
Identify the foundations of education in Brazil during the three centuries of colonization with emphasis on the contributions of the Jesuits until ...

Identify the foundations of education in Brazil during the three centuries of colonization with emphasis on the contributions of the Jesuits until the middle of the 18th century; List the pedagogical procedures of the colleges founded and directed by the Jesuits based on the Ratio Studiorum, from their entrepreneurial spirit; Recognize the Jesuits' concern with teacher training based on the philosophical style of Aristotle and the theology of Saint Thomas Aquinas as a recommendation of behavior for teachers. Is it possible to think about the History of Education in Brazil without making reference and reverence to the Jesuits? The answer, coming from research, including those that have no religious connection, is no. The Society of Jesus arrives in Brazil expanding the search for new horizons of Evangelization through Catechesis. They came to spread Christianity, in a Catechesis directed, at first, to the Indigenous people.
Identify the foundations of education in Brazil during the three centuries of colonization with emphasis on the contributions of the Jesuits until the middle of the 18th century
List the pedagogical procedures of the colleges founded and directed by the Jesuits based on the Ratio Studiorum, from their entrepreneurial spirit
Recognize the Jesuits' concern with teacher training based on the philosophical style of Aristotle and the theology of Saint Thomas Aquinas as a recommendation of behavior for teachers
É possível pensar a História da Educação no Brasil sem fazer referência e reverência aos jesuítas?
A Companhia de Jesus chega ao Brasil expandindo a busca de novos horizontes de Evangelização pela Catequese.
O método de Inácio de Loyola difundiu a educação humanista de caráter universal e tinha na música e na literatura aliadas essências à formação do homem.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

aula 5 história da educação
25 pág.

História da Educação I Universidade Estácio de SáUniversidade Estácio de Sá


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