
Testes de conhecimento aula 1 a 10 - LEITURA E REDAÇÃO EM LÍNGUA INGLESA

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Prévia do material em texto

1a aula
	 1a Questão 
	A central idea for the definition of Reading refers to the perception that when you read something, it does not matter what, you build 
	moral values 
	funny stories 
	oral patterns
	Respondido em 17/05/2020 18:53:36
Explicação: When we reade we are reconstructing a message that was once proposed by the author. Weare building meaning. The meaning previously proposed. 
	 2a Questão 
	Readers should take some positions when reading, except.
	Readers should behave in an autonomous way.
	Readers should be able to function adequately in a literate foreign society.
	Readers should evaluate texts in cultural, pragmatic and interactional contexts.
	Readers should perform a passive role as they receiving the information.
	Readers should be  responsible to build meanings in communicative contexts.
	Respondido em 17/05/2020 18:53:41
Readers should perform as an active reader, as they are applying meaning to what is written.
	 3a Questão 
	Mark the only option which is not part of the capacities and abilities a reader must have: 
	Discourse knowledge 
	Knowledge of many foreign languages 
	Respondido em 17/05/2020 18:53:46
Explicação: Any reader should master their own languagein order to interact in a positive way with texts they go through. Mastering a foreign language is not necessary to form a good reader. 
	 4a Questão 
	Kern (2000) presents a definition of "literacy", which brings the notions we believe to be essential for the understanding of reading as a social act.  Mark the option that does NOT present this definition:
	"Literacy" is a complex concept of familiarity with language and its use in context-primarily written language, but by extension also spoken communication.
	"Literacy" requires "a broader discourse competence that involves the ability to interpret and critically evaluate a wide variety of written and spoken text".
	"Literacy" in a second language involves a competence to interpret and critically evaluate a large variety of written and spoken texts in cultural, pragmatic and interactional contexts.
	"Literacy" is a state whereby one is unable to read and write. In its simplest form, it can be defined as lack of any or sufficient education.
	"Literacy" in a second language means much more than the separate abilities to read and write.
	Respondido em 17/05/2020 18:54:06
Illiteracy is a state whereby one is unable to read and write. In its simplest form, it can be defined as lack of any or sufficient education.
	 5a Questão 
	►Choose the words which can complete the following sentence about literacy:
''It requires a broader discourse competence that involves the ability to ______ a wide variety of written and spoken texts."
	select and pronounce words correctly
	listen and speak
	understand and reproduce
	recognize and translate
	interpret and critically evaluate
	Respondido em 17/05/2020 18:54:10
Texts are effectively interpretated if readers are able to fully understand what they are reading, what words actually mean. That is why discourse competence are closely connected to effective critical reading.
	 6a Questão 
	Quando lemos temos em mente vários tipos de objetivos de leitura que devem ser identificados para uma compreensão mais profunda do material a ser observado. Qual opção abaixo NÃO se enquadraria como um objetivo de leitura?
	Esquecer conteúdo
	Estudar para uma prova
	Chegar a conclusões específicas sobre um assunto.
	Fazer um resumo.
	Responder perguntas sobre um texto.
	Respondido em 17/05/2020 18:54:13
A resposta não se encaixa como um objetivo de leitura porque não está relacionado com o contexto de reter informação para uma atividade posterior como as outras opções.
	 7a Questão 
	Assinale a alternativa INCORRETA:
	A recepção de sentido de um texto vai depender das experiências de vida e do conhecimento de mundo do leitor.
	Um leitor proficiente precisa, apenas, saber decodificar os códigos lingüísticos para que possa atribuir significados à escrita.
	A leitura proporciona a quem lê um texto a capacidade de questionar, mas também de ser questionado, de rever seus conceitos. 
	O processo de leitura étambém um ato de criação, já que o leitor participa ativamente da constituição dos sentidos do texto.
	A construção de sentido sofre influência de um maior ou menor conhecimento do código lingüístico do texto.
	Respondido em 17/05/2020 18:54:03
Kern states that literacy in a second language involves a competence to interpret and critically evaluate a large variety of written and spoken texts in cultural, pragmatic and interactional contexts. I expect that the process of reading may reveal readers who perform an active role and that recognize that they are responsible to build meanings in communicative contexts. They should also have the ability to understand cultural differences and be able to function adequately in a literate foreign society. But do not forget that as an efficient reader, you should be able to do that in an autonomous way.
2a aula
	1a Questão 
	The paragraph below is organized according to the following pattern:
At the start of 2000, the price of combination antiretroviral drugs to treat one patient for one year was typically between US$ 10 000 and US$ 12 000. By the end of 2000, prices of US$ 500 to US$ 800 were approved for patented and generic drugs for low- and middle-income countries. By December 2001, certain combinations became available for US$350 per person per year.
	Classification and listing
	Question and answer
	Compare and contrast
	Cause and effect
	Respondido em 17/05/2020 18:55:08
It begins with what happened first and take it from there always setting the time.
	 2a Questão 
	Fictional texts are stories, so will have all the features of imaginative writing. The piece of text could be taken from a novel or short story. A key feature of these texts is:
	present a point of view about the topic
	present information and ideas about a topic
setting of the story (where it takes place) will be made clear early on in the passage
	layout might include headlines, subheadings, pictures
	the main idea is introduced early on in the passage and then developed in subsequent paragraphs
	Respondido em 17/05/2020 18:55:16
Fictional texts in general have some elements of the story, such as: setting, time, characters, narrator and plot.
	 3a Questão 
	Complete the paragraph below by choosing the option that correctly fills the empty spaces: An (1)_____ paragraph is a form of writing where a person tries to convince another person to agree with them. It is a type of persuasive paragraph. A sample of argumentative paragraphs would include all your reasons for believing something. You would list your reasons and try to get the reader to agree with what you believe. An argumentative paragraph is typically written on something you(2) _____ or believe in. You include the topic as well your (3)_____ and explanations for your reasons in your paragraph.
	(1)adjectives, (2)personally support, (3)argumentative 
	(1)personally support, (2)argumentative, (3) reasons
	(1)argumentative, (2)reasons, (3)personally support
	(1)reasons, (2)personally support, (3)argumentative 
	(1)argumentative, (2)personally support, (3) reasons
	Respondido em 17/05/2020 18:55:20
Explicação:Argumentative texts depart from the assumption that the receiver¿s beliefs must be changed. They often start with the negation of a statement which attributes a quality or characteristic activity to something or someone (esp. scholarly texts).  They also include advertising texts, which try to persuade/convince their readers that a product is somehow better, at least implicitly, than others. 
	 4a Questão 
	Joseph Pulitzer
Joseph Pulitzer was born in 1847 in Makó, Hungary. He emigrated to the United States when he was seventeen years old, and was naturalised on his twentieth birthday. He spent his career in journalism working in the mid-west and New York. From 1871 he was also the owner or part-owner of many newspapers. His most famous newspaper was the New York World (which many believe was the model for the Daily Planet of the Superman stories). The World campaigned against corruption, and exposed many scandals. It was also a strong supporter of the rights of the working man.
In later life, Joseph Pulitzer collapsed from overwork, and lost his sight. He became dedicated to improving the quality of journalism in America, and donated $1 million to Columbia University to found a school of journalism. However, his most significant contribution was the establishment of the Pulitzer prizes in his will.
These prizes for excellence in journalism have been given every year since 1917 by Columbia University. Since 1942 there have been extra categories for press photography, and later still for criticism, feature writing and commentary. The prize was originally for $500, but today the winners of the prize receive a gold medal. However, the real value of the prize is that it confirms that the journalist who has received the award is the best American journalist of the year - a fact that is worth much more than $500 to the journalist and to the newspaper that employs him or her.
 Joseph Pulitzer came to America because
	the text does not say.
	Hungary was being attacked by Austria
	His family was very poor
	he was with his parents
	he wanted to be a journalist
	Respondido em 17/05/2020 18:55:24
The text does not say - it only mentions how old he was when he emigrated. "Joseph Pulitzer was born in 1847 in Makó, Hungary. He emigrated to the United States when he was seventeen years old, and was naturalised on his twentieth birthday."
	 5a Questão 
	Whenever we talk about genres, we will be referring to classifications such as, EXCEPT:
	Comic trips plays
	Narrative texts
	Fairy tales
	Respondido em 17/05/2020 18:55:45
Narrative texts are types of texts, not text genres.
	 6a Questão 
	► Choose the option which best completes the following definition about Reading:
''Let´s consider that each reader owns knowledge and previous experiences which are employed to build new meanings when reading new texts. As a consequence, we can infer that when a group of people read a text, this reading may convey _____".
	different interpretations 
	international codes
	unusual interpretations 
	similar interpretations 
	strange codes 
	Respondido em 17/05/2020 18:55:49
Different readers face differently the same text, because when they read, they interact with the text based on particular perspectives.
	 7a Questão 
	To describe an object, no matter abstract or concrete, the faculty of the mind to use is: (Para descrever um objeto, não importa se abstrato ou concreto, a habilidade mental usada é:) 
	d. Memory and intuition
	c. Memory.
	b. Intuition
	e. Reason.
	a. Observation and memory.
	Respondido em 17/05/2020 18:56:11
Descriptive  texts are concerned with the location of persons and things in space.  They will tell us what lies to the right or left, in the background or foreground, or they will provide background information which, perhaps, sets the stage for narration.  It is immaterial whether a description is more technical-objective or more impressionistic subjective.
	 8a Questão 
	Thinking about the process envolved when we describe a landscape we can affirm that the main intellectual faculty used is the following: (Pensando sobre o processo que é desenvolvido quando produzimos a descrição de uma paisagem, podemos dizer que a principal habilidade mental trabalhada é a seguinte:)
	a. Memory.
	b. Reason.
	e. Brains.
	c. Memory and imagination.
	d. Observation.
	Respondido em 17/05/2020 18:56:25
Descriptive  texts are concerned with the location of persons and things in space.  They will tell us what lies to the right or left, in the background or foreground, or they will provide background information which, perhaps, sets the stage for narration.  It is immaterial whether a description is more technical-objective or more impressionistic subjective.
3a aula
	1a Questão 
	READ the text below:
"The maintenance of order in pre-state societies is rooted in a commonality of material interests. The greater the amount of common interests, the less need there is for law-and-order specialists. Among band-level cultures law and order stem directly from the relations between people and the natural habitat from which subsistence is derived. All adults usually have open access to this habitat: the rivers, lakes, beaches, oceans; all the plants and animals; the soil and the subsoil. In so far as these are basic to the extraction of life-sustaining energy and materials they are communal "property."
(Adapted from: http://www.uefap.com/writing/exercise)
►The topic sentence of the previous paragraph is (choose the right option):
	Among band-level cultures law and order stem directly from the relations between people and the natural habitat from which subsistence is derived
	In so far as these are basic to the extraction of life-sustaining energy and materials they are communal "property." 
	All adults usually have open access to this habitat: the rivers, lakes, beaches, oceans;
	The greater the amount of common interests, the less need there is for law-and-order specialists 
	The maintenance of order in pre-state societies is rooted in a commonality of material interests
	Respondido em 17/05/2020 18:56:42
A topic sentence is the most important sentence in a paragraph. Sometimes referred to as a focus sentence, the topic sentence helps organize the paragraph by summarizing the information in the paragraph. In formal writing, the topic sentence is usually the first sentence in a paragraph (although it doesn't have to be).
	 2a Questão 
	Leia o parágrafo abaixo e escolha a alternativa que apresenta sua idéia principal:
Carla, I would like to inform you that it has been interesting and profitable working with you, said Mr . Oliveira, when he called her to come to his office that morning.  You are a very nice young lady, but it seems we need someone to work here who would have a more dynamic personality. Therefore, I have to ask you to resign your position here and wish you have all the luck to find a new position at another company.
	O Sr. Oliveira está educadamente demitindo Carla.
	O Sr. Oliveira pensa que Carla é boa demais para o cargo que ocupa
	O Sr. Oliveira quer promover Carla.
	O Sr. Oliveira deseja que Carla encotre um emprego melhor.
	O Sr. Oliveira pensa que Carla não gosta do emprego.
	Respondido em 17/05/2020 18:56:29
You are a very nice young lady, but it seems we need someone to work here who would have a more dynamic personality. Therefore, I have to ask you to resign your position here and wish you have all the luck to find a new position at another company.
	 3a Questão 
	Identify the topic sentences in the following paragraph.
"The maintenance of order in pre-state societies is rooted in a commonality of material interests. The greater the amount of common interests, the less need there is for law-and-order specialists. Among band-level cultures law and order stem directly from the relations between people and the natural habitat from which subsistence is derived. All adults usually have open access to this habitat: the rivers, lakes, beaches, oceans; all the plants and animals; the soil and the subsoil. In so far as these are basic to the extraction of life-sustaining energy and materials they are communal "property."
	In so far as these are basic to the extraction of life-sustaining energy and materials they are communal "property." 
	All adults usually have open access to this habitat: the rivers, lakes, beaches, oceans;
	Among band-level cultures law and order stem directly from the relations between people and the natural habitat from which subsistence is derived
	The greater the amount of common interests, the less need there is for law-and-order specialists 
	The maintenance of order in pre-state societies is rooted in a commonality of material interests
	Respondido em 17/05/2020 18:56:50
A topic sentence is the most important sentence in a paragraph. Sometimes referred to as a focus sentence, the topic sentence helps organize the paragraph by summarizing the information in the paragraph. In formal writing, the topic sentenceis usually the first sentence in a paragraph (although it doesn't have to be).
	 4a Questão 
	READ the text below:
"Anthropology is the study of humankind, especially of Homo sapiens, the biological species to which we human beings belong. It is the study of how our species evolved from more primitive organisms; it is also the study of how our species developed a mode of communication known as language and a mode of social life known as culture. It is the study of how culture evolved and diversified. And finally, it is the study of how culture, people, and nature interact wherever human beings are found."
► Identify the topic sentences in the previous paragraph.
	It is the study of how our species evolved from more primitive organisms.
	And finally, it is the study of how culture, people, and nature interact wherever human beings are found.
	It is the study of how culture evolved and diversified
	Anthropology is the study of humankind.
	it is also the study of how our species developed a mode of communication known as language and a mode of social life known as culture.
	Respondido em 17/05/2020 18:56:56
A topic sentence is the most important sentence in a paragraph. Sometimes referred to as a focus sentence, the topic sentence helps organize the paragraph by summarizing the information in the paragraph. In formal writing, the topic sentence is usually the first sentence in a paragraph (although it doesn't have to be).
	 5a Questão 
	Read the following text, identify the text type and mark the correct option: " She is tall and slender. She has short red hair and a beard. She is wearing a white shirt and pink pants and she seems happy."
	expository text;
	narrative text;
	argumentative text;
	injunctive text;
	​​​​​​descriptive text;
	Respondido em 17/05/2020 18:57:03
Descriptive texts: describes places, objects or characters.
	 6a Questão 
	According to what we have studied about text structures, mark the RIGHT definition about them: 
	Description: the author lists items or events in numerical or chronological order. (S)he describes the order of events or how to do or make something.
	Compare - Contrast: the author states a problem and lists one or more possible solutions to it. It may also include the pros and cons for the solutions presented.
	Sequence: the author explains a topic, idea, person, place, or thing by listing characteristics, features, and examples. The focus is on one thing and its components.
	​​​​​Problem  / Solution: the author explains how two or more things are alike and/or how they are different.
	Cause - Effect: the author lists one or more causes or events and the resulting consequences. The purpose of this kind of text is to explain why or how something happened, exists or works.
	Respondido em 17/05/2020 18:57:11
​​​​​​Cause - Effect: the author lists one or more causes or events and the resulting consequences or effects (effect = what happened? / Cause = what made it happen?). The purpose of this kind of text is to explain why or how something happened, exists or works.
	 7a Questão 
	Leia o texto com atenção e assinale a alternativa em que a resposta não combina com a pergunta. Considere o conteúdo do texto para fazer a sua opção: 
 Camille and Mike Geraldi live in London and they love their children. It¿s a good thing they do because they have 22.Mike and Camille met when they were working at the same hospital. Mike was a pediatrician and Camille was a nurse. After dating for two years, they got married. Soon they had two healthy daughters so they moved to a bigger house. Two months later, a baby-girl was abandoned at the hospital where they worked. They decided to adopt the abandoned child. They soon realized that they needed to do something to help the children in need. So they started to adopt babies and toddlers who are mentally and physically challenged. Now they have twenty-two children and twenty of them were adopted. Their eldest children help Camille with the younger ones. Also, three adults come to their house to help them every day. Camille and Mike are tired but happy. They are proud to take care of such a number of kids. They say they truly enjoy their lives and the choice they once made of adopting their children. 
	How can they cope with such a large family? They manage to take care of the children and the house without any help.
	Why did they decide to adopt children? A baby-girl was abandoned at the hospital where they worked. They soon realized that they needed to do something to help the children in need.
	How many children of their own do they have? They have two daughters of their own
	What do Camille and Mike do? Camille is a nurse and Mike is a pediatrician. 
	Why can we say that Camille and Mike love children? //Because besides the two daughters they had they adopted 20 challenged children.
	Respondido em 17/05/2020 18:57:15
How can they cope with such a large family? Their eldest children help Camille with the younger ones. Also, three adults come to their house to help them every day. 
	 8a Questão 
	Leia este parágrafo para responder à pergunta abaixo
"It seems the art of survival - or continual positive projection - in the world of pop music these days, depends very much on change. If artists fail to recreate their persona-chameleon-like, over and over again, they risk facing accusations of dullness; that they are not fashionable."
O ponto principal deste número é dizer ao leitor que os artistas precisam:
	keep an image that the public knows and loves 
	recreate themselves to survive 
	avoid being dull at all costs 
	stay sexy to survive 
	not be fashionalble
	Respondido em 17/05/2020 18:57:05
It seems the art of survival - or continual positive projection - in the world of pop music these days, depends very much on change.
4a aula
		READ the text below:
"Reports last week said Pakistan had redeployed some troops from the north-west to the Indian border and cancelled some army leave. Air strikes against militants in the restive Swatand Bajaur regions had been scaled down, officials said. But one Pakistani military official told Reuters that reports of thousands of troops being redeployed were 'absolute rubbish'. India's military has denied any significant bolstering of troops on the border."
► Choose the best summary of the story you have just read about India and Pakistan.
	Pakistan is moving troops from the Indian border to attack militants in Swat and Bajaur. India is not sending reinforcements.
	Pakistan is moving thousands of troops from the north-west to the Indian border. India is not significantly increasing the number of troops on the border.
	Hostilities are likely in South Asia as Pakistan builds up troop numbers on the frontier with India and India prepares to retaliate.
	Pakistan has denied reports that it is making military preparations close to the Indian border. India says it is not increasing troop numbers in the area either.
	Pakistan has denied reports that its troops will leave the Indian border.
Pakistan has denied reports that its troops will leave the Indian border. 
False. Pakistan has denied reports that army leave (holiday) has been cancelled.
Pakistan is moving troops from the Indian border to attack militants in Swat and Bajaur. India is not sending reinforcements.
Completely untrue. Pakistan has denied reports that it is moving troops in the opposite direction.
Pakistan has denied reports that it is making military preparations close to the Indian border. India says it is not increasing troop numbers in the area either. 
Correct. This is the best summary.
Pakistan is moving thousands of troops from the north-west to the Indian border. India is not significantly increasing the number of
troops on the border. 
While this may be true, it is not the best summary as the report stated that Pakistan had denied this.
Hostilities are likely in South Asia as Pakistan builds up troop numbers on the frontier with India and India prepares to retaliate.
While this may be true, it is not the best summary as the report stated that both India and Pakistan had denied increasing troop numbers
near the border.
		Reading a text quickly to absorb general information is a valuable skill:
"Reports last week said Pakistan had redeployed some troops from the north-west to the Indian border and cancelled some army leave. Air strikes against militants in the restive Swat and Bajaur regions had been scaled down, officials said. But one Pakistani military official told Reuters that reports of thousands of troops being redeployed were 'absolute rubbish'. India's military has denied any significant bolstering of troops on the border."
Choose the best summary of the story you have just read about India and Pakistan.
	Pakistan is moving troops from the Indian border to attack militants in Swat and Bajaur. India is not sending reinforcements.
	Pakistan has denied reports that its troops will leave the Indian border. 
	Hostilities are likely in South Asia as Pakistan builds up troop numbers on the frontier with India and India prepares to retaliate.
	Pakistan has denied reports that it is making military preparations close to the Indian border. India says it is not increasing troop numbers in the area either.
	Pakistan is moving thousands of troops from the north-west to the Indian border. India is not significantly increasing the number of troops on the border.
Pakistan has denied reports that its troops will leave the Indian border.
False. Pakistan has denied reports that army leave (holiday) has been cancelled.
Pakistan is moving troops from the Indian border to attack militants in Swat and Bajaur. India is not sending reinforcements.
Completely untrue. Pakistan has denied reports that it is moving troops in the opposite direction.
Pakistan is moving thousands of troops from the north-west to the Indian border. India is not significantly increasing the number of troops on the border.
While this may be true, it is not the best summary as the report stated that Pakistan had denied this.
Hostilities are likely in South Asia as Pakistan builds up troop numbers on the frontier with India and India prepares to retaliate.
While this may be true, it is not the best summary as the report stated that both India and Pakistan had denied increasing troop numbers near the border.
		Match the reading skills with their definitions:
(i) skimming                                  (a) Accurate reading for detailed understanding.
(ii) scanning                                   (b) Used to find a particular piece of information.
(iii) extensive reading                     (c) Used to understand the "gist" or main idea.
(iv) intensive reading                      (d) Used for pleasure and general understanding.
	(i) - c
(ii) - b
(iii) - d
(iv) - a
	(i) - b
(ii) - a
(iii) - d
(iv) - c
	(i) - d
(ii) - a
(iii) - b
(iv) - c
	(i) - b
(ii) - c
(iii) - a
(iv) - d
	(i) - a
(ii) - d
(iii) - c
(iv) - b
Extensive reading is used to obtain a general understanding of a subject and includes reading longer texts for pleasure, as well as business books. Use extensive reading skills to improve your general knowledge of business procedures. Do not worry if you understand each word.
Intensive reading is used on shorter texts in order to extract specific information. It includes very close accurate reading for detail. Use intensive reading skills to grasp the details of a specific situation. In this case, it is important that you understand each word, number or fact.
A quick reading -  skimming
An objective reading looking for specific information - scanning
		In order to be able to make inferences and draw conclusions, the reader is supposed to use the following resources, EXCEPT:
	Non-linguistic context (non-verbal information): information presented on maps, tables, pictures, drawings
	Linguistic context: clues which determine if the word is a noun, a verb, an adjective, etc.
	Background or previous knowledge: When you use this strategy, you are able to create hypotheses about the themes you are going to read about in the texts. Afterwards, when you read the texts, you can agree or modify your first impressions about them.
	Semantic context: the meaning of the text as a whole, i.e., to guess the meaning of the words and ideas based on the context, taking into consideration the words, phrases and sentences which precede and proceed them, and which contribute to the construction of the text as a whole.
	Knowledge on textual organization: clues and information from the title, subtitles, thesis statements, etc.
Background or previous knowledge: knowledge the reader already has about the subject of the text.
		Leia o texto para responder a questão:
Missouri is called the "Show Me State," because its people have a reputation for believing only what they see. Its name is an Algonquin Indian term meaning "river of the big canoes." Originally home to a number of Indian tribes, the state entered the Union in 1821. Today, more than half the population lives in Missouri's two major cities--Kansas City and St. Louis. The dogwood is the state tree, the bluebird is the state bird and the capital is Jefferson City.
De acordo com o texto acima, marque a assertiva correta.
	Jefferson City is the capital of the Union 
	Kansas City and St. Louis are names of churches. 
	Many of the Indian tribes used to live in Missouri .
	Missouri people only believe in things which can be tested. 
	The dogwood is a kind of representation of Jefferson City. 
Many of the Indian tribes used to live in Missouri . - Originally home to a number of Indian tribes...
		6.O são inferências visuais nas estratégias de leitura?
	Ideias que conectam o texto e mostram contraste, comparação, etc
	Textos não possuem inferências visuais.
	Elementos como títulos, datas, ilustrações, fotos, etc que ajudam na dedução.
	Somente palavras grifadas no texto.
	Grupo de palavras que oferece informações sobre o autor.
Elementos que se destacam no texto em uma leitura rápida, seja verbal ou não-verbal, e ajuda na compreensão do tema pode ser considerado uma inferência visual.
		"Students are given access to data, and are provided with structured opportunities to work out rules, principles and, so on for themselves. The concept here is that information will be more deeply processed and stored if learners are given an opportunity to work things out for themselves, rather than simply being told."
The text above is about:
	inductive reasoning
We are exposed to several different examples of a situation, and from those examples, we conclude a general truth. For instance, you visit your local grocery store daily to pick up necessary items. You notice that on Friday, two weeks ago, all the clerks in the store were wearing football jerseys. Again, last Friday, the clerks wore their football jerseys. Today, also a Friday, they're wearing them again. From just these observations, you can conclude that on all Fridays, these supermarket employees will wear football jerseys to support their local team.
This type of pattern recognition, leading to a conclusion, is known as inductive reasoning.
		Which word from the sentence below provides a contextual reference that promotes cohesion in the reading?
I watched three science-fiction films and two action ones.
The word ¿ones¿ connects directly to the word ¿films¿ and gives a better cohesion to the sentence without having to repeat the noun.
5a aula
		Qual afirmativa abaixo é FALSA sobre gêneros textuais e tipos textuais?
	Gênero textual e tipo textual são conceitos opostos.
	Gêneros textuais são formas textuais que podem ser produzidas de forma escrita ou oral.
	Um exemplo de gênero textual é uma carta.
	Atualmente com o contexto digital, o e-mail é considerado um gênero textual.
	Tipos textuais são definidos pela natureza linguística da sua composição.
Gêneros textuais e tipos textuais são conceitos complementares.
		CONSIDER the following situation:
''Your course will start with an initial assessment in week 1, followed by a guided tour of the building.''
►The situation above is an example of (choose the right option):
	Narrative text 
	Instructive text 
	Persuasive text 
	Informative text 
	Descriptive text 
An informative text is a text that wants to advise or tell you about something.
A newspaper article might give you information about a health issue like giving up smoking.
A website might give you information about a movie, band or something that you are interested in.
A handout from school might be advising you about what your child will be doing during the next term.
Informative texts usually:
· avoid repetition
· contain facts
· give information in a clear way - introducing the subject.
		De acordo com o texto, assinale a alternativa que revela qual foi a maior descoberta do estudo em questão sobre o aquecimento global: The world's oceans have warmed 50 percent faster over the last 40 years than previously thought due to climate change, Australian and US climate researchers reported Wednesday. Higher ocean temperatures expand the volume of water, contributing to a rise in sea levels that is submerging small island nations and threatening to wreak havoc in low-lying, densely-populated delta regions around the globe. Trying to figure out how much each of these factors contributes to rising sea levels is critically important to understanding climate change, and forecasting future temperature rises, scientists say. Being so, new studies have been done in order to investigate the situation. A new study, led by Catia Domingues, of the Centre for Australian Weather and Climate Research, is the first to reconcile the models with observed data. Using new techniques to assess ocean temperatures to a depth of 700 metres (2,300 feet) from 1961 to 2003, it shows that thermal warming contributed to a 0.53 millimetre-per-year rise in sea levels rather than the 0.32 mm rise reported by the IPCC. According to the text, what was the main finding of the study? 
	e. that the mountains will melt into sweet water oceans
	d. That the oceans will dry entirely
	a. That ocean waters have warmed faster than scientists had previously thought. 
	b. That the warming of the world's oceans is not a threat. 
	c. That not enough is being done about global warming.
The world's oceans have warmed 50 percent faster over the last 40 years than previously thought due to climate change.
All the others are secondary ideas.
		Consider the list below:
I - Use formal language, in a specific stipulated format, for official purpose;
II - Personal communication;
III - No prescribed format, although there is a minimum structural layout;
IV - Sentences are normally long and complex.
V - Abbreviations and contractions must be avoided.
► The items from the list related to FORMAL LETTERS/E-MAILS are:
	III, IV and V
	I, II, III, IV and V
	I, II and III
	II and III only
	I, IV and V
Items I, IV and V are the only ones covering formal aspects.
		I. Read the text below[1]:
Hi Rebecca,
How ARE you?! It's been ages!! I thought I'd drop you a line seeing as I'm stuck in the airport with nothing to do but make use of the free Wi-Fi.
Not that writing to you isn't top of my list of things to do, of course ;) but I've been totally snowed under at work, plus all the family stuff that's been going on ... Anyway, I'm just about to go on a much-needed holiday so I really can't complain!
But tell me: what have you been up to? I saw Carol a couple of months ago - don't know if you heard what happened with her job but it made me feel grateful I only slightly hate mine - and she was saying your book is going to be published?! GREAT news!!! Send me a link and I'll definitely buy it and leave a five-star review :)
As for me, same old, same old re: job. Maggie and I broke up a while ago, as you know, but we're getting on much better now and it's working out far better for the kids. No-one new on the horizon but I'm off to Canada travelling for a month (if this plane ever leaves!) so who knows?!
Actually, I'll be flying over your house in a few hours. I'll wave! Let's make a plan to see each other when I get back, OK?
Hope life's treating you well!
Lots of love,
► The previous text is an example of a/an:
[1] Adapted from: http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org
	recommendation letter/e-mail
	enquiry letter/e-mail
	covering letter/e-mail
	informal letter/e-mail
	letter/e-mail of complaint
Due to the informality present in the text - contractions, idioms etc. - this is the case of an informal letter/e-mail
		Consider the list below:
I - Use formal language, in a specific stipulated format, for official purpose;
II - Personal communication;
III - No prescribed format, although there is a minimum structural layout;
IV - Sentences are Typically short and simple.
V - Abbreviations and contractions must be avoided.► The items from the list related to INFORMAL LETTERS/E-MAILS are:
	I, II and III 
	None of them
	I, II and III
	III, IV and V
	II, III and IV
Items II, III and IV are the only ones covering informal aspects
		Read the text below:
¿This is a document in which the writer comments on the qualities, characteristics, and capabilities of the person being recommended in terms of that individual's ability to perform a specific task or function. These letters/e-mails are normally connected to employment or admission to higher education institutions¿.
► The text above refers to specific text type. Which one?
	recommendation letter/e-mail
	covering letter/e-mail
	letter/e-mail of complaint
	informal letter/e-mail
	enquiry letter/e-mail
The definition emphasizes someone being recommend for a position due to his/her abilities etc
		Read the text below:
To Whom It May Concern,
It gives me great pleasure to recommend Sarah Morgan Silva for an MA in Education at the University of Sussex. I was Ms. Silva's professor of Teaching Methodologies in Portuguese as a Second Language for a semester in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (August-December 2015) and during that period, I had the chance to notice her great performance throughout the lectures. The course comprises a set of complex issues (i.e. approaches and methods, uses of some digital technologies as mediating tools, lesson planning, etc.), which demands a lot of dedication, focus, and several hours of hard work and Ms. Silva  demonstrated both maturity and commitment to her studies. 
In relation to all classroom activities and assignments, Ms. Silva always did her work conscientiously, besides continuously seeking out additional information on how to become a better professional and education. She also had a great capacity for fulfilling her responsibilities in a variety of activities, always looking forward to succeeding in all assessments.  
Personally, I find Sarah Morgan Silva to be an intelligent, organized and articulate person, who is self-motivated and demonstrates great interest in educational issues. I strongly recommend her for the course aforementioned, and I am happy to amplify on any details if you wish.  
Yours faithfully,
John Peterson
► The previous text is an example of a/an:
	letter/e-mail of complaint
	enquiry letter/e-mail
	recommendation letter/e-mail
	informal letter/e-mail
	covering letter/e-mail
The text exemplifies the case of a letter of recommendation. In the example, Mr. John Peterson has written a letter recommending Ms. Sarah Silva for a specific academic scholarship.
6a aula
		Read the sentence and choose the option which best completes the following sentence: If you think that doing this maths problem is a -------------, you just have to try it. 
	pros and cons 
	ups and downs 
	piece of cake 
	now and then 
	odds and ends 
Piece of cake = idiom = it means that something is very easy. 
		Read the following statement and mark the reason which justifies it: ¿ non-native speakers need not only to learn new vocabulary, but also be given guidance on the appropriate use of new words. 
	that happens because for non-native speakers it is sometimes hard to find the right word for the right context 
	that happens because new vocabulary is difficult to learn 
	that happens because non-native speakers do not know all words. 
	that happens because non-native speakers never uses new vocabulary 
	that happens because non-native speakers avoid learning new words
For non-native speakers it is sometimes hard to find the right word for the right context. Every text has lexical items which represent a certain number of unknown words which can be difficult or not.
		Mark the option with the right meaning of ´took off´ in the sentence ´The plane took off at 3:15`. 
	took off means arrived 
	took off means left the ground 
	took off means caught the people
	took off means touch the ground 
	took off means returned 
take off = 1. If an aircraft, bird, or insect takes off, it leaves the ground and begins to fly: 2. to suddenly start to be successful or popular: 3. to suddenly leave somewhere, usually without telling anyone that you are going.
		Choose the best translation for the sentences below: Everyone had a good time at the ball. 
	Todos gastaram seu tempo no jogo de bola 
	O jogo de bola levou um bom tempo 
	Todos jogaram bola. 
	Jogar bola é bom para todos. 
	Todos se divertiram no baile. 
To have a good time = to have fun, to enjoy ourselves. 
		Escolha a alternativa em que a palavra em negrito (SUCH) dê à frase um sentido similar ao do exemplo do enunciado. 
The service was so good we had to leave a tip.
	It was a service such good we had to leave a tip.
	It such was a good service we had to leave a tip.
	It was such a good service we had to leave a tip.
	It was a good such service we had to leave a tip.
	It was a good service such we had to leave a tip.
Such is a determiner; so is an adverb. They often have the same meaning of very¿or
	to this degree¿:
Those are such good chocolates.
Those chocolates are so good.
We use such + noun phrase and so + adjective or adverb phrase:
She is such a great cook.
Not: She is so great cook.
That was so unpleasant. (so + adjective)
Not: That was such unpleasant.
Why do you drive so fast? (so + adverb)
Not: Why do you drive such fast?
		Destaque em cada umas das listas de palavras abaixo aquela que NÂO pertence à categoria principal em maiúsculas: 1. HAIR: curly/ blond/wavy/ stubborn/red 2. WEIGHT: plump/introvert/skinny/fat/ thin/slim 3. SKIN: embroidering/ white/dark/spotty/wrinkled 4. HOBBY: singing/sewing/painting/cooking/talking 5. SUBJECTS: Portuguese, Arts, Travelling,History, Geography Assinale a alternativa que aponta corretamente as palavras que não pertencem às categorias apresentadas: 
	1- wavy 2- /skinny 3-plump 4- talking 5-Travelling
	1- stubborn 2- introvert 3-embroidering 4- talking 5-Travelling
	1- blond 2- thin 3- wrinkled 4- talking 5-Arts
	1-curly 2- introvert 3- spotty 4- talking 5- Portuguese
	1-red 2- fat 3-embroidering 4- sewing 5-Travelling
1. HAIR: curly/ blond/wavy/ stubborn/red
2. WEIGHT: plump/introvert/skinny/fat/ thin/slim
3. SKIN: embroidering/ white/dark/spotty/wrinkled
4. HOBBY: singing/sewing/painting/cooking/talking
5. SUBJECTS: Portuguese, Arts, Travelling,History, Geography 
stubborn = personality
introvert = personality
embroidering = skin
talking = personality
travelling = subjects
		Read the following passage from an academic essay:
"In a recent study, children in the city of Baltimore, USA, were interviewed about their prospects. Their ambitions reflected their own experience. Those from high-income families hoped to become lawyers or doctors, because those were typical professions of their parents' friends. The ones from poorer backgrounds wanted to be professional sportspeople or music artists, because those were the people who had succeeded in their communities. However, they expected to be electricians or hairdressers. At school, the more privileged children performed better, because they knew that if they got good grades, their prospects of becoming a lawyer or doctor were good. The children from poorer backgrounds had no such incentiveto do well at academic subjects and performed much worse. Nevertheless, when their school offered cash prizes on condition that their grades improved, the improvement was immediate".
► The highlighted elements represent one effective writing technique which is commonly employed in academic essays. Which one?
	Linking words/phrases
	Lexical links
	Sentences which guide the reader
Since the highlighted words are used to refer back to previous information and to avoid repetition, they are classified as "pronouns".
		Read the following passage from an academic essay:
"In a recent study, children in the city of Baltimore, USA, were interviewed about their prospects. Their ambitions reflected their own experience. Those from high-income families hoped to become lawyers or doctors, because those were typical professions of their parents' friends. Those from poorer backgrounds wanted to be professional sportspeople or music artists, since those were the people who had succeeded in their communities. However, they expected to be electricians or hairdressers. At school, the more privileged children performed better, because they knew that if they got good grades, their prospects of becoming a lawyer or doctor were good. The children from poorer backgrounds had no such incentive to do well at academic subjects and performed much worse. Nevertheless, when their school offered cash prizes on condition that their grades improved, the improvement was immediate".
► The highlighted elements represent one effective writing technique which is commonly employed in academic essays. Which one?
	Linking words/phrases
	Lexical links
	Sentences which guide the reader
The elements highlighted refer to cohesive devices, i.e. linking words.
7a aula
		After reading the sentence, choose the correct conjunctive: " You can wash the dishes ____________ we go for a walk."
While = enquanto. 
		Which of the greetings suits an informal letter? 
	To the President 
	Dear Rachel 
	To the manager of the company 
Dear = infornal way to address.
All the others are formal. 
		After reading the sentence, choose the correct conjunctive: "He¿s honest _________ everyone trusts him."
 So = então. 
		 Which of the forms below may be used in a FORMAL context?
Because of a writing system that incorporates etymology, spelling cues not present in oral discourse can give readers additional clues to the relationship between words through a vague awareness of different morphological classes.
Anglo-Saxon words are usually characterised by a cloudy morphology (early\ere), wildly unphonemic spelling, and the presence of silent letters and digraphs. Common affixes are ¿un-¿, ¿-ful¿, and ¿-ness¿. These are the most common words used to describe everyday, informal and interpersonal matters.
Romance words are also common and bear closer resemblance to French morphemes and words (very\vrais). There is often more regularity in their spelling.
Latinate and Greek words are set apart from Romance words by very methodical morphology, Classical Latin and Greek morphemes, and consistent spelling. They usually have rigid definitions and are used more frequently in formal and scientific writing as well as in constructing technical, philosophical, and legal jargon.
		Apesar de não ser uma tendência no momento, a escrita de cartas pode nos ensinar muito sobre organização no ato de escrever. Qual sentença abaixo NÃO se aplica a escrita de cartas?
	O primeiro parágrafo estabelece o tom da carta.
	O parágrafo introdutório fará uma esquematização dos principais pontos a serem mencionados na carta.
	Em inglês, você pode terminar uma carta com a expressão "yours truly".
	Ao término de uma carta de negócios, por exemplo, a expressão "thinking of you" é utilizada.
	Ao terminar uma carta, o indivíduo deve concluir seus pensamentos mencionados anteriormente.
Deve-se tentar ser o mais neutro possível nas cartas inseridas no contexto de trabalho o que demonstra que a expressão "thinking of you" não se encaixa em tal descrição.
		In the age of technology, there are some examples of written texts that use the forms of spoken language. One of them is sms messages or messaging apps. Which linguistic characteristic below does NOT fit this type of technology?
	Formally structured sentences.
	Even spoken language is used in the format of audio recording. 
	Emojis and images can be used to convey emotions and ideas.
	Abbreviations are used.
	Rules of written grammar and punctuation are often ignored.
Nowadays the internet and the cellphone apps have taken over a great majority of communication between people. The sms messages and the messaging apps, not to mention e-mails, use forms of spoken language to exchange information in a rapid manner. In these cases, rules of written grammar and punctuation are often ignored while also making great use of non-verbal imagery to deliver ideas, such as emojis and images. Formally structured sentences are definitely not a typical characteristic.
		After reading the sentence, choose the correct conjunctive: "I am working hard; ________________, my husband is watching TV."
Meanwhile = enquanto isso.
		As we have learned, the writer can be formal or informal. Mark the option which represents a formal language: 
	small sentences;
	complex and thourough.
	personal or emotional tone;
Formal language = complex and thourough. 
8a aula
		Read the text below:
"Through analyzing the seven factors of spoken discourse, we can easily come to the conclusion that there are such a number of rules and functions implied in the one-minute extract, which have made crucial contribution to the two speakers' conversation."
► The previous text is an example of a specific section in a research paper. Which one?
	Literature review
	Results & Analysis
The section under consideration is the "conclusion". Notice the use of the structure "we can come to the conclusion that..."
		Read the text below:
"Besides, almost everyone learns to speak, but not necessarily to write. Therefore, the importance of speaking leads us to think how people communicate with each other by talking."
► The previous information refers to a specific technique employed when writing research papers. Which one?
	Lexical links
	Reference words
	Linking words/phrases
	Idiomatic expressions
Both elements are example of conjunctions, also known as linking words.
		Read the text below:
"This section includes the set of materials used as theoretical and information support to carry out the investigation. The format of the text in this section will depend on norms for academic publication demanded by the academic journal."► The previous information refers to a specific section of a research paper. Which one?
	Results & Analysis
	Literature review
The set of material used as theoretical support refer to the bibliographic information, also called "references".
		A suffix is a letter or group of letters added at the end of a word which makes a new word. Mark the correct word with friend:
​​​​​​Friendship = amizade.
		Read the text below:
"This the moment information is presented either quantitatively or qualitatively, depending on the nature and type of research in question. Visible resources, such as graphics and tables can be included as a way to make information clearer to readers, especially when large amounts of data have been manipulated."
► The previous information refers to a specific section of a research paper. Which one?
	Literature review 
	Results & Analysis
The section described in the text refers to how results and anaçysis should be presented to the reader, quantitatively or qualitatively, which will depend on the type of investigation developed.
		Sabemos que os falsos cognatos na língua inglesa podem levar a falta de entendimento da mensagem a ser transmitida. Em qual das frases a seguir a palavra sublinhada está sendo utilizada erroneamente, ou seja, seu significado é inferido direto da língua portuguesa?
	She bought a baton at the drugstore and it looks beautiful on her lips.
	I have an appointment tomorrow morning with my lawyer.
	 I attended a lecture last week about film analysis at my university.
	Let¿s go to the balcony and check out the moon, it¿s gorgeous.
	Actually, I think the blue car is much more affordable.
A frase utiliza a palavra "baton" com o significado em português de "batom" quando na verdade pode significar uma batuta no contexto musical.
		Os prefixos pre-, re-, e im- significam, respectivamente:
		Mark the only option which presents the correct order of adjectives to complete the following sentence: Her paintings consisted of mainly 
	garden red pictures roses 
	red rose garden pictures 
	red pictures roses garden
	pictures red garden roses 
	roses red gardenpictures 
ADJECTIVE ORDER; Opinion - size - age -shape (or shape -age) - color - origin - material - purpose.
9a aula
		We have studied some techniques to achieve cohesion. Mark the option which does NOT suit one of them: 
	Parallelism = Repeat a sentence structure. This technique is the oldest, most overlooked, but probably the most elegant method of creating cohesion.
	Synonym = If direct repetition is too obvious, use a synonym of the word you wish to repeat. This strategy is called  "elegant variation."
	Repetition = In sentence B (the second of any two sentences), repeat a word from sentence A.
	Transitions = Use a conjunction or conjunctive adverb to link sentences with particular logical relationships.
	Formal language = it is more common when we write. Informal language= it is more common when we speak.
Formal and informal languages are not techniques to achieve cohesion. 
		Mark the option which describes the most natural and most common order of sentences in English: 
subject +verb+object = direct order in English, no comma is needed.
		Read the text below:
"The authors begin Chapter 1, 'How do different languages connect in our minds', by introducing relevant definitions of what it means to be bilingual. Terms such as 'balanced' or 'maximal bilingual', 'invisible bilingual' and 'minimal bilingual' are exploited. The authors also use 'L2 learner' and 'L2 user' as vital terms and describes the typical features of each in terms of thoughts and behavior."
► The previous text is an example of a specific section in a book review. Which one?
The discussion section offers an overview of every chapter present in the book.
		Read the text below:
"One minor issue, which is more aesthetic than content-related, is that the two authors conclude their chapters slightly differently."
► The previous highlighted information refers to a specific technique employed when writing book reviews. Which one?
	Lexical units
	Linking words/phrases
	Pronouns/reference words
	Passive voice
The word `which' functions as a relative pronoun, making reference to previous information.
		In order to achieve cohesion, synonyms of words used in previous sentences can be used. In the sentences below, which underlined word CANNOT be understood as a synonym of ¿comprehend¿ in the following sentence: "Fred comprehended the Math lesson."
	Fred understood the Math lesson.
	Fred grasped the Math lesson
	Fred ignored the Math lesson
	Fred realized the meaning of the Math lesson.
	Fred figured out the Math lesson.
The word "ignored" is not a synonym of "comprehended" and can be understand more as an antonym.
		There are some ways in which writers can link sentences together to form texts, except:
	Use a pro-form (e.g. pronoun) in the first sentence .
	Repeat a word or words from the first sentence in the second sentence.
	Use connectives (e.g. addition, time relaters)
	Use a synonym of a word from the first sentence in the second.
	Use a sequence marker [e.g. Firstly, secondly/ a), b), c)]
Repeating a word or words from the first sentence in the second sentence.
Energy in food is measured in calories. Approximately 50% of the calories we consume are used in physical activity.
Use a synonym of a word from the first sentence in the second.
The surroundings in which we carry out our daily lives are very important to us. We are continually aware of our environment as we go about our business.
Use a pro-form (e.g. pronoun) in the second sentence.
Trees are an essential part of a city's development. They help reduce pollution and provide shade.
 Use a sequence marker [e.g. Firstly, secondly/ a), b), c)]
The maize plant faces two main pests. The first is the weevil borer whose larvae eat their way through the maize plant.
Use connectives (e.g. addition, time relaters)
The UAE is spending a lot of money to improve its environment. For example, it invested millions of dollars developing forests in the desert.
		To achieve cohesion, the link of one sentence to the next, we need to consider some writing techniques. Choose the one which is wrong:
	Synonym. If direct repetition is too obvious, use a synonym of the word you wish to repeat. This strategy is called 'elegant variation.' 
	Collocation. Use a commonly paired or expected or highly probable word to connect one sentenceto another. 
	Antonym. Using the 'opposite' word, an antonym, can also create sentence cohesion, since in language antonyms actually share more elements of meaning than you might imagine. 
	Repetition. In sentence B (the second of any two sentences), repeat a word from sentence A. 
	Pro-forms. Use a connector to link the sentences in order to make them coordinative or subordinate.
Pro-forms. Use a pronoun, pro-verb, or another pro-form to make explicit reference back to a form mentioned earlier. 
		Qual destas técnicas não garante a coesão da escrita?
	Conecte uma sentença com a outra de forma lógica.
	"In addition" e "besides" são empregadas para indicar continuação.
	Repita uma palavra da sentença anterior para o melhor encadeamento de ideias.
	Ao indicar comparação de ideias, utilize palavras como "but" ou "however".
	Utilize palavras e expressões transitórias, como por exemplo, "that is" ou "in other words".
As palavras "but" e "however" indicam na verdade ideias contrárias e não de comparação. O uso delas para sinalizar comparações não irá surtir em sentenças coesas.
10ª aula
		Nas opções abaixo foram listadas uma ideia geral seguida de um tópico mais limitado. Na produção de textos deve-se ter em mente o tópico geral mas seu parágrafo deve ser o mais específico possível. Assinale qual opção tem a melhor combinação ideia geral e tópico específico.
	Trabalho: intelectualidade
	Esporte: jogos
	Atrações turísticas: passeios
	Família: minha irmã
	Leitura: livros
A opção ideia geral "família" e tópico específico "minha irmã" é a melhor combinação pois começa de uma concepção mais ampla e chega até um detalhe menor que pode ser explorado em minúcia.
		Which of the following is FALSE about irrelevant sentences in a passage?
	They can detract from the meaning of a passage
	They support the passage's main idea.
	They upset the flow of the passage.
	They distract readers.
	They are disconnected from the main idea of the passage.
Irrelevant sentences are those that do not support the main idea of the passage. Irrelevant sentences distract readers from the main point of the passage. This is because they do not relate to or support the main idea. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid using irrelevant sentences in writing and to be able to spot them as a reader. The simplest way to identify irrelevant sentences in a passage is to ask yourself the following three questions:
		Which connector is used to start supporting sentences?
	to begin with
	 in addition to
	on the whole
To continue the supporting sentences = besides, also, in addition to
To conclude the supporting sentences = on the whole
		The term whether in Experts are questioning whether diet drinks could raise depression risk after a large study has found a link. introduces:
	a dismissal.
	a certainty.
	a supposition.
	an acceptance.
	a denial.
Whether may be the same as `if¿ and it indicates a supposition .
Ex = We should find out whether the museum is open.
		The order most often used in persuasive writing includes four steps, or parts. Choose the option which shows the appropriate order: 
	position statement, clarifying remark, supporting sentences, concluding sentence. 
	supporting sentences, clarifying remark , concluding sentences, position statement 
	position statement, supporting sentences, clarifying sentences, concluding sentences 
	concluding sentence, position statement, clarifying remark, supporting sentences 
	clarifying remark, supporting sentences, position statement, concluding sentence 
¿Topic sentence( sentence frasal)
. Clarifying remark (about the context in which the earlier claim was made. )
¿First supporting sentence (primeira sentença de apoio)
¿Second supporting sentence ( segunda  sentença de apoio)
¿Third supporting sentence ( terceira sentença de apoio)
¿Concluding sentence ( sentença final que resuma a sentença frasal)
		Read the text below:
"As a recent graduate from university, I am well aware that I still have much to learn and it is exactly this kind of challenging environment that I am seeking. You will also see from my CV that I am someone who believes in getting results. My two proudest achievements are raising over £15,000 for a local charity and finishing the London Marathon."
► The previous text is an example of a specific section in a letter of application. Which one?
	Second middle paragraph
	Contact information
Descriptive information on the candidate's past experiences should be displayed in the second middle paragraph.
		Which of the following discourse connectors convey the idea of cause?
	In fact
Thus (cause)
When (time)
Furthermore (addition)
Nevertheless (contrast)
In fact (emphasis)
		Read the text below:
"In response to your advertisement in last Friday's The New York Times' newspaper for a Trainee accounts manager, please find enclosed my CV. The job attracted me because it emphasized that your company had great opportunities for people who were keen to learn. I also know that your company is a world leader in the creation of innovative products."
► The previous text is an example of a specific section in a letter of application. Which one?
	Contact information
	Second middle paragraph
	Opening paragraph
The piece of writing contextualized the reasons for getting in contact, which should be done in the opening paragraph.

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