
AOL 2 - Sintaxe do Inglês

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Sintaxe do Inglês - 20211.A - Avaliação On-Line 2 (AOL 2) - Questionário 
Pergunta 1 
Leia as sentenças abaixo e complete as lacunas com as preposições corretas. 
You can learn some English ____________ listening ___________ music. Choose the correct answer: 
by, to 
in, with 
to, buy 
at, at 
with, in 
Pergunta 2 
Coughing Kitties 
Maryann Mott 
Feline asthma [TO BE] a new disease. It was first described in scientific literature more than 90 years ago, says 
veterinarian Philip Padrid of the Family Pet Animal Hospital in Chicago. 
Nicki Reed, a veterinarian at the University of Edinburgh’s Hospital for Small Animals, says that when a coughing 
cat is brought to the clinic, she must first establish if [ARTICLE] cause is [ARTICLE] infection, asthma, or 
something more sinister, like a lung mass. 
To do this, Reed usually performs an x-ray, takes a lung fluid sample, and conducts a bronchcoscopy _ an 
examination that uses a flexible microscope inserted into the cat’s airway. 
Most of the time, asthma is a mild disease, Reed says. But in some cases cat’s lungs collapse or their ribs fracture 
due to difficulty in breathing. 
“I think if we can identify asthmatic cats quite early and get treatments on board to suppress their cough, then 
hopefully we can avoid them coming to such extremes,” she said. 
(Adapted from http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2005/10/1025_051025_cat_asthma.html) 
A forma correta do verbo em “Feline asthma [TO BE] a new disease”, é: 
Pergunta 3 
A sentença abaixo apresenta um advérbio, que pode ser classificado como advérbio de: 
“They work on the second floor” 
Pergunta 4 
As an American Express Card member, you will enjoy a relationship with us that goes beyond the ordinary. You 
will be treated as a MEMBER, not a number. And you will receive the respect and recognition ‘seldom’ found today. 
 O termo seldom, entre aspas no trecho adiante, poderia ser substituído por: 
Pergunta 5 
De acordo com o texto abaixo, como é a perna artificial implantada no flamingo: 
People help a flamingo 
A flamingo at a Brazilian zoo broke its leg. Unfortunately, the bottom portion of the leg had to be amputated to stop 
it from getting infected. 
The bird received a lightweight 18-centimeter artificial leg made of carbon fiber – a strong and light material – with 
silicon ends. 
The flamingo still limps a little, but it is becoming more comfortable with its new body part. It can already put the 
leg under body, something that flamingos often do. 
(www.newsinlevels.com. Adaptado.) 
é menor do que a perna natural da ave. 
teve que ser removida para evitar infecção. 
tornou a ave principal atração do zoológico. 
é feita de um material leve e resistente. 
é totalmente flexível, por ser feita de silicone. 
Pergunta 6 
Leia o texto abaixo e assinale a alternativa que completa adequadamente a lacuna: 
NewsweekT H I S W E E K 
The JFK Cover-Up: Intrigues and Errors 
Thirty years after John Kennedy’s assassination, many people still cannot believe what happened. A special 
investigation helps explain why. After the shooting, top officials scrambled to conceal __________ own intrigues 
and mistakes, leaving openings for dark conjecture – and a nation forever uneasy. 
Special Report: Page 30 – Nov.22, 1993 1 
Pergunta 7 
Robotic Engineers: 
Engineers [TO BE] needed to build robots that do everything from assembling machinery to caring for aging 
Tech Teachers: 
As technology use increases in all industries, more adulteducation teachers are needed to give workers the skills 
to survive. About half of all adults are currently enrolled in an adult-education class. 
Tech Support: 
Technology isn’t infallible, and skilled workers who can fix frustrating problems are rarely needed. Estimates show 
a 222 percentage boost in computer-support jobs by 2008. 
(Newsweek, April 30, 2001) 
A forma correta do verbo to be no primeiro parágrafo é: 
has been 
will be 
was being 
Pergunta 8 
Na estrutura sujeito-verbo-objeto, o verbo e o objeto formam o predicator (ou predicate, que significa predicado), 
elemento de uma frase que carrega um verbo e seus complementos. Em uma frase, há o sujeito, e tudo o que vir 
depois do sujeito é um predicado. Um predicado sempre diz alguma coisa sobre o sujeito (DAVIDSON, 2006) 
A frase “The student read that book” (O aluno leu aquele livro) é formada por um sujeito e por um predicado. Qual 
é o predicado desta frase? 
read that book 
the student read 
student read that book 
the student 
that book 
Pergunta 9 
Leia o texto abaixo e responda o que se pede: 
By Robert Noel 
The day will come, I know. At a certain moment a doctor will determine that my brain has ceased to function and 
that my life has stopped. When that happens, do not attempt to introduce an artificial life into my body by the use 
of a machine. 
Instead, give my sight to the man who has never seen a sunrise, a baby’s face or love in the eyes of a woman. Give 
my heart to a person [ ______ ] own heart has caused nothing but endless days of pain. Give my blood to the 
teenager who was pulled from the wreckage of his car, so that he might live to see his grandchildren play. Give my 
kidneys to one who depends on a machine to exist from week to week. Take my bones, every muscle, every fiber 
and nerve in my body and find a way to make a crippled child walk. 
Explore every corner of my brain. Take my cells, if necessary, and let them grow so that, someday, a speechless 
boy will be able to shout as his team scores a goal and a deaf girl will hear the sound of a rain against her 
Burn what is left of me and scatter the ashes to the winds to help the flowers grow. 
If you really want to bury something, let it be my faults, my weaknesses and all my prejudice against my fellow 
Give my sins to the devil. Give my soul to God. If you wish to remember me, do it with a kind deed or word to 
someone who needs you. 
If you do all I have asked, I [ ____ _____ ] forever. 
(Adapted from shareyourlife.org January2007) 
Qual pronome relativo completa a frase abaixo, retirada do texto? 
“Give my heart to a person _______ own heart has caused nothing but endless days of pain.” 
Pergunta 10 
Complete as lacunas com as preposições adequadas e marque a alternativa correta: 
I – You’ll get to the village more quickly if you take this passage ______ the fields. 
II – If you want the bus station, go ______ this road and turn left. 
III – The ball passed _____ the window and broke the new vase of Antonio’s mother. 
IV – Cassiane travels _____ the world mainly for pleasure. 
V – Santos Andrade Square is ______ Federal University of Paraná and Guaira Theatre. 

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