
QUESTAO 3 - Assinale a alternativa que contem uma oração na voz passiva,a) The kidnappers were arrested.b) The kidnappers demanded five million

QUESTAO 3 - Assinale a alternativa que contem uma oração na voz passiva,a) The kidnappers were arrested.b) The kidnappers demanded five million dollars.c) Three kidnappers captured a school bus.d) The kidnappers buried the bus.e) Four men seized Paul Getty.QUESTÃO 4 - Peter lends money.Money _ by Peter.a) is lentd) was lentb) am lent e) were lentc) are lentQUESTÃO 5 - The kids brought some toys.Some toys____by the kids.a) is broughtd) was broughtb) am brought (e) were broughtc) are broughtQUESTÃO 6 - The birds will eat the seeds.The seeds by the birds.a) will be eatd) will being ateb) will be atee) will being eatenc) will be eatenQUESTÃO 7 - She is preparing the food.The food by her.a) is being prepared d) am being preparedb) are prepared e) were preparedc) was preparedQUESTÃO 8 - He was taking some pictures.Some pictures by him.a) is takend) was tookb) are being taken e) am being tookc) were being takenQUESTÃO 9 - They have smoked different cigars.Different cigarsa) has been smokenby them.d) has been smokedb) have been smoken e) have been smokedc) had been smokenQUESTÃO 10 - The phenomenon had changed the weather.The weathera) has been changesby the phenomenon.b) have been changedd) has been changedc) had been changede) have been changed​

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Andre Smaira

A questão 3 pede a alternativa que apresenta a voz passiva, ou seja, que não apresenta um sujeito realizando uma ação que é indicada pelo verbo, mas sendo objeto desta ação. A alternativa correta é letra a) The kinappers were arrested. Isto porque não está sendo indicado quem realizou a ação (to be arrested), o sujeito está oculto, mas quem sofreu a ação (the kidnappers).

A questão 4 está pedindo o que melhor completa a frase na voz passiva. A letra correta é letra a) is lendt. Isto porque o verbo auxiliar to be deve ser conjugado segundo o objeto (money).

A questão 5 pede o mesmo que a anterior e a alternativa correta é letra e) were brought.

A questão 6 é melhor completada pela alternativa c) will be eaten.

A questão 7 é melhor completada pela letra a) is being prepared.

A questão 8 é melhor completada pela letra c) were being taking.

A questão 9 é melhor completada pela letra e) have been smoked.

A questão 10 é melhor completada pela letra d) has been changed.


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