
The author’s main purpose in Text I is to (A) expose some secret military plans to save water for the future. (B) alert about the harmful impact of...

The author’s main purpose in Text I is to
(A) expose some secret military plans to save water for the future.
(B) alert about the harmful impact of water shortages in the future.
(C) justify the war between Ethiopia and Egypt for a larger share of the Nile.
(D) defend the high charges for use of water in agricultural areas in the Middle East.
(E) complain about the inefficiency of international governments in dealing with water wars.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Importância da Informação
15 pág.

Sistemas de Informação Universidade Estácio de SáUniversidade Estácio de Sá


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Vou analisar cada alternativa antes de responder. (A) expor alguns planos militares secretos para economizar água para o futuro. (B) alertar sobre o impacto prejudicial de... Com base na análise das alternativas, a resposta correta é: (B) alertar sobre o impacto prejudicial de...



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