
Língua Inglesa Independente Unidade VI

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Passei Direto grátis

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

Esse e outros conteúdos desbloqueados

16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Passei Direto grátis

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

Esse e outros conteúdos desbloqueados

16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Passei Direto grátis

Você viu 3, do total de 28 páginas

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Agora você pode testar o

Passei Direto grátis

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

Esse e outros conteúdos desbloqueados

16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Agora você pode testar o

Passei Direto grátis

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

Esse e outros conteúdos desbloqueados

16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

Impressão de materiais

Agora você pode testar o

Passei Direto grátis

Você viu 6, do total de 28 páginas

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

Esse e outros conteúdos desbloqueados

16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

Impressão de materiais

Agora você pode testar o

Passei Direto grátis

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

Esse e outros conteúdos desbloqueados

16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

Impressão de materiais

Agora você pode testar o

Passei Direto grátis

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

Esse e outros conteúdos desbloqueados

16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

Impressão de materiais

Agora você pode testar o

Passei Direto grátis

Você viu 9, do total de 28 páginas

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

Esse e outros conteúdos desbloqueados

16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Agora você pode testar o

Passei Direto grátis

Prévia do material em texto

Língua Inglesa V
Material Teórico
Responsável pelo Conteúdo:
Profa. Ms. Silvana Nogueira da Rocha
Revisão Textual:
Profa. Ms. Sandra Regina F. Moreira
• Introduction
• Grammar – Inversion 
• Phonetics 
To present some of the most complex and less explored structures in the studies of 
the English language in order to enrich the way of expressing yourself, highlighting 
the main differences between the mother language and the target language.
In order to have a good performance about the grammar topics studied, you should follow the next 
steps: read all the theoretical contents presented in the unit, pay a lot of attention to the examples and 
translations given, do all the exercises that are suggested in the systematization and reflection activities and 
read the extra material. All this will help you to improve your knowledge. There are also several exercises 
with key answers! Therefore, you can do a self-assessment and see your progress!
Besides that, it is fundamental to watch the Narrated Presentation (Apresentação Narrada) and the 
Videoclass (Vídeo-aula), which summarize important concepts about the topics of the unit.
Remember that learning a second language is a hard task, but not impossible, once you do the 
activities suggested and spend some hours studying hard and seriously. As it is always said, there 
are no magic formulas or magic potions that make miracles, other than your own effort and 
persistence. So, set up a serious study routine and avoid accumulating contents and activities to be 
done at the last minute. In case of doubts, do not hesitate using the tools available, such as Message 
(Mensagens) or Chat (Fórum de dúvidas) to get in touch with you tutor. 
You will gradually see that your knowledge about the language will get richer and richer, the difficulties 
will decrease, and you will notice that you can’t live in a globalized world without managing the 
English language. So, get down to work!
Unidade: Inversion
Have you ever noticed how many times we invert the elements in a sentence when speaking?
Let’s pay attention to this:
Fosse eu você, jamais voltaria a falar com ele!
Teria ele mudado de opinião?
Estivesse eu no seu lugar, contaria toda a verdade.
Pudesse ele vir mais cedo, eu ficaria extremamente grata.
Esteja ela errada ou não, não a quero mais aqui!
Jamais haverá outra oportunidade como essa.
We use this resource whenever we intend to emphasize some specifi c word / words in our 
speech. Otherwise, we normally use the direct order, don’t we?
Well, in English the resource of “Inversion” can also be used, but it follows some rules. In the 
beginning we may consider it a little diffi cult and strange, but it’s a matter of time and practice. 
Let’s learn a little bit more!
To start talking about this subject, which is a very special topic in English, let’s pay attention to the 
words in bold type of the lyrics “Free as a bird” (Livre como um pássaro), of the band Supertramp:
Text 1 – Lyrics: Free as a bird (Supertramp)
When a spirit is broken
Why go on
When there’s nothing to say
And a love just a token
It was strong
Now it’s fading away
Ah but I’m free as a bird
As I walk right out that door
You have my word
I won’t bother you no more
Yes I’m doing alright
As I face the lonely night
And our love it was over
Long ago
But we just didn’t say
And the years they have fallen
One by one
How they drifted away
But now I’m free as a bird
As I walk out that door
You have my word
I won’t bother you no more
Yes I’m feeling OK
As I face the brand new day
As I face the brand new day
You know I’m free as a bird
As I walk right out that door
You have my word
I won’t bother you no more
Yes I’m doing alright
As I face the lonely night
As I face the lonely night
No more sorrows will I � nd
I’ve got tomorrow on my side
No more teardrops will I cry
Left my teardrops way behind
No more sorrows will I � nd
I’ve got tomorrow on my side
No more teardrops will I cry
Left my teardrops way behind
No more heartaches bother me
Don’t wear my heartaches on my sleeve
It’s gonna be a brand new story
What’s the use of former glory
It’s better not to do if you can’t do right
It’s time to get to celebrating
After all the years of waiting
I’m gonna have a ball if it takes all night
http://letras.mus.br/supertramp/116696/. Acesso em11 de jan. 2015.
Well, as you could notice the structures in bold type in the song “No more sorrows will I 
� nd”; “No more teardrops will I cry” are not written in the direct order.
Because they start with negative particles “no more”, it’s necessary to use the resource of Inversion.
 Let’s read another text.
Unidade: Inversion
Text 2 – Four-year old girl gave response of the year to a boy who called her ugly
Kids often say things that fl y off the top of their head, without any fi lter. Especially 
so when they’re very little; not realizing the weight of their words, potentially really 
hurting someone’s feelings. But then there are the little fi recrackers on the receiving 
end of those mean words who snap right back!
Such is what happened when this 4-year-old girl responded to a boy in class who 
called her ugly. Not only did she let him know a thing or two, but she kept her cool 
doing so.
Reviving the phrase: “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all!”
http://sofiavergara.com/life/4-year-old-girl-responds-boy-ugly/. Acesso em 7 de mar. 2015
In the text above, it’s possible to see another example of Inversion in English: “Not only did 
she let him know a thing or two, but she kept her cool doing so”.
Notice that an indirect order is used every time there are negative particles starting a sentence. 
Access the link of the news to listen to the girl speaking. It’s a 
good opportunity to practice your listening!
Well, let’s see deeply how it works in grammar.
Grammar – Inversion 
Inversion happens when we reverse (invert) the normal word order of a structure, most 
commonly the subject-verb word order. 
The most common type of inversion is question word order, but it can happen in many 
cases. Let’s study one by one.
In questions:
She sings. (Subject + Verb)
Does she sing? (Auxiliary Verb + Subject)
They are working a lot. (Subject + Verb to be)
Are they working a lot? (Verb to be + Subject)
Joe can swim. (Subject + Modal Auxiliary Verb)
Can Joe swim? (Modal Auxiliary Verb + Subject)
Remember that auxiliary verbs and modal auxiliary verbs come before the subject in questions! 
In the examples above only some of them were shown, but you can’t forget the others.
Auxiliary verbs can be in the affi rmative or negative forms. Take a look at the box below:
Auxiliary verbs and Modal auxiliary in English: Verb to be:
Do Don’t
Does Doesn’t
Did Didn’t
Have Haven’t
Has Hasn’t
Had Hadn’t
Can Can’t
Could Couldn’t
May Mayn’t
Might Mightn’t
Should Shouldn’t
Shall Shan’t
Will Won’t
Would Wouldn’t
Am Aren’t
Are Aren’t
Is isn’t
Was Wasn’t
Were Weren’t
Need Needn’t
Unidade: Inversion
Well, as all auxiliary verbs were listed above, it’s easier for you to remember now, isn’t it? 
Don’t forget that “need” can be a regular or a modal verb too. In case of doubts about them, 
take a look at a good grammar. 
Now, let’s see other cases in which inversion happens in English!
In formal styles, when we use an adverb with negative meaning (“never”, “seldom”, “rarely”, 
“scarcely”, “scarcely ever”, “hardly”, “barely”, “in no circumstances”, “neither” / “nor”, “no 
sooner…than”, “on no account”, “only by”, “only in this way”, “only then”, “only when”, “little” 
etc) in front position for emphasis, we invert the subject and auxiliary verb. See some examples:
Never have we witnessed such cruel behavior by one child to another.
We have never witnessed such cruel behavior by one child to another.
(Nunca testemunhamos um comportamento tão cruel de uma criança para com outra)
Seldom does one hear a politician say ‘sorry’.
One seldom hears a politician say ‘sorry’.
(Raramente ouve-se um político dizer “desculpe-me”)
Rarely did this remedy fail.
This remedy rarely failed.
(Raramente este remédio falhou)
On no account must this switch be touched.
This switch mustn’t be touched on any account.
(Em hipótese alguma esta chave deve ser tocada)
Only by shouting was he able to make himself heard.
He was able to make himself heard only by shouting.
(Ele só era capaz de se fazer ouvir no grito)
Little* had my grandmother known about my grandfather before they got married
My grandmother had little idea about my grandfather before they got married
I don’t think my grandmother has ever heard of my grandfather before they got married.
(Minha avó sabia muito pouco a respeito de meu avô antes deles se casarem)
*We can say the same thing in two ways when we don’t want to start 
the sentence with “little”. They mean the same!
Expressions with “not” + “prepositional phrase” or “clause”:
Not for a moment did I think I would be offered the job, so I was amazed when I got it.
(Nem por um momento eu pensei que a mim seria oferecido o emprego, então eu fi quei surpreso)
Not till I got home did I realize my wallet was missing.
(Só quando cheguei em casa, percebi que estava faltando a minha carteira)
Not only:
Not only do they rob you, they smash everything too.
(Não somente eles roubam você, eles destroem tudo também)
Not since:
Not since my childhood had I played football so much
(Desde a minha infância eu não tinha jogado tanto futebol
“Here” and “there”:
Inversion can happen after “here” and “there” when they are adverbs of place. After “here” 
and “there”, we can use a main verb without an auxiliary verb or modal verb. Pay attention to 
this peculiar use:
Here comes the bus!
(Aqui vem o ônibus!)
Here is your coffee
(Aqui está seu café)
I opened the door and there stood Michael, all covered in mud.
(Eu abri a porta e lá estava parado Michael, todo coberto de lama)
She looked out and there was Pamela, walking along arm in arm with Goldie.
(Ela olhou para fora e lá estava Pâmela, caminhando de braços dados com Goldie)
Direct speech – inversion of subject and reporting verb:
In narratives, especially novels and short stories, when the reporting clause comes second, 
we often invert the subject and reporting verb. 
“Things have always been the same in this village,” said the old man.
The old man said: “Things have always been the same in this village”.
(O velho disse: “As coisas têm estado do mesmo jeito nesta aldeia”)
Hold on! I’m coming!” cried Maurice.
Maurice cried: “Hold on! I’m coming!”
(Maurice gritou: “Espere! Estou chegando!”)
“So” + “adjective”:
So suspicious did he become, that there wasn’t any friend in the neighborhood talking to him.
He became so suspicious that there wasn’t any friend in the neighborhood talking to him.
(Ele se tornou tão desconfi ado que não havia nenhum amigo na vizinhança conversando com ele)
Reporting Clause comes second
Reporting Clause comes second
Reporting Clause comes fi rst
Reporting Clause comes fi rst
Unidade: Inversion
“So” + “auxiliary verb” + “subject”:
One more case of inversion that is worth studying is when we use “so” with auxiliary or 
modal verbs to mean “in the same way” (do mesmo modo), “as well”, “too” (também). 
We use it in order to avoid repeating a verb, especially in short responses with pronoun 
subjects. When we use “so” in this way, we invert the verb and subject, and we do not repeat 
the main verb.
All auxiliary verbs and pronouns are possible here:
Simple Present:
So do I So do you So does he So does she So does it So do we So do they
Simple Past:
So did I So did you So did he So did she So did it So did we So did they
Present Perfect:
So have I So have you So has he So has she So has it So have we So have they
Past Perfect:
So had I So had you So had he So had she So had it So had we So had they
Modal Verbs:
So can I So can you So can he So can she So can it So can we So can they
So could I So could you So could he So could she So could it So could we So could they
So may I So may you So may he So may she So may it So may we So may they
So might I So might you So might he So might she So might it So might we So might they
So should I So should you So should he So should she So should it So should we So should they
So will I So will you So will he So will she So will it So will we So will they
So would I So would you So would he So would she So would it So would we So would they
Verb to be
So am I So are you So is he So is she So is it So are we So are they
So was I So were you So was he So was she So was it So were we So were they
Look at some examples in the following sentences!
Agreeing with affirmative statements:
A I love ice skiing.
(Adoro patinar no gelo.)
B So do I.
(Eu também gosto)
A He comes here every afternoon.
(Ele vem aqui todas as tardes.) 
B So does she.
(Ela também “vem”.)
A They bought the tickets for the concert.
(Eles compraram os ingressos para o concerto)
B So did we
(Nós também “compramos”)
A We have lost our car keys.
(Nós perdemos nossas chaves do carro)
B So have they.
(Eles também “perderam”)
A They have traveled
(Eles viajaram.)
B So has she
(Ela também “viajou”)
A They had already done it.
(Eles já tinham feito isso.)
B So had we.
(Nós também “já tínhamos feito”.)
A We can see that from here.
(Nós podemos ver aquilo daqui.)
B So can I.
(Eu também “posso”.)
A I could have spent more hours there.
(Eu poderia ter passado mais horas lá.)
B So could he.
(Ele também “poderia”.)
A We may go tomorrow.
(Talvez vamos amanhã.)
B So may she.
(Talvez ela também “vá”.)
A They might have been more careful.
(Eles poderiam ter sido mais cuidadosos.)
B So might we.
(Nós também “poderíamos”.)
A They will prepare a big surprise for him.
(Eles prepararão uma grande surpresa para ele.)
B So will she.
(Ela também “preparará”.)
A I would listen to her.
(Eu a ouviria.)
B So would we.
(Nós também “a ouviríamos”)
A They are hungry.
(Eles estão famintos.)
B So am I.
(Eu também “estou”.)
A I am being patient with her.
(Estou sendo paciente com ela.)
B So are they.
(Eles também “estão”)
Unidade: Inversion
A You are so beautiful.
(Você é tão bonita.)
B So is she.
(Ela também “é”.)
A We were pretty tired of waiting.
(Nós estávamos muito cansados de esperar.)
B So was I.
(Eu também “estava”)
A She was at the party last night.
(Ela estava na festa na noite passada.)
B So were we.
(Nós também “estávamos”)
“Neither” + “auxiliary verb” + “subject”:
All auxiliary verbs and pronouns are possible here. In the same way it happens to “so”: 
Simple Present:
Neither do I Neither do you Neither does he Neither does she Neither does it Neither do we Neither do they
Simple Past:
Neither did I Neither did you Neither did he Neither did she Neither did it Neither did we Neither did they
Present Perfect:
Neither have I Neither have you Neither has he Neither has she Neither has it Neither have we Neither have they
Past Perfect:
Neither had I Neither had you Neither had he Neither had she Neither had it Neither had we Neither had they
Modal Verbs:
Neither can I Neither can you Neither can he Neither can she Neither can it Neither can we Neither can they
Neither could I Neither could you So could he Neither could she Neither could it Neither could we Neither could they
Neither may I Neither may you Neither may he Neithermay she Neither may it Neither may we Neither may they
Neither might I Neither might you Neither might he Neither might she Neither might it Neither might we Neither might they
Neither should I Neither should you Neither should he Neither should she Neither should it Neither should we Neither should they
Neither will I Neither will you Neither will he Neither will she Neither will it Neither will we Neither will they
Neither would I Neither would you Neither would he Neither would she Neither would it Neither would we Neither would they
Verb to be
Neither am I Neither are you Neither is he Neither is she Neither is it Neither are we Neither are they
Neither was I Neither were you Neither was he Neither was she Neither was it Neither were we Neither were they
Look at some examples in the following sentences!
Agreeing with negative statements:
A I don’t like ice skiing.
(Eu não gosto de patinar no gelo.)
B Neither do I.
(Nem eu “gosto”.)
A He doesn’t come here every afternoon.
(Ele não vem aqui todas as tardes.)
B Neither does she.
(Nem ela “vem”.)
A They didn’t buy the tickets for the concert.
(Eles não compraram os ingressos para o concerto.)
B Neither did we.
(Nem nós “compramos”)
A We haven’t lost our car keys.
(Nós não perdemos nossas chaves do carro.)
B Neither have they.
(Nem eles “perderam”.)
A They haven’t traveled yet.
(Eles não viajaram ainda.)
B Neither has she.
(Nem ela “viajou”.)
A They hadn’t done it.
(Eles não tinham feito isso.)
B Neither had we.
(Nem nós “tínhamos feito”.)
A I couldn’t have spent more hours there.
(Eu não poderia ter passado mais horas lá)
B Neither could he.
(Nem ele “poderia”.)
A We may not go tomorrow.
(Talvez não vamos amanhã.)
B Neither may she.
(Talvez nem ela “vá”.)
A They mightn’t have been straighter.
(Eles não poderiam ter sido mais diretos.)
B Neither might we.
(Nem nós “poderíamos”.)
A They won’t prepare a big surprise for him.
(Eles não prepararão uma grande surpresa para ele.)
B Neither will she.
(Nem ela “preparará”.)
A I wouldn’t listen to her.
(Eu não a ouviria.)
B Neither would we.
(Nem nós “a ouviríamos”.)
Unidade: Inversion
A They aren’t hungry.
(Eles não estão com fome.)
B Neither am I.
(Nem eu “estou”.)
A I am not being patient with her.
(Eu não estou sendo paciente com ela.)
B Neither are they.
(Nem eles “estão”.)
A You aren’t very careful.
(Você não é muito cuidadoso.)
B Neither is she.
(Nem ela “é”.)
A We weren’t tired of waiting.
(Nós não estávamos cansados de esperar.)
B Neither was I.
(Nem ela “é”.)
A She wasn’t at the party last night.
(Ela não estava na festa na noite passada.)
B Neither were we.
(Nem nós “estávamos”.)
It is also possible to use “not either” to agree with a negative statement:
A I don’t think she’ll be coming to the party.
B Neither do I = I don’t either
So do I, Neither do I
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=esml6XQVjEo Acesso em 16 de mar. 2015.
In the place of “if” in conditional sentences:
Were he you, he wouldn’t forgive her.
If he were you, he wouldn’t forgive her.
(Fosse ele você, não a perdoaria / Se ele fosse você, não a perdoaria)
Were I you, I would stay here.
If I were you, I would stay here.
(Fosse eu você, fi caria aqui / Se eu fosse você, fi caria aqui)
Had I sung, everybody would have enjoyed.
If I had sung, everybody would have enjoyed.
(Tivesse eu cantado, todos teriam gostado / Se eu tivesse cantado, todos teriam gostado)
Had she seen him, she would have called him.
If she had seen him, she would have called him.
(Tivesse ela o visto, teria o chamado / Se ela o tivesse visto, teria o chamado)
Had he written, he wouldn’t have forgotten.
If he had written, he wouldn’t have forgotten.
(Tivesse ele escrito, não teria se esquecido / Se ele tivesse escrito, não teria se esquecido)
With “should”:
Should you feel hungry, please open the cupboard and get some crackers.
If you (should) feel hungry, please open the cupboard and get some crackers.
(Se você sentir fome, por favor, abra o armário da cozinha e pegue algumas bolachas)
Equivalent to “no matter”: 
Be they friend or foe, they will have to talk to each other
No matter whether they be friend or foe, they will have to talk to each other. 
(Sejam eles amigos ou inimigos, terão que conversar)
Be he alive or be he dead, I will fi nd him.
No matter whether he be alive or dead, I will fi nd him
(Esteja ele vivo ou morto, eu o encontrarei)
Well, as you studied, “Inversion” is a very peculiar and important subject of the English 
language and is worthwhile being considered in your studies.
But now, let’s change the topic. We’ll take a look at some curious sounds in English. For a 
better understanding, please access the link: http://www.wordreference.com. It will be easier and funny 
if you listen to the sounds.
Unidade: Inversion
Each sound has a phonetic symbol, which is universally 
known, to represent it.
The vowel “a”, in English, has several sounds. It’s impossible to guess which sound this vowel has 
in a word if you have never heard it. But a good dictionary will help you whenever you need.
Let’s memorize some words with their particular sounds for this letter.
/ eɪ / / æ /
apron handicap
baby language (the fi rst “a”)
case parents
/ ɑː / / ˈɔ /
car always (the fi rst “a”)
darkness all
garbage (the fi rst “a”) laundry
The consonants “ch”, in English, may have two sounds: / tʃ /, which sounds as our “tch” 
in the word “tchau”, and / k /. 
/ tʃ / / k /
cheese characteristic
scratch chaos
chair stomach
It has three possibilities of pronunciation.
No sound / f /
although laughing
through enough
through out tough
/ gu /
It can have several sounds. It may sound like / s / = “s” as in “school”; / ʃ / = “sh” as in 
“passion”; / ʒ / = “j” as in “television”; or even as a / z / = “z” as in “dessert”. When the “s” 
starts a word in English, and after it there is a consonant, avoid putting the vowel “i” before it, 
which is very common for those who are starting to learn this second language. 
Try to pronounce the following words without putting an “i” before the “s”: scar, school, scoop, scope, 
skate, smooth, snack, snake, snap, snarl, spoon, squid, star, start, stair, stomach, student, study. 
/ s / / ʃ /
dress Russia
size mission
star sure
/ ʒ / / z /
Asia desert
television dessert
usually scissors (the “ss”)
It has two possibilities of pronunciation and none of them is present in the Portuguese 
language. So, they are a characteristic of the English language. They are sounds we produce 
putting the tongue between the teeth. They are symbolized phonetically as / ð / and / θ /. 
/ ð / / θ /
father with
mother South
that threat
The consonant “x”, in English has three sounds: / ks /, / gz / and / z /. Let’s memorize 
some words with their particular sounds.
/ ks / / gz /
complex example
mix examination
saxophone exactly
/ z /
xerox (the fi rst “x”)
Unidade: Inversion
*Xanadu: An idealized place of great or idyllic magnificence and beauty. 
Access the link: 
and listen to Olivia Newton-John singing the famous song “Xanadu”, 
which was a hit in the 70’s. Pay attention to the sound: /zanadu/.
A good dictionary will help you whenever you need. 
Access the link of online dictionaries, such as the Word Reference English if you do 
not have a dictionary with you.
http://www.wordreference.com/de� nition/example. 
Do practice your pronunciation!
Well, that’s enough for now.
I hope you have enjoyed all the information here.Do not forget to read the further information and do the exercises in the “Extra Material” 
(Material Complementar), which are carefully prepared for you. 
Material Complementar
Here are some suggestions for readings and extra exercises to be done in order to review 
the grammar topics studied in the unit. Following the tips, you’ll improve your knowledge 
about the English language and won’t stop growing anymore! 
The dictionary Oxford with a CD ROM to be installed in your computer is a must, for 
you can solve your doubts about meanings and expressions in English, and also practice the 
pronunciation. Just install the CD ROM in your computer and start improving your studies. 
There are several funny activities, such as crosswords, games and charades for you to enjoy. 
The famous grammar books by Raymond Murphy are very much useful for beginners and 
intermediate-leveled students. They bring several important grammar topics ever studied and 
that may be forgotten now. So, it’s always time to remember and practice! It will certainly 
upgrade your knowledge about the language. 
Essential Grammar in Use third edition is a very practical book for elementary students with 
a series of exercises to be done with key answers that help you assess your own learning process.
English Grammar in Use fourth edition is an updated version of the world’s best-selling 
grammar title. It has a fresh, appealing new design and clear layout, with revised and updated 
examples, but retains all the key features of clarity and accessibility that have made the book 
popular with millions of learners and teachers around the world. The CD ROM contains lots 
of additional practice exercises to consolidate learning, ideal for self-study but also suitable for 
reinforcement work in the classroom. 
Besides all these tips about books, here you’ll also find a series of links for you to access in order 
to clear up some doubts and practice pronunciation. Some are online dictionaries, extra grammar 
exercises, grammar books (available for download), apps for mobiles, and videos of singers and actors 
in which it’s possible to identify the structures studied and practice your listening. 
Moreover, you’ll be able to do a series of exercises here and check your answers. This is a 
very good way of self-studying because you have the chance to evaluate your improvement. 
Take a careful look at them! 
Dicionário Oxford Escolar Para Estudantes Brasileiros. Brasil: Oxford University.
Murphy, Raymond. Essential Grammar in Use: a self-study reference and practice 
book for elementary students of English. 3rd ed. New York: University Press, 2007.
Murphy, Raymond. English Grammar in Use: a self-study reference and practice book 
for intermediate learners of English. 4th ed. Cambridge: 2012.
Unidade: Inversion
Ann Margret – So did I
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBKI2XqCl28. Acesso em 16 de mar. 2015.
India Shawn – Neither do we (Neither do you and I)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wnRZoxYj9gw Acesso em 16 de mar. 2015.
Joshua James – So did I 
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NVXGCe-qA7A. Acesso em 16 de mar. 2015.
Paulo Gonzo – So do I
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uk7Kte_ahCs. Acesso em 16 de mar. 2015.
Slash’s Snakepit – Neither can I
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3WXqq97DCdQ. Acesso em 16 de mar. 2015. 
Supertramp – Free as a bird (No more tears will I cry)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7eXxanfQdD0. Acesso em 16 de mar. 2015.
Online Dictionaries: 
Grammar Exercises:
http://www.learn-english-today.com/lessons/lesson_contents/exercises/inversion-ex.htm. Acesso em 16 de mar. 2015.
http://www.tolearnenglish.com/exercises/exercise-english-2/exercise-english-88760.php.Acesso em 16 de mar. 2015.
http://www.perfect-english-grammar.com/inversion-exercise-1.html. Acesso em 16 de mar. 2015.
Apps for mobiles:
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.zayaninfotech.english.grammar. Acesso em 16 de mar. 2015.
Thompson, A. J; Martinet, A. V. A Practical English Grammar. 4th ed. Oxford: 
Oxford University Press, 1986. Disponível em: http://www.gunaygunaydin.com/FileUpload/ks21007/
File/oxford_university_press_-_a_practical_english_grammar.pdf. Acesso em 26 de fev. 2015.
Practice 1 – Change the following sentences making use of the resource of Inversion:
1. John had never been to such a fantastic restaurant. 
2. I in no way want to be associated with this project.
3. They had no sooner eaten dinner than the ceiling crashed onto the dining table.
4. I had scarcely finished writing my essay when the examiner announced the end of the exam.
5. I seldom leave my house so early.
6. People rarely appreciate this musician’s talent.
7. We would understand what had happened that night only later. 
8. They had met such rude people nowhere before.
9. He understood little about the situation.
10. The children should on no account go by themselves.
Answer Key
1. Never had John been to such a fantastic restaurant;
2. In no way do I want to be associated with this project;
3. No sooner had they eaten dinner than the ceiling crashed onto the dining table;
4. Scarcely had I finished writing my essay when the examiner announced the end of the exam;
5. Seldom do I leave my house so early;
6. Rarely do people appreciate this musician’s talent;
7. Only after would we understand what had happened that night;
8. Nowhere had they met such rude people before;
9. Little did he understand about the situation;
10. On no account should the children go by themselves.
Unidade: Inversion
COE, N.; PATERSON, K.; HARRISON, M. Oxford Practice Grammar-Basic. Oxford: 
Oxford University Press, 2008.
ALTANO, B. Reading themes and skills: a skill-based American culture reader. 
Michigan: Michigan University, 2007.
SOUZA, G. F. A. et al. Leitura em língua inglesa: uma abordagem instrumental. 2. ed. 
São Paulo: Disal, 2010.
Bibliografia Complementar
AZAR, B. S.; HAGEN, S. A. Understanding and using English grammar. 4. ed. 
Pearson/Longman, 2009. Disponível em: <http://ebookbrowse.com/understanding-and-
CRYSTAL, D.; SPRES St. M. Spell it out: the singular story of English. Profile Editor. 
LAPKOSKI, G. A. O. Do texto ao sentido: teoria e prática de leitura em língua 
inglesa. Curitiba: IBPEX, 2011. (E-book)
LIMA, T. C. S.; KOPPE, C. T. Inglês: a prática profissional do idioma. Curitiba: 
IBPEX, 2008. (E-book)
MARQUES, F. S. Ensinar e aprender inglês: o processo comunicativo em sala de 
aula. Curitiba: IBPEX, 2006. (E-book)

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