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What are the properties of exponentiation? A power is the result of multiplying a number by itself several times. The number we multiply by itself...

What are the properties of exponentiation?

A power is the result of multiplying a number by itself several times.
The number we multiply by itself is called the base and the number of times we multiply the base is called the exponent.
The product of two or more powers of the same base 'a' is equal to the power of base a and exponent equal to the sum of the respective exponents.
To divide powers of the same base, write the same base and subtract the exponents.
To calculate the power of a power, write the same base 'a' and multiply the exponents.
In powers with base 10, the result will be the unit followed by as many zeros as indicated by the exponent.
The power of a product is equal to each of the factors of the product raised to the exponent of that power.
The power of a quotient is equal to the numerator and denominator raised to the exponent of that power.
Any number raised to the zero (0) exponent is equal to 1.
A power that has a negative exponent is changed to the denominator, so its exponent automatically becomes positive.

Esta pregunta también está en el material:

Propiedades de la potenciación
6 pag.

Álgebra Escuela Universidad NacionalEscuela Universidad Nacional

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