
Atividade 2- HLET- Práticas Discursivas da Língua Inglesa

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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13/01/2021 Unicesumar - Ensino a Distância
Protocolo de Finalização Nº 000017681514
O aluno MAYRA TEOTÔNIO ALEXANDRE com RA 19137398-5 
em 05/11/2019 20:44:53
Período:14/10/2019 08:00 a 05/11/2019 23:59 (Horário de Brasília)
Nota máxima:0,50 Nota obtida: 0,35
“It is interesting to notice that, differently from Romance39 languages such as Portuguese (fará), Spanish
(hará) or French (fera) the English language does not have a future tense formed by inflection, so it needs a
construction with an auxiliary verb (will do, is going to do)” (KIMINAMI, 2018, p. 111).Kiminami, Aline Yuri.
Práticas Discursivas da Língua Inglesa. Maringá-Pr.: UniCesumar, 2018.
Read the following excerpt of “A Journey” by Edith Wharton.
She thought hurriedly:--"If they see I am not surprised they will suspect something. They will ask questions,
and if I tell them the truth they won't believe me--no one would believe me! It will be terrible"-- and she
kept repeating to herself
Disponível em: <https://bit.ly/2kR0tJt>. Acesso em: 24 de set. 2019.
Considering the excerpt above, choose the correct option.
The character is talking about plans that are going to happen in the future, that is why the text is written using
"will" for the future tense.
13/01/2021 Unicesumar - Ensino a Distância
“The application letter is
. . .
is written when you apply for a job position in a company (or store, or any other workplace) and is usually
enclosed  with your CV (Curriculum Vitae) or resume and academic results, so the application letter tends to
bring information in a more personalized way”. (KIMINAMI, 2018, p. 68).
KIMINAMI, Aline Yuri. Práticas Discursivas da Língua Inglesa. Maringá-Pr.: UniCesumar, 2018.
Read the following sample of an application letter:
Job application letter sample - 4
Subject: Job Application for the Role of {English Teacher}
Dear Sir/Madam {Recipient's Name},
This is regarding your advertisement published in {Portal Name} regarding a vacancy for an English Teacher. I
would be glad to apply for the role.
Teaching has always been my passion, and I have always been great with students. I have been a Supervisor
at {School Name} for 5 years. I have also taught class VI and VII for 2 years earlier. My qualification and
experience match your requirements.
I have attached my resume for your consideration, and request you to consider my application for the role. If
you find it suitable, please feel free to contact me at the below mentioned contact details.
Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
{Your Name}
Mobile: {Your Contact Number}
Email Id: {Your Email Address)
Disponível em: <https://bit.ly/2lZQpOx>. Acesso em: 19 de set. 2019.
Taking the excerpt into account and the information about the application letter, analyze the following
I. When writing an application letter, we must use formal speech and, in this example, we can see that the
sample provides us terms such as: “Dear Sir/Madam” and “Yours sincerely”, examples of adequate speech.
II. This application letter sample is destined to those who want to apply for a teacher job, as described in
“This is regarding your advertisement published in {Portal Name} regarding a vacancy for an English Teacher.
I would be glad to apply for the role.”
III. The following extract “Teaching has always been my passion, and I have always been great with students. I
have been a Supervisor at {School Name} for 5 years. I have also taught class VI and VII for 2 years earlier.
My qualification and experience match your requirements” shows the experience the person who is applying
for the job has and it is being described in a formal way.
IV. It is important to inform details of the applicant’s contacts, this way, the person who is in charge will be
able to contact him/her, as presented in “I have attached my resume for your consideration, and request you
to consider my application for the role. If you find it suitable, please feel free to contact me at the below
mentioned contact details”.
It is correct what is stated in:
13/01/2021 Unicesumar - Ensino a Distância
“Two verbs that cause a lot of confusion in Portuguese speakers are “do” and “make”, because they usually
translate the same way, so their use may seem rather random. But that is not the case, in general”.
(KIMINAMI, 2018, p. 81)
KIMINAMI, Aline Yuri. Práticas Discursivas da Língua Inglesa. Maringá-Pr.: UniCesumar, 2018.
Read the following excerpt of “The Skylight Room” by O. Henry:
“"They're too lovely for anything," said Miss Leeson, smiling in exactly the way the angels do
Disponível em: <https://bit.ly/2kQuf0U>. Acesso em: 24 de set. 2019.
Taking the excerpt into account and the information about make and do, analyze the following statements.
I. The verb “do” at the end of the excerpt is related to the smiling way of the angels.
II. The verb “do” is adequate, because we use this verb to associate to an action, such as the smile of the
III. We could exchange the verb “do” for “make” without changing its meaning and the sentence meaning,
such as: “"They're too lovely for anything," said Miss Leeson, smiling in exactly the way the angels do make
IV. The sentence “smiling in exactly the way the angels do” is not adequate because the verb “do” at the end
is not connected to anything, just ending the paragraph.
It is correct what is stated in:
RESPOSTA: I, II and IV, only.
13/01/2021 Unicesumar - Ensino a Distância
“Adjectives are a part of speech that gives characteristics to a noun and or pronoun, modifying or describing
the traits of people, animals, places or things. They are one of the four most important word classes (nouns,
verbs and adverbs)”. (KIMINAMI, 2018, p. 105)
KIMINAMI, Aline Yuri. Práticas Discursivas da Língua Inglesa. Maringá-Pr.: UniCesumar, 2018.
Read the following excerpt of “A Dark Brown Dog” by Stephen Crane.
“A Child was standing on a street-corner. He leaned with one shoulder against a high board-fence and
swayed the other to and fro, the while kicking carelessly at the gravel.
Sunshine beat upon the cobbles, and a lazy summer wind raised yellow dust which trailed in clouds down
the avenue. Clattering trucks moved with indistinctness through it. The child stood dreamily gazing.
After a time, a little dark-brown dog came trotting with an intent air down the sidewalk. A short rope was
dragging from his neck. Occasionally he trod upon the end of it and stumbled
Disponível em: <https://bit.ly/2lbb9Tt>. Acesso em: 24 de set. 2019.
Taking the excerpt into account and the information about adjectives, analyze the following statements.
I. Adjectives are used to give characteristics to something and, in this excerpt, we have them being used to
describe not only the dog, but also the fence, the wind, the trucks, etc.
II. Some examples of adjectives are: “high”, “lazy”, “clattering”, and “short”, describing “the fence”, “the wind”,
“the trucks”, and “the rope”, respectively.
III. The sentence “a lazy summer wind raised yellow dust which trailed in clouds down the avenue” has three
adjectives: “lazy”, “summer”, “yellow”, being the first two to describe the wind and the third to describe the
IV. On the sentence “After a time, a little dark-brown dog came trotting with an intent air down the
sidewalk”, the expression “dark-brown” is related to the color of the dog.
It is correct what is stated in:
13/01/2021 Unicesumar - Ensino a Distância
Read the following excerpt of “The Haunted Mind” by Nathaniel Hawthorne:
“What a singular moment is the first one, when you have hardly begun to recollect yourself, after starting
from midnight slumber! By unclosing your eyes so suddenly you seem to have surprisedthe personages of
your dream in full convocation round your bed, and catch one broad glance at them before they can flit into
If you could choose an hour of wakefulness out of the whole night, it would be this. Since your sober
bedtime, at eleven, you have had rest enough to take off the pressure of yesterday's fatigue
Disponível em: <https://bit.ly/2l9s3lq>. Acesso em: 24 de set. 2019.
Taking the excerpt into account, analyze the following statements.
I. The sentence “you have hardly begun to recollect yourself” is an example of a present perfect simple tense,
due to the use of the verb “have” as an auxiliary and “begun” on the participle form.
II. On the sentence “you seem to have surprised the personages”, we have the use of the present perfect
tense, indicating an action that has already happened and we have no information regarding time.
III. The sentence in the present perfect tense “you have had rest enough to take off the pressure of
yesterday's fatigue” is not adequate, because we have the time expression “yesterday”.
IV. On the sentence “Since your sober bedtime, at eleven, you have had rest enough to take off the pressure
of yesterday's fatigue”, we have the use of “since”, one expression we normally use on the present perfect
It is correct what is stated in:
RESPOSTA: I, II and IV, only.
13/01/2021 Unicesumar - Ensino a Distância
Most of the times, when we listen to some songs, we don’t really pay attention to what the artists are
singing. Other moments, this is exactly what we do: we do listen and try to understand.  
Then, read the following:
Dreaming With a Broken Heart – John Mayer
When you're dreaming with a broken heart,
The waking up is the hardest part
You roll out of bed and down on your knees
And for a moment you can hardly breathe
Wondering was she really here
Is she standing in my room?
No, she's not
'Cause she's gone, gone, gone, gone, gone
When you're dreaming with a broken heart,
The giving up is the hardest part
Taking the lyrics into account, analyze the following statements.
I. “The waking up” is an example of phrasal verbs, however, in this lyrics, on line 2, it is used as a subject.
II. The verb “roll” (line 3) is complemented by “out of” and “down on”, both turning into phrasal verbs.
III. “She’s gone”, written in the lyrics, is an example of phrasal verb.
IV. “The giving up” is an example of phrasal verbs, however, in this lyrics, on the last line, it is used as a
 It is correct what is stated on:
RESPOSTA: I, II and IV, only.
Disponível em: <https://www.letras.mus.br/john-mayer/576405/traducao.html>. Acesso: 30 out 2018.
13/01/2021 Unicesumar - Ensino a Distância
Success is counted sweetest – Emily Dickinson
Success is counted sweetest
By those who ne'er succeed.
To comprehend a nectar
Requires sorest need.
Disponível em: <https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/45721/success-is-counted-sweetest-112>.
Acesso em: 30 out 2018.
Taking the poem into account, analyze the following statements.
I. The pronoun “who” (line 2) refers to “those”.
II. You could replace “who” by “which” without changing the meaning.
III. The pronoun “who” (line 2) is used to retake the word “those”.
IV. The pronoun “who” is similar to “that” and can be replace in some situations without changing the
meaning of the sentence.
 It is correct what is stated on:
RESPOSTA: I, III and IV, only.
13/01/2021 Unicesumar - Ensino a Distância
As Long As You Love Me – Backstreet Boys
Although loneliness has always been a friend of mine
I'm leaving my life in your hands
People say I'm crazy and that I am blind
Risking it all in a glance
And how you got me blind is still a mystery
I can't get you out of my head
Don't care what is written in your history
As long as you're here with me
I don't care who you are
Where you're from
What you did
As long as you love me
Disponível em: <https://www.letras.mus.br/backstreet-boys/2772/>. Acesso em: 01 nov 2018
Taking the lyrics into account, analyze the following statements.
I. “As long as” is a connective that indicated condition.
II. You could replace “as long as” (line 8) with “although” without changing the meaning of the sentence.
III. The connective “as long as” is the same as “besides”.
IV. “As long as you're here with me” (line 12) can be seen as an example of conditional sentence.
 It is correct what is stated on:
RESPOSTA: I and IV, only.
13/01/2021 Unicesumar - Ensino a Distância
A Dream Within A Dream – Edgar Allan Poe
Take this kiss upon the brow!
And, in parting from you now,
Thus much let me avow-
You are not wrong, who deem
That my days have been a dream;
Disponível em: <https://www.goodreads.com/author/quotes/4624490.Edgar_Allan_Poe?page=2>. Acesso
em: 30 out 18.
Taking the text into account, analyze the following statements and the relationship between them.
I. The days mentioned in the excerpt are described as something that “have been a dream”.
II. They can be seen as possible.
 Considering the statements, choose the correct option.
RESPOSTA:Statement I is a false proposition, and II is a true proposition.
Read the lyrics by “The Who”:
Who Are You – The Who
Know there's a place you walked
Where love falls from the trees
My heart is like a broken cup
I only feel right on my knees
Disponível em: < https://www.letras.mus.br/the-who/132590/>. Acesso em: 30 out 2018.
Taking the lyrics into account, analyze the following statements.
I. We have studied some relative clauses, such as: who, where, which, etc.
II. Relative clauses can be divided into defining and non-defining.
III. “Where” (line 2) is a relative clause.
IV. “Where” (line 2) is related to the word “place” from line 1.
 It is correct what is stated on:

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