
Ismael is invited by a friend to visit works of art after class. Together, they observe portraits of idols from popular music, as well as from cine...

Ismael is invited by a friend to visit works of art after class. Together, they observe portraits of idols from popular music, as well as from cinema. These artists they can see are: Elvis Presley and Marilyn Monroe. The artist responsible for this art is:

Roy Lichtenstein (1923-1997).
Andy Warhol (1925).
Andy Warhol (1927-1987).
Robert Rauschenberg (1927-1987).
Robert Rauschenberg (1925).

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O artista responsável por essas obras de arte é Andy Warhol (1927-1987). Ele é conhecido por suas representações icônicas de celebridades, como Elvis Presley e Marilyn Monroe.


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