
Read the following dictionary entry: “A family tree is a chart that shows all the people in a family over any generations and their relationship ...

Read the following dictionary entry: “A family tree is a chart that shows all the people in a family over any generations and their relationship to one another”. Source: COLLINS DICTIONARY. Family tree. Available at: Accessed on June 13, 2022. Based on Inglês IV – Lesson 1, Theme 1 about family relationships, analyze the following family tree: Who are these people in the family? Read the following statements and check (x) the correct option: A Oliver is Henry’s grandson. B Andrew and Sarah are Henry’s grandchildren C Oliver and Emma are husband and wife. D Sarah and James are sister and brother. E Michael is Emma’s brother-in-law.


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De acordo com a árvore genealógica apresentada, as pessoas da família são: - Henry: avô - Andrew e Sarah: netos - Oliver e Emma: filhos de Andrew e Sarah - James: filho de Henry - Michael: marido de Sarah Com base nisso, podemos verificar que as afirmações corretas são: A - Oliver é Henry's grandson. (Oliver é neto de Henry) B - Andrew e Sarah são Henry's grandchildren. (Andrew e Sarah são netos de Henry) D - Sarah e James são sister and brother. (Sarah e James são irmãos)


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