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María, Norma, Carla, and Elena work at a hospital, each with a different profession: nurse, obstetrician, nutritionist, and pharmacist, not necessa...

María, Norma, Carla, and Elena work at a hospital, each with a different profession: nurse, obstetrician, nutritionist, and pharmacist, not necessarily in that order. A patient at this hospital received unconditional help from these four workers. The patient wants to thank each of them, but doesn't know their professions. After investigating, she only knows the following:

- María and Carla know the obstetrician.
- Norma and the nutritionist were in the pharmacist's office; the nutritionist is Elena's cousin and works on a different schedule than María.
- María knows the nurse, but not Elena.

So, which of the following statements is true?

A) Norma is a pharmacist
B) María is a nutritionist
C) Carla is a nurse
D) Elena is an obstetrician
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