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Compare the method by which the process control operation is changed in a relay-based system to the method used for a plc-based system. a. In a r...

Compare the method by which the process control operation is changed in a relay-based system to the method used for a plc-based system.

a. In a relay-based system, rewiring the circuit is necessary to achieve the desired change. However, in a plc-based system, rewiring is not necessary.
b. In a relay-based system, rewiring the circuit is not necessary to achieve the desired change. However, in a plc-based system, rewiring is necessary.
c. The method used to change the process control operation is the same in both relay-based and plc-based systems.

Esta pregunta también está en el material:

Tarea 1 PLC
6 pag.

Controladores Lógicos Programáveis Instituto Tecnológico De La LagunaInstituto Tecnológico De La Laguna

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