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What are the different positions that can be used for patients who are bedridden? Positions for non-surgical and non-postural changes Surgical, med...

What are the different positions that can be used for patients who are bedridden?
Positions for non-surgical and non-postural changes
Surgical, medical treatment or exploration positions
The positions for non-surgical and non-postural changes are used for the patient's stay in bed for long periods of time, and the goal is to plan a care plan in which the pressure produced in certain points due to posture does not cause injuries.
The positions for surgical, medical treatment or exploration are used mainly for medical examinations or to facilitate surgical access, never as part of a postural change plan.
The Trendelenburg position is indicated for situations in which we need to improve blood circulation in the brain, such as in syncope or fainting, for drainage of bronchial secretions, and in surgeries of pelvic organs.
The Roser or Proetz position is used to perform an endotracheal intubation on the patient, in pharyngeal examinations, in certain surgical interventions such as goiter, and to wash the hair of bedridden patients.
The immobility of patients has certain adverse effects, such as a decrease in muscle strength and tone, a decrease in joint mobility and flexibility, and a decrease in appetite and constipation.

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