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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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	Aluno: MARCELO 
	Turma: 9002
	 04/05/2020 16:13:38 (F) 
	Nota Partic.:
	Av. Parcial.:
	Nota SIA:
10,0 pts
	Ref.: 131665
	Pontos: 1,00  / 1,00
     Keeping a conversation going with someone you don' t know very well is really an action of class, of elegance. You cannot be too formal or too informal to talk and keep talking to people you' re not very close. Choose the best phrase to keep a conversation going between the options below:
	None of the answers above.
	How much money do you make at work?
	How old are you?
	Do you often travel to France?
	What do you think about my clothes? 
	Ref.: 131530
	Pontos: 1,00  / 1,00
	Match: 1 advertise  -  2 arrange  -  3 interview  -   4 sign  -   5 draw up  -
 ( ) an appointment ( ) a contract ( ) a vacancy ( ) a candidate ( ) a short list
A opção com a numeração correta é:
	(d) 1 -  4  - 2  - 3  - 5
	(c) 2  - 4  - 1  -  3  - 5
	(b) 2 -  5  - 3  -  1  - 4
	(e) 1  - 5  - 2  -  3  - 4
	(a) 2  -  5  -  1 -  3 -  4
	Ref.: 248323
	Pontos: 1,00  / 1,00
	What is the right preposition? I. . I meet my clients _______ their offices II. I¿m rarely _______ my desk. III. We deliver our products _______ ship and air freight. IV. I am working _______ a project to produce a new product for next year.
	in ¿ at ¿ on ¿ on
	in ¿ at ¿ in ¿ at
	at ¿ on ¿ on ¿ at
	at ¿ at ¿ by ¿ on
	at ¿ at ¿ on ¿ on
	Ref.: 132052
	Pontos: 1,00  / 1,00
	What¿s the meaning of this business idiom? "To do a roaring trade".
	(c) to combine work with social activities or enjoyment.
	(d) to be operating and ready to do business.
	(a) to sell a lot of goods quickly.
	(e) to be on time for all your business appointments.
	(b) to stop doing commerce or business.
	Ref.: 212128
	Pontos: 1,00  / 1,00
	Which words would fill in the blanks? "Semler eliminated what he called 'corporate oppression' from his company, Semco: ______ clocks, ______ codes, security ______, privileged office spaces and perks, they all went."
	b) time, clothes, procedures
	c) time, clothes, rules
	a) time, dress, procedures
	d) minute, dress, rules
	e) minute, dress, rules
	Ref.: 131491
	Pontos: 1,00  / 1,00
	Are the following statements true or false?
1. Politics is a controversial subject according to society.
2. It is rude to interrupt a conversation in order to make small talk.
3. One reason people use small talk is to eliminate an uncomfortable silence.
 4. When you arrive in the evening you say "Good night".
 5. In a formal introduction, you leave your surname out.
	c) F- T- T - F - F
	a) T - F- F- T- T
	b) T- T- T- T- F
	c) T- T- T - F - F
	e) T - F - F - T - T
	Ref.: 159689
	Pontos: 1,00  / 1,00
	Choose the correct definition to the following expression:Behind schedule (atrasado)
	It does not refer to a failure to keep up with the plan
	It refers to a failure to keep up with staff
	It refers to a success to keep up with the plan
	It refers to a failure to keep up with the plan
	It refers to a failure to keep the staff up with the plan
	Ref.: 269643
	Pontos: 1,00  / 1,00
	When giving a presentation, what SHOULDN'T you do?
	d) Use gestures in an appropriate way
	b) Design an outline
	e) Use the same kind of materials
	c) Practice your presentation
	a) Prepare your presentation
	Ref.: 132764
	Pontos: 1,00  / 1,00
	Choose the best alternative to reply a friend who is giving his/her opinion about something.
	I'm not sure that I agree, because... / I think it all depends on...
	There's a lot in what you say, but.../ You must be joking.
	I was really surprise to hear your news. / I see you are getting at, but...
	I'm looking for my keys. / Are you quite sure about that?
	What makes you say that? / My home isn't in the country, but it seems like it.
	Ref.: 3296736
	Pontos: 0,00  / 1,00
	Politeness is a familiar concept in every language and culture.
Mark the option which follows this criteria.
	Don't open the front door!
	You 'd better watch out when you are driving!
	"Would you mind telling me where River Road Drive is, please?"
	Shut up!
	I'm gonna travel next weekend.

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