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What are the three levels of criminological interpretation and their respective methods? a) Conductual, personal and general; multiple, clinical an...

What are the three levels of criminological interpretation and their respective methods?
a) Conductual, personal and general; multiple, clinical and statistical methods, respectively.
b) Conductual, personal and general; clinical, statistical and multiple methods, respectively.
c) Personal, conductual and general; clinical, multiple and statistical methods, respectively.
The level of conductual interpretation is related to the study of antisocial behavior itself.
The personal level of interpretation is related to the analysis of the author of the antisocial behavior.
The general level of interpretation is related to the study of antisocial behaviors and their characteristics in a specific place and time.
The method used in the conductual level of interpretation is multiple, and criminalistic techniques can be useful to understand the peculiarities of the concrete fact.
The method used in the personal level of interpretation is clinical, and it seeks to reach diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment proposals.
The method used in the general level of interpretation is statistical, and generic interpretations are made, handling probabilities.
a) A, B, C, D, E, F
b) A, B, C, D, E, F
c) A, B, C, D, E, F
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