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What are the consequences and implications of the sequencing of the human DNA (Human Genome Project)? The immediate consequence of the completion ...

What are the consequences and implications of the sequencing of the human DNA (Human Genome Project)?

The immediate consequence of the completion of the sequencing of the human genome is that the sequence of the 3 billion nitrogenous bases that make up the human DNA is available.
The enormous amount of information accumulated in the preparation of the sequencing and in its results has led to the development of specialized computer methods for handling this information, and this has resulted in the establishment of a new discipline, bioinformatics.
One of the most important results of sequencing is that it now provides the coding for several thousand unknown proteins and the coded sequence of many incompletely known proteins.
The possibility of identifying people by their DNA and the additional possibility of determining whether they carry mutated genes that may eventually cause a disease in the subject or their descendants have given rise to a series of bioethical, legal, and social problems.
a) Only I and II are correct.
b) Only II and III are correct.
c) Only III and IV are correct.
d) Only I, II, and III are correct.
e) I, II, III, and IV are correct.

Esta pregunta también está en el material:

genética desarrollo histórico
14 pag.

Biologia Teodoro OlivaresTeodoro Olivares

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