
Língua Inglesa Independente Unidade III

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Prévia do material em texto

Língua Inglesa V
Material Teórico
Responsável pelo Conteúdo:
Profa. Ms. Silvana Nogueira da Rocha
Revisão Textual:
Profa. Ms. Sandra Regina F. Moreira
Degrees of comparison
• Focus - Comparative and Superlative
• Grammar – Degrees of Comparison 
To enlarge the way of expressing yourself in situations in which it is mandatory 
to make use of adjectives in their comparison forms: positive, comparative and 
In order to guarantee a good performance and a satisfactory use of the grammar topics studied, 
follow carefully the next steps: read all the theoretical contents presented in the unit, pay a lot of 
attention to the examples given, do all the exercises that are suggested in the systematization and 
reflection activities, read carefully the extra material informed. By doing so you can improve your 
knowledge about English. There are also several exercises with key answers! Therefore, you can do 
a self-assessment and see your progress day after day! 
It is also fundamental to watch the Narrated Presentation (Apresentação Narrada) and the Videoclass 
(Videoaula), which summarize important concepts about the topics of the unit.
Remember that learning a new language is a hard task, but not impossible, once you do the 
activities suggested and spend some hours studying. As it is always said, there are no magic formulas 
or magic potions that make miracles, other than your own effort and persistence. So, set up a serious 
study routine and avoid accumulating contents and activities to be done at the last minute. In case of 
doubts, do not hesitate using the tools available, such as Message (Mensagens) or Chat (Fórum de dúvidas) 
to get in touch with your tutor. 
You will gradually see that your knowledge about the language will get richer and richer, the 
difficulties will considerably decrease, and you will notice that you can’t live any longer without 
managing the English language. Undoubtedly, it is the language of communication worldwide! So, 
get down to work!
Degrees of comparison
Unidade: Degrees of comparison
Did you notice that we are normally comparing things? We compare prices, places, food, 
clothes, temperature, appearance, people etc.
Thinking about this, observe the following pictures and try to compare them according to 
their height :
Fonte: Thinkstock/Getty Images
In Portuguese we would say: “O primeiro 
prédio é mais alto que o segundo”. What 
about in English? How is it said? If you 
thought ‘The first building is higher than 
the second’, it is right!
What about these cars, concerning their prices?
Fonte: Thinkstock/Getty Images
You’ve probably said “O primeiro carro é mais caro que o segundo”. In English, we would 
say: ‘The first car is more expensive than the second’.
Well, as you can see we compared the things here in two different ways. Shall we study it deeply?
Focus - Comparative and Superlative
In our everyday communication we are always comparing things, situations, people etc. 
So, every time we do this, we necessarily make use of an adjective and its degree of comparison, 
such as positive, comparative and superlative. See the following examples:
Positive: dark escuro
Comparative: darker (than) mais escuro (que)
Superlative: the darkest o mais escuro
Let’s read a descriptive text about a very beautiful country (Slovakia) and observe when 
adjectives and their comparisons happen. The text is divided into two parts in order to make 
it easier for your understanding.
Text 1 – Welcome to Slovakia (Part I)
Welcome to the website introducing 
Slovakia, a country small in its 
surface area, but great with its 
attractions! Come and learn about 
this lovely country in the heart of 
Europe. Your age or length of stay 
does not matter – it is always worth 
coming to Slovak Republic.
Come and see the greatest treasures of our cultural and natural 
heritage filed with the UNESCO list. Discover the tops of High 
Tatras, the unique beauty of underground caverns, diverse nature 
overflowing with colours in each of the four seasons . Examine 
the healing powers of thermal springs in Slovak spas, wellness 
facilities and entertaining water parks.
Set out for a journey to discover new culture, to enjoy sports in 
winter and summer, to have a great time and, on the way, gather 
new knowledge. We invite you for a shopping spree , to taste the 
great Slovak cuisine and excellent Slovak beer or quality Slovak 
wines. We also hope that because of our effort you will be longing 
to visit and see this beautiful country in the middle of Europe again.
http://www.slovak-republic.org/. Acesso em 03 de jan. 2015.
In the text above, it is possible to identify several adjectives used to describe the country 
and the beauties found there: “small”, “great”, “lovely”, “Slovak”, “cultural”, “natural”, 
“high”, “unique”, “diverse”, “healing”, “thermal”, “entertaining”, “new”, “great”, “excellent”, 
“beautiful” are examples of adjectives. 
It´s also possible to see another form of adjective “the greatest”, which is a superlative form 
of “great”. So, as the table shown at the beginning of the unit, we have:
Unidade: Degrees of comparison
Positive: great grande
Comparative: greater (than) maior (que)
Superlative: the greatest o maior
Important! Remember that adjectives have no plural form.
Well, before studying the grammar topic itself, let’s read some more about the text and pay 
attention to the highlighted words.
Text 2 – Welcome to Slovakia (Part II)
Fonte: iStock/Getty Images
Slovakia has a population of 5.4 million. Bratislava with 430,000 
inhabitants is the largest city and the capital at the same time.
Ethnicity is mainly Slovak (86%). There is a large Hungarian 
minority (10%) in the South of Slovakia, the second largest 
ethnic group is Romany1 (2%, the exact percentage can differ 
a lot between sources depending on the measurements, because 
many Romas subscribe themselves to other minorities, mostly 
Hungarian) and the third group are Czech (1%). Rusyn2, Ukrainian, 
Russian, German, Polish and others have less than 2% altogether. 
87% of the population are believers and most of them (69% of the 
population) belong to Roman Catholic Church. Other religions 
have only small shares – Lutherans (6.9%), Greek Catholics (4.1%), 
Protestant Reformers (2.0%) and Orthodox Church (0.9%).
Despite the modern European economy and society, Slovakia 
has a significant rural element. About 45% of Slovaks live in 
villages with fewer than 5000 inhabitants, and 14% in villages 
with fewer than 1000.
http://www.slovak-republic.org/. Acesso em 03 de jan. 2015.
1 Os Romanis, ou Romas, são um grupo étnico que conhecemos como ciganos. 
Os Romanis são conhecidos entre a população de língua inglesa como “Gypsies” 
(ou “Gipsies”). 
2 Rusyns (sometimes spelled Rusins, or called Carpatho-Rusyns signifying their 
villages being in the Carpathian Mountains) are one of the many nationalities/
ethnic groups of Slovakia. 
Now, in this second part of the text, it is possible to list some more adjectives that describe 
the country and the peculiarities found there: “large”, “ethnic”, “exact”, “Roman”, “Catholic”, 
“small”, “Protestant”, “Orthodox”, “modern”, “European”, “significant”, “rural”.
However, it is also possible to see other forms of adjectives in the text as “the largest” and 
“fewer than”. So, as the table shown at the beginning of the unit, we have:
Positive: large grande
Comparative: larger (than) maior (que)
Superlative: the largest o maior
Positive: few poucos
Comparative: fewer (than) menos (que)
Superlative: the fewest o menos
Now let’s pay attention to the following song. There are other adjectives being compared. 
They are in bold type to help you.
Text 3 – Lyrics: Brighter than the sun (ColbieCaillat)
Stop me on the corner
I swear you hit me like a vision
I, I, I wasn’t expecting
But who am I to tell fate where it’s supposed to go with it
Don’t you blink you might miss it
See we got a right to just love it or leave it
You find it and keep it
Cause it ain’t every day you get the chance to say
Oh, this is how it starts, lightning strikes the heart
It goes off like a gun, brighter than the sun
Oh, we could be the stars, falling from the sky
Shining how we want, brighter than the sun
I’ve never seen it, I found this love, I’m gonna feed it
You better believe, I’m gonna treat it better than anything I’ve ever had
Cause you’re so damn beautiful
Read it, it’s signed and delivered let’s seal it
Boy we go together like peanuts and paydays and Marley and reggae
And everybody needs to get a chance to say
Oh, this is how it starts, lightning strikes the heart
It goes off like a gun, brighter than the sun
Oh, we could be the stars, falling from the sky
Shining how we want, brighter than the sun
Everything is like a white out, cause we shika-shika a shine down
Even when the, when the light’s out but I can see you glow
Got my head up in the rafters, got me happy ever after
Never felt this way before, ain’t felt this way before
I swear you hit me like a vision
I, I, I wasn’t expecting
But who am I to tell fate where it’s supposed to go?
Unidade: Degrees of comparison
Oh, this is how it starts, lightning strikes the heart
It goes off like a gun, brighter than the sun
Oh, we could be the stars, falling from the sky
Shining how we want, brighter than the sun, yeah – Oho, yeah, oho
Oh, this is how it starts, lightning strikes the heart
It goes off like a gun, brighter than the sun
Oh, we could be the stars, falling from the sky
Shining how we want, brighter than the sun, yeah
Brighter than the sun (Repeat 3 times)
Oho, yeah, oho
Oh, this is how it starts, lightning strikes the heart
It goes off like a gun, brighter than the sun 
(Repeat 4 times)
http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/colbiecaillat/brighterthanthesun.html. Acesso em 23 de fev. 2015
Access the link to listen to the song. It’s always important to practice 
your listening.
https://youtu.be/KU5o6M7S5nQ. (Acesso em 24 de fev. 2015).
In the song, it is possible to see other two examples of comparison of adjectives: ‘brighter 
than’ and ‘better than’.
Positive: bright brilhante
Comparative: brighter (than) mais brilhante (que)
Superlative: the brighest o mais brilhante
Positive: good bom
Comparative: better (than) melhor (que)
Superlative: the best o melhor
Text 4 – Lyrics: Sorry seems to be the hardest word (Elton John)
What I got to do to make you love me?
What I got to do to make you care?
What do I do when lightning strikes me?
And I wake to find that you’re not there?
What I got to do to make you want me?
What I got to do to be heard?
What do I say when it’s all over?
Sorry seems to be the hardest word.
It’s sad, so sad
It’s a sad, sad situation.
And it’s getting more and more absurd.
It’s sad, so sad
Why can’t we talk it over?
Oh it seems to me
That sorry seems to be the hardest word.
What do I do to make you want me?
What I got to do to be heard?
What do I say when it’s all over?
Sorry seems to be the hardest word.
It’s sad, so sad
It’s a sad, sad situation.
And it’s getting more and more absurd.
It’s sad, so sad
Why can’t we talk it over ?
Oh it seems to me
That sorry seems to be the hardest word.
Yeah, sorry!
What I got to do to make you love me?
What I got to do to be heard?
What do I do when lightning strikes me?
What have I got to do?
What have I got to do?
When sorry seems to be the hardest word.
http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/blue/sorryseemstobethehardestword.html. Acesso em 24 de fev. 2015
Access the link to listen to the song. It’s always important to practice 
your listening.
https://youtu.be/R8HPAhJY8qo. (Acesso em 24 de fev. 2015).
In the song, it is possible to see other two examples of comparison of adjectives: ‘the 
hardest’ and ‘more and more absurd’.
Positive: hard duro, difícil
Comparative: harder (than) mais duro, difícil (que)
Superlative: the hardest o melhor
When the intention is to show a gradual increase or decrease, the formula is 
two comparatives joined by “and”:
For short adjectives (one syllable): 
harder and harder (cada vez mais difícil)
For long adjectives (more than two syllables):
more and more absurd (cada vez mais absurdo)
Unidade: Degrees of comparison
Grammar – Degrees of Comparison 
There are some rules to form the comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives in 
Comparative Forms
Short adjectives:
Formula “adjective” + “er” + “than”
cheap I found a very cheap hotel downtown.(Encontrei um hotel muito barato no centro da cidade)
cheaper than This apartment is cheaper than that house in the countryside.(Este apartamento é mais barato que aquela casa no interior)
Adjectives ending in “er”, “y” or “le” (the same rule shown above):
Formula “adjective” + “er” / ”r” + “than”
clever I met a clever man at the station.(Encontrei um homem esperto na estação)
cleverer than This girl is cleverer than that boy.(Esta garota é mais esperta do que aquele garoto)
happy My days have been happy.(Meus dias têm sido felizes)
happier than She is happier today than she was yesterday.(Ela está mais feliz hoje do que ontem)
gentle It’s a gentle touch.(É um toque gentil)
gentler than He has been gentler than he used to be.(Ele tem sido mais gentil do que costumava ser)
Long adjectives :
Formula “more” + “adjective” + “than”
atractive Those leather jackets in the window display are very attractive!(Aquelas jaquetas de couro na vitrine são muito atraentes!)
more atractive than These striped blouses are more attractive than the flowered ones.(Estas blusas listradas são mais atraentes do que as floridas)
Superlative forms
Short adjectives:
Formula “the” + “adjective” + “est”
cheap I found a very cheap hotel downtown.(Encontrei um hotel muito barato no centro da cidade)
the cheapest I found the cheapest hotel downtown.(Encontrei o hotel mais barato no centro da cidade)
Long adjectives :
Formula: “more” + adjective + “than”:
Formula “the most” + “adjective”
atractive Those leather jackets in the window display are very attractive!(Aquelas jaquetas de couro na vitrine são muito atraentes!)
the most atractive These striped blouses are the most attractive of the store.(Estas blusas listradas são as mais atraentes da loja)
Spelling: “Y”
Adjectives ending in “y” have some changes in the spelling. It’s necessary to 
take out the “y” and add “ier” (for comparisons) and “iest” (for superlatives).
busy easy happy
busier easier happier
busiest easiest happiest
Spelling: Double consonant
When there is a group of letters compounded by “consonant” + “vowel” + 
“consonant”, the last consonant is always doubled. 
hot slim thin
hotter slimmer thinner
hottest slimmest thinnest
Be careful!
Not always you’ll have to double the consonant even when the rule 
“consonant” + vowel” + “consonant” is present.
Consonants like “h”, “w”, “y” are never doubled.
Unidade: Degrees of comparison
C + V + C, but the “w” is not doubled.
narrower narrowest
C + V + C, but the “w” is not doubled.
newer newest
C + V + C, but the “w” is not doubled.
lower lowest
C + V + C, but the “w” is not doubled.
shallower shallowest
Different spellings:
bad worse (than) (the) worst
far farther (than) / funther (than) farthest (than) / funthest (than)
good better (than) (the) best
litlle less (than) (the least)
many/much more (than) (the) most
old older (than) 
elder (than)
(the) oldest (usedfor people and things)
(the) eldest (used only for people)
Take a look at the following table and observe the two ways of comparing adjectives and 
form their superlatives. It will help you to memorize the most known adjectives in English. 
There is also the translation to make your understanding easier.
Adjetive Translation Comparison Superlative
angry zangado, bravo angrier than the angriest
bad ruim, mau worse than the worst
beautiful bonito more beautiful than the most beautiful
big grande bigger than the biggest
bitter amargo bitterer than the bitterest
bright brilhante brighter than the brightest
busy ocupado busier than the busiest
calm calmo calmer than the calmest
cheap barato cheaper than the cheapest
clean limpo cleaner than the cleanest
clever esperto cleverer than the cleverest
close perto closer than the closest
cold frio colder than the coldest
comfortable confortável more comfortable than the most comfortable
common comum commoner thanmore common than
the commonest
the most common
crazy louco crazier than the craziest
curly encaracolado curlier than the curliest
damp úmido damper than the dampest
dangerous perigoso more dangerous than the most dangerous
dark escuro darker than the darkest
both forms are 
Adjetive Translation Comparison Superlative
deep profundo deeper than the deepest
delicious delicioso more delicious than the most delicious
dirty sujo dirtier than the dirtiest
dry seco drier than the driest
easy fácil easier than the easiest
empty vazio emptier than the emptiest
expensive caro more expensive than the most expensive
fantastic fantastic more fantastic than the most fantastic
far longe, distante farther thanfurther than
the farthest
the furthest
fast rápido, veloz faster than the fastest
fat gordo fatter than the fattest
full cheio fuller than the fullest
good bom better than the best
gorgeous lindo more gorgeous than the most gorgeous
great grande greater than the greatest
happy feliz happier than the happiest
hard duro harder than the hardest
heavy pesado heavier than the heaviest
high alto higher than the highest
hot quente hotter than the hottest
hungry faminto hungrier than the hungriest
important importante more important than the most important
intelligent inteligente more intelligent than the most intelligent
interesting interessante more interesting than the most interesting
light leve lighter than the lightest
long comprido longer than the longest
loud alto louder than the loudest
low baixo lower than the lowest
lucky sortudo luckier than the luckiest
marvelous maravilhoso more marvelous than the most marvelous
modern moderno more modern than the most modern
narrow estreito narrower than the narrowest
near perto nearer than the nearest
new novo newer than the newest
nice legal nicer than the nicest
old velho older than the oldest
pleasant agradável more pleasant than the most pleasant
poor pobre poorer than the poorest
pretty bonita prettier than the prettiest
rare raro rarer than the rarest
rich rico richer than the richest
ridiculous ridículo more ridiculous than the most ridiculous
High = alto (não para pessoas)
Loud = alto (para som)
Low = baixo (não para pessoas)
Unidade: Degrees of comparison
Adjetive Translation Comparison Superlative
sad triste sadder than the saddest
safe seguro safer than the safest
scarce raro scarcer than the scarcest
scrumptious delicioso more scumptious than the most scrumptious
sensitive sensível more sensitive than the most sensitive
shallow raso shallower than the shallowest
shy tímido shyer than the shyest
short baixo, curto shorter than the shortest
slim magro slimmer than the slimmest
small pequeno smaller than the smallest
smart esparto smarter than the smartest
smooth liso smoother than the smoothest
soft macio softer than the softest
strong forte stronger than the strongest
stubborn teimoso more stubborn than the most stubborn
stupid burro more stupid than the most stupid
sweet doce sweeter than the sweetest
talented talentoso more talented than the most talented
tall alto taller than the tallest
tasty saboroso tastier than the tastiest
thick grosso thicker than the thickest
thin magro, fino thinner than the thinnest
tough rude tougher than the toughest
weak fraco weaker than the weakest
wet molhado wetter than the wettest
wide largo, amplo wider than the widest
wonderful maravilhoso more wonderful than the most wonderful
young jovem younger than the youngest
here you don’t 
replace “y”
Well, let’s take a look at some other constructions with comparisons:
Formula “as” + “adjective” + “as”
tall A boy of sixteen is often as tall as his father.(Um garoto de dezesseis anos geralmente é tão alto quanto seu pai)
good Your coffee is not as good as the coffee my mother makes.(Seu café não é tão bom quanto o café que minha mãe faz)
Parallel increase:
Formula “the” + “comparative” + “the” + “comparative”
House agent:
Do you want a big house?
(Você quer uma casa grande?)
Fonte: iStock/Getty Images
Ann: Yes, the bigger the better.(Sim, quanto maior melhor)
Fonte: iStock/Getty Images
Tom: But the smaller it is, the less it will cost us to heat it in the winter.(Mas quanto menor ela for, menos nos custará para aquecê-la no inverno.)
For further information about this grammar topic, take a look at:
Thomson, A. V.; Martinet, A. V. A Practical English Grammar. 4th ed. Oxford: 
Oxford University Press, 1986.
It is also possible to download the book! Just access the link below. Do not miss 
this opportunity!
Acesso em 27 de fev. 2015.
Unidade: Degrees of comparison
It is known that adjectives have no plural forms in English, but we normally use 
the construction “the” + “adjective with a plural meaning ” (it became a noun), 
as follows:
The blind Os cegos
The deaf Os surdos
The disable Os deficientes
The healthy Os saudáveis
The sick Os doentes
The living Os vivos
The dead Os mortos
The rich Os ricos
The poor Os pobres
The unemployed Os desempregados
And certain other adjectives describing the human characters or condition can be 
preceded by “the” and used to represent a class of persons. So, if they have a 
plural meaning, they take a plural verb and the pronoun is “they”. 
The poor get poorer and poorer.
(Os pobres ficam cada vez mais pobres)
The rich get richer and richer.
(Os ricos ficam cada vez mais ricos)
The unemployed are more and more desperate in the search of a job.
(Os desempregados estão cada vez mais desesperados em busca de um emprego)
Well, as you could see there are many details about adjectives and their degrees of comparison. 
In order to check how your learning is, do all the exercises suggested in the session “Material 
Complementar”. It is a good opportunity to practice all that was studied here. 
Material Complementar
Here are some suggestions for readings and extra exercises to be done in order to review 
the grammar topics studied in the unit. Following the tips, you’ll improve your knowledge 
about the English language and won’t stop growing anymore! 
Besides all these tips about books, here you’ll also find a series of links for you to access 
in order to clear up some doubts and practice pronunciation. Some are online dictionaries, 
others are grammar books (available for download), apps for mobiles, and videos of famous 
singers or bands in which it’s possible to identify some of these structures studied. 
Moreover, you’ll be able to do a series of exercises here andcheck your answers. This is a 
very good way of self-studying because you have the chance to evaluate your improvement. 
Take a careful look at them! 
Kelly Clarkson – Stronger (What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger)
https://youtu.be/Xn676-fLq7I. Acesso em 24 de fev. 2015.
Rod Stewart – Your love keeps lifting me higher and higher
https://youtu.be/pIiahTBEwFE. Acesso em 24 de gev. 2015.
Tina Turner – The best
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GC5E8ie2pdM. Acesso em 24 de fev. 2015.
Will Young – Leave right now (Before I fall any deeper I think I better leave right now. Feeling weaker and weaker) 
https://youtu.be/dt79h2tsb4g. Acesso em 24 de fev. 2015.
Murphy, Raymond. Essential Grammar in Use: a self-study reference and practice book for 
elementary students of English. 3rd ed. New York: University Press, 2007.
Murphy, Raymond. English Grammar in Use: a self-study reference and practice book for 
intermediate learners of English. 4th ed. Cambridge: 2012.
The famous grammar books by Raymond Murphy are very much useful for beginners and 
intermediate-leveled students. They bring several important grammar topics ever studied and that 
may be forgotten now. So, it’s always time to remember and practice! It will certainly upgrade your 
knowledge about the language. 
Online Dictionaries:
http://www.edufind.com/english-grammar/english-grammar-guide/. Acesso em 25 de fev. 2015.
http://busyteacher.org/atoz/classroom_activities-grammar/. Acesso em 25 de fev. 2015.
http://www.ego4u.com/en/cram-up/grammar. Acesso em 25 de fev. 2015.
Unidade: Degrees of comparison
COE, N.; PATERSON, K.; HARRISON, M. Oxford Practice Grammar-Basic. Oxford: 
Oxford University Press, 2008.
ALTANO, B. Reading themes and skills: a skill-based American culture reader. 
Michigan: Michigan University, 2007.
SOUZA, G. F. A. et al. Leitura em língua inglesa: uma abordagem instrumental. 2. ed. São 
Paulo: Disal, 2010.
Bibliografia Complementar
AZAR, B. S.; HAGEN, S. A. Understanding and using English grammar. 4. ed. Pearson/
Longman, 2009. Disponível em: <http://ebookbrowse.com/understanding-and-using-
CRYSTAL, D.; SPRES St. M. Spell it out: the singular story of English. Profile Editor. 
LAPKOSKI, G. A. O. Do texto ao sentido: teoria e prática de leitura em língua inglesa. 
Curitiba: IBPEX, 2011. (E-book)
LIMA, T. C. S.; KOPPE, C. T. Inglês: a prática profissional do idioma. Curitiba: IBPEX, 
2008. (E-book)
MARQUES, F. S. Ensinar e aprender inglês: o processo comunicativo em sala de aula. 
Curitiba: IBPEX, 2006. (E-book)

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