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What are the general considerations for hygiene care in nursing? 1. The nurse should respect the individual preferences of the patient and provide...

What are the general considerations for hygiene care in nursing?

1. The nurse should respect the individual preferences of the patient and provide only the care measures that the patient cannot provide for themselves.
2. Hygiene care provides physical and psychological benefits for patients.
3. Before performing any hygiene technique, it is essential to assess the type of technique to be performed based on the patient's degree of dependence and hygiene needs.
4. The nurse should maintain the patient's privacy during hygiene care.
5. The nurse should use appropriate soaps to maintain the pH of the skin.
6. The order of hygiene care should be from clean to dirty and from top to bottom.
7. The nurse should care for any tubes or catheters the patient may have to avoid dislodgement.
8. The nurse should collaborate with another person if possible to facilitate patient mobilization and increase patient safety.

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