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What is the definition of anxiety according to the cognitive therapy approach? Anxiety is a multifaceted condition that has been studied by philos...

What is the definition of anxiety according to the cognitive therapy approach?

Anxiety is a multifaceted condition that has been studied by philosophers, religious leaders, scholars, and medical and social scientists throughout history.
Anxiety is a response to events or circumstances that are perceived as potentially aversive, unpredictable, uncontrollable, and that could threaten an individual's vital interests.
Anxiety is a primitive neurophysiological state of alarm that involves cognitive evaluation of an imminent threat or danger to an individual's physical or psychological safety.

Esta pregunta también está en el material:

Clark _ Beck - Terapia cognitiva para trastornos de ansiedad
994 pag.

Terapia Cognitiva Universidad de Buenos AiresUniversidad de Buenos Aires

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