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What are the characteristics of the theory of dialogical action according to the text? The conquest of the oppressed is necessary for their liberat...

What are the characteristics of the theory of dialogical action according to the text?
The conquest of the oppressed is necessary for their liberation.
Collaboration is a fundamental characteristic of dialogical action.
The dialogue imposes, manipulates, domesticates, and sloganizes.
The oppressed are objects of revolutionary action.
I- False
II- True
III- False
IV- False
a) Only item II is correct.
b) Only items I and III are correct.
c) Only items II and IV are correct.
d) Only items III and IV are correct.
e) Only item II is incorrect.

Esta pregunta también está en el material:

Freire Paulo - Pedagogia del Oprimido
175 pag.

Psicologia OutrosOutros

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