
Avaliação final unidade 1

Prévia do material em texto

Escola SESI – Franca – CE 109
	 3º Ano ____
	Avaliação: Objetiva/Discursiva
	Professora: Adriana
	Data: / / 2021
	Componente Curricular: Língua Inglesa
	Coord: Kárita
do aluno
	 1ª ETAPA
	Critérios Avaliativos:
	Qualitativos: Compreender o gênero textual infográfico em língua inglesa, considerando aspectos funcionais como verificar, analisar e fornecer informações, refletindo criticamente sobre as intenções e relevância dos dados apresentados. Reconhecer diferentes tipos de energia renováveis e não –renováveis e discutir criticamente sobre formas de economizá-las ou produzi-la sem agredir o meio ambiente.
	Quantitativos: Este instrumento vale de 1 a 10 pontos divididos entre exercícios de interpretação, associação, múltipla escolha, preenchimento de lacunas e questionamento.
	Orientações: Esta avaliação deve ser realizada individualmente e sem consulta. It is easy! You can do it! 
1. Find 6 types of energy in the word search and write them here. Then answer: Which type of energy studied is not in the puzzle? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. (0.25 each word found + 0.5 answer – Total 2.0)
2. Read the synopsis of the movie “The Boy who harnessed the wind” and match the words to their definition: (0.5 each – Total 2.0)
“The Boy Who Harnessed The Wind” tells the true story of William Kamkwamba; the young Malawian boy who built a windmill entirely through DIY methods that provided water and electricity in the early 2000s, to save his family and village from drought and famine.
	1. WIND
	( ) extreme scarcity of food
	( ) a prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall, leading to a shortage of water.
	( ) the perceptible natural movement of the air, especially in the form of a current of air blowing from a particular direction
	( ) generator that extracts usable energy from wind 
3. Read the infographics text below and answer the questions (1.0 each – Total 3.0)
A. What is the infographics about? 
B. What renewable energy sources is the world using? 
C. Which country is producing more electricity through solar energy? 
4. Highlight the alternative that is FALSE about infographics: (1.0)
A. It makes uses of statistics
B. It presents information in a concise, clear e easy way to understand
C. It is often used to present scientific and technological information
D. It tells stories
E. It integrates visual and verbal information
5. Read the text to complete the sentences. (0.5 each – Total 2.0)
A. Ride your _________________ or walk instead of taking the car.
B. Save ______________ by turning off the tap when brushing your teeth.
C. Paper, plastic bottles, cans, metals are things that you can ___________________
D. When you are not using electrical appliances, you should __________them off.
CARBON FOOTPRINT: the amount of carbon dioxide and other carbon compounds emitted due to the consumption of fossil fuels by a particular person, group, etc.

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