
Aap1 - Língua Inglesa II

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Aap1 - Língua Inglesa II
You can also use the simple past to talk about a past state of being, such as the way someone felt about something. This is often expressed with the simple past tense of the verb to be and an adjective, noun, or prepositional phrase.
(GRAMMARLY. Simple Past Tense. Disponível em: https://www.grammarly.com/blog/simple-past/. Acesso em: 21 out. 2019.)
Read the following paragraph and check the lack of "to be in the past": 
Calpurnia was something else again. [...] She was always ordering me out of the kitchen, asking me why I couldn’t behave as well as Jem when she knew he ___________ older, and calling me home when I ___________ ready to come. Our battles ___________ epic and one-sided. Calpurnia always won, mainly because Atticus always took her side. [...] When I __________  almost six and Jem was nearly ten, our summertime boundaries were Mrs. Henry Lafayette Dubose’s house two doors to the north of us, and the Radley Place three doors to the south (within calling distance of Calpurnia. We ___________  never tempted to break them. [...] That __________ the summer Dill came to us.
(LEE, Harper. To Kill a Mockingbird. Nova York: Harper Collins, 1998. Edição ebook.)
Choose the alternative which fills correctly the gaps.
was /weren’t / was / not was / were / was
was / wasn’t / were / was / were / was
Alternativa assinalada
was / not was / was / were / were / was
were / weren’t / was / wasn’t / was / were
was / wasn’t / was not / was not / were / was
Observe as atividades apresentadas nos calendários a seguir:
Considerando as atividades apresentadas nos calendários e que hoje é dia 31  de Dezembro de 2016, analise as sentenças a seguir:
I) The tests were last month.
II) The music recital was three weeks ago.
III) New year’s is tomorrow.
IV) Hannah’s birthday was this week.
V) The dentist appointment was yesterday morning.
VI) Christmas day was on a Sunday this year.
It is corrected:
All the sentences are correct.
Only sentences I, II, IV and V are correct.
Only sentences I, III, V and VI are correct.
Alternativa assinalada
Only sentences I, III, IV and V are correct.
Only sentences I, II, III, V and VI are correct.
Leia o parágrafo a seguir e observe a ausência das "prepositions of place" e dos "demonstrative pronouns":
Anne Frank was born ____________ June 12, 1929, in Frankfurt, Germany. Because of Hitler’s persecution of Jews, Otto Frank moved his wife, daughters, and business to Holland ____________ the 1930s. At first, life in Amsterdam was pleasant, but when the Germans took over ____________ 1940, things began to change. [...] [Two years later] the family went into hiding. The Franks lived in a secret apartment behind Otto Frank’s warehouse for 25 months. There Anne continued her studies and kept a diary. [...] The hiding place was raided ____________ August of 1944. Anne and her family were sent first to Westerbork and then to Auschwitz. ____________  October of ____________ year, Anne and her sister were moved to Bergen-Belsen. Mrs. Frank died at Auschwitz ____________  January. Anne and Margot died of disease just two months before the liberation of Germany. Otto Frank was the sole survivor of the family.
Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente as lacunas: 
in / in / in / in / on / that / in
Alternativa assinalada
on / on / on / in / in / this / in
on / in / on / in / in / this / in
on / in / in / in / in / that / in
in / on / on / in / on / that / on
A forma verbal em inglês there to be expressa sentido de haver, existir ou ter, em português. Em inglês, o verbo varia de acordo com o número, de singular para plural, e de acordo com a variação temporal de presente para passado e futuro.
(MUNDO EDUCAÇÃO. There to be - past. Disponível em: https://mundoeducacao.bol.uol.com.br/ingles/there-to-be-passado.htm. Acesso em: 21 out. 2019.)
Considerando o uso de "there to be" no passado, observe as lacunas no texto a seguir:
Our traditional family Thansgiving dinner this year was amazing, as always. The whole family was there. The food was incredible. ____________ green beans and carrots and, of course, ____________ a delicious turkey. But unfortunately this year, for the first time ever, ___________ mashed potatoes and ____________ dessert! ____________ a reason for that? Yes, there was: my sister are on a low-carb diet and decided not to make them. I wanted to help, but there was no time to make anything, so all we had to eat after dinner were apples.
Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente as lacunas: 
there were / there was / there not was / there not was / was there
there were / there was / there weren’t / there wasn’t / was there.
Alternativa assinalada
there was / there was / there not were / there not was / was there
there were / there were / there not were / there not was / there was
there was / there was / there were not / there was not / there was

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