
Isaac Newton and René Descartes consolidated a rational method to be applied in practically all areas of knowledge. It is called the 'Newtonian-Car...

Isaac Newton and René Descartes consolidated a rational method to be applied in practically all areas of knowledge. It is called the 'Newtonian-Cartesian paradigm', which consists of a rational and deductive method to arrive at scientific knowledge. The holistic paradigm, on the other hand, highlights human values in opposition to logic, and acts as a way of seeing and understanding the world through interdisciplinarity. Although one paradigm points to the rational side and the other to a more creative form, both have in common a characteristic of analyzing a well-defined situation: the part and the whole. Based on this information and the content studied regarding the Newtonian-Cartesian and holistic paradigms, we can say that the characteristics, respectively, of these paradigms are:

a) Rational and deductive method / interdisciplinarity
b) Interdisciplinarity / rational and deductive method
c) Analysis of the part and the whole / human values
d) Human values / analysis of the part and the whole

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A resposta correta é a alternativa c) Analysis of the part and the whole / human values. O paradigma Newtoniano-Cartesiano é caracterizado por um método racional e dedutivo, que analisa a parte e o todo de uma situação. Já o paradigma holístico destaca os valores humanos em oposição à lógica e atua como uma forma de ver e entender o mundo por meio da interdisciplinaridade.


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