
3) Fill in the sentences with the correct form of the verb in the Present Continuous Tense

(Preencha as sentenças com a forma do verbo no Presente Contínuo)a) Jason _______________ an interesting book now. (read)b) Mrs Baker _______________ the students. (teach-negativa)c) The children _______________ a test today. (write)d) The child _______________ a snowman at the moment. (build)e) Mr Thompson _______________ a shower. (have)f) Tim _______________ in the leaves. (jump)g) They _______________ the man into the hospital. (take-negativa)h) I _______________ a piece of paper. (cut)i) Sarah _______________ the violin. (play)

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Camila Caldas

a) is reading b) isnt teaching c)are writing d) is buildinge) is having f) is jumping g) aren't taking h) am cuttingi) is playing
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Gina Orlandini

a- is readingb-isn´t teachingc- are writingd- is buildinge-is havingf- is jumpingg- aren´t takingh- am cuttingi- is playing

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