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What are the main policies proposed for the development of the digital economy in Latin America? The policies should focus on the development of t...

What are the main policies proposed for the development of the digital economy in Latin America?

The policies should focus on the development of the infrastructure, access, affordability, and capacity building for the use of ICTs.
The policies should prioritize the development of the industry of software and applications to create new sectors of high productivity and develop digital competencies in the productive sector.
The policies should focus on the development of the infrastructure of public access networks, such as telecenters and free hotspots, to ensure equity in access and use of ICTs.
The policies should prioritize the development of the digital economy in the countries with the highest relative development in ICTs and reduce the digital gaps that affect the most backward countries.
a) I and II are correct.
b) II and III are correct.
c) III and IV are correct.
d) All statements are correct.

Esta pregunta también está en el material:

Economía Digital en América Latina
132 pag.

Economia I Gimn Comercial Los AndesGimn Comercial Los Andes

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