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What are the causes and symptoms of hipocalcemia in goats? Hipocalcemia is caused by a metabolic imbalance of the calcium/phosphorus balance, resu...

What are the causes and symptoms of hipocalcemia in goats?

Hipocalcemia is caused by a metabolic imbalance of the calcium/phosphorus balance, resulting from a sudden increase in nutrient availability in relation to the absorption capacity of these elements by the intestine or body reserves.
The symptoms of hipocalcemia include hypo-excitability, muscle tremors, difficulty walking, and in severe cases, the animal remains lying down and cannot stand up.
The best way to control nutritional imbalance is to maintain animals in good body condition and avoid nutritional stress.
Supplementation with mineral salts up to three weeks before delivery and green forage to ensure the incorporation of vitamins, especially A, D, and E, reduce the likelihood of imbalance.

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144 pag.

Veterinaria Universidad De CordobaUniversidad De Cordoba

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