, this delimitation protects applied linguistics from 
being regarded as ¿the science of everything¿. The British Association for Applied Linguistics (BAAL) claims 
the following areas as their main concern: 
Applied Phonetics 
Langauge Facts 
 Language teaching 
Applied Texts 
Langauge effects 
 8a Questão 
According to Brumfit (2001), It is The theoretical and empirical investigation of real-world problems in 
which language is a central issue. It referes to: 
 applied linguistics 
grammar studies 
theoretical linguistics 
 1a Questão 
READ the text below: 
''____________is a term that seems to have originated in the USA in the 1940s. It refers to an 
interdisciplinary field of study which aims at investigating issues in the real world in which language is 
implicated. In other words, applied linguists set out to investigate both educational and social problems, and 
make decisions about the best course of action to take in dealing with them.'' 
► Choose the alternative that best completes the text above: 
 Applied Linguistics 
Social linguistics 
 2a Questão 
According to Cook (2003): 
''In ________, applied linguistics abandons its apparently neutral stance and aligns itself more explicitly with 
political action. It becomes intrinsically critical in the sense of being politically committed and challenging. 
The proponents of ________ argue that the discipline does not cease to be rational or factual; on the contrary, 
it becomes more rational by acknowledging the inevitable.'' 
► Choose the alternative that best completes the previous blanks: 
Historical Linguistics 
Pure Linguistics 
 Critical Applied Linguistics 
Applied Linguistics 
 3a Questão 
READ the text below: 
The scope of applied linguistics is very wide and vague due to the fact that language is implicated not only in 
educational matters, but in much of our daily lives.Actually, there are a great number of important daily 
activities that depend on our language ability to be performed, and the others that do not, are often developed 
and enhanced through it. 
►Choose one area that DOES NOT belong to the scope of Applied Linguistics: 
 the history of nations 
language information and effect. 
language, work and law; 
language and education; 
language usage 
 4a Questão 
Mark to complete the blank: 
_____________________ is a term that seems to have originated in the USA in the 1940s. It refers to an 
interdisciplinary field of study which aims at investigating issues in the real world in which language is 
implicated. In other words, applied linguists set out to investigate both educational and social problems, 
and make decisions about the best course of action to take in dealing with them. 
 Applied Linguistics 
 5a Questão 
Applied linguistics is a term that seems to have originated in the USA in the 1940s, and: 
It is the basis of science. 
It comes form Saussure theory only. 
 It refers to an interdisciplinary field of study which aims at investigating issues in the real world in 
which language is implicated. 
It refers to a very basic way of teaching. 
It is the basis for theoretical linguistics. 
 6a Questão 
In order to avoid misjudgments and serious mistakes, applied linguists need to follow some steps that will 
ensure these professionals will come up with solutions in a way as informed and rational as possible. One of 
these steps is: 
Check the regularities of a system 
Worry about the rjght and wrong structures 
 Set out to investigate and understand the facts of language use; 
Worry about the wrong structures 
Check the Language as a system 
 7a Questão 
The scope of applied linguistics is very wide and vague due to the fact that language is implicated not only 
in educational matters, but in much of our daily lives. Actually, there are a great number of important daily 
activities that depend on our language ability to be performed, and the others that do not, are often 
developed and enhanced through it. Cook (op cit), in an attempt to delimit the scope of applied linguistics, 
presents the following areas as the main areas of concern for applied linguists: 
writing correctly 
writing mistakes 
 language and education 
language as a system 
language mistakes 
 8a Questão 
"An interdisciplinary field of study which aims at investigating issues in the real world in which language is 
implicated. In other words, it sets out to investigate both educational and social problems, and make 
decisions about the best course of action to take in dealing with them". The previous defintion relates to: 
Discourse analysis 
Theoretical linguistics 
 Applied linguistics 
 1a Questão 
READ the text below: 
Teachers operate in classrooms where they need to make instantaneous decisions regarding what and how 
to teach. Researchers, more often than not, work in universities, where a system of rewards prizes rigorous 
contributions to a theoretical understanding of issues. Teachers require and seek to develop 
___________________ (that is, change theory into action); researchers endeavor to advance technical-
theoretical knowledge. This distinction, then, encapsulates the divide that often exists between the two. 
(ELLIS, 1998:39) 
►Choose the alternative that best completes de previous blank: 
work knowledge 
 practical knowledge 
school knowledge 
teacher knowledge 
technical knowledge 
 2a Questão 
In order to avoid misjudgments and serious mistakes, applied linguists need to follow some steps that will 
ensure these professionals will come up with solutions in a way as informed and rational as possible. Mark 
the option that does not refer to what you´ve just read: 
Subject their knowledge to rational consideration and critical analysis. 
Organize and formalize what is known; 
Set out to investigate and understand the facts of language use; 
make reflections upon teacher´s practices 
 Consider everything in class 
 3a Questão 
In order to avoid misjudgments and serious mistakes, applied linguists need to follow some steps that will 
ensure these professionals will come up with solutions in as informed and rational way as possible. One of 
these steps is: 
applied linguists set out to investigate both educational and social problems, and make decisions 
about the best course of action to take in dealing with them. 
The theoretical and empirical investigation of real-world problems in which language is a central 
 Set out to investigate and understand the facts of language use; 
Set out to write down all the theoretical mistakes upon language studying. 
there are a number of situations in which decisions about language need to be made. 
 4a Questão 
READ the text below: 
1. What language skills should children attain beyond basic literacy? (And what is basic literacy 
anyway? Reading and writing, or something more?) 
2. Should children speaking a dialect be encouraged to maintain it or steered towards the standard 
form of language? (And if so, how is that standard form decided and by whom?) 
3. In communities with more than one language which ones should be used in schools? (And does 
every child have a right to be educated in the language they use at home?) 
►The questions above are made by (choose the right option): 
theoretical linguistics 
text linguistics 
 Applied linguistics 
generative grammar 
 5a Questão 
According to Davies (1999), since language is everywhere, this delimitation protects applied linguistics from 
being regarded as ¿the science of everything¿. The British Association for Applied Linguistics (BAAL) claims 
the following areas as their main concern: 
Langauge effects 
Applied Texts 
Langauge Facts 
 Language teaching 
Applied Phonetics 
 6a Questão 
According to Widdowson (1989), ________________ knew about language, ________________made this 
knowledge available to English language teachers; the consequence was that language learning was 
improved. Choose the alternative that best completes the blanks: 
teachers / applied teachers 
teachers / linguists 
linguists / teachers 
applied linguists / linguists 
 linguists / applied linguists 
 7a Questão 
According to Brumfit (2001), It is The theoretical and empirical investigation of real-world problems in 
which language is a central issue. It referes to: 
grammar studies 
theoretical linguistics 
 applied linguistics 
 8a Questão 
In order to avoid misjudgments and serious mistakes, applied linguists need to follow some steps that will 
ensure these professionals will come up with solutions in a way as informed and rational as possible. One of 
these steps is: 
Check the Language as a system 
 Set out to investigate and understand the facts of language use; 
Worry about the rjght and wrong structures 
Check the regularities of a system 
Worry about the wrong structures

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