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What are the different criteria or beliefs about what is considered abnormal or psychopathological? I- There is no single criterion that is suffic...

What are the different criteria or beliefs about what is considered abnormal or psychopathological?

I- There is no single criterion that is sufficient to define abnormal or psychopathological behavior, feeling, or mental activity.
II- No behavior, feeling, or mental activity is in itself psychopathological. To qualify them as such, it is necessary to appeal to a relatively wide range of contextual determinants.
III- The presence of psychopathologies represents a significant obstacle to the individual development of the person who maintains them, or to their closest social group.
IV- The elements that define a behavior or mental activity as psychopathological do not differ from those that define normality except in terms of degree, extent, and repercussions.
V- Mental health is a monolithic concept, definable simply on the basis of a single criterion.
VI- Health does not simply imply the absence of disease.
VII- The different criteria or beliefs about what is considered abnormal or psychopathological are incompatible with each other.
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