
Agumentative paragraph- MODELS

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Argumentative Paragraph | Mireya Nuñez Del Carpio
Topic 1: Children should eat fast food. Do you agree or disagree with this?
Children should avoid eating fast food
 In my opinion, children should not eat fast food. The first reason is that unhygienic, we usually find it on the streets cooked in open places. For example, in my city there are many fast food sales on the streets that have not hygiene measures when preparing the food. A second reason is that it does not provide nutrients; the human body needs important proteins that help you to be physically active. For instance, Mittra said: “there are young people today that move like old people from eating too much junk food and not getting enough exercise”. The most important reason is that it carries healthy risks. For example, a study conducted by the world health organization showed that more than seventy percent of obese children eventually they develop cardiac disorders that lead to death. In summary, parents should think twice before buying fast food for their children.
Topic 2: Would you prefer to play team sports or individual sports?
Why should you prefer team sports?
 In my opinion, everyone should like team sports. The first reason, it is more entertaining. People usually enjoy more when they are with other people. For example, my 15-year-old cousin says he prefers to practice sports with his friends because he enjoys the moment and he usually track of time when he spends time with them. A second reason is that strengthens self-esteem and self-confidence. For instance, a study conducted by Vermont University showed that more than eighty percent of people that practice team sports are safer in their decisions. The most important reason strengthens the ability to work in a team. For example, is a fact that in countries like China, U.S and other generally motivate children to practice team sports as this motivates the development of this skill and that will eventually help develop their country. In summary, playing team sports not only entertains also strengthens your life.
Topic 3: If you have the opportunity to choose between living in a big city and in the countryside. What would you choose?
Living in a big city
 In my opinion, living in a big city offers countless opportunities. The first reason is that a city has beautiful tourist places. People love to meet new places.For example, in the same society, we can find reviews, television program, internet videos and other media that show the public, amazing tourist places in the big cities and the amount of visit that they have. The second reason is the education, is demonstrated by testimony that the big cities offer a better education. For instance, my sister and some friends studied about ten years in the countryside and when they moved to a city they could compare the big difference between study in the countryside and in the city, and they were definitely impressed. The most important reason are job opportunities. For example, a study conducted by university of Michigan showed that more than eighty-five percent of people move to the big cities in search of job opportunities. In summary, living in a city improve your perspective on life.
Topic 4: If you won the lottery. Would you travel around the world or would you buy a mansion?
 Traveling around the world
 In my opinion, if you have the opportunity to travel around the world, just do it. The first reason is that you can leave your comfort zone and dare to do things out the ordinary. For example, a survey conducted by Lifestyle Magazine showed that more than seventy-eight percent of people discovered their greatest potential when they decided to travel and do activities that would not normally do. The second reason is that strengthen your relationship skill with other. For instance, it is a fact that people learn to interact and develop their empathy with other people as they meet new cultures and new lifestyles. The most important reason is that you would have the satisfaction of having fulfilled the greatest dream of any person. For example, I know and have read thousands of reviews of people whose greatest desire is to know the world. Thus, if you have this opportunity do not think twice.
Topic 5: Do you think that technology and social media unite people?
Technology is separating society
 I think that technology and social media separates people. The first reason is that it is addictive. Many people who love technology spends a lot of time with them. For example, a study conducted by British Psychological Society showed that eighty percent of people spend up to ten to twelve hours on the networks and everything related to technology. The second reason is insolation. Over time, this causes people to lose the ability to interact with other and prefer insolation. For instance, my cousin decided to insolate himself from society he says he prefers to interact with other through social media because he has a hard time expressing his feeling face to face. The most important reason is that they weaken the ability to empathize with other people. For example, it is a fact and we can see in the same society that nowadays most people mainly young people have lost their values due to the influence that technology has on them. In summary, we should not spend much time with the new technology.
Topic 6: Many people do not know what to do during their vacation. What are three activities people can do during their vacation?
Some activities for your vacation
 I think, there are countless activities that you can do in your vacation.
One activity you can do is travel to the countryside. For example is demonstrated by scientific studies that more than ninety percent of people traveling to the countryside can relax more and take a break from the noisy of the city. A second option is that you can do is practice some sport. For instance according to medical experts it is essential to exercise every day because it reduces the risk of disease. A third option is read some interesting books. For example I always read a book during my vacations and this help me expand my knowledge. In summary, any of these activities would be excellent for you.
Topic 7: A large company wants to build a factory in your neighborhood. Do you agree or disagree with this?
Why not build a factory in your neighborhood?
 In my opinion, building a factory would be a bad decision. The first reason is that it would occupy a large space in the neighborhood. For example, about two years ago in my neighborhood they built a clothing factory and today the neighbors are very upset about the decision they made because it is occupies a large space. The second reason is that increase taxes. For instance, it is a fact that when a neighborhood improves its infrastructure, it increases taxes. The most important reason is that it would produce many different diseases. For example, a study conducted by Health Magazine showed that more than eighty percent of people, who live near a factory, develop lung diseases. In summary, building a factory ha many important disadvantages.
Topic 8: Should education be free for everyone?
Free education for everyone
 In my opinion, definitely the education should be free for everyone. The first reason is that many people do not have enough money to access a private education. For example, a study conducted by Society Magazine showed that more than eighty percent of people living in third world countries do not have the resources to access a private education. The second reason is that it is an established right. For instance, it is a fact that all governments have the duty to provide free education mainly poor communities. The most important reasonis that over time it will help the development of the country. For example, my friend all his life he studied in public institutes and currently he is working on a project that in the future it would help in the economic development of his country. In summary, a free education would provide great opportunities for the same society.
Topic 9: Carnaval is traditionally celebrated on the streets of downtown Santa Cruz. Many people think it is time to move the celebration to another place like the Cambodromo. Do you agree or disagree with this idea?
Carnaval should be held elsewhere
 I agree with the idea of moving the celebration to another place. The first reason is that people would concentrate in a specific place. For example, some people celebrating on the streets of downtown Santa Cruz do not know the streets very well and at some point, this implies a problem. The second reason is that it avoids fights and discussions with the people who live there. For instance, about three years ago there were many flights because some people who were celebrating Carnaval do not respect the propriety of the neighborhood. The most important reason is pollution. For example, my uncle lives near the center and every Carnaval he has to deal whit all the garbage they leave after the celebration. In summary, it would be a great idea to move the celebration to another place.

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