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21/06/2021 Ilumno
ilumno.sgp.starlinetecnologia.com.br/ilumno/schedule/resultcandidatedetailprint/6303544/613195b0-24d6-11e9-8c0e-0242ac11003c/ 1/4
Local: Sala 2 - TJ - Prova On-line / Andar / Polo Tijuca / TIJUCA 
Acadêmico: VIRING-004
Avaliação: A2-
Matrícula: 20151106684 
Data: 7 de Junho de 2021 - 08:00 Finalizado
Correto Incorreto Anulada  Discursiva  Objetiva Total: 8,00/10,00
1  Código: 2476 - Enunciado: Look at the picture. Choose the correct word(s) to name the part(s) of
the head.
 a) Chin.
 b) Nose.
 c) Ear.
 d) Mouth.
 e) Eyes.
Alternativa marcada:
e) Eyes.
Justificativa: The student should mark the alternative b. The word indicates the part of the body
in the picture.
0,50/ 0,50
2  Código: 8560 - Enunciado: Look at Maria’s Family tree.  According to the Family tree, say (T) true
or (F) false about the sentences. (    ) John is Maria’s father. (    ) Tony is Maria’s brother. (    ) Paul is
Maria’s husband. (    ) Kate is Maria’s mother-in-law. (    ) Julia is Maria’s daughter.
 a) T-F-F-T-F.
 b) T-T-F-T-F.
 c) F-F-F-T-T.
 d) T-F-F-T-T.
 e) F-F-T-F-T.
Alternativa marcada:
d) T-F-F-T-T.
Justificativa: (  T  ) John is Maria’s father.  (  F  ) Tony is Maria’s brother. Tony is Maria’s son. (  F  )
Paul is Maria’s husband. Paul is Maria’s father-in-law. (  T  ) Kate is Maria’s mother-in-law.  (  T  )
Julia is Maria’s daughter. 
1,00/ 1,00
3  Código: 2468 - Enunciado: Anna's holiday was great last summer. She stayed in a college in
England for two weeks. She had classes in the mornings and in the a�ernoons she did some
sports like swimming or tennis. In the evenings, she o�en went dancing or watched films with her
new friends. On the weekends, they drove to some interesting places. Once they visited Marwell
Zoo where they saw some beautiful animals. Anna didn’t like the food at the college but that
wasn’t a problem. She met many people and learned some English. All the students in her class
were sorry to go home. They all promised to come back next summer. Read the text and mark the
correct answer. Anna spent her last summer in:
 a) The U.S.
 b) Canada
 c) England
 d) Brazil
 e)  America
1,00/ 1,00
21/06/2021 Ilumno
ilumno.sgp.starlinetecnologia.com.br/ilumno/schedule/resultcandidatedetailprint/6303544/613195b0-24d6-11e9-8c0e-0242ac11003c/ 2/4
Alternativa marcada:
c) England
Justificativa: According to the text, she stayed in a college in England for two weeks; so,
alternative e is the only possible answer. 
4  Código: 8474 - Enunciado: The most appropriate place for this ad is a:
 a) Church.
 b) Club.
 c) Disco.
 d) Hospital.
 e) School.
Alternativa marcada:
e) School.
Justificativa: School. Correta: indicates the appropriate place for the poster.
1,50/ 1,50
5  Código: 2461 - Enunciado: Your friend Mary has a terrible cold. What do you tell her? Choose the
correct answer.
 a) Study English!
 b) Have a nice weekend!
 c) Go home, drink lots of liquids and rest.
 d) Go to the beach and get a tan!
 e) Take a long shower.
Alternativa marcada:
c) Go home, drink lots of liquids and rest.
Justificativa: A alternativa B dá sugestões para alguém que esteja com um resfriado forte. As
outras alternativas sugerem coisas que não ajudariam alguém no estado descrito.
0,50/ 0,50
6  Código: 2457 - Enunciado: You can find love   ‘We met through Dateline’. Mary and Paul both
joined Dateline in “quite an open-minded way”. There was no “great initial spark” between them,
but they continued to meet occasionally, then frequently. Mary says “I realized how good we
were together and suddenly one day I thought ‘Wow, I really care for this man!”. Thousands of
people of all ages and occupations, from all over the country, join Dateline every year, looking for
happiness and a loving partner. The couples in our advertisements are just a few of the
thousands who find it. They are people who, instead of waiting to see what life can bring, decided
not to leave their happiness to chance. Every day more couples who meet through Dateline are
amazed at how right they are for each other. If you want to meet someone with the same hopes,
ambitions and interests as yourself, and you are simply not meeting them socially or at work, join
Dateline. Our personal service, combined with the speed and e�iciency of modern technology,
can open up a whole new circle of compatible people for you; interesting, suitable people who
could be living very close to you, people who you might never meet without Dateline’s help.  
According to the text, choose the true and the false sentences.   I- Mary and Paul are open-
minded, there was no “great initial spark” between them. II- Just a few of the thousands of
people find what they are looking for. III- There are people who decide not to leave their
0,00/ 1,50
21/06/2021 Ilumno
ilumno.sgp.starlinetecnologia.com.br/ilumno/schedule/resultcandidatedetailprint/6303544/613195b0-24d6-11e9-8c0e-0242ac11003c/ 3/4
happiness to chance. IV- It is possible not to meet someone with the same hopes, ambitions and
interests as yourself at work or socially. V- You can only meet interesting suitable people with
Dateline’s help. 
 a) I-false, II-true III-false, IV-false and V-true. 
 b) I-true, II-false, III-true, IV-false and V-true. 
 c) I-false, II-false, III-true, IV-true and V-false. 
 d) I-false, II-true, III-true, IV-true and V-false. 
 e) I-true, II-false, III-false, IV-true and V-false. 
Alternativa marcada:
b) I-true, II-false, III-true, IV-false and V-true. 
Justificativa: A alternativa:  I-false, II-false, III-true, IV-true and V-false, é a única opção que traz
as escolhas de verdadeiro/falso corretas. As corretas para as alternativas I, II e V são: I- Mary and
Paul joined Dateline in “quite an open-minded way”. There was no “great initial spark” between
them. II- Thousands of people of all ages and occupations, from all over the country, join Dateline
every year. V- You can wait and see what life can bring. 
7  Código: 2602 - Enunciado: My name is Manuela Stein. I’m from Brazil. I was born in 1989. My
birthday is on March 22. I work as a publisher. I’m married, but I don’t have children. I work from
Monday to Friday. I love my job. According to the text, complete the form with the information in
the passage. Name: Age: Birthdate: Nationality: Profession: Days of work:
My name is Ana Clara Rodrigues 
I have 24 years old 
My birthday is on November 22 
I'm from Brazil  
I'm a receptionist 
I work from monday to saturday
Comentários: I am 24 years old.
Justificativa: Name: Manuela Stein Age: 26 years old Birthdate: March 22 Nationality: Brazilian
Profession: Publisher Days of work: Monday to Friday
2,50/ 2,50
8  Código: 18917 - Enunciado: Susan spent the weekend at her friends’ house in Angra dos Reis. We
came back home on Sunday evening. Using the answers, ask her questions about the weekend.
Use the past simple. 1. ___________________________________? No, I went with my boyfriend.
2. ___________________________________? Yes, the weather was very good! 3.
___________________________________? We got there by car. 4.
___________________________________? In the evening, we went for a walk near the beach. 5.
___________________________________? We came back home on Sunday evening.
You went with your family? 
The weather was good? 
Did you go by bus? 
What did you do in the evening? 
When di you come back home? 
Comentários: Did you go with your family? Was the weather good? When did you come back
Justificativa: 1. Did you go alone? 2. Was the weather good? 3. How did you get there? 4. What
did you do in the evening?/When did you walk near the beach? 5. When did you come back
1,00/ 1,50
21/06/2021 Ilumno
ilumno.sgp.starlinetecnologia.com.br/ilumno/schedule/resultcandidatedetailprint/6303544/613195b0-24d6-11e9-8c0e-0242ac11003c/ 4/4

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